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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    Asheville Folks...

    COOL ANGIE! Can you go earlier on Saturday so we can run around in Ashville? Kathy how about you? I'll check into the hotel thing I went up 2 yrs ago with a friend and we stayed at this old country inn I don't know how expensive it was but if were dividing it up it shouldn't be to bed. I'll let you guys know. I also know there a Hampton in and other name brand hotels. PhotoNut, Tonya, Lyn, this will be so cool! Lyn do you know of any good places? Please PM me if you do. I hope this all works out! It would be fun!
  2. sunsett

    NC September Chat

    Jennifer-How you have a great September! Sounds like a very busy time.
  3. sunsett

    trishs update on surgery

    Hey John, Thanks for keeping us updated! Hugs and prayers for both of you. Tell her that I'm sure her second band will be wonderful jus like mine is, and to hang in there partner. Again I'm so so sorry.
  4. sunsett

    September's Chat

    Cindy-Thanks for the reminder!! It's so true! I love your idea. Sorry your going through ERRRR times. If ya need to talk I'm here I hear I listen pretty good. Darcy-Lucy is SO hyper! But feeling good the poor girl is just hungry they gave uscanned food for her to eat for a while and I can only give her about 1/4 cup at a time every 2 hours! She's starving! Mary-Hope things get better for you brother soon! Betty-I agree with Darcy and thanks for taking the time and caring enough for the website to do it! Eileen-I didn't even think about the tomato soup! DUH thanks for the reminder. I'm feeling good today not going to crazy with hunger! Sorry about your arthritis acting up that stinks. Don't you feel like you need to borrow the Tim Mans can? I am hearing from everyone that not just here, that they are having a tough food time. Could it have to do with the season change? To many people are eating like crap more the past 2 weeks than usual from what I'm hearing...humm seasonal eating dysfunction! Patty-Thanks for the recipe I will try it! Off to Columbia have a nice day girls...
  5. sunsett


    I had not only a port leak but a bamd leak and he didn't have to do surgery to find it out. However I know nothing about the VG band. I had my first fill in Dec last year under fluro. 3 weeks later I went back in for more and when he pulled out what he had put in which was 1cc NOTHING came out. So 3 weeks later we did the fill under fluro. It was obvious that I had a small leak in the port and a major leak in the band. I would think that under fluro would be the fasted easiest way to find out. He never filled my 4cc band up to see what was going on. I would guess from my experience that you do not have a band leak. Port leaks are a lot more common, however that also was seen with the dye under fluro. Good luck.
  6. sunsett

    NC September Chat

    WOW A GUY! How cool Angie WTG! OK so does he shave hs head? Or is he gonna shave his head for you..lol...I'm so happy for you I want details I'm sure we all do! What time on Tuesday is good for me to stop by? Seriously maybe we all could have a sleepover party in Ashville or maybe Black Mountain which isn't to far from there and a REALLY CUTE town. I'm always game for adventure! Lucy is home from the hospital and running around like she's been cooped up for 36 hours. Sandy was so happy to see her she right away brought over a toy for her. I can't believe how satisfied I feel with this fill. Last few times I had a fill I was starving. I'm really satisfied right now, so we;ll see what happens. I plan on not eating mushies until dinner tomorrow night that way it's a full 24 hours on liquids. Have a good night. Were off to Columbia first thing tomorrow morning.
  7. sunsett

    Asheville Folks...

    Angie KAthy Kim why don't we see if we can get a hotel room and spend the night together. I may even be able to get us a freebee. How cool would this be!
  8. sunsett

    Save the date....

    Do you get a coffee break..lol...what is a good time to see you on Tuesday? Sorry you can't make Saturday you'll be missed.
  9. sunsett

    September's Chat

    Did you guys see that you know who vs you know who site...LMAO...How old are these people! If you haven't seen it don't waste you presious time, life is to short!
  10. sunsett

    DeLarla vs. PhotoNut

    Way to go Joyce!
  11. sunsett

    Save the date....

