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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    Fill Dr. near Charlotte SC

    Do you mean Charlotte NC?
  2. East Coast Band Conference 2008 May 1-4 Charlotte, North Carolina Special room rates for those attending the conference. Rooms will be available at a discount price of $89/night. Contact Kim at lapbandkim@yahoo.com for more info! A great line-up of speakers that includes lap band surgeons, plastic surgeons, psychologists, physical fitness experts, and nutritional experts whose lap band specific topics will empower bandsters with what it takes to succeed with your lap band. Hope to see you there!
  3. sunsett

    NJ March 2008 Chat

    Happy Easter!
  4. I'm very happy for you. I hope that you continue to do so well. When I talk about a relationship with your surgeon, I'm not talking best friends. Of course the goal is to not see any Dr to be healthy and to stay away from them. I hope that none of us have problems. I have, and that is why I am glad that I have the same Dr that did my surgery to take care of me when I have trouble. So many Dr's don't know ANYTHING about the Lap-Band. ER Drs and nurses are not educated very well on the band. To me it is extremely important to have consistant care when needed from someone who is an expert in the field. This is just another viewpoint. I know some who live in the same house they were born in, work at the same job for 40 years, have the same doctor forever...hey, that's great for them! I know some who change there jobs like they change their underpants...move once a year because they don't want to clean their tub...Go to the ER for medical help instead of with a group that knows their medical history where they can help them best..Like you said this is just another viewpoint, whatever works for you works and keep it up.
  5. I'm sorry but I have not heard great things about them. A friend had her band there and when she had a problem they told her basically oh well live with a band that doesn't work. I'm sure there are many good stories, but remember they are a teaching school so the Dr's are in and out of there. The band is something that you need to consider and have a relationship with your surgeon for the rest of your life. If it wasn't for my Dr and the support system that he provides I d not know how successful I would be.
  6. sunsett

    NJ March 2008 Chat

    Oh Kat, I had no idea that you had gone through that! Thanks so much for sharing! I will let you know what they say. The ultrasound report sounds scary to me, but I know they say that if your going to get cancer this is the best kind to get. How was your recovery? Did you feel like you had food stuck in your throat all the time? I've always thought that that was from my band and eating to much. I'm also getting ear pain on my left side which is the bad side. Ok I've chewed your ear off enough oh wait 1 more question wait 2, did you have to stay over in the hospital? What were your symptons? Thanks
  7. sunsett

    NJ March 2008 Chat

    It's not that far!! Please come! It owuld be so great to meet you all! Kat you are unreal!!! OK well I have to go for a biopsy of my thyroid. Not sure when but sooner than later. Just another page in my journal!
  8. sunsett

    Nausea anyone???

    Let your Dr know. You don't want to hurt yourself.
  9. sunsett

    Hello...Newbie From NC!

    Oh well Dr Voellinger has his patients go on a 2 week liquid diet before the surgery. It wasn't bad for me because I was so ready for the band. The reason why he had us do this is because you lose weight first around your liver. They have to move your liver to do the surgery so it makes it easier for them if you do this. Great to see you all here. A lot of local NCers are at Band2gether.net (b2g) Lap band Support Forums - Powered by vBulletin there is a huge get together coming up in May that will be in the University area.
  10. sunsett


    Hi I'm a 9/05er but I thought I's pop in here anyway! This band life isn't easy. Someone asked me last week about the head part! I laughed and said that I honestly felt that that will be an on and off thing for the rest of my life. Getting our heads right is the tough part and I think that this far out it is harder. It isn't easy to lose weight but it is harder to keep it off!
  11. sunsett

    Where are the 9/05 people?

    Mom X we are here to help you! Your not alone and you don't need to feel embarrased on here. We all go through our ups and downs. If you can cut out those drinks I am sure that will help you with the weight loss. Those calories are not worth it. You can do this. I can tell you what I've done, but I am not a perfect bandster at all. However I have always stuck to the rules. Let me know what you need I don't want to lecture you just help you. Hang in there!
  12. sunsett

    Where are the 9/05 people?

