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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    September's Chat

    Well I went to the vein center today and had an ultrasound. I have to wait 3 months and I am supposed to wear these awful hoses take Tylenol everyday and keep my legs elevated..lol I sit at my desk to long reading LBT and the other site. Pat- Thanks It makes me excited to see me side by side like that. Tell me about Operation Smile and you!!! Did I miss something? Eileen-Your boss is really something! Mary-Hi, Glad you got your flag this year! I printed my side by sides I have them everywhere as a reminder so when I want to eat something stupid I hopefully will think twice. Of course I write this with a small amount of ice cream next to me..WTF! It is at least less than a 1/2 a cup. Hi to everyone else have a good night. Patty-Keep your chin up!
  2. sunsett

    Asheville Folks...

    Wish I could go but life is just to crazy for us right now. Sharon let me know when your down to see Dr. V maybe we could meet up for lunch.
  3. As I watch the TV I cry again thinking about what happened to us personally and as a Nation. I was in NJ visiting friends we had just moved to NC. 4 of us were out eating for Breakfast when my GF came in and said the WTC's had been hit. We all Scrabbled and went home, however my home was no longer there. I paniced because my kids and husband were in NC I was in NJ and no where near family members. I went to buy gas that afternoon. The girl getting gas across from me had just gotten a phone call that she lost both her parents. That as you all know was only the begining of hearing of families or perhaps you yourself are a family member of someone who lost thier lives that day. Today I fly my flag proudly. I wish everyone would go outside and hang thier flag. God Bless all of you and GOD BLESS AMERICA
  4. sunsett

    5 years ago today 9/11

    Thanks Donna
  5. sunsett

    NC September Chat

    Can you believe it is not only September 1st but it feels like September 1st! I have to go out and buy a pair of pants today cause I dont' have any that fit. Karen-If you start packing and throwing away now it won't be to bad. When do you put the house on the market or is it already? Kim-Thanks for your help yesterday. Pam is the QUEEN of fills for sure! You look great and so does Stephanie! PLEASE ask Aaron (sp?)where she got that protien drink! I want to buy the store out. It was the BEST can drink I've ever had. Have a good day..hi everyone else
  6. sunsett

    5 years ago today 9/11

    Wow Alexandra-Thanks for sharing that, what a scary time!
  7. sunsett

    September's Chat

    Patty-Yay for you and your toes. I felt the same way the first time I went. It is fun now though. I do it less than I should but sometimes I just think it's to hard to spend that money on my feet. Glad you had such a nice BD. Kat-LOL I'm a slow reader but I couldn't read your dog story fast enough! Congrats on the running! I hope that old judge wants something soon from your FIL she needs to know about how she made your DH run after heart surgery! What a B-EACH Darcy-Lucy st ill isn't 100% I really don't know what to do! She woke me up last night again to go potty, and she threw up a little bit yesterday. Anne-Good luck with finding Patrick. I did a mold cake once it was loads of fun. How id school go and DH travel? My dining room used to always look like that it was towards the back of the house, the difference is that my junk was 3 ft tall! Now in our new house it is the first room you see when you come in so I keep it clean, you'll scream when you see my desk I'll try to do that picture later today. What a beautiful kitchen! OH what adorable children. I could squeeze those cheeks! Wow Pat you sure see everything..lol..maybe you can find my glasses that are missing! Mandy-Any word on the puppy? My heart is hurting for you! Betty-I know what you mean about being tired. Lucy is still waking me up in the middle of the night! My throat is much better thank you. I just need to control my night time eating and I'll be all set! My name on pogo is lovemylpband so if you guys ever see me there say hi please! I am addicted to tumble bees and backgammon. I need to grip ok, I started a thread yesterday called 5 yrs ago today 9/11. I just wanted it to be a reflection not a political gripping site. Well thankfully most everyone had really heartwarming things to say. But as you can imagine there were a few that wanted to start something. So I posted again this morning saying where I was coming from when I started the thread. I swear if anyone says anything else off subject I want to see how to take it off. It make me so angry! The nerve of these few! EWW I'm mad sorry, I'll shut up now. Oh I had dd put some pictures of me side by side. They are up on the picture thread. I want her to do a few more. This is so good for me to see them right next to each other. Eileen- hope the boss isn't a jerk today. I'm off for now ttyl
  8. sunsett

    5 years ago today 9/11

    This thread was not be be a bash Bush or Clinton or anyone!!! It was not ment to take away from the hurt that we all feel from what happened 5 yrs ago. I was hoping that this could be a reflection on our thoughts and feeling of that day. Thank you for sharing. My heart goes out to all of the people effected by 9/11 and my prayers are with our goverment and our soldiers today and the future.
  9. sunsett

    My First Appointment with NeWeigh !!!

    Good luck your excitement has begun it only gets more exciting from here.
  10. Well I hope I can figure this out. My DD did these for me. If anyone can fix these so they go on this page thanks!
  11. sunsett

    5 years ago today 9/11

    I was an hour away from my mother in one direction and an hour from my sister in the other. My daughters GF's brother had been in a horrible accident a few weeks before near Washington State. She was home alone with her younger brother 12, and baby brother 4. No family in the area her parents left in a hurry to be with her older brother. I had just finished reading the left behind series and it was like I was being left behind. The panic I felt inside was undiscibable. I didn't know what to do where to go. Then a peace came over me. I was suposed to be with those children. I can't explain the peace that washed over when I realized I was exactly where I was suposed to be. That night sleeping in the Quest room I felt the peace of the Lord and wondered what was next. It started to thunder outside, very strange wondering if that was bombing or thunder. Very scary that for the first time in my life I actually thought that. When I finially got home about 6 days later I hugged my kids and husband and sobbed. I am thankful to our troops I don't want to forget about what they are doing for us today and everyday.
  12. sunsett

    Sept 2005 bandsters post here!!

