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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. I'm 13 months out and my port gets tender at times. I sure wouldn't want anyone hitting me there.
  2. sunsett

    any regrets

    I had my band last September. 4 months to the day later I found out that I was one in thousands to have a leak in my band. So with out a fill I lost over 40 pounds. I had to have the whole surgery done again. It was no picinic doing it twice. If I had to do it again for a 3rd time I wouldn't think twice. I struggle with head issues and I am learning to eat very slow, but after 13 months I have lost 76 pounds and many sizes. I love my band!!!
  3. sunsett

    October Chat

    OMG Patty-WOW I'm so sorry. How awful! I am sending prayers your way. Hang in there the weekend is here. Go take a hot bath and relax. Sherry-Things sure sound upside down over there. TGIF! You and Beanie are sure having a tough time right now! My DH is in the same spot although they also decided to show him there appreciation by cutting his commission stupid JERKS!! I guess this crap just takes place everywhere. It sure is sad. Mandy-It took me a year and a half to replace Maggie, our cocker mix. I knew that God would put the right puppy in front of me and he did, that's crazy Lucy! We do have another dog and cat though. Before Maggie we had a lab and that was all, so within 3 days we found Maggie, I just couldn't wait. Good luck So sorry for your loss. How nice of them to make that donation I've never heard of that before. Well DD and I were going to go up to the Biltmore Estate today and spend the night, but it is raining cats and dogs so we are going to go next weekend. I have started this new fantastic medicine. It helps people to stay awake but they have found that it helps with stress, anxiety and depression and the best part boosts your matabalisium! YIPPIEEEE. Today is my second day on it. I should feel something within 7 days he said. Well so far so good! Have a good night gang Hi to everyone I missed.
  4. sunsett

    October Chat

    Oh Eileen-I'm so sorry it is horrible when your back is like that. Are you doing any stretches like the camel back one? I went to a PT this last time and I learned so much and it helped so much. AW Mandy-I'm so sorry. It is so painful to lose an animal. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Cindy-Glad to hear the floors are almost done. Our SS class is starting Living an Extradinary Life by Charles Stanley. I just picked it up tonight so I can get a head start. Patty-I understand what your going through. Stand tall and keep doing what your doing! Your such a good Mommy. Beanie-We had a fun night. I'm exhausted tonight though bed early tonight for me. Chrispy-How is work and the band going? Mary-I can't believe it's snowing there! Or anywhere. It is so cold here too. I agree Hibernation time! Betty-I feel so bad for your DB. Darcy-Hi! I gotta run DH want s to hang out together so I can't finish reading up. Have a good night everyone and I'll fill you all in as soon as I can.
  5. sunsett

    Prayer Chain????

    We should have a forum for that. So we can easily click on it.
  6. sunsett


    sorry to hear your having such troubles. I bet you'll lose a lot!
  7. sunsett

    October Chat

    Good Morning! DS and I took DD out for her first offical legal drink it was fun. She is not a drinker at all. We had a nice family time DH is in Dallas and coming home tonight. They want to g partying with us tonight! LOL DS wants to take Kelly out to martini night tonight. And they want Mom and Dad to go with them! I don't feel like it but how blessed am I that they want me to be a part of there celebration! Hope you'll have a good day.
  8. sunsett

    October Chat

    Patty- I'm sorry your having a tough time. Hang in there we are here for ya. HUGS... Beanie-70's and cold just don't seem right to be in the same sentence. Hope your neck feels better soon. Those 2's will be here very soon! I can't wait to hear that! Anne-Good Luck with the gym. Curves is about 2 miles from here so it is pretty easy for me to go there. I do enjoy it but it sure is hard dragging my butt out the door a lot of times. Sherry-I wish I was smart like you! I'd love to do the splenda thing but I'm chicken! OK so Where is EILEEN? Has anyone heard anything I'm getting worried. Getting ready to take DD out for her 1st legal drink! It's 11:19 so I'd better get my shoes on. It's going to be fun she's so cute. DS is going with me he's been talking about it for the past 2 yrs.
  9. sunsett

    Need Help And Support!!!

