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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    November chat...again....

    Chrispy-I'm a 36FF or a 34G! I don't think that Lane Bryant goes past DDD. I'm going to try Nordstrom's they are supposed to be wonderful at helping you get fitted. Thanks. Betty-I'll let you know how Nordstrom's goes. Be careful driving today in the fog. Cassandra-When I woke up from the surgery I couldn't believe how good I felt. It is so normal to have second thoughts. All I can tell you is it has changed my life and I'm loving it. Eileen-LMAF!! That was so cute! Sherry-That is so funny! Well I went to curves this morning. My back has been real bad since I went bowling like an idiot last week! What was I thinking..duhhh..anyway it was good to get back there. See you guys later..don't forget to vote today!
  2. sunsett

    Nov 17th band date but help

    You can crush most pills up. I take a pretty large pill everyday. Somedays are harder than others.
  3. sunsett

    Hot or Cold Drinks

    Are you eating and drinking at the same time or are you drinking 20-30 before you try eating? I am very careful with drinking before meals. Hot or cold doesn't seem to make a dfference with me.
  4. sunsett

    I Did It

    You guys can do it. Before you know it you'll e eating anything you want. Hang in there and enjoy the WL!
  5. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    And the dust never seems to go away after doing that! Urgh I feel for you Cindy, but you will say why didn't we do it sooner!
  6. sunsett

    November chat...again....

    Kat and Cindy, You must be kidding us! Never a fart story! Kat I almost fell of my chair laughing at your bogger story. I don't think I have one of those. Cindy- say hi to George for me! I hope your bringing your camera. Patty and Mandy-I have had many meetings! Hated them got so nervous! My DS was in the handicap preschool so we started very young. Do not believe everything they tell you! They told me that he would never be a lawyer or Dr. Well he is on his way to being a PA which is pretty much a Dr if you ask me! He struggles and it breaks my heart, but he is determined. It is taking him a lot longer than most but it's ok. He has a dream and a mission in his life and he is going after it! So take a deep breath. Try not to get overwhelmed. My prayers are with both of you and the kids, I know how you feel and I hurt for you..((hugs)) Cassandra-Hi and welcome! We have so much fun here as you can tell all secrets come out over time. Before you know it you'll be telling us fart stories..lol.. Where are you getting banded? I love my band if you have any questions were all here for you. Darcy-You must have a story or to for us!! This weekend sounds like fun. I'm sure you look great! How are you doing? You sound down in the dumps. Do you need a kick or a hug? My thought is a little of both? I have a new tip..put a bowl of almonds out on your counter, and in a baggie in the car. When you want something have a few. They are good for you and taste good. They really have helped me especially in the car. Pat-My DH does it in bed and then waves the covers so the smell doesn't stay under the covers! OMG it is awful! lol we do laugh though. Betty-LOL your boss is mean..lol..I can't believe told everyone!lol The bra saga continues!! I have been to Belk, Dillard's and two other small shops searching high and low for right the over the shoulder bolder holders! Well I have decided that I want to open a store called..sorry if I offend anyone...Tits R Us! It will carry sizes that they don't even make yet. Any color you can think of. Maybe even a men's section! A section with two different sizes. Big Small Fat Tall Thin Average. This story is going to make you feel GREAT cause you will find exactly what your looking for. Ok I'm going off to much here now. But I gotta tell you this is not an easy job! So far no luck! I'm ready for a reduction soon at this point!! I do have a most embarrassing story for ya'll but I have taken up enough space here with my boobage. Everyone have a good night. I'm still laughing at the stories!
  7. sunsett

    November chat...again....

