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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    Thanks guys. It was a fun night!!
  2. sunsett

    August Chat

    Darcy-I'm sleepy I hope you know I'm only being funny you are the farthest from an A Hole. I just always say that about me and everyone I know that has that test. Oh man I feel like I'm putting my foot in my mouth tonight. Sorry I don't want to affend anyone!
  3. sunsett

    August Chat

    Betty- Thanks for that nice complement. I sure know what you mean about sleeping late on days you can't! It's just not fair! Darcy-Isn't it comforting knowing that you really are a perfect _ _ _ hole..lol..I have to make sure I'm still one soon. I hate the day before but I do like the lap top idea! I'm sure you;ll all know when it's my turn! Those drugs are great! Eileen-Wow thank goodness he's ok! What a scary thing, I sure hope he learned his lesson. I sure wish I knew when it's going to stop! I ate pretty good today and we just went out for Mexican. Of course when we came home though I had to have a little chocolate! WTF! I'm so glad your taking vacation next week. I bet you'll have a wonderful week with that cutie of yours, not to mention your pool! Pat-Thanks for the update. That is so sad I feel so bad for all of them. Enjoy your weekend hopefully the new girl will work out for you. Natesma-hi I wondered what you were talking about lol Kat-You have been through so much! I really don't know how you keep it together, well I guess I really do that special strength! I'm glad that the Dr is giving DD hope. Keep us posted. Scary popcorn story, glad your feeling better. Cindy-I pretty mush stick around here and NC. But like you it is interesting sometimes to snoop, I can't believe how stupid some people act on here, I don't mean LB questions I mean other dumb comments about "stuff" I guess I really mean how immature some can be! None of this sounded right did it! Sorry, I'm shutting up now. Well we practiced Sister Act for tomorrow night. Added motions to the music and then we all forgot the words..lol..it is going to be scary. Have a good night.
  4. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    lol thanks
  5. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    Hey guys check out the NJ picture thread I posted our 25th anniversary picture on it. No Thong pics though...sorry...lol
  6. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    I'm trying to do this!
  7. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    You both look great! Beanie that Doc need to see these pictures! I'm trying to get Kelly to show me what to do. AGAIN!
  8. sunsett

    August Chat

    Hi Anne- It's good to see you. Sounds like you had a wonderful time! Betty-How's the training going? Beanie-I'm excited for you about your vacation. When do you leave? Have a wonderful time. Hang in there with the weight stuff. Like you said at least it's going down! Eileen-We need to come up and kick his butt!!! Cindy-How was DD's first day back? Pat-Any new news? Kat-Thanks I can't believe it's been 25 yrs. I feel like I'm just starting my life and I have grown up kids and I've been married so long. I was a baby bride, 21, so I guess I really am beginning my life! How is DH doing? Sherry-Sorry about the Wheat Thins. I was so hungry for dinner send DD to subway I get a 3 inch sub there and I ate 3 bites fast and need I say more! What an idiot I am! I will try to post that picture on our picture post and see what happens. Then I'm hitting the sack! I have that dizzy headache body aching thing going on! Night night. Oh Patty-Did school start today?
  9. sunsett


    Congrats KAREN WOW WTG That is so exciting! I know how I felt last month when I hit it. You are doing GREAT!!! I can't wait to see you.
  10. sunsett

    NC Intro Thread...

    Hi Welcome we have a lot of fun here. Hope you'll join us on the 9th.
  11. sunsett

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    I can't believe I didn't know about this thread. I haven't been able to read all of the posts, but my prayers are for all on here and especially the little ones. God bless them and the lives they touch. I wanted to request prayers for my eating during PMS times..what a minor thing. There is so much more needed. God Bless
  12. sunsett

    September 2005 Bandsters: What's new?!

    I haven't looked at the scale in a month. I have a horrible time during PMS times. NOTHING satisfies me and every month I feel I need another fill. Do you guys have any suggestions? I plan to go on the scale around the 5th of Sept after this next TOM is over. I am thrilled with the band! Just hate the mental struggles they are getting better though.
  13. sunsett

