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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    Three-year bandiversary!!

    WOW you look absolutely fantastic! Did you ever think that 3 yrs would go by so fast! You must be very happy today especially when you were putting those pictures together.
  2. sunsett

    September Bandsters

    Good luck to all of you! Sept is a good month to be banded.
  3. sunsett

    Post op tummy tucker's

    You look so fantastic! When I get closer I want gory details, but for now, I am just in awe of how great you look. How do you feel? Looks like it's VERY PAINFUL
  4. sunsett

    To be banded 8/21 Emotional wreck

    I think a lot of what your feeling is normal, but if you don't have peace about it perhaps like everyone said you are not ready. It has been the best thing I have ever done in my life, and I would do it again in a heart beat. Perhaps you can speak with your counselor before Monday. Remeber it is a process right now that you are taking. The whole WL journey is a process. We have been so protected for so long with our shield of fat, that it is very scary to give that up. Good luck, if you need an ear, PM me we are all here for each other.
  5. sunsett

    3 years out

    Vera- You story of success brings hope to me and everyone on this board! You look fantastic! No PS? I really want details of how you have kept your skin so nice. I'm very excited for you and proud of you. Thank you so much for sharing!
  6. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    Angie-No problem. We can meet up another time if you'd like. That area I was talking about is probably 1/2 for both of us. Let me know when is good for you. I'm off to my Dr that wanted me to do his 1 hour diet. Haven't been in 7 weeks so I am anxious to see what his scale has to say. It is higher than curves. Found a GREAT place to buy bra in Dilworth. I.C. London Shelly is the owner and fantastic I was ready to go into the maternity store and buy a nursing bra for crying out loud! Shelly knows a lot and also has delt with alot of WL people. I'm not going to even consider a reduction of anything for a year, at least. Anyway she was great if you go be sure to tell her I sent you the girl with the HUGE Hooters that has that magazine, she'll know who your talking about..lol.. Well gotta get dressed I'll let you know what he says.
  7. sunsett


    Welcome to bandland! I wasn't in a hurry to take the bandages off if I remember correctly. I can't believe how full of energy you are! WTG Glad your feeling so well.
  8. sunsett

    New to site, seeking help!

    Thanks Wheeler for that website! Brown-eye girl-When I go on the scale more that once every other week I mess up. I don't know how oftern you go on, but perhaps you want to just take that NUMBER as a grain of salt and not worry about the # so much. You are doing fantastic by the way.
  9. Congrats! You look wonderful and so happy. Great job!
  10. sunsett

    Introducing Myself

    Welcome. When is you date? I'm so so sorry about your son, how horrible for you and your family. That is a parents biggest nightmare I know. I give you a lot of credit for moving on. The band is wondeful! It has changed my life in so many ways.
  11. For long posts I use my email account first then spell check, copy paste. For short ones I say oh well..
  12. sunsett

    August Chat

    Eileen-what does your doc say about drinking before and after meals. I try to not drink a 1/2 hour before and then an hour after. He would like me to do an hour before! Your scales moving isn't? I haven't gone on since July 20th. I will go on in 2 more weeks and see what it says. My brain just can't take it alot. Cindy-WOW that is to hot! It was very hot last week here but it is getting better now. Hopefully it will stay this way. Today when I went swimming it was actually cold and refreshing! Sherry-Lucy had fleas last week. The day before my mom came we had the pest guy come to take care of the house. He has to come back I guess Saturday or Sunday, hope he's around. Sure does give me the creeps too. Of course you know my nightmare about fills! But last time he pulled out a little less also and said the exact same thing your doc said. Those airbubbles urgh..You could always request fluro to be sure everything is ok. That is the only way I do my fills from now on. I just want to be double sure that it's working correctly. Congratulations on the WL that is awesome! Betty-Sorry about your foot still being a pain! Take it easy baby yourself so you don't have to have surgery. Patty- I know it's so hard to wait We are all going to have a party on that day. Just keep fighting and you;ll get it. Thanks for saying a prayer for Fred. Why don't you have a drink and I'll have one too! Boy I've missed you. It seems like you've been gone for 3 months..lol.. Well all went good today with ma. She's going home tomorrow. A few more days would have been nice but that's always a nice way to leave things. College started up for the kids yesterday. They seem to love there classes this year so far so we'll see. I went for a walk with Lucy this morning. She is getting a little better. I'm so glad I have her having me make her walk..lol..We walked about a mile, then came home and ma and I went to the pool for a half hour. I ate a lot less today, but still had some sweets! We are having an ice cream social a week from Saturday it will be called Saturday night live! At our church. I am putting together a group to do the music from sister act. Should be a blast! So far I have 12 girls signed up. My GF and I will be making habits for everyone..lol..we are using glue! I got a wonderful message from my GF the other day. Her son is 15 or 16 and he said to her after church on Sunday ma did you see Mrs H, she is so skinny. How nice is that from a kid! OH another exciting thing, today went to Coldwater Creek with me and she tried on a jean skirt that was way to tight for her. I said I'd try it for the heck on it and it fit me much better. Do you guys, well I know you do, but do you guys realize how freakin COOL THAT IS!!! And the funny thing is I'm feeling really big lately! OK I'm off to watch Elton John on DVD. Have a good night.
  13. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    Angie I'm sure it will be uptown near where they work. It would be great if you could join us. I will call Kim in the morning at work. I don't have Karens # and suprise suprise I lost yours. Do you still have my cell #? I'll check this in the morning. Hope to meet up. have a good night.
  14. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    OK We all need a kick sometimes but the thing is guys, are you eating like this EVERYDAY? We are human and we will have days that we screw up sometimes everyday for a week, but then hopefully you get back on track. Don't be to hard on you self that makes it harder to get back. Just have what you know works for your day in the morning I think Breakfast screw ups are half the battle, at least for me they are. So hang in there and do it!!! Kim and Karen tomorrow lunch would be nice I have to take ma to the airport by 12 I can meet you after that do you want me to pick up Karen and drive to get you Kim? Let me know.
  15. sunsett

