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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    October Chat

    Hi gang, Thanks for all your hugs and encouragement! I am starting to feel better. Next Sunday is the anniversary. I haven't paid attention to the baseball games so I don't even know who's on first..lol... I've been home alone a lot lately. DH away kids in and out. Lucy, Sandy, Poose and I all hanging out together. I'm sure God is preparing me to be by myself more often, since kids will be off to college in a yr or so and DH travels so much. At least I have the girls..lol.. I'm reading a book written by Lysa TerKeurst called What Happens When Women Walk in Faith. It is really helping me right now, with food and everything else is life. I highly recommend it. Sherry-HI Kat- He's HOME! YAY that is amazing! I haven't been on since Thursday or Friday and I'm just catching up! I'm so happy for you guys! Prayers are amazing..GOD is amazing! Eileen-I hope your feeling better by now. Are you having fun poking DH! It's always good for them to get a poke once in a while!..lol... Pat-How are you doing? Patty-hi there, Chick flicks are GOOD! I sure hope your feeling better. Mandy-The puppy is so cute! I'm so sorry about your cat. It is so hard to watch them in the end days. He knows you love him. It's been 2 yrs since my Maggie(cocker mix) died. There are some days I look at her picture and tear up, but most of the time I look at her picture and I smile. BIG HUGS Cindy-That is so cute about the ice cream! LOL What a suck up..lol..smart kid! Those kids are going to miss you! Good luck with the sale. Veggestyle-The 20th of November is a great date! My Grandmother will be 98 that day she is flying to NC to celebrate her birthday with us. She is healthy and happy. So since the 20th is the first day of the rest of your life, your gonna have a good one! Mary-That's really something about your iron! How long did they say you needed to wait? Sorry about the car. I bet they will be great about taking care of it once they see the problem. DH loves his Sonata. When it's time for me to get a new car I think we'll get another one. GL. Chrispy-Wow that is scary about your port. Hang in there. I hope it's looking better and your taking lots of vitamin E and Echinacea!..hugs... Darcy-Hi GF! Betty-I hope you got to read the book and have some hot tea today. Thanks for the hugs! Well it's jammie time and maybe a cup of tea. Have a good night and feel good!
  2. sunsett

    Lap Band Complications

    That is really scary! sorry this happened to you. I don't understand how it could be the band if it is the port that he can't find. Maybe you can get in sooner to see him. Whe I had my problem my dr saw me 2 days later to discuss what was going on. Call them and tell them that thye owe it to you to see him sooner. Good luck.
  3. sunsett

    Exercise for life!

    WOW now I really wish I didn't have that piece of cake tonight!
  4. Hey if there are any Charlotte area people out there we are planning to get together this Saturday at Ruby Tuesdays by Arrowood @ 11:30. I believe there will be a pretty large crowd there. Hope you can come. Angie where are you? We are all worried about you. Loretta- Join me on Saturday pls.
  5. sunsett

    October Chat

    Eileen-Be careful with that back of yours. Feel better. Betty-Thanks, I'm tired and having a tough emotion journey right at the moment. I'll get over it. DH is gone all this week and Saturday is the only day we will see each other this weekend. So I'm also bummed about that. Cindy- WOW you just helped me more than you can imagine! I know what's wrong with me..lol...well sort of....I always get real bummed this time of yr. My DD was VP of CBS special events. Mostly sports! He was in Boston when the Red Socks and Mets were in the world series and he died there. It will be 20 yrs on the 22nd of this month. I can't believe it will be 20 years! WOW Hang in there I know you miss her. It really doesn't go away it just goes in spells. Kat-I've been thinking and praying for you and Rick all night and day. Hugs Beanie-What's happening? Patty-You must feel good knowing that your fighting back. Everyone else HI Well I have to do some work around here and then get ready for our core group girls to come. DD is going out of town today so I'll have the girls alone. I think only one is coming though. Then tonight I'm going to a candle party woweee!!! I know I'll spend $ but maybe I can just get a bunch of Christmas presents taken care of.
  6. sunsett

    Would you do it all again ?

