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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    Here is the famous cat that you always here about in Lucy's Bedroom! His name is Poose. It is Norweigian for cat
  2. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    Another on of crazy Lucy. She winks!
  3. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    Lucy just jumped on her lap and kissed her. She will be 98 tomorrow. I truly am blessed!
  4. sunsett

    November chat...again....

    Well things have been crazy around here. And I think they will be getting crazier! Tomorrow is my DGM's 98th BD yes 98. She flew here by herself on Wednesday. She is amazing! I think I told you all this already if I did sorry..Tomorrow I'm have some friends over for dinner to celebrate, Tuesday the cleaning lady come and Wednesday my nephew and his family, and my in-laws all come. DH will be going out of town tomorrow for the day and then leaving again Tuesday morning and coming home Wednesday night..WTF I'm getting sick of all this travel chit but I'm to tired to go there. I have been tense and anxious and teary. Going to Dr on Tuesday to say HELP ME IM GOING INSANE! Meet the NC Laplanders yesterday and had a really nice time. I keep telling them they need to come hang out with us. Well I'm off to bed I know I missed a lot but please know that I love ya and am thankful to all of you for being here and your friendship and support. Sherry-Thanks for the positive thoughts! You are doing so great with the exercise!! WTG! Pat-Good luck with the tree. I went looking today for mine and they were also out of the one I liked! Mary-How cool he week off! Enjoy! Eileen- You crack me up! I'm looking forward to seeing you!! How's DD feeling? Cindy-Hi, how's it going! I got so excited for you and all of us when I read your post to Cassandra. I couldn't have said it better myself! Mandy-How old is your little lady? Every moment is special and exciting. My baby girl just turned 21. Cassandra-I'm excited for you! Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of you life! And let me tell you your going to enjoy the heck out of it. GL and check in as soon as you can! Betty-You sure were the baking queen last year. I don't know how you did it without eating all the dough! I baked cookies one this year and ate way to much dough! Darcy-That is a beautiful quilt. I can't even sew a button. I give you lots of credit for being able to do that. Kat-Hi I was only on for a few last night. It has been a bit nuts around here lately. You are so lucky to be so young and enjoy having a GD. I hope someday I will be able to do the same. Chrispy, Beanie, Mary, Patty, and everyone one else. HI how's it going?
  5. sunsett

    ? about breast reduction

    Wow Thanks everyone. Myra I'm glad yoru DD is doing so well. I go to my PCP on Tuesday and I plan on telling him that it is time for him to help me out and recommend a reduction. So far everyone I have spoken to has said that they are thrilled they did it. Thanks for bringing up the proportion issure Chrispy. I never looked at it that way and it sure does make a lot of sense! I will let you all know what he says on Tuesday!
  6. 1. My relationship with God 2. My DH, DS and DD 3.Looking in the mirror and saying not bad. 4. My Protien Shakes 5. My supportive friends and family
  7. WOW I'm so sorry to hear that. It seems strange that all of a sudden you have these problems. good luck
  8. sunsett

    November chat...again....

    WOW so many MIL problems! I'm very lucky. We did have a period when things we not good but all if good now. I feel bad for all the kids involved. Eileen- We are coming to NJ Oakland on the 21 and 22nd for a little while. Time is nuts as you know, but I'm hoping that Saturday morning I can sneak out and meet you for a little while! Kat-I sent you my info but I am like Eileen with to much stuff. Could you but a ?mark by my name let people know that I'm a ditz and may not get them out. I just really want everyone's info and what a great way! I promise though I will try. Hey Betty-I did get another bra but my problem is the wire hits the port and it hurts all the time..errr..thanks for asking. I'm ready to go to one of those custom places. Bummer that you have to work next Friday! Pat-My friends told me I was nuts when I thought of getting an other perm..So I am holding off..lol..they were like oh no you can't do that! It would be easier! On the 22nd I am going to be in Eileen's home town that morning so I'm hoping we can get together even if it's just for a quick Christmas hug. Cindy-WTG on the WL!!! Cassandra-Feel better TAKE AIRBORNE right now! Go to the store and buy it. It is full of vitamins and you will be fine in no time..promise..you can get it at the grocery store but Costco's has better prices. I Have been running and having stress!! I'll tell you all about it when I have a chance. Hope everyone is good. Have a good night.
  9. sunsett

    November chat...again....

