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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    10 top reasons why not to get FAT

    you can't find your knees
  2. sunsett

    Sept 2005 bandsters post here!!

    Hey are you guys ready for Christmas? AHH I'm sure not! I have been having a tough emotional time. Hopefully I will feel better soon. I'm trying to be optimstic! Are you guys finding it challenging at time to keep up mental wize with the new you? I lost a bunch more inches at curves since my last measurments about 6 weeks ago. I'm excited about that. I'm just about ready to buy some sie 12 pants which is amaing. Have a very Merry Christmas!
  3. sunsett

    December chat

    WOW Cindy-I hope you share pictures from the party tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you. If you want I'll cry during the time of the party for you, then you don't have to worry about crying. I can do it so easily now. I saw my PCP today and he added Cymbalta I don't know if I'm spelling that right or not. I went to curves and again cried like a baby. I should have been happy cause I'm only 2.5 pounds away from the 5 foot club. Then we had a Networking Meeting for work so I had to put on my happy isn't this magizine wonderful face. I really had a tough time and my brain just wasn't there, but I tried. My friend who has just been wonderful these past few days, she's the publisher of the magizine, she gave me a $ and a 3 month membership to the Y and 5 45 minute sessions with a personal trainer! How sweet is that! She also said that if I decide to join that she would pay 1/2 towards my membership each month. I held back the tears but she new they were there. She like all f you have been so great and supportive to me. Thanks guys, I love you. I trying... Night night.
  4. sunsett

    It's December!

    Hey NC folks. We are still here we just don't talk much on this site anymore. Please feel free to stop by and say hello. We have a large Charlotte group that gets together once a month. So if your new please introduce yourself and welcome!
  5. sunsett

    It's December!

    Hi Oreilly, Hope you can make Ruby Tuesdays!
  6. sunsett

    December chat

    Cass congrats how wonderful I'm so happy for you! You guys are the greatest. I'm sitting here crying I'm so blessed to have you all. Thanks.
  7. sunsett

    Huge NSV

    Thats wonderful!! It is so exciting isn't it!
  8. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    Aww Sherry they are cute! So sweet! Lucy is sitting on the floor cause she knows I have the comb and the nail clippers next to me. Shes no dummy!
  9. sunsett

    December chat

    Hi Gang, Thanks for thinking of me. I'm trying to get out of this funk. The axiety is really bad and now the crying stuff is just wierd. Then I feel guilty when I read people that have real problems, like Eileens poor girl friend. Maybe I'm just old! Maybe I'm going through menapause like Edith Bunker! Anyway, I'm tired just wanted to let ya know how much I care about you guys. Have a good night.
  10. That was great! Good luck tomorrow.
  11. sunsett

    December chat

    Hey guys thanks so much for the birthday wishes and remembering me! I cried most of the day although last night was nice. I'm not really sure what is going on with me I just am having a really tough time. I didn't get to catch up on everyone but Eileen I'm so sorry about your friend. And Patty, I am so happy for you. I will try t catch up on everyone. Cindy is your Dad ok? Thanks for thinking of me guys, it makes me cry knowing have all of you as my friends. Love ya, I'll be back soon I'm just in a slump.
  12. sunsett

    December chat

    Darcy- Try to hang in there. My sons GF's parents just went through the smae type of thing they are now driving a Hummer! Mandy-WOW that was some story! YIKES OK it is 2 and I leave in5 hours to go to the airport. I guess I better go to bed. Night night I dought I'll ever be able to catch up when I get back.
  13. sunsett

    I Need A Hug

  14. sunsett

    Weird Port Pain

    Yes that happens to me. Also my wire bra pushes down on my fat which pushes down on my port so check you bra!
  15. sunsett

    I Need a Kick in the Butt

    Almonds! Put a bowl of Almonds out and eat a few when you want something. They take care of the sweet desire and the crunch desire. Read Carlene's post from Wednesday. I don't remember if she said she was 2 yrs post op and it was great. Your in wonderland! WTG!!
  16. sunsett

    Banded for 16 years!!!

    Well that cool to hear. Isn't that band what they used when they stapled stomachs? We are so lucky to have the modern band! Lisa what is Fat Flush Liver Deter?
  17. Good luck to you! Take as mony of those little cups you can from the hospital. I'm 14 months out and I wish I had taken more of those little cups. Be sure you have liquid tylenol at home it isn't easy to find I think I got mine at Walmart. Walk, rest, sleep, watch movies.. The most important thing is to take a picture the night before! the picture above is taken the night before my surgery and the one next to it is 1 yr later. Take a picture of your self every month so you can see what others see.
  18. sunsett