    August Chat

    Hi-I'm here for a quickie..lol...unlike last night....I can't stay on long though I'm exhausted!..lol... Pat that is so sad. I'm sending prayers that way how terrible. Darcy-this time last night I was drinking too...but it was wine... We had a wonderful time. He was totally shocked and laughed about the thong, he couldn't believe I would wear one. Me either! It sure did feel sexy! I also got a cute teddy thingy but it sisn't stay on long because my boobs were so squished I couldn't stand it. I'll have to save that for another time. We went to a nice resturant and when I told him he wasn't going home he couldn't figure out how that could happen. He sleeps with a sleep apnea machine and must have it. Once I told him I had it in the car. He was thrilled couldn't believe I would think of such a wonderful thing to do. It was really a fun fun night. By 9:30 we were:notagree lol but then we did have this morning...lol... It was really a wonderful time together, and the thong was fun! Didn't feel good but fun! I told the girls at Curves today about the thong and we are going to put up a sign with a date and have a thing workout day..lol...we laughed our heads off today. On another note. Kim from NC's I can't think of her screen name right now, but her cousins house burnt to the ground they have 3 kids and lost everything. I sent an email out to our church chior and collected a lot of stuff for them tonight. One wonderful man gave me $200 cash for them, and we don't even know them. People are so wonderful. Another man pulled up in his car, and said am I to late to give you clothes. He had a car load. To make matters worse this family is members of a very small church, like 30 members. Well the house fire was Sunday. That same night a single mom with 3 children also lost everything in a house fire! Can you believe that! Kim's cousin is spliting all the gift cards and cash she gets with them. It's very sad but wonderful how strangers are helping out.:clap2: 2 miracles, they have a bunny and somehow he was found alive. The second which is really the first is that 2 bibles were found in a draw untouched not even an ash mark or a wet spot on them. Everything else in the draw was gone. My DS is a fireman and bibles NEVER burn! NEVER! Again God amazes me with his wonderful mysterious ways! Night night gang...Oh we did take pictures.....I'll post them tomorrow...BEWARE.....
  14. sunsett

    Help Needed Please...

    If I can help you guys to get it to Kim since I don't live far from Monroe let me know.
  15. I was wondering if any of you have had your veins fixed. I'm not talking spider veins I'm talking BIG HUGE UGLY vericose veins. This would not be considered cosmetic because of the severity of them. Can anyone give me some tips on what type of surgery to do for this? Should I weight another 30-40 pounds? What about cirulation problems? What about excess skin? I have some now but not a whole lot. Am I nuts to even be thinking about this now?
  16. sunsett

    Help Needed Please...

    Kim I just sent the info to my chior so I'm sure I will get some stuff for them tomorrow night.
  17. sunsett

    Help Needed Please...

    WOW This is so wonderful how everyone is coming together. The gift card idea is great I will pick one up before the end of the week and get to to you. If you think I could go there and help them please let me know I have extra time these days. As far as bibles go. My son is a fireman. BIBLES DO NOT BURN....EVER.... He has seen this and heard it several times. Other firefighters have told him this. Glad the bunny was ok. Hang in there.
  18. sunsett

    August Chat

    Hey Pat- Welcome back. OK I'm not on long but I needed to vent. I've had an appointemnt for over a month for today with the vein guy and I find out this morning that he is not in my Network! I'm so PISSED! I'm off to the shower. Any suggestions on how I should get him to the hotel room? I got a cute card and thought I'd put the room key in it. OK curves, shower and THONG time..OMG! LOL I can't stop laughing!
  19. sunsett

    Going to Dr about my varicose veins

    OK I"m REALLY TICKED OFF! My PCP's office made the appointment. I called them this morning and they are not in my network so I had to cancel. I am being bounced around with the refferals I've gotten back to vein centers which my insurance company doesn't cover! I did get the name of a few more vascular surgeons so I will continue to try to set something up with them.
  20. sunsett

    Tummy tuck *pics*

    wow you look so great! I've been saying that, but the before and after ics are wonderful. Are people screaming for you! I'm sure they are! Did you get insurance to cover it. How many nights in the hospital? I forgot if you answered this already or not.
  21. sunsett

