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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. I also had to do the 2 weeks liquid. It was no fun but I was so excited about my future that it really wasn't bad. I got creative and made lots of differen't smoothies Pea soup even tasted good!
  2. I don't think it is just coke, I think it is any carbonation. I do not drink any ever. I have had about 4 sips in 11 months and it just didn't taste right to me.
  3. sunsett

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    Lucy seems to be doing much better. Hope all is well with everyone here.
  4. sunsett

    August Chat

    Thanks guys for all your prayers and good wishes for Lucy. She is doing great. The Dr couldn't figure out what was wrong and she is acting like Lucy again! So this is good. I am exhausted from being up the past 2 nights with her so I'm keeping it short tonight. Kat give Lucy a hug for me tonight. night night everyone...Oh went to see 9/11 it was very well done, I'm glad I saw it. cried a lot but I knew that was going to happen. 5 yrs later and it still doesn't seem real, ya know what I mean?
  5. sunsett

    August Chat

    aww Lucy sure gets around. At least she got to a loving home if her real Mama doesn't show up.
  6. sunsett

    Would you have done this?

    OK it took me a week to read this but I can't believe that woman in the mall! WOW It is hard not to say something to people because we know how they are hurting and feeling. I did tell this honeymoon couple last year while I was on a cruise he was huge and she wasn't much smaller, well it turns out she had bypass like 2 yrs before and had lost over 100pounds. I'm telling you she had another 200 to go at least. But something was tugging at my haert to tell them about the band who knows maybe he has it now. Ya just never know.
  7. sunsett

    August Chat

    Hey all Lucy is spending the day with the vet. She gave us the look! I brought her favorite stuffed toy so she can relax with him. Vet says everything feels normal like there is no blockage, but he is conserned as to why she is doing this. He hopes she'll show him what she's been doing at home thats why she's hanging out there for the day. He thinks she may have colitis! I have no clue what that would mean for a doggie...how is she going to have a colonoscopy ever year! I'll know more later today. Thanks
  8. sunsett


    It has worked great for me I'm almost at the 4 foot club! I go 3-5 times a week although I haven't gone in the past 2 weeks due to business. I have a bad back and have to skip 3-4 of the machines and it still works great for me. Enjoy
  9. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    Jill-I get the hick-ups constantly. Everyone laughs including me when they happen. How are you guys. None of us have been on here in days. Kathy-I also made Kim wait, so don't feel bad about me. Karen-what a beautiful house! I hope you can sell yours. That is the exact type of house I want someday. Kim-I'm sure that whenever is good for her they will work it out. I don't even know what day it falls on but I'm sure evenings work out. My little Lucy is scaring me I have tons pf people praying for her. I have to take her to the vet at 10:40 this morning to make sure she doesn't have a blockage! DS and I had to give her an enama around 12:30 last night. WOW that was not easy poor puppy. I'll keep you posted as to how she's doing.
  10. sunsett

    I'm new,will be banded Sept 3rd

    Happy Birthday and Welcome! This is a wonderful site. I sure am addicted! Your day will be here in no time and then before you know it you will be looking back on your first year. I am sure you will love the band if you stay away from the cheese cake and fried food...lol... I love mine and am thrilled I have it. Good luck.
  11. sunsett

    Gotta change my behavior...HELP!

    I love that I'm not the only bone holder here..lol..But Lucy also gets me to take walks. We have the invisible fence but she still needs to exercise and so do I. So at night after dinner when chocolate would be great we go for a 1-2 mile walk then watch TV with the bone.
  12. sunsett

    Thank you LBT Mods and Alex

    I also want to thank Alex and the mods for all you do. I have made so many friends here and gotten so much support. Thank you all for your continued support to each and every one of us!
  13. sunsett

    Therapist pushing me toward RNY

    wow thats a heavy to put on you isn't it. Of course the rny therapist is going to oped for you to have what she had. PCP's know more about the rny than the lap-band so they tent to favor that only because of lack of knowledge. I met a women a few months ago that had the rny I have no idea what she weighed, but she sure needs it agian. Both surgeries are good if you willing to work. neither is a fix it for ever treatment unless you THINK about what your doing, what your putting in your mouth. Over all weight loss for both surgeries is between 75-100 according to my pcp after that it is up to you. I asked my surgeon if his wife was having WLS which one would he want her to have. His answer after waiting a few minutes was if it was her or myself I would have the lap band first. If it didn't get the results I wanted then I could always chose the rny. It is the safest non-evasive surgery out there. Ask your surgeon. You have to decide if it is going to work for you no matter which surgery you chose. For me my major thing was I didn't want the risks that came with the rny. It just isn't worth it to be to be thin and sick and perhaps die. I would rather stay fat. So when I heard of the band I did lots of head thoughts and research and prayer. I am 11 months out. I haven't gone on the scale in about 5 weeks but last check I was 73+ pounds down. I am the type of person that needs the check ups witht the Dr to keep me on task. I don't mind the fills once in a while and I like the fact that I can eat just about anything I want. Good luck and keep us posted as to what you do. Either was we are here to help support you.
  14. sunsett

    Typical Meal?

