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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    That sounds so nice! Now remind me the big party for your grandparents, it's there 60th anniversary? I want to go to carowinds so bad this year, but my back won't let me! ERRR My insurance won't pay for any of the spine centers around here! It is so frustrating to wake up ALL the time with back pain and then have days where I feel like the Tin Man! I guess that cold be another positive thing if DH changes jobs someday, maybe they'll have an insurance company that works with orthopedics! have a good day and
  2. sunsett

    Wahooo! First NSV!!

    that is wonderful! Congratulations.
  3. sunsett

    August Chat

    Hi- I can't do personals tonight gotta run. Hope you all are fine. I do wish we were closer to each other! Have a good night, I'll try to check in tomorrow.
  4. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    Oh I'm do glad your guys are talking! Karen I hope your feeling better! Well fleas are gone. Lucy smells good she had a bath today. Ma got here yesterday and today we spent most of the day cleaning my pantry and the carpet. We had a real nice day. My nephew came by with is GF and her DD on thier way back to Albany NY. It was great seeing them. Tomorrow Kelly is leasing JR high youth. She is writing the program and in charge of the whole night. She is nervous about it but I know she'll do great. The 17th sounds like it might work. Ma leaves that day so I have to take her to the airport. I'm just not sure what time. I'll let you know. Well I'm going to relax in front of the tv. I'm so full from dinner, it's nice when ma's here she loves to cook and I learn all kinds of stuff. night night...were is the rest of the gang? OH Kathy I see your a top poster girl again or is that still..lol..
  5. sunsett

    August Chat

    Hey did I just invent this...PITA...Pain in the A$$! OK now I'm going to sleep promise!
  6. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    OK why isn't anyone saying whats happening! Well in my life Lucy the crazy puppy has fleas cause her mother (me) was to busy to ru to the vet in Monroe and PU more advantax! The other 2 have no problem, but poor Lucy. So ma's coming tomorrow and I had to cancel the cleaning lady today and have the bug man come! What a PITA (pain in the A$$..lolllI like that one) So I'm going to bed and getting up super early to finish cleaning. DH helped me g through a million papers this morning. Thanks goodness, what a mess. Ok a little chocolate before bed...just a little...night night
  7. sunsett

    August Chat

    WOW SHERRY!-Go back and look at you FACE GIRL! and your gut! your are looking great! Enjoy those pictures! I have my DH take pictures of me all the time now because why not I've hidden from the camera for to many years, haven't we all! Honestly you look great. Time to feel good about yourself those days of feeling fat are gone for ever now it's sexy time!
  8. sunsett

    August Chat

    Beanie-Glad you enjoyed the play so much. I hate seats like that! DARCY-OUCH! OH NO I can't believe you hurt your self. OK get on all 4s and do the camel back that works the best for me then you can SLOWLY go on from there. But you should still walk even if it's only to the end of your driveway. Feel better soon. Mary-I'm glad everything is working out the way you want it to with the house and stuff. That's great. Eileen-you crack me up! I wonder how many times I've told you that! Its so nice that you and Beanie can see each other so often. My next visit to Oakland will be for only 5 minutes on Sept 30th. Were taking a limo with our friends and then my aunt is picking us up at there house and were off to Warwick for a family party. So I won't get to see you this trip Ma will be here until next Thursday. I called the bug guys that we have for the house and they came and took care of everything even the outside. Now I'll be up real late cleaning but I'm not to worried the house isn't to bad just don't open the fridge! Sherry-Don't be to hard on yourself! I haven't looked yet but I will soon. I think it's human nature, as to why we think that way about ourselves. Honestly, I pray for God to show me the truth about how I look and also how I look through his eyes and sometimes I see my self a lot differently. I now do it all the time when I shop, so I feel real confident with whatever I buy. Kat-Sorry about the in-laws! Hang in there your doing great. OK I'm off to bed soon cause I know I'll be up early finishing up for ma and I want to just veg out tonight. Saw an old friend today and gave her my favorite coats. I'm so happy that she could fit in them and that she liked them so much. Now I will have to get a coat this winter, but that's ok I'll get it when I need it. Have a good night. I'll try to catch up everyday but not sure I'll be able to. Oh I didn't go to yesterday but did the pool and today I took crazy Lucy for a short walk. Tomorrow I know I'll do the pool most liekly not curves..errr...And my eating is back under control TG! night night
  9. sunsett

    Is Sex Better?

    LOL I agree with Kathy. Now all he has to do is quit those stupid cigars and I may become a nimpho!
  10. sunsett

    August Chat

    Kat-lysol purple coloring writings works fantastic on the carpet takes out everything! crud I can't find the bottle but I'll get back to you and let you know. I have found NOTHI NG that works better than that. I'll get back to you. We have range clay here in NC and it is the hardest thing t get up, but not with that stuff! I don't have time to do personals or even read to catch up with you guys. Mas coming tomorrow, cleaning lady I canceled because Lucy have fleas and we have to bomb. Sandy and Spot don't have fleas but they have been on Frontline and Lucy ran out and I was to lazy to pick hers up! That won't happen again! So I have to clean and bomb and run around. I'm sure I won't be sleeping. Ma hasn't been here in 3 yrs! Hope all is good. Cindy I hope your enjoying school Rene and Eileen enjoy those BF"s and the food of course. Kat hope all is well Betty-sorry your foot is STILL hurting so much ok I"m going now oh didn't go to curves yesterday but did workout at the pool for a half hour.
  11. sunsett

    Spouse/Family Support

    I have been lucky and have not had any negativity. I kept it a secret for a while then when I had my 1 in a million problem I told everyone. I figured the more prayers the better. No one has ever said anything to me to make me feel bad. You may be suprised how positive people can be. I would just take it slow with who you tell. Good luck to all of you. If I had to do this for a 3rd time I would do it in a heart beat!
  12. sunsett

    Save the date....