    Cassandra-I painted a mural the day before my surgery. It really helped to get my mind off of it. I'm very excited for you! Mary-It's so good to hear from you. Thanks for Jay's prayers. I haven't heard anything new yet but I know they will be going in soon. Kat thanks for doing the list! I haven't been able to go to curves since last Tuesday! AHH but I hope to on Thursday! Cindy-Thanks for the prayers. I think that it is wonderful all the years that you have put into the school system. And I want to thank you for it. I am sure that you have affected many student and parents lives with your caring heart and you faith. Mandy-She's got the nuggets..lol..how cute is that! Poor little on I hope she isn't having that bad of a time. WOW Mandy that is quite a hurtful situation. I'm sorry. OK gotta run our SS women are getting together for desert! YUM..I'll fill you in later on the boob situation I know you can't wait!
  10. Big Boobs and wire bra's Ok my boob saga continues! Does anyone have pain with thier port and wire bra's? I have constant pain and I'm sure it's because of my wire bra. However I need the wire for the support. When I sit I think that the wire hits the port! Do you have any suggestions on how to handle this one?
  11. sunsett

    Port, Wire Bra and Boobs! Bad combo!

    Well I went to 5 stores in a week trying to get fit right and my last was was Nordstroms. She fit me and it felt good in the store. Now that I am wearing it it doesn't feel good anymore. I thinking I may have to have a custom built bra! AHHH I made an appointment to see my band Dr today and the receptionist said it sounds like you need a PS! I dont' think I am ready for a reduction yet but if it keeps hurting like this I guess I'll have too. Hope you both feel better too.
  12. sunsett

    November chat...again....

    Pat-Hi thanks for the web site I'll check it out. What kind of tree and how much? I'm looking for a new one and that one is beautiful! Mandy-How was Christmas shopping? Eileen-Sorry about your in law stuff. It is so sad that our parents have to get old. Glad your fill is going good!! That's great! Betty-How are you feeling these days? So can you share your pot roast recipe. I'm ready for some! Patty-God is so cool with stuff like that! I had an anxiety problem tonight about $ and was lead in the right direction, of course tithing was put at the tp of my list and now I have peace. He is so cool. He was tugging at you to go to church and then he confirmed your actions. I wish I could remember to put him first all the time! I'm working on it though. How were the cookies? I WANT ONE!! please...lol Darcy-Hi glad you had a good weekend. How the food going? How's the head doing? Terrimck1-I have on and off reflux issues. A had my worst case on Friday night. I am mostly doing liquids for a few days to calm things down. You need to tell your Dr have you had a fill yet? Hi Chrispy sounds like your excited and doing well! Mandy-It does take a while that's for sure. I still miss my Maggie. But Lucy and Sandy sure put a smile on my face. I'm clad your kitty likes LBT, he looks like he should consider the band. I wonder what his PB's would be like! AHH Kitty foam...lol..keep him fat he's cute! How DD pox today! When mine had them I handed them both a paint brush and they painted grass on the wall in my DS BR. I painted a dinosaur and he needed grass. it was one of those times I'll never forget. Kat-How cool no hunger!! I love when that happens! How is DH and DD doing? WOW that is scary about Donna. Perhaps she went to the other web site. Maybe we all need to PM each other our phone #'s. Betty-I also missed the Christmas list thing. I am terrible with cards though. Every year I buy them and that's about it! They never get mailed out. I'm not good at stuff like that. Cass-I bet your getting more excited by the day!! I like that picture! Cindy-I thought maybe you were dusting to much to come say hi. You sound great! Glad things are moving right a long. Have you been at the same school all this time? It's good you will still have some contact there I bet it would be a lot harder if you didn't. Sherry-I want to go dance! Sounds like so much fun! I hope your son does well tomorrow! Irene-How are you? Your NJ trip doesn't sound like it was to much fun this time. Hopefully next time you will see Eileen. I hope to see her on Dec 22!! DH and I had a nice time in Myrtle Beach. Sad story though. One of his business associates who is only 30 was diagnosed with thyroid cancer last yr. To make a long story short we were with him on Thursday. I was talking to him about this past year and how hard it has been for him. He left the meeting Friday morning early to go back for his 1 yr results. Well if you all could say a prayer for Jay and his family. His cancer is back! He was going in today for a cat scan and then surgery will hopefully be before Thanksgiving. My heart is breaking for him. He has 2 young kids and his wife. He is so young and he must be terrified. I told him I don't think I could handle something like this and then now he has to go through it all over again. It must be mind boggling to all of them. On a lighter note I went to a wonderful conference today! Traffic was horrible and I had no gas in my car it took over 2 hours to leave the garage..lol..yikes..so I turned the car off and just sat waiting all that time. Got home around 8 and I'm exhausted! So have a good night. Sorry if I missed anyone.
  13. Hi, I live in NC however am only 5 miles from SC. Where about are you? I am close to Fort Mill, my in laws live in Columbia and we go there to visit every other weekend. How long have you been banded and how are you doing?
  14. sunsett