    It sounds to me like you need more protien thats the main thing they told me that if you have less than 60 a day your body will not lose.
  15. sunsett

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    I'm praying for Abigail Mandy and everyone that is having upcoming surgery. I pray for all of us on this board. I love this thread. Hey Guys, Please say a quick prayer for our little Lucy (puppy) she is having stomach trouble and if she doesn't seem better in a few minutes I'm going to take her to the emergency vet. She loves her pull toy which has lots of strings and I fear that she may be all tied up inside...yikes...DH is out of town and kids have school so I'd be taking her solo. She is only 9 months old. It's 12:40 AM.
  16. sunsett

    August Chat

    Hey Guys, Please say a quick prayer for our little Lucy (puppy) she is having stomach trouble and if she doesn't seem better in a few minutes I'm going to take her to the emergency vet. She loves her pull toy which has lots of strings and I fear that she may be all tied up inside...yikes...DH is out of town and kids have school so I'd be taking her solo. She is only 9 months old.
  17. sunsett

    August Chat

    LOL I"m pretty sure I'm going to hold off. Maybe I'll make the appointment for the day I get back!
  18. sunsett

    NC Intro Thread...

    Hi everybody! Welcome..Hope to see you on the 9th!
  19. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    thanks Karen!
  20. sunsett

    August Chat

    Betty-Sorry you felt so bad yesterday. Fevers are no fun! Kat-Hope you and DH had a nice walk last night. I've been to lazy to go for a walk these days. It's been so humid and when I go I want to take Lucy, but she's 31 pounds and I have to pick her up to get her over the invisible fence. I know excuses excuses! Eileen-I bet the party was fun! Do you have any plans for this week? Cindy-I'll be a goalie for chocolate! Darcy-I forgot where you live, are you near the Cape? So I have been trying to decide again weather to have a fill or not and I think I'm going to hold off! Or am I stupid not to have one..HELP..I don't know..We go on the cruise on the 21st of Sept. I don't know if I'm losing, but everyone is telling me I look smaller. Size wise I'm still a 12 I did zip a 12 up and they felt good but they were a huge 12 and none of the other 12's zipped. I haven't been on the scale in about 5-6 weeks and now with TOM here I won't until next Monday. But here's the eating scoop. Now that PMS is over I do have some control back in my life! We went to eat yesterday and I had a full piece of chicken parm a tiny bit of salad, small piece of bread, really only to crust of a piece, and 4 bites of canoli. I was stuffed for the rest of the afternoon. Then of course last night I had to eat dinner so I had 4 of those costco egg rolls they are small and I think there like 260 calories for 4. Saturday we met Kim, for lunch and I ate less than 1/2 of a small omelet. she thinks I need a fill cause I get hungry. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! OH AND WHAT HAPPENS IF WE GET TO 4CC? Have a good day. I'm bummed the pool is now closed until 3:30! This is the last week they are open..errrrr...bummer I'll see you guys later. Have a good day.
  21. sunsett

    August Chat

    Kat- I LOVE that idea! That is too funny! OK I know how you can do it...Take a head shot of him then put it between your thighs it will look PERFECT!!! LOL NO PUN THERE HUH Betty-How sad about your nephew! How old was he when the accident happened? Is he well enough now to live on his own? What a miracle his life is! Patty-WOW GIRL I'm so sorry your having such a tough time. 3 times is a charm, hang in there they'll ok you. You may want to PM Mrs.Sadre , that's Karen she wrote a wonderful letter herself to the insurance company after being denied you might want to copy it and send it off. Sorry about your back that does stink. You are lucky you have another week off of summer. Well lasts nights show was hysterical. We had about 12 nuns, we looked great! it was so much fun the whole night. Over 300 people attended. I've got to take a nap feeling like crapola due to TOM so I'm off to nap land I wish it was raining out I hate sleeping on a beautiful Sunday afternoon!
  22. sunsett

    Help Needed Please...

    Hey Kim it was fun meeting you and Curtis for lunch yesterday. What a cool place! Sept 19 our church is having a "Fall kid's konsignment sale" One of the cirlces wants to sponsour your cousin and the other family. They will be emailing me details. They will let them come in before hand and get stuff I think they are giving them coupns or something, and then at the end they can have whatever else they'd like. I think they also get furniture.
  23. sunsett

    Gotta change my behavior...HELP!

    I got a puppy and she sits on my lap and I hold her bone for her so she is chewing and I'm watching TV she is spoiled but I love the time with her and it sure does make me eat less at night!
  24. sunsett

    September 2005 Bandsters: What's new?!

    WOW T thanks I've never heard of Seasonale. what about Weight gain with the pill? I will talk to my doctor SOON about this. My PCP mentioned medirean(?) maybe it's meridian, andyway it kind of scared me. Thanks for the info I will look into to further. We all need to post our pictures on our anniversaries coming up on this thread, don't you think!!
  25. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    Karen-The house is beautiful! Good luck with it all working out!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