    I'll be there on the 9th! They have the BEST chili!
  13. sunsett

    Surgery Cancelled

    I went through the same thing. My date was for Sept 19th last year. I had it set in my mind and was ready to go. Then they called and cancelled and couldn't reschedual until Nov 9th! I was so bummed out that we book a cruise for Oct 13th. Then they call back and said that the Dr was leaving the practice and to make a long story short I had my surgery on Sept 26th. Less than 3 weeks out I was on the cruise. I felt great kept up with everyone that was with us. I had no food problems everything went great. So hang in there, it will be ok. Theres a reason why your date is changed just take it in and know that its for the best.
  14. sunsett

    It's official

    That is so wonderful! Congrats!! 18 months you did it! You sure give me hope and I know many others.
  15. sunsett

    What your weight loss REALLY means....

    I can look in the shower and see my toes!!!
  16. sunsett

    Anyone at goal and maintaining?

    WOW you have done fantastic! Congrats! I would be afraid to have an unfill especially if all of your Drs said they didn't feel you needed one. Good luck with the PS I am begining to think about that but I will most likely wait another year or so.
  17. I did do it again and I would do it again in a heart beat. I am 1 in thousands that had a leak in my band. Not sure why looks like it was an oops on my Dr.s part, but it happened. And if it happend again I would do it agian.
  18. sunsett

    August Chat

    Good Morning- I'm off to curves was going to take a walk but it is already to darn hot! See ya later.oh still waiting on one more possible advertiser. She wants to advertise but she is so busy she may not be able to have time to send me pictures....go figure....
  19. sunsett

    I made Twoterville!!!

    Thats wonderful! Congrats!
  20. Taterbugs-Sorry to hear about all of your problems. Where abouts are you moving to in SC. I live on the border of NC & SC by Charlotte. If your near Rock Hill my Dr is wonderful. Good luck with everything. If there's anything I can do to help you let me know.
  21. sunsett

    september band

    Well partner thats my 1 year anniversary! Your picking a good day! I have done great in the past 10+ months. This time last year I was wondering what my life would be like this time next year. I can tell you it hasn't always been an easy road, but it has the majority has been wonderful! I was a size 26 I'm now 14. I was 268 now I'm 195.5 (that was a few weeks ago) Congrats! Keep me posted on how your doing I'll be thinking of you on our special day!
  22. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    Hey gang, I have an idea I'll be PMing you about.
  23. sunsett


    Donna-Welcome-I'm in Wesley Chapel. If you'd like to get together and talk PM me I'd be more than happy too meet up with you. The first thing I did was went to my PCP in Monroe Dr Johns and talked to her about it. 2. Called insurance company 3.Went to general seminar and learned about all the surgeries 4. Filled out the paper work and sent it into the Surgeons office (I believe this is common with most all of the Dr.s ) 5.Get all Blood work done and chest X-Ray 6. Phyc eval (I have a name of someone who is wonderful and has had WLS! She's been there done that and totally understands the feelings your going through) 7.Nutritionist evaluation, great! I learned more what my life would be like, plus insurance and Dr.s want you to see them. 8.Exercise Evaluation-She gives you ideas of what to do before the surgery and after. She also sends a report to the Dr. I had to write a letter to the Dr. to tell him why I thought I was ready for WLS. After he recieved my information the office called me for a consultation. At that point he told me of anymore tests he though I'd need. Once all the pre-op is done then the Dr.s office sends a packet to the insurance company for approval. I have lost over 70 pounds in 10 months. I'm thrilled with my choice. I have had a wonderful time clothes shopping and enjoying my new life. I still have a way to go, but the difference with this weight loss is that when I left the 200's it was for good not temporary. Pros and cons there are some but it is the safest WLS out there. If you look at the band and it's history in Eroupe over the past 10 yrs you will see that it is the most common surgery now for WL. I'm sure the US will also have the band leading for WLS in a few yrs, it makes sense when it comes to me when it comes to safety. We have get togethers once a month with the locals. Sept 9th is our next meeting, your more than welcome to join us. I know that Dr.V has seminars monthly with general information and does Dr.B. Kim can let you know on here when Dr V's next seminar is. I went to the seminar last May. Saw Dr.V the end of June got approval mid June had surgery Sept 26th. But it took my brain a lot longer than that..Found out about the band August 2004 it wasn't until January 2005 that I really started thinking seriously about it. In March I began my baby steps. This is not anything to rush into. You have to be ready mentally and physically. Good luck, I love my band and I'd do it again in a heart beat!
  24. sunsett

    August Chat

    Me agian. LOL Magazine is in production. I have the possiblity of 1 more full page ad if the lady can get her pictures together in time..URGH..I HOPE SHE CAN! Anyway I'm loking for testimonies I will be sending you guys PM's about it and why I want them. No rush, thanks, di
  25. sunsett

    Unfill - sorry I got this band

    Hang in there. I guess thats why they call this an adjustale band. You can get it re-adjusted. My suggestion would not be to try to toughen it out because that can create major problems later on. 8 hours is a long ride but it is worth it. Good luck, feel better.

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