    I had to do it again. And it was no picinic the second time at all! But if I had to do it 3 more times I'd do it in a heart beat! And I was terrified both times.
  7. sunsett

    October Chat

    Kat-I'm glad to hear that Rick is a more stable tonight. My head is aching for you and your family. Let Rick know that he has people all over the country praying hard for him and you. I will send Michele an email with my cell #. Are you verizon? My GF has been in the hospital with her parents for a while and txt messaging each other is really working out nice. I'm sending you ALL my love. We really are a family here aren't we. I know we have all been shedding tears for you Kat. Guys hi...I'm tuckered out I just can't do personals. I have recieved so much sad news from so many friends in the past days that I think I just need to sit back. It has been a sad week and tonight at chior practice we sang a song that was so perfect for my step grandmother that I sobbed through the whole thing. So I'm off to watch the Gilmore girls with DD. Hugs to all...night night.
  8. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    LOL thanks guys now I just have to stay away from the COOKIES!!!
  9. sunsett

    October Chat

    Hi gang, Thank you all for your condolences. I am so glad we drove up. BUT, the weather these past 2 weekends in NJ have STUNK! Cold raining raw outside. But I much say NC tonight feels about the same as NJ did. My grandmother went to the wake. She is 97yrs old and amazing! She will be flying down here to celebrate her 98th BD and Thanksgiving with us. She still travels, and plays cards and reads at least 2 novels a week! She is really something and she looks like she's in her mid 80's. My poor step-grandmother hasn't been good for the past 2 yrs and ever since her love of her life des 8 yrs ago. She was ready I felt peace for her. She was very nice and made my sister and I feel like we were her grandchildren also. She will be missed. Cindy-How nice of those students to come by and say thanks! When we go back to our old town the kids try to stop in at school to say hello to their teachers. I go with them a lot of times it is fun. When we replaced tile in our old house I had a bunch of friends over for a party and I showed them the tile we all had different color hair so we all plucked a hair and put it on the tile to see which would show the least amount of hair..lol..That is not why they came over..lol..it just worked out to be good timing. Mandy-Was it your puppy that ran away? Hope you feel better soon. Pictures looked like you had a great time. Irene-Your boss is making me mad! What a jerk he's being. Do you have the guts to confront him on his behavior or is he a total jerk! Kat-DS's GF just got out of the hospital this morning. She had a high fever and couldn't keep anything down. They finally gave her a cat-scan yesterday and came to the conclusion that it's a kidney infection. It sure seems like it's taken a long time for them to figure this out for your DD. I sure hope that it all works out. I'll keep you posted about DSGF. Eileen-I'm glad Olivia is doing good. Sorry SIL is such a dick! Can I say that..lol..WTF...I don't need a fill but I sure need control! I was so good getting prepared for the car ride. I brought chicken, sliced melon, brought apples, crackers 100 calorie packs, then DD brought a bag of heresy PB KISSES! Hello! and a 100Thou bar for me. I gave half of that to DS. I brought home some melon, all of the apples! WTF Hopefully when we drive up for Christmas I'll bring no crackers no chocolate and only healthy stuff. I was so proud of myself for preparing! ERRR. what church are you going to the big one on 208? I went to Ponds then switched over to Wyckoff Reformed got married there baptized both kids had my confirmation there and DD is buried there. I miss the prettiness of that area so much! Your lucky to live in such a pretty area. Sherry-Glad you got the raise. I hope things feel comfortable soon! Pat- How are your feeling these days? Patty-Any news yet? Hey airborne is great stuff try it it will speed alone your cold! Feel better. Betty-When do you start all of your Christmas baking? Cookies are my biggest weakness! Darcy-We have a Hyundai Sonata and love it. Good luck with you new Van!! Anne, Mary, Allison, Ira, and everyone else..hi hope all is well Well I'm off to the tub I'm so cold I can't get warm. Have a good night.
  10. sunsett