    Excited and nervous about the band

    You are feeling absolutely normal! I think everyone goes through the same feelings. Keep in mond you are officially saying good-bye to a why of life that you have know for a very long time. It is scary. But it is so good. And you will realize shortly that your not saying good bye to your favorite things for ever just for a short time. You should be able to eat everything you always liked, just not as much. You'll also learn that it is ok to not eat it all and that it feels wonderful. You do go through a type of mouring. I still do. I still get nervous at times, but it is all good. Take a deep breath write down your feelings so you can look back at them later and perhaps help someone else feeling the same way. As you know this is a wonderful website. We are all here for each other.
  15. Oh I had such a craving for McD's back in April. A qtr pounder with cheese and the fries...YUMMY so DH and I went there we were driving home from somewhere. I felt that it was ok to go there I hadn't in months and why not. So we ordered and were sitting in the car. DH had a bite and said the bread was stale I said give it back and brought both of our burgers back in to get then replaced. He is much faster at eating than me even before banding. He had a bite said the roll was fine. My mouth was not watering. I opend my container and it looked and smelled yummy. I then picked the lusious burger up and there was a puddle of grease in the box and grease dripping off the burger. I looked at that grease fat mixure and felt sick. Said to DH I can't eat this crap and gave it to him. By this point the fries were cold so why bother eating them. I went inside and ordered a sundea with peanuts and hot fudge. I forgot the calories but it wasn't bad. Ate that and enjoyed every bite. I wish I could remember the date because that was a major turning point in my life for McD's. Whenever I think about how good one of those burgers and fries would be I visulize that box of grease and fat and it quickly goes away. Hope this helps it helped me all over again just writting it down..lol.. You will have little stories like this before no time. French fries are not worth it. Most likely you will shortly have a FF experience. And most likely you will have it more than once and then decide to hold off until the end of the meal. Then you'll discover that they are cold and really not good. Losing is awesome! Your going to love it. Good luck sounds like you are already making the right choices by coming here to say HELP!!
  16. sunsett

    November chat...again....

    Mandy he looks like a cuttaler...he seems real sweet. I love them they can be so loving when they want! Will he be inside? This morning Sandy Lucy and Poose all hung out with me in the bedroom. Lucy and Poose hung out on the bed with me for quite a while. They are so sweet. Poose means Cat in Norweign it's not PUSS! P-OOO-SS-E is how it's pronounced. His official name is Spot, but no one calls him that and he answers to Poose. All my life every cat we have ever had has turned out to be a Poose. It just fits them and they all seem to like it. OK now I sound like an insane person. Off to the church see ya later have a good morning.
  17. sunsett

    Nov 18th

    Wait don't go away! I'm still here! You can always find me in NJ! I will stop by here more often and say what cha doing! I do go to band2gether my name there is lovemylpband...cause I do! But I do still come here more often and I truly miss yaking with ya'll on here. I'm telling you NJ is fun we have girls from all over the country there I think only 1 or 2 NJ girls and nothing ungly! Angie I'm glad you can make Saturday. I don't think I would have been able to make it later ut I'm pretty sure I can do 11:30 especially if my new friend Judy is coming, I can't not be there... Ok I'm off to church in a bit have a good day. Hey Denika I haven't seen you in months! It will be great to see everyone!
  18. sunsett

    November chat...again....