    ANGIE-WHERE in Ballanyne are you the new Starbucks by CVS? I'm coming over! HOW cool! I'm only a few minutes away. It takes me about 30 minutes to get to the University area from hom so it will be about the same for you from Starbucks. I really am coming to see you! Ya know Joe is right next to you. I'm there on the 9th. If we have to make it a little later so Angie doesn't miss out that also works for me. I can't wait to see every one. I know that Loretta, what ever her name is these days on here, will be on a cruise ship.
  12. sunsett

    To Fill or Not to Fill?

    YUP-He is wonderful and he will see you when ever you want. Like me yesterday I called Kim practically crying and in I went and.1 I got. But I hadn't gotten a fill in at least 4 months and the wl had stopped. Even if your only losing 1/2 a pound a week your still losing. I wasn't losing the scale went up at bit although today it was back down. But the fact that I have stayed the same for 4 weeks says hey get a fill. Take it slow and keep doing what your doing. I'm not at 1.5 cc and that maybe it for me.
  13. sunsett

    September's Chat

    Eileen-That was scary about your moms thumb! I would have done the same thing. ER's are fun!! Cold and boring!! What's the temp up there today? I have to go out and buy a pair of pants today cause it feels like Sept 1st! WTF. I love the pictures. I'm a giraffe nut myself I have tons of them around the house but no real ones..darn..The camel looks like he's kissing you. Lucy is doing ok. They are starting her ona pland diet today and she can come home around 4..yay..she'll be so happy. We all will be too. Sandy even seems sad. It sure is quiet around here. My fill went great yesterday. So far I'm glad I did it. I had a cup of tomato Soup right before bed which was dumb cause I felt like I had it in my throat all night. scale at curves was down to where it is supposed to be this morning. I can't believe the emotional roller coaster I still have over the freaking # on a scale that most likely is wrong to begin with! AHH you would think with all the crap I've been though, being in an eating disorder hospital, counseling, surgery that this head CHIT would just go away and I'd look at it like haha that # is off today..but no..does this ever stop? Is it going to stop when I get to my goal after I've had PS or does it never go away? OK I've ranted to much sorry I just wonder...
  14. sunsett

    September's Chat

    Wow sorry to hear about the damage from the storm, but at least you still have internet!! The baby is adorable! I'm off to check the August thread.
  15. sunsett

    August Chat

    Patty-Tell me more about this recipe PLEASE! I can't stand this sweet tooth I feel like it's gonna bring me over!!! AHHH How did you get rid of yours? I'm so glad the boys had a good day and you made it!! I know your enjoying you time with the little guys, that's so great. Kat-I know how hard it is to put a dog down my Maggie was 16 and I was the love of her life. I held off putting her down for 2 yrs! She was way over due. I still miss her terribly. You'll love curves! I sure wish I hadn't gotten on that scale though. Darcy-Hugs OK did I tell you guys about the measurements...I can't remember but they were unofficially UP. Well I know you all are going to kick my butt but I did it..I called the office and went in to talk to them about a fill. I got a .1 so now I'm up to 1.5 it sure wasn't much and hopefully it will take the edge off of things. He is thrilled with my WL and says that I'm above "average: He'd like to see my bmi below 30, but he wonders if the band has done all it's going to do for me. I BP quite a bit and he wants me on aciphex twice a day. I do not believe that the band has done all it can for me at all! I just think I need to slow down and take my aciphex or previcad. Kim said that he is being VERY conservative these days with his fills. Lucy seems to be doing ok she is in a run but sleeping away. Her X-RAY was fine she did have some swelling in there. So well see how she is tomorrrow and they will start to feed her. OK I'm going to bed I can't take staying awake any longer. Thanks for all your support I'm sure I'll be better tomorrow.
  16. sunsett

    trishs update on surgery

    Oh wow, I feel so bad! Please let her know I'm praying for her. We've PM'd each other before because of our leaks. Hugs please keep us updated. thanks, you hang in there too I'm sure this is real tough on you too.
  17. sunsett