    Sunsett 1 yr later

    Last Tuesday, the 26th, was my 1 year Anniversary..yay..DH and I were in St Thomas, what a way to celebrate! I brought me a beautiful ring for my anniversary present. I thought I'd share a few thoughts. Reflecting back on why I wanted the band. I must say the main reason was my Grandmother she is 97 yrs old healthy still travels and feels good. Fear of getting sick Tired, Cranky, Back Pain, Knee Pain, over all feeling bad most of the time. Fear of being smelly, that was a big one for me because of trouble bending and twisting. AND NOW! I can see my toes in the shower! I can NOT touch my toes but I never was able to even when I was 3! I can get in and out of the car easier! Turning in bed is easier, Getting out of bed is A LOT easier! Sitting to long and getting uncomfortable because Of my BUTT bone! I can wear a bathing suit and not feel like a whale. I can breath in a size 14, for the most part...lol... I hate the thought of a greasy burger from McD's now..Eww I just can't do it anymore and I used to LOVE THEM. I can walk into a room and not be the biggest one there.. I can say to my self I look good so I don't need to really worry about which pants looks better on me. My self confidence has never been so good. On our cruise we went with 2 other couples. Both of the men are VERY skinny. It was decided before we met them that the 3 skinny butts would share a seat! To be called Skinny butt..wow, words can't describe. To go on a moped and feel ok with my body..wow.. The blessings of my band friends another indescribable feeling. I sing to myself and many times out loud..Look What The Lord Has Done..He saved me just in time..I give all the credit and Glory to him.. This past year with the friends I have made on here and my friends and family's support has been a true blessing. I had to have the band replaced and if I had to do it 5 more times I would do it in a heart beat. Thank you all for being here for me.
  11. sunsett

    Sunsett 1 yr later

    WTG DARLA! Reflection is awesome isn't it. It's like starting over again. I'd like to lose another 50 but I'm not in a rush cause I'm very happy the way things are going!
  12. sunsett

    October Chat

    Hi gang, Well This weekend my 2 sisters were supposed to fly down from NY and spend the weekend here and celebrate my older sisters BD. But plans have changed my step grandmother died this morning. She was 90 something and in a home for the past 3 or 4 yrs. It was expected but it is still very sad and in a weird way unexpected. So now we are all off to NJ tomorrow. To bad it;s in Whiting not Oakland! We'll be back on Sunday night. I hope you all have a good weekend. Allison-Glad you like your new job! Sherry-I hope everything works out good for you with you new position. Chrispy-Welcome to bandland!
  13. sunsett

    Sunsett 1 yr later

    Thank you for all the loving relies. It is a true joy to hear the encouragment. I still have a ways to go but I'm looking at this new year as a new begining to continue to stay in the good habits, as much as possible. Bless all of you. This is a picture that my DD put together for me last month. I don't know how it will post so thats why I didn't put it on the picture thread.
  14. sunsett

    Bra Sizes Before/Now

    Ok then I am the freak in the crowd. I have gone from a 46 to a 36/34 I can do 34 in the band but are you sitting down???? I have gone from a DDD to a FF which to me stands for FREAKIN FREAKY!
  15. sunsett

    October Chat

    Kat- You'll see your toes!! Congrats on being half way! We have a dodge Intrepid also. I think it has close to 200 miles on it by now. It is still a great car my DS uses it. It is so cool reflecting on the past year! I posted my reflections on General and have gotten replies that make me cry there so nice. Patty-Hope your feeling better about mailing those papers. I've been out of the loop but I'm thinking it's for the band..WTG..your gonna get it! Cindy-Thanks it's nice to be back. I missed you guys. It is mind boggling about the shootings. We missed the details of the one last week. It is just hard to believe that this stuff really does happen. Hi Eileen Beanie-Thanks, it is nice to be back as I said. I'm glad your taking lunch , Why not you put up so much time. Good luck next time around. Hey check out the web site my son and hisGF are on the cover this qtr. WWW.CAROLINAPEP.COM
  16. sunsett