    NSVs & Scale Victory

    How exciting Karen! Thats great!
  16. It is a sad feeling. I'm lucky enough to have mine in CC so they are still living at home, but I know with in the next 2 yrs they will both be out and then what am I gonna do!
  17. sunsett

    August Chat

    Patty-Hi welcome home. I have a sad fish story too. We had Fred for 8 yrs this little 25cent gold fish had a personality. I know you think I'm nuts but it's true he did. DD went away and left with the bowl dirty. I said good night to him and told him I'd clean it in the morning and in the morning he was dead. To this day I still feel bad about Fred. I cried and I think every one else did. Welcome home, we've missed you. Enjoy your solo week. Sherry-I don't know what happened cause I haven't had time to catch up, but from Eileen's post to you, YUCK I don't know if I want to know... Eileen- My Dr wants me to take 20-30 minutes. They say that if you wait much more than that you never know the "full" sensation and if you eat to fast, well we all know what happens, but also you can eat to much. Cindy-I bet the principle wants to learn your special touch and thats why he's there so much. I'm sure you have a special gift with the kids like you do with adults and fellow bandsters. I have to catch up more later gang. Ma's last day here so I'm gonna run. Hope ya'll are good.
  18. sunsett

    How painfull is a T/T

    Great question! I hope someone answers!
  19. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    Jennifer- WOW you've been through a lot! My back just went out about 2 yrs ago. I'm much better now than before, and I'm sure the WL has a lot to do with that! But I'm still in pain everyday especially in the morning. It's not that the insurance co won't pay for it it's that the stupid Ortho spine centers won't take the insurance! Thanks for your recommendations. Wavey-Happy banding! Melissa how are you? Tonya-This time next year, you;ll be able to go on whatever you want! Well we have a meeting at RiRa's this morning for the magazine. You guys have to check out the next issue it has my DS and his GF on the cover. It will be out around Sept 1st. Having fun with ma, have a good day.
  20. sunsett

    Who is having success with their Band?

    I think you'll see that most people are not having problems. I had a leak in my band which is very unsual, had it taken care of and I'm thrilled with my band. I was thrilled before I knew I had a leak. There is a lot of negative stuff that you can go to look at on here. But over all I know the people I talk to on here are very happy.
  21. sunsett

    August Chat

    Kat-How great that DH felt good enough to go out! Sounds like he's doing well. Anne-I hope you have a great vacation! We are having a very nice day. Swam for 25 minutes straight then walked about a mile with crazy Lucy. Had 2 slices of pizza, pepperoni, but I didn't eat hardly any of the bread so I had 2 slices of cheese! Were going to watch a movie now have a good night.
  22. sunsett

    September 2005 Bandsters: What's new?!

    I was banded on Sept 26th. Then rebanded on the 21st of February. I was rebanded because I'm one in a million that had a leak in my band. Sencond surgery was aweful! Much longer recovery and a lot more pain. But I would do it again if I had to! I am thrilled with my WL. I've lost 73+ pounds since Sept 05 and gone from a size 24/26 to a 14. 12's so far just don't want to work! Glad everyone is doing so well.
  23. sunsett

    TT vs Body Lift

    NewSho thanks for the info! I HAVE to do something with my legs. I have horrible varicose viens. I am sure the insurance will pay for that and hoping that the tummy tuck can go along with that. Boobs..lol..wow..they got to go! I'm not in a real rush for any of this, but I'm hoping that my legs can be done this coming winter. Boobs & TT can wait another year. I'm not finished losing yet. Don't they recommned that you get to your goal for 18 months before you do any surgery?
  24. sunsett

    Post op tummy tucker's

    You look incredible! Good luck with the surgery tomorrow! Can't wait to hear how it goes!
  25. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    That sounds so nice! Now remind me the big party for your grandparents, it's there 60th anniversary? I want to go to carowinds so bad this year, but my back won't let me! ERRR My insurance won't pay for any of the spine centers around here! It is so frustrating to wake up ALL the time with back pain and then have days where I feel like the Tin Man! I guess that cold be another positive thing if DH changes jobs someday, maybe they'll have an insurance company that works with orthopedics! have a good day a

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