    December chat

    HAPPY DECEMBER! Thanks Ira for starting the thread and stopping by to say hello. Glad you and your wife is doing so well. Mary-Congrats at being at your goal also! Now get to curves!..lol.. Sherry-you crack me up! Hey are you sending me emails..miss boberry? It has taken me until today to figure out it must be you. Is it? Betty-Turn on the radio station and sing your heart out and you'll get in the mood! Especially those chestnuts roasting on an open fire!! Falis Naviada I can't spell it but I JUST WANNA WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS..LOL..OK I'M NUTS I LOVE THAT SONG. Eileen-Do you need me to sing to you too? Kathy-HANG WITH US! Yes Darcy hangs here. You should too. I didn't know you smoked! Well congratulations on quitting! We have so much fun here I hope you'll join us. You can talk about boogers, farts, sex, boobs you name it! LOL Ok so I really need to get me stuff together. I haven't begun to pack! AHH I even have a sales call this afternoon Christmas party tonight and decorating for the party! So have we ever talked about our most embarrassing moments? Mine was about 7 years ago. My sister and I had flown to Florida together when we came home we had park at a remote lot at the airport. I had a dress on with stockings and no underwear control tops! Anyway I went to the bathroom and there I was standing in line with 10 people behind me and the man taps me on the shoulder and says excuse me mam, I think you have a problem...AHH..I had tucked my dress into my stockings! So there my size 26 Butt was shining to everyone in the room! It was so funny, but I thought I was going to die!
  19. sunsett

    Today Is My Anniversary (X Post)

    Congratulations Carlene! 2 yrs and your doing great. You are so right about cheetos!
  20. sunsett

    November chat...again....

    Beanie-LOL no I'll be wearing a bra I'm sure! B just seems to drastic to me. Sorry you didn't get to stay home. Anne-how's the fill going? Chrispy-YAY for your first fill! Glad it went so well. Sherry-I bet a fill will help. I know I have to work on the head stuff during the holiday's. It will be hard when I am with family in NJ. GL Mary-LOL that is a funny story. I bet you gave your DB and SDS a lot of grief! I believe the biggest cup size they have at VS is D. Cindy-There is nothing as nice as staying home on wet cold days! A 4 day weekend would be nice. Well I have been out of sorts lately. I went back to my therapist today and I'm glad I did. We talked about a lot of things and one of the things was losing identity. She said that when you lose all this weight you lose your identity and your insides need time to catch up to the new you. She said that this can create a lot of anxiety. Even though your thrilled and feel great about yourself you look different to others no longer the old you and you look different to yourself. So now it is a matter of getting to know the new me and that takes time. A new identity. We also discussed DH and his stopping smoking and how he has lost that identity. So maybe I'm not nuts! Maybe I'm not depressed, maybe I'm just learning my new identity the new me. She is great to talk to about this because she has had WLS in 97 and done fantastic. We didn't talk about the boob job yet I just can't handle that, but I did tell her I have an appointment. She has taken it very slowly with PS I think she was 5 yrs post op before she had her tummy tuck. She is just now looking into a reduction. On another note, I went to DrV on Tuesday and I had lost 11 pounds since the last time I saw him. Everyone was so happy and excited for me. But here is the big news, he wants me to send him my resume...Cindy HELP!!! So I am trying to put it together. I want to send it to him before I go away, my brain is just not functioning I'm so tired. But I'm trying. I haven't begun to pack. I am pretty sure of what I'm bringing which isn't going to be to much since were only gone for 4 nights but I still have to get my stuff together. Tomorrow night is our SS Christmas party so no time tomorrow night even to pack. Well that is the update on me. bye for now.
  21. I think you need to call your Dr and tell him how your feeling and what your insisions look and feel like. Feel better and walk and take your pain meds! But call the office!
  22. sunsett

    Any Regrets

    Tonya-For me most of the time it takes away the hunger. There are days that it doesn't. Those are the days that using your head comes in, and we all know that that is not easy. If I am home alone at night, I feel hungry, I know that it's my head not my stomach. Tonight I hadn't had dinner so when I came home I was hungry. I had some deli turkey 3 triscuits with PB, 4 wheat thins with cheese. I was comfortable but wanted more so I had 3 string cheeses! One would have been more than satisfying however being home alone and my head saying I want more I had more. Now I am not beating myself up. I will not eat anything else tonight because it is best to let the band empty out before bed. Do I have regrets about all I ate tonight, yes, but I know where it came from and I now have a tool to help me control it and a head that is learning how to change. Thanks for your encouraging words to me. That is what this site is all about...for 98% of us...by encouraging each other in good times and difficult times. Good luck, I am impressed with you research. When you finalize your decision you will have peace in your heart and head.
  23. sunsett

    November chat...again....

    Betty-How cool your menu is! I decided to just have fun! I'm upset about how horrible my legs looks, but I'll wear long skirts and bathing suite cover ups. Maybe someday I'll take a picture of my legs you could put them up for your Halloween party! Eileen-Feel better sweetie! Anne-I must have missed what happened to you. Crispy-I'm glad your having fun. Pat-Whats new Darcy-What car did you buy again.Sorry to hear you have such a lemon won't they take it back? Patty-How are you girl? How are the boys doing? Beanie-WOW I hadn't even thought of Victoria Secrets! That will be fun! I am ready..I think..I saw DrV yesterday and he said that I should have 2 consults. 1 of the 2 I have doesn't take my insurance so I have to find another. I went back to Nordstrom's yesterday to try t find another bra and again as usual no luck. It will be nice to be able to not wear one if I don't find one..lol.. Mandy-Isn't it scary that we are old enough to want and get excited about vacume cleaners!..lol.. Cindy-Retirement sounds like fun. I bet you'll be so busy you won't know what to do. Crud I have to go and I can't finish reading up on everyone. I have a lot to tell you all. I'll get back on here tonight when I come home from choir.
  24. Wow how terrified you must have been a year ago! How excited and happy you must be now. I am very very proud of you! You are the hope for all of us! We all have that fear of what if someday..and look at you! Thank You!

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