    Sunsett 1 yr later

    Thanks guys, now I have tears in my eyes! And I have another...Walking into stores and looking at the Plus sizes, everytime I do I thank God for the gift and almost everytime tears fill my eyes..Then I enjoy the heck out of all my new choices!! You guys that aren't there yet, you will be and I can't wait to hear about it!
  17. How exciting! Congrats! That is just wonderful!
  18. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    OK last Tuesday in St Thomas my one year anniversary!
  19. sunsett

    October Chat

    Hey ya'll, We had a wonderful cruise. To many Cookies though..urgh..I gained 1 1/2 pounds! Oh well I guess it could have been a lot worse! I celebrated my 1 year anniversary last Tuesday and tonight I am writting and thinking abou why I got the band and how my life has changed. I am moved to tears a lot of times when I reflect on the past year. I want to thank all of you for being there for me. DH took a picture of me Tuesday so I will paste it our our link. He also brought me a 1 yr anniversary gift in St Thomas!! OH YEAH JEWELS! It is a aquamarine 2K stone with diamonds on the side in a white gold setting. I will take a pic and post it in the next few days. I'm slower than a turtle so please forgive me for not doing personals to everyone and for not catching up on stuff. I'll try my best. Kat-I gained 1 1/2 pounds on the cruise. It wasn't the chocolate it was the COOKIES! oh they were incredible. You did great by not gaining glad you had such a nice time. Sounds like you were working to hard to gain anything! Eileen-How's it going? I haven't checked back on my email since the other day, but I appreciate you emailing me! How is your niece doing? Please PM me and fill me in if you don't mind. I thought surgery wasn't till November. DArcy-Congrats on your new van! It is so much fun to get a new car! Cindy-Wow I thought oh cool Oct 2nd I can at least catch up on Oct...well we'll see..lol.. Pat-I'm a slow poke, second opinion? Is everything ok? How's the foot? Patty-I also hope you hear soon and that the timing will be better than you ever thought it could be! Betty-I can never catch up... Beanie-That sure does suck! I'm sorry to hear about the job. I CAN SEE MY TOES!!!!
  20. sunsett

    Hair Loss Study

    At least 60 gms of protien a day will help stop the hair loss. I am 1 yr out and over all I have averaged about 75 pound weight loss I take vitaband as my vitamin and when I remember I take my 2 tums.
  21. sunsett

    September's Chat

    Hey guys I'll see you in a week and a half. Take care be good, and you know I'll be thiking of you. I'm so excited I can't see straight.
  22. sunsett

    Game: This or That

    OK where have I been that I never saw this thread..and now I"m leaving so I have no time to read the whole thing! cruises or hikes!!! See ya in a few weeks......
  23. sunsett

    I have a surgery date!

    Congrats and good luck!
  24. sunsett

    September's Chat

    Anne-Have a fun birthday night! Eileen-Sorry you don't get much time on here these days. We all miss you. Cindy-Oh perhaps I should make your vision reality...lol..I never thought of doing it that way! If I do I'll get a picture for you..lol maybe I'll do it just for you! Betty-Thanks, I'm going to try Cindy's idea..soon...Congratulations on the raise! That's wonderful! Beanie-where are you these days? Darcy-Lucy needs you! Ok I got my hair highlighted and trimmed. She styled it so that I look like a mushroom head!! lol Tomorrow I'll fix it right. This time next week I'll be cruising! AHH I'm excited and nervous. Dr's office called this morning to tell me that my insurance company is saying that my Dr isn't in network and they aren't paying for fills or anything! OMG, WTF!!! So they cancelled my appointment for Monday, and he may now be out of network WTF again!!! I don't need a fill right now and I'm feeling pretty good even thought the scale isn't moving much. I know that this band is Gds will for me so I just have to relax and know that all the insurance CRAP will work out fine. Lucy Had me up several times again last night. I'm getting real sick of this! We went back to the Dr and she is now on an antibiotic. I sure hope we get sleep tonight I just can't take these nights of getting up. Speaking of getting up from bed its time to go to bed. Have a good night gang sleep tight....
  25. sunsett


    Between Curves and my band I have done fantastic. I can't say enough good things about it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