    August Chat

    Well she's back in! The vet is having her spend the night. He's giving her an IV and taking xrays and starting her on an antibiotic. I have a peace about it and know she's going to be ok. So I left the vet and went to curves. Execised and then got on the scale. OK I have the end of TOM I had had a protien shake and a bottle of water. But I haven't been on since July 21st. The scale said I was up 3 pounds! WTF! I know why I have been eating all the sweets I can like a jerk idiot. So now I'm thinking I should call the office and talk to them about a fill. I do not want to hit the 200 mark ever again and I know this is all my fault! I'm tired and crabby now upset and exhausted!
  18. sunsett

    August Chat

  19. sunsett

    August Chat

    Darcy-Lucy is still having some trouble but not like the other day. Where do you get the Ava food I've never heard of it. Sandy and her eat puppy and regular Ecumiba(sp?) It's expensive but I heard it is so good for them. I can't separate them from each others food so they both eat puppy and adult. Patty-How did the twins do today? Mrs Sadre, Karen's, letter was more of a personal letter to them telling them why she personally needed the surgery. Go on the NC site and PM her I'm sure she still has a copy that you can get ideas from. Cindy-I'm glad DD loves gym! I cut it so many times that I almost didn't graduate HS. I had to stay after for 2 weeks and run around the track everyday in order to graduate. I still have nightmares about that! Eileen-Catskill Game farm is closing! How sad! That was a great place. Ok have you been to Van Sawn Park I hope I'm spelling it right. You get off buy the Bergen Mall make a left going towards River Edge and it's on the right. They have a zoo, pond, trail ride, pony rides. The train ride was 50 cents the last time I was there and that was when DD & DS were little. I went to that park when I was little. How about the Land of Make Believe? Donna-Come out from hiding!!! Sherry-Hugs Well I have to get back on track with food!!! I think I"m getting back on track with Curves I am planning on going tomorrow morning so now I need to just do it. 3 weeks from tomorrow is the cruise! I'm excited I haven't seen these friends since Christmas time. I've always been the biggie in the group now I'll be the smallest! I'll also be the only one exercising and walking the plank! Went to COLD STONE today with a friend and we shared a germanchocolatecake as the say it. OMG! It is orgasmic, no kidding. So I didn't do great today but better than I have lately. Gotta go play with Lucy she is craving attention right now tugging at me leg. Night night.
  20. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    wow Melissa you have a lot on your plate right now. Take it easy on your self.
  21. sunsett

    I Got A Date.....

    great news congrats
  22. sunsett

    August Chat

    Hey Pat- LOL I guess the Lucy's are confusing. I have a puppy which we all named back in February she is Lucy. Then a dog ran into Kat's arms and they found out that her name was Lucy. Her owners were found and she is back with them now. Your right about that fill, I'm going to hold off. Darcy-she seems to be doing better but I'm still watching she isn't quite right yet. Allison-We like being nosey on here. I check in all the time when I'm around. Ok went to curves spend 15 minutes after doing what my PT saws I should do...stretches...now it's off to lunch with some friends and then the choir is singing at a funeral. So I guess it's shower time huh.. Eileen-Whatcha doing today? Don't clean it's just gonna get messy again go have some fun!!!
  23. sunsett

    3 days post-op

    walk walk walk and welcome to bandland
  24. sunsett

    August Chat

    Aww well it is is sad but good that she's back with her family. Our Lucy..lol..is doing great today she is back to her nutty crazy self driving Sandy crazy. I'm off to curves I haven't been in over a week and I haven't been regular in over 3 weeks! So I guess I won't get the perfect attendance star this month! 23 days before the cruise it takes 15 days to have perfect attendance each month so I need all your help to make sure I get my butt out the door!
  25. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    Melissa-That sounds so scary about Kristen. Has this happened before? I have desided to hold off on my fill until I get back from the cruise. I dn't want to have any trouble on the trip. Lucy is much better today. She is back to her crazy puppieness

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