    Perhaps some of what is going on with you is your head. To be at goal can be scary I'm sure. I know being close to it can be scary. Listen to Jacks advice and hang tight you can do this. Just step away from the bad stuff it really isn't GOOD!
  10. sunsett

    Oprah Today: Weight Loss and Obsessions

    I agree with Jack! Also I sure watch a lot more of the food channel, exercise more and play pogo a lot. Drinking I don't do because of the calories although sometimes I'll have a vodka tonic, shopping, I now enjoy but the $ isn't there as much as I'd like to to so I won't even consider spending more than $30 on a sweater. Writting, I have begun to write more and that is a lot of fun, perhaps that will become my obsession.
  11. sunsett

    I'm in Onederland!!

    Congrats! It sure is a wonderful feeling! You are doing terrific!
  12. We have all made a major life changing desission to change ourselves for the better. We have to say good bye to our old way Your most likely going through mourning right now. I was talking to a friend this morning telling her the tough time I've been having lately and she said your going through a typw of mourning. That made sence to me before the banding and right after, but a year later? Well it does make sence and I think it will be an on and off thing for a very long time. Hang tight, write your feelings in a journal and come here for hugs....
  13. sunsett

    October Chat

    Come stay at my house! We still get all the seasons but the winters aren't that hard! Not much snow if any. Common temp is 50's, although it is only 47 this morning! But by mid February my DH is usually mowing the lawn! Betty-Oh how horrible about your DB! I'm so sorry. Mary- what does EDI stand for? Kat-My DS turns 23 in February. Don't you wish you wrote more things down when they were little so you could remember those special times more? Your such a good GM! So glad DH is doing so well. I can't believe he is back to work already! Sorry about DD's infection. Do they still not know why this has happened? Does she feel ok? Is she in pain? Cindy-Sounds like Calgon time! Went to Curves this morning and got weighed and measured. If you count the weight I gained from the cruise I lost 5 pounds if you count the pre cruise weight I lost 2 pounds. So I'm saying 2 pounds. And then I lost 1 3/4 inches somewhere. I thought and feel like it should be more than that, but it's something and that's good. I now see the 180's in the not to distant future which makes me want to dance! I am trying a new thing at Curves. I'm trying to go at least 5 times a week and do there routine 3 of the days and the other days jog for 30 minutes.so we'll see if this helps with moving the scale a little faster. Eileen-We are ALL want to hear from you? How ya doing sweetie? Have a good day gang.
  14. sunsett

    Bye Y'all

    How exciting!!
  15. sunsett

    October Chat

    Hi just wanted to pop in real fast and check on everyone. Eileen how did the Dr go today? My baby turns 21 on Wednesday..AHH I can't believe it. Time sure flies when your having fun. Have a good night.
  16. sunsett

    I Hop observation

    I- HOP PEOPLE<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> It is 11:00 AM and I am sitting in an I Hop waiting for a business associate to meet me, she's late. As I sit here waiting and observing my surroundings I notice several things.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> The majority of the people here at this time are in their 60's there are a few younger but not much younger, you can tell the difference because they have the tattoo's and request the smoking section. <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> As they open the door and walk to the restaurant they walk quickly standing tall with a little hop in there step. <o:p></o:p> Everyone requests a booth. I wonder why, is it because in a booth you feel as though the people surrounding you won't see how much you eat? Is it because you can?I always wanted to sit in a booth it made me feel better about my self maybe I wasn't THAT fat. You know if worst comes to worse you can sit straighter and rest your boobs on the table! You can be guaranteed that you will get sticky sitting in the booth. Even though you watch the waitress wipe off the table, somebody had poured to much syrup and the waitress missed that spot.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> This meal has nothing to do with feeling comfortable in a booth or tasting a meal that is so good your going to go home and tell a friend they need to go there. It has everything to do with filling up the stomach with lots of greasy food. <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> There mouths are watering, is it going to be 3 eggs over easy side of 3 pancakes, hashbrowns, sausage links and toast? Or one of their other dishes, perhaps Swedish pancakes, blintzes, waffles, or an omelet? What ever it is it is going to be BIG, who cares if it tastes good, big is what counts to these folks this morning.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Back in High School I used to come here. Oh it was such a treat Joyce, David, Patty, Matt and a few others of us would cut school drive over to Wayne NJ and Hop into I-Hop I always ordered the exact same thing a waffle with blueberry commode whip cream and sausage links. Sometimes we would all go late at night. We always got a booth. I could fit very easily in the booth back them. As I sit here memories of those days come back and it was a very fun and enjoyable treat. We didn't go very after because it was quite a distance from where we lived. <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> I'm still waiting, she's not here yet. That's ok, I am truly enjoying sitting here reminiscing of the old days. Now some of the people are leaving. They are not standing as straight as they did when they walked in. There not even smiling, and they are kind of hunched over. You know that feeling, sticky fingers and I can't believe I ate the whole thing! I feel sick. <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Well it has been a half an hour. I haven't eaten a thing and I feel sticky and full.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p>
  17. sunsett

    Eating disorders....