    Kat- Your Halloween sounded very cool! I really want to have a party next year. I hate the evil stuff but so do my friends. I've been saying this for a while now but I really am going to do it next year. Aww good luck with the puppy. You know I love my Lucy and Sandy! Lucy is a handful though. She is pulling up our carpet! WTF! Pat-Good to see you. Last December I really thought I was going to cough my band up! I had to finally go on steroids to get over it. That really stunk! I'm starting to be full of snot now to just took airborne hopefully I took it in time. Yuck I hate this! Eileen-WOW you do have a lot of crap going on. I'm glad your full of air and your farts smell like brownies!! Wish mine did! Sorry about FIL. How's your back doing? Mary-Thanks for asking. I am feeling better about things. Thanks for asking. DD and I had some mother daughter time and it was really great and much needed. Betty-Airborne and hand sanitizer is my best friend. Unfortunately I haven't been keeping up with them lately! Feel better Mandy-One of these days I'm going to go to Chicago. I'll let you know! Le2sha-Take your time eating. Be very slow. I was on thick soup when I got home. I don't remember them saying how much I could have. But I know if you have protein shakes you will feel fuller and you can take double scoops. Ok now I have a horrible fart story. At choir practice no less. OMG! The most Godaweful smell in your LIFE. So I quickly moved to the other side of the room to make people think it was someone else! Nice huh..oh if only they smelled like brownies! And on that note I'm going to have spinach quiche for dinner...AHH look out DH!
  8. I'm a 14 now from a 24/26. I am thrilled. I can't wait for a 12, but I'd really like to be a 8/10
  9. sunsett

    November chat...again....

    WTG Beanie on the WL! WOW girl your so close to twoterville!! I'm so excited for you!! YAYYYYYYY:clap2: :clap2: Mandy-What a cutie she is. Hi everyone else. DD and I are going to Ashville to the Biltmore tomorrow and coming home on Saturday night. We are real excited. Hope everyone has a good weekend if I don't get on here.
  10. sunsett

    October Chat

    Hey guys, I'm kind of bumbed found out some stuff tonight thats go me real down and confused, not sure what to do or how to handle it feeling totally alone on this one not sure where to go with it. DH just wouldn't get it. I had 4 or 5 pieces of candy. I could have done better, I was doing better but then when I found this out I sort of said WTF! Gave most to DS GF. Kat thats scary be careful.
  11. sunsett

    How to lose a perfectly good band.

    Yikes thats aweful. Glad your recovering. Take it slow.
  12. sunsett

    October Chat

    Mandy-Life does get to be to much sometimes. I'm sorry that your grieving it does take a while. Try not to stress about the party stuff. The gummy worms did make me laugh because I do the same thing! Then I look at the calories and have night mares! Go buy a bag of grapes and a bag of almonds. Keep them out on the counter at all times! And when you need to crunch or squirt go for it..lol.. Hugs.. Sherry-I hate that! I'm going on 2 weeks with no PBing yay! Feel better. Kat-You crack me up! Please don't steal my will power completely...I'll give you some though...ALLACAZAMMMMM...DO YOU FEEL IT? Patty-I used to get my self sick when I had to take the kids in for shots. I would be so upset just thinking about them being upset. Your planning very well. That blanket, stuffed animal, candy, Magic Kingdom and Mommy hugs...WOW what a lucky boy. DS and I made a real cute costume for hisGF. She loves Peanut Butter so we made her a Jif jar! It really came out great. He wanted everything perfect. We had such a nice time together. I will take a picture of her and post it. I miss making costumes. The best one I ever did was when I made my DD a bag of popcorn I'll have to find that picture. I really want to dress up! I think next year we might have to have a party just so I can dress up. I do have a hooker outfit but I just don't think that would be a good thing to wear on a sales call..do you? Have fun today. Take lots of pictures and STEP AWAY FROM THE CANDY!!!
  13. sunsett

    October Chat

    Sherry-You sound so happy that's great! I bet you'll make your New Years wish you don't have far to go. I've been ding good with exercise and evertime I try do do something like that I screw my self up. But good luck! Kat-I love your groups challenges! That is a really good idea. Mandy-WOW are you taking anything for all that energy. Patty-You are so cool! I have been praying for you. We are in a bind right now I wish I could help you though. Hang in there. Chrispy-What a cute costume. Glad your feeling well. Betty-I'm exhausted too. I don't know what it is. Stinks though I was up this morning ready to dance at 5! Eileen-Have fun tomorrow with DD!! Beanie-I'm excited for you!!! It's happening! Yippieee! Cindy-You will have to post before and after pics for us of the house. Sounds like it is going to be beautiful! Well I have been trying to make sales calls to get at least 2 more advertisers by next Wednesday. Say a little prayer! I do love doing what I do but I hate being stood up! That happened twice today..errr..my gas and time! I will be home tomorrow passing out candy. DD promised to hang home with me and help. I would like to dress up but I have a sales appointment and don't think it's a real good first impression, but I may change my mind. I brought my candy over a month ago and haven't opened it up yet. I sure hope I won't try anything when I do open it. I am on a losing streak right now and don't want to lose it! Have fun tomorrow.
  14. sunsett

    new to lapbandtalk, newly banded

    Welcome. I love my band I'm sure you will too!
  15. sunsett

    New Kid on the Block!