    Becky-66.5 pounds is great! Happy Bandiversary! Tell us about the changes in the past year!
  13. sunsett

    10 top reasons why not to get FAT

    6. Can't see your toes!
  14. sunsett


    Good: Being able to see the tip of my toes when taking a shower without bending over Bad: Not always feeling satisfied Ungly: hanging skin I have more Goods if thats ok... walking past the Plus dept when shoping for clothes thinking about what I put in my mouth going to curves and lossing enough inches to total 4 FEET! sitting in a chair with arms and not feeling the arms no more double chin supportive friends and family ALL OF YOU
  15. sunsett


    I fit in some 12's 14 and 16's! It is very weird and disouraging at times.
  16. sunsett

    September's Chat

    Eileen-Aunt Flo and Clifford SUCK...can I say that... Pat-Your dinner sounds nice especially the desert!! Betty- Yumm on the veggie soup! We went to Carraba's last night for dinner and I had there minestrone it was really good, I mean really good. And it went down real easy too. My throat feels much better today. I had grouper for lunch and all went well. So I'm on the mend thank goodness. Then DH orders a piece of chocolate cake!! HELLO and of course I had some of that..mostly icing though... I PM'd Donna. I thought I might have had her phone # but no luck. Have a good day. Seems quite around here today. Looks like I'm all alone now in NC...
  17. sunsett


    I didn't know we had such a place! Thanks
  18. sunsett

    I have to have another surgery :(

    Good luck on Friday I'm sure you and your doctor have made the right choice.
  19. sunsett

    Oct 14th....

    I will be there on the 14th for sure!
  20. sunsett

    I hit my year mark!!

    You look great! I'm 1 yr also. Going to do my pictures this week sometime.
  21. sunsett

    September's Chat

    Sherry-You sound relieved, I'm glad she out of the picture now what a b-eachshe was! GL on finding someone good soon. Eileen-I'm so excited about you hitting the major 50!! That s awesome. I'm proud of you! Cindy-Bandiversary is Sept 25th I can't believe it will be 1 yr! How is FIL today? It is terribly tiring hanging around a hospital. Prayers for him, you and hubby and of course dd. Pat -I win on the messy desk I'll take a pic and show you. Promise I'll get a picture up here soon. Betty-I'm so glad you got to go! Now rest that footsie! Mandy-I've been praying for that puppy! I sure hope he gets his little tail home soon! Lucy woke me up again last night..urgh...so now she's back on special foot and we'll see. Went to in-laws today in Columbia..long ride. Hey I have a question, last night I ate some salad and chicken had a HORRIBLE time with it. Threw up PB it was terrible. My throat is still sore. It's like all the muscles are tight, not lit a sore throat. I could hardly swallow this morning. It is a little better tonight. We went to dinner and I had Soup and a few bites of DH's chicken then a MD's ice cream sundae on the way home and some string cheese. It's still feeling abnormal is this something I need to be concerned about. Have you guys ever had this? have a good night see ya tomorrow, and thanks for all the encouraging comments. We all rock! Kat-Wow you've had so much! I remember something about Kawasaki Disease being said about my DD when she was little I can't remember what was going on. Prayers are with her and you. Hang in there...hugs...
  22. sunsett

    Sept 2005 bandsters post here!!

    Hey gang where is everyone? It's our anniversary month! How ya doing?
  23. sunsett

    September's Chat

    I DID IT....I MADE THE 4 FOOT CLUB! TOMORROW IS EXACTLY 1 YR FROM WHEN I STARTED MY LIQUID DIET SO SINCE I'LL BE AWAY ON MY OFFICIAL 1 YR BANDAVERSARY I WILL TRY TO GET MY PICS UP! Happy birthday sweet Patty, I hope yur day is as blessed as we are to have you as our friend. Eileen-your gonna make it to size 10/12 I know you will! Mandy-I'm praying for that puppy to come home
  24. sunsett

    September's Chat

    Pat-Thanks I have to confess I didn't make it there! The sneakers got in the car but not the pants. So Friday morning first thing I'm dragging my butt in for my weigh in and measurements. Ahh it makes me nervous! Kat-I lost about 12 inches in my bust area, (back boobs) since I started curves! I'm a double F, but have nothing in my back area. I'm so grateful for that, but someday the boobs have got to go...I think...How is DGD this morning? Mandy-OH no, I will saay a prayer for the puppy to get home safely how sad I'm so sorry. Cindy-My house is a mess too! I just can't get rid of all the papers!!! ARGH I thought it was only because of elementary school! Saying a prayer for FIL this morning and the rest of the family, hang in there. How long has it been since Donna was here? Had a nice day brought a pair of size 14 jeans that fit real good, got a new belt too, much needed. Went to bunco tonight, didn't win but made a new friend! It is super late gotta hit the sack. I'm throwing away all of the rawhide. Sorry Lucy, tug a war socks are going to be our play time toys now. Mandy I'm sure thinking of your little one...hugs and prayers I can't wait to hear he's back. Ok night night Sherry=TGIF Darcy-Good luck with the exercise it sure takes a lot of effort to go doesn't it~

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