    HI, I had to get unfilled 2 weeks ago because of reactions from a bunch of stuff. Being unfilled $usks It isn't that horrible but I can eat more than before thats for sure. There is a big band get together the infor is at Band2gether.net (b2g) Lap band Support Forums - Powered by vBulletin let me know if any of you are going to come. It should be fun!
  13. sunsett

    NJ March 2008 Chat

    Hi I've had a really tought time. Thats why I've been MIA for so long. I have my second leg surgery done and the got DVT and put back into the hosp. Had been throwing up a lot and had to get a complete unfill! Now there is something going on with my thyroid. Besides that everything is wonderful. There is a huge band conference coming up in Charlotte the first weekend in May. People are coming in from all over the place. There are details on Band2gether.net (b2g) Lap band Support Forums - Powered by vBulletin If any of you can come it would be great and will be great! So where is everyone? If I'm not back soon it's just because I am so tired after work that I can't do it, it's not cause I don't care about our Jersey crew!
  14. sunsett

    NC Intro Thread...

    Hi everybody, It has been a rough time for me that's why I haven't been around here. Welcome all you new people. The conference will be at the Hilton in the University area. There will be guest speakers. It will be a wonderful get to gether. If you'd like more info let me know early registration is going on now and it is $100.00. You can find out more details on Band2gether.net (b2g) Lap band Support Forums - Powered by vBulletin or PM Kim or me. I don't know how often Kim gets on here these days. But it is going to be wonderful. Even if your just thinking about getting the band or if you've had it for a while. It will be worth it. I had a hard time with my leg surgery and landed up getting DVT and was back in the hospital. During that time they found something going on with my thyroid. So now I'm going for tests on that. It hasn't been fun, but it's all going to be fine. My legs look great and they are feeling better. My DVT is taken care of now so all is good. Have a good night. It's great to see so many people here.
  15. sunsett

    Hello...Newbie From NC!

    Hi potogurl! I'm not far from you. I live near Weddington/Ballantyne. We have a huge support group here in Charlotte. Who is you surgeon? Welcome to the board. The Lap-Band is the best thing I ever did in my life! I'm excited for you!
  16. sunsett

    NJ February 2008 Chat

    Hi gang, I had my leg surgery on Friday has a hard time with everything send the night and the whole next day in the hopsital. I am have icjing and a rash by the insisiouns i can't spell im to tired sorry. anyway soem of you remember that I had a terrlb;e reaction to my second band surgery a rash and itching well please pray for me cause I'm having some of that now. Haven't slept all nigt can't spell right now eitjer ok sleep time
  17. I have a friend who is taking a marketing class and she asked me if I could give her some feed back on referrals. How many people have you referred to the lap-band? How many people have actually had the surgery? It doesn't have to be exact just a round about #. I can't tell you how many I have referred, lots, but I can tell you that at least 2 have had the band due to my referrals. Thanks for your help! I thought this would be fun.
  18. Gwen I'm so excited for you! How are you feeling? We are all rooting for you! I have a horrible cold otherwise I would have been over to see you by now. :wub: if you need anything. And welcome to BANDLAND!!!!:drool::thumbup::tongue2:
  19. sunsett

    NJ February 2008 Chat

    Hey Betty sorry about your Uncle. I lost mine 2 weeks ago. Didn't someone else loss there Uncle around the same time? Went to the nutritionist yesterday she told me some really helpful things. Sorry no personals today work is busy and I have a bunch of people to help.
  20. sunsett

    Hello Fabulous Fourties!!!

    Hi all, I'm Dianne, turned 48 in December. I've had the band for 2yrs and 4 months. I love my band! I started working for a company and I speak to people who are thinking about having the band. I have gained a bit over the hoplidays but U am so greatful to have a wonderful Dr who has a fantastic support staff. I'm well on my way to my goal.
  21. Candle, You've done so well. Don't you want to share your positive feedback to help others? I totally agree with you about the job thing.
  22. That is good, do you know if they went ahead and had the surgery?
  23. wouldn't that be a wonderful thing!!!
  24. sunsett

    NC Intro Thread...

    Sheila, I have been so busy at work I haven't had time to check in here. The weekly support group looks like it may start in March. I have to have my other leg surgery on February 15th. I have really bad vericose veins and had my first surgery done now I have to have the other leg done. Doc said that I broke the record for insisoins! He did 49! He said this leg won't be as bad, even though it looks worse! Urgh. I will keep you posted. This Saturday guys, I hope some of you come. We had a lot last week. I wouldn't mind going out to lunch afterwards if anyone is up to it.

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