    Welcome Vera, I do not think your to optimistic if you stick with the band rules. I lost 75 in a year. I battle PMS time and that has made my loss slower, but I am thrilled with the WL anyway.
  16. sunsett

    My Mistake.

    You can do it Bobby. It really is worth it and not that bad. Once in a while I will have a sip but it is very rare.
  17. I go through spells with cravings. But I try to make the healthy choices now. I have been a grazer all my life. You feel less hungry with the band and for me the chocolate desire is still there a lot of the time. You just have to deside am I going to have a grape or a hersey's kiss. In time it gets easier. But I think the head battle will continue on and of for ever. GL believe me if I could stop grazing anyone can.
  18. WOW Jackal like Jack I'm dancing for you! WTG
  19. sunsett

    Is Walking Enough?

    I go to curves and skip 4 of the machines because of my back and knees. I don't walk as much as I should but I do do curves. I have for the ast 2 weeks gone 4 and 5 days. On my off days I just go on the boards that they have and jog in place and move my arms. It gets me out of the house and I feel accountable to the people there. I have only heard wonderful things about walking so if that is all you can do go for it and you will have great success. I just don't want you to think you can't go to curves if you can't use all of the machines. good luck
  20. sunsett

    gastric band after gastric bypass

    How much protien are you getting in a day? I don't think it's a matter of how little you have to eat a day to lose it's changing your matabolism. My PCP suggested I eat 5-6 bites every hour of some type of protien of fruit. This is something that I go back and forth with, but you may want to try it since you can't eat much in the morning. He says to still eat lunch and dinner as usual and not to worry about the calories because you are only eating a very small amout. He also says that by eating this way we are tricking our bodies and retraining them so that they don't think we are starving. Good luck let me know how it goes for you.
  21. sunsett

    losing sizes

    How about exercising? Are you guys doing that also? I have been going to curves and I think that if it wasn't for curves I would not be a size 14. I started out a 26 13 months ago. It does feel like I have been in a 14 for ever though. Hang in there your all doing great. All of a sudden one day you will look and you'll be down 2 size!
  22. sunsett

    any regrets

    My insurance paid for the second surgery. At least the hospital portion. I don't know if they have paid the Dr yet and I'm not sure if they will, I leave that for them to handle. Good luck.
  23. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    WOW Sherry I can't believe how much of a diffence 15 pounds makes! You look FANTASTIC!!! WTG
  24. sunsett

    October Chat

    Mary-I can't wait to see the costume! Sorry that your job is so unfair lately..go have a kaluha for me pls. Mandy-Did you find a kitty today? Eileen-I hope your doing stretches in the mean time! Glad the back is getting better. Hey what is dd for Halloween this year? We will be in Oakland on Dec 22nd sleeping at our friend house and then heading to Warwick mid morning on the 23rd. When we get closer I'll let you know the exact details as best as I can, but I'm thinking we'll be in Oakland around 4-5ish. It will be so great to see you again!! I hope we can do this it will have to be another quickie though. Do you know the Capo's? Patty- I'm so sorry about all this happening to you right now. I will pray for a hedge of protection around you the boys and your finances....hugs.... Cindy-That's great about the bra size! I went to Dillard's today and I didn't like they way they measured me so I will have to go back to a small store and have them do it again. Your size 16's will be here before you know it! Well DH DD and I went to see the in-laws again today in Columbia SC. We had a really nice time. Us girls had our nails done. DD and MIL had the feet I had the nails. It was a fun day. Then we went to their country clubs new restaurant and the food was just food. Nothing great at all, but it's new, we'll try it again in a few months. Other than that my new meds are making me sing, laugh, smile and dance. So I guess I'm doing good..lol..Have a good night.
  25. sunsett

    Help- pain

    Wow Sorry your having such trouble. Have you talked to your Dr? Are you taking an antacid? If I were you I wouldn't wait any longer to see your Dr. Good luck.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