    Hi guys, Eileen I'm glad your backs better. Cindy I told you it's a mess! Howdy everyone else.
  19. Good to hear from you. Glad everything went well. Now you can be back on the bandwagon!! Take it easy, feel better.
  20. sunsett

    November chat...again....

    Hi, I'm in Myrtle Beach with DH. We came down on Thursday and were going home tomorrow. It has been a real nice time. Beautiful weather. Took a long walk on the beach and relaxed. DH was working. I did have a horrible time with lunch yesterday. I don't know why. I PB's and sort of threw up..sorry..for about 2 hours! I really don't know what I did wrong except I had on fried shrimp..I never eat fried food anymore..and I had some nacho's and about 1/3 piece of chichen breast. It was no fun! Uncontrollable at some points. URGH! So no more nacho's for me or fried shrimp. Ok so today I was very careful. Although I did have a bag of M&M's and I enjoyed every single one of them! Well GArry and I went to this wonderful resturant. I think it was the best food I've ever had in my live. But the problem is that it was all very rich. I literlly took 2 hours to eat, so no PB problems, however, I have got the worst pain! I think I must have stretched my pouch even though I only had bites of the 5 courses! Live and learn I guess. No more She crab soup for me! Well I'm going to try to go to sleep now. Glad everyone is doing ok. Irene I loved your post. Glad your ok from your accident. Don't feel bad about the desert and I won't feel bad about the M&M's and the desert I had. Tomorrow is a new day and I'm eating at home so no fancy food for me. I'll catch up tomorrow, hopefully. Have a good night. Love youz..get that, the Jersey girl is still in me!
  21. Judy, I am so sorry you are going through all of this. I know exactly what it feels like. Sept 26th 05 I had surgery. January 26th we found out I had a port and band leak! February 21st I had it all replace. My Dr told me that it was a much riskier surgery. Scared the heck out of me! The reason why it is riskier is because of the scar tissue and the length of the surgery. It took about 2 1/5-3 hours. He went into the same incisions. I was much sorer and it took me a little longer to feel up to par again. I also got some kind of an allergic reaction which totally threw me for a loop! It was very scary. I couldn't understand why God was having me go through this. He gave me clear straight direction to have the band in the first place so why was this happening? I'm still not sure, however I know that it's been in his hands from the first time I heard about the band and I had to just trust him and go forward.. I am feeling great and things are going very well. Please know that I am here for you. You can PM me and I'll give you my # if you want to talk anytime. Please keep me posted. Hang in there it will be ok. Did Don ever give you an answer about the warrantee? I have not spoken to him. I sent him an email when I first found out he said to give him a call and I never did. I was so emotional about everything and my Dr is the only one in the area that does the band so I didn't want to burn any bridges. Maybe that was poor judgment on my behalf. Big hugs....Dianne
  22. Thinking of you. I know what it's like to go through the surgery again. Good luck with everything.
  23. sunsett


    I had the worst rash of my life after surgery. They never figured out what it was from. Take swallow, liquid benadryl I took double dose I also had to go on steriods finially to get rid of it. Call your Dr and let him know, but drink the benadryl. I even took pictures of how bad it was! I feel your pain!
  24. sunsett

    November chat...again....

    Goodmorning.. Beanie-That is so awesome! YAY no extender! What a great feeling! I've the fart story!! Well I have a lunch appointment with a guy from a financial company today. I think he wants to advertise but not sure, so we'll see. Gotta hit curves at some point. I am thrilled to announce that Tom is here and I had no food clues that he was coming. YAY no masive cravings for chocolate or Frito's!! I even lost another pound from last week! I'm so excited. I usually munch and mess up my other 2 weeks!....sorry I know TMI....I'm just so happy that I haven't eaten everything in site! ttyl
  25. sunsett

    complicated situation

    Wow you sure have been through a lot. Have you been to your band Dr? Sorry I can't suggest anything to help.

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