    Karen, Thanks for all of that I was bulimic in HS and off and on for years after that. The 1st thing I did before speaking to anyone professional about the band was talking to another bulimic to ask her about years of recovery. I do not feel bulimic with the band. I fear that I could become bulimic if I was to ever not have the band. It has helped me with my desires to not purge. Eating disorders are very complex. I would not stress over worrying about if your bulimic or going to turn bulimic. Try to step back learn what your body can handle and enjoy the journey. food, scales and clothing sizes can put a big damper on your success.
  18. Why fight about parenting! This is not the topic here is it! Start another thread for that who has time to waste reading that if your not interested... It makes sense what was said about the band being a good choice for bulimics. That makes perfect sense to me. When I was a teen I tried it on and off for several years. I don't see how you could do it very well with the band. I hope she does well and gets the help that she needs. She must be hurting quite a bit to go to this extreme.
  19. sunsett

    PB'ing can lead to this!!! Must Read!!

    Thanks for the info. I hope your friend will do well this morning. This all makes me determined to eat and drink even slower!
  20. sunsett

    October Chat

    Hi gang gotta hit the road early this morning. Where is everyone? Are you guys sleeping? No posts last night? Hope your all good. Have a good day.
  21. sunsett

    Scary Thoughts

    I carry my medical card with me that is from my Dr's office that says I have the adjustable band. Hopefully they would look in my wallet.
  22. sunsett

    Tracking obsessively?

    I literally threw my scale out the window! Numbers can put me in a very bad mood. It is so not worth it to me. I weigh once a week at curves. I usually skip TOM week though
  23. sunsett

    October Chat

    Sherry-It was the beginning of September, around the 9th I think. Mandy-I know it's so hard..hugs..you will be with him again. Cindy-Congrat on the WL! That is great! Kat-I'm so glad Rick is doing so well and DD is holding up well also. I can't he's ready to go back to work in a week..wow..but your right he'll be at a computer and he won't be alone so that's good. Mary-I hope the betta is swimming happily for you when you get in this morning. Betty- I am confused! I get stuck..sometimes I get the foam thing...sometimes I "throw up, sortof" so what's what. Getting stuck seems to be cause I eat to fast, foam thing which I think is PB usually happens when I have some type of bready thing and the gagging combo thingy I think is with bread and perhaps red meat. Last night I had a couple of bites of carrots and then many 3 bites of the pot roast and bingo. I will keep track. Should I only do liquids today? I did a shake this morning and I'll see what's for lunch at the meeting I go to if I can get away with just soup then I will. I'm off to curves then running around all day.
  24. sunsett

    Shrinking feet???

    I got a ring last Dec for my BD and it was a VERY tight 6 but DH and everyone else said wait a while before you get it resized..lol..not I will have to get it resized smaller not bigger! Yes all my shoe that I have are to big. I have slip on pretty shoes and I was out doing business last week and I had to climb a flight of stairs outside, they kept falling off on every step...lol...it is fun isn't it!
  25. sunsett

    October Chat

    Well I don't quiet know how to take this! My GF who had the Y back in March is now fitting into a size 10. All of her 12's are to big. She is very petite so I knew it was coming, but...Tonight she gave me a some clothes...AHHH..I need them I told her to give them to me but AHHH...lol...I'm happy for her. She doesn't see it in herself at all..who does that sound like...lol...but she didn't take any pictures of her self before the surgery, she wouldn't listen to me! Irene-WOW your gonna make it girl!!! I know you are. I'm so excited for you! YOu sound happy and pumped up. That's great I'm cheering for you...GOOOOO BEANIEEE GO! Chrispy-I'm so glad your doing better. That must have been terrifying for you. Cindy-How was your Dr.s appointment today? Eileen-How's the back ust be in season! My GF and DH can't stand straight! Sherry, Mandy, Patty, Betty, Pat and everyone else hi! OH I made this wonderful crockpot meal tonight and had 3 bites then hhorrible PB my throat is sore. Question time, Is PBing 2 times a week way to much? Sometimes it's just stuck but at least once a week it comes up. Do I need to be conserned enough to tell the DR?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