    August Chat

    Cindy-My PCP mentioned it to me cause I was talking about PMS time sabitising my whole month. Thanks for still wanting to do the writing. I started then put it down again. I've asked several people but haven't gotten anything yet. No rush after all tis is a life long journey..lol.. Eileen-LOL more farts are the last thing I need! Glad your feeling better. Happy BD to that cute little one of yours! Darcy-What an awesome idea! I'd help you with it if I was closer. I always wanted to take a grooming class and may be someday will. Betty-Your so lucky to have a pool ours here closes after Labor Day. I've been trying to go up there a few times a week to just move for 30 minutes. I'm going to miss that when it closes. We have a hot tub but you sure can't exercise in there. Yes tonight's the night...lol Patty- I'm glad the battle is still on! I'm sure you will be a banded lady one of these days. I bet you missed the boys! Hugs are great. Glad GF is seeing a therapist and the fact that she is so depressed is a good sign. This thong thing..hummm..I know I'm going to hate it but it cracks me up, just the thought of me putting it on! It was only 5 bucks, so why not. I talked to my GF yesterday and she said that there is something called hanky panky thong, she said it isn't really a thong and very comfortable..lol..The thought of my _ _ _ in oh boy how funny. He is clueless. He's going with me to the vein Dr. and then says he doesn't want to come all the way back home before we go out to dinner. I have no idea how I'm going to get his sleep apnea machine in the car before we go without him noticing. Maybe I'll just take a bunch of clothes with me and make him think that were going to goodwill. The kids are cracking up and last night when DD said grace she prayed for the visual of me in a thong to go away and for them to forget about tonight..lol.. From what you guys have said about that medication I will hold off. I just wish I could get a hold of PMS week!! I'll check in tomorrow morning with you and tell you all about tonight. I couldn't find foo foo slippers! I even went to Spencer gifts yesterday looking for them. Oh well maybe to the cruise. Have a good day....hehehe...
  22. sunsett

    Going to Dr about my varicose veins

    I have a mess of rope-type veins. My PCP says I'm a real mess and it will be a lot of work for the surgeon. Karen-Do you remember if it was same day surgery? Did you have to wear tights for a long time after? Kathy-I'm going to the vein center near Pineville. I do plan on going to a surgeon that Dr V had also recommened, I just don't remember the name of the guy he said. So if you know of anyone locally pls let me know. I think I have 1 spider. I'll let you guys know what happens today. Right now they are hurting me, they must know I'm talking about them!
  23. sunsett

    Lap Band and Multiple Sclerosis

    WOW that really SUCKS! Sorry, my Dad had MS and I know how hard it is for you and your family. It is not an easy thing at all. My Dad woke up one morning wih numbness in his hand and it spread. I think he was 28yrs old. He didn't get a firm diognoses for about 25 yrs. I know that there is so much now that they can do for you. I do know that the #1 thing is to exercise. Swimming is good. He played tennis for yrs. There are MS support groups out there for you and your family. You all should go it is important. I don't remember him being on steriods, but he could have been. Having the band is great! The more weight you get off the better it will be for you. Feel free to PM me anytime. BUG HUGS to you and your family.
  24. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    Kim-When I was 3 or 4 our house burnt down. I was really to young to remember all the details but I do remember bits and pieces of it. I couldn't lite a match until I was 17yrs old. Everything was lost on the first floor of the house. I know the basement had Water damage. I do remember living in a rental house while our house was being rebuilt. I asked Jimmy about clothes and he doesn't have any. I will send an email out to my Sunday school class and see if anyone there has anything. Jill- you go girl that is AWESOME! Melissa-hang in there you've done great with 50 pounds. I know how frustating it can be. I'm going nuts with PMS right now. I'm really trying to have a few bites of something healthy every hour. Yesterday I did great until after dinner I said lets make Sundae's! I never say that so the kids jumped and ran to get fixin's at the store. I did have a smaller bowl than the rest of the gang and I enjoyed every bite. The good thing about me is that I never go back for ice cream that is in our fridge so now it will sit there until I throw it away. It's wierd it doesn't call me like the chocolate in the house does! Today is our 25th anniversary. Gar came home last night from Birmingham. He has no clue but I'm kidnapping him tonight..oh here he comes GTG
  25. sunsett

    August Chat

    Hi gang, Looks like everyone one is doing well except poor Eileen, hope you feel better TODAY. Went to in-laws today. Ate at thier Sunday buffet. I was so excited to see califlour that I had a few bites to fast. Took me a long time to get more food down. I've been starving all day! We had a nice Anniversary dinner at our friends house last night. They are so thoughtful to do that for us. This Tuesday is our 25th. DH doesn't know but I got us a hotel room for the night. I also brought my 1st THONG...lol...he's gonna faint...My DD say ma I floss my teeth not my A$$. Patty- Did you have that conversation yet? OK Tuesday I go to a Dr to talk about my varicose veins. Any suggestions? They are horrible and 2 drs said go now. Do any of you know about the drug meridian, I think thats the one, the WL one. Kind of sounds more like a brain stabilizer than a food suppresant. My new PCP mentioned it to me. It sure sounds like it would help out during PMS time. OK off to watch TV and relax have a good night.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
