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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    band removal

    Sorry your not happy. I am thrilled with my band. Best of luck to you.
  2. sunsett

    I'm Back

    Hey I'm glad things are getting better for you! Feel good I know your excited about your new band life.
  3. sunsett

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    I'm PBING!!!!! OH CRAP!!!! Thanks for your prayers. I've been a mess on and off today and so exhausted I can't stand it!! love you guys I hope I can get to curves again soon!!!
  4. sunsett

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Hey I can't talk long please say a prayer for my FIL he is so depressed about my MIL She isn't doing well we are now looking for full care rehap. I'll be back when I can it is so darn sad...
  5. Hillary as president scares the heck out of me. A woman for president doesn't bother me at all.
  6. sunsett

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Patty-Sorry to hear about your troubles I know that somehow it will all work out for you sooner than later. We are in Columbia SC at the inlaws MIL is a mess she can't do a thing for her self the house is a desaster and the place is scaring them that they can't stay if the dogs continue to make such a mess....Dogs are old along with Inlaws...Garry and I came down yesterday when my FIL said please come. So you can imagine the helplessness he feels. I don't know how he has been caring for her by himself for the past 2 weeks she can't even stand up by her self and she is like dead weight. I wish we had been here sooner but they told us not to come last week cause they weren't feeling well. So now we are staying here though Tuesday and getting this mess in order and taking her to the Dr to try to get her drugs and health under control. We all feel that she is just over medicated and thats why she's so bad. So thats where I'm at. I only saw Patty's post about the insurance no time to catch up right now hope all is well.
  7. sunsett

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Darcy-Hope the meds help. I am just beginning to feel better. My crying fits stopped before Christmas but I'm still not all me. Getting better everyday. Feel better. Anne-Speaking of not being all the way back yet, YOUR SON HAS MADE ME FEEL SO GOOD!! Please give him a hug for me. Today when I was feeling down I just thought of what he said and it sure helped. Thanks so much! Beanie-Wow sorry about all the stuff going on with your dad. How old is he? I feel like I have missed so much these past few weeks. Sorry I haven't been here for you. HUGS, Jules-Good luck with the loans. Our kids are in college still at home for another year then they will transferee yikes that makes me nervous. How's the bike butt..lol.. Mary-Take AIRBORNE it really helps! Feel better. Cindy-It sure sounds like your having fun! Enjoy and don't get to busy! Well I'm going to head to curves for an hour. Then our senior core group girls are coming over for an hour then I have to clean up around here and relax. I'm getting back to me again a little bit more everyday!
  8. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    You guys look great together. Kathy do you have a before picture of you?
  9. sunsett

    Complications due to a fall.

    Glad things went well with you surgeon! Feel good!
  10. sunsett

    should i switch to bypass?

    You are getting great answers here and I agree with all of them. The band sure isn't for everyone. Just like the other WLS aren't for all. It is a very personal choice. Remember you will hear more negative than positive stuff. Some people only come here when they have a grip. I truly believe that the majority are very happy with the band. I sure am. Good luck.
  11. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    Anne-Your son could not have started my day off any better! How sweet! I love that boy!
  12. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    Aww thanks guys for making me feel so good! OK now Sandy just would get into the fire place if she could. As long as there is a fire in there that is her spot!
  13. sunsett

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    It's good to be home. It sure was a nice visit though. We actually had the ac on, on Sunday! It was so humid here. But now we are back to heat and the fire place is on. I just can't take the tree down yet. It looks to pretty with the stockings hung and the fire place on. I think I'll take my village down tonight and leave the rest up for a while. Our local Lapband group is meeting again on Saturday and one of the girls is staying her Friday night. I'm real excited about that. All of those girls are now hanging out at band2gether.net so I never see them here. Mandy-The dog is so cute! How wonderful of you guys to be courageous enough to take him in. I love Darcy's name of Latte! Oh I just read Beanies Baxter I really like that name! Betty-Cookies have been my down fall. But thank goodness I left them in NJ. So far today I've been on track! Anne-Thank goodness I didn't have much in our house. But I did bring back my favorite cookies from NJ and stuck them in the freezer. They were calling me all day on Sunday and I finally broke them open. Ate some of them and froze the rest back up. Now I'm ok with them in there for a while. Enjoy those Godiva's. Darcy- My co-worker got me a 3 month membership to the Y for Christmas and also 5 sessions with a personal trainer! So I am going to go over there in the morning and check things out. I went to curves today I won't quit that cause it's so close to home and they have been wonderful to me. They even have my shorts hanging in the window..lol Hope you feel better soon. Cindy-The pictures are great. You and all look great! How nice that you guys got together. How is retirement life treating you? Eileen-Thanks again for a breakfast it was great seeing you and dd again. That Chocolate fondue looks like fun. Is it a real pain to clean? Beanie-Oh is today fill day? Good luck I hope all goes well! Alexandra-I'm a Jersey girl..always..lived there all my life up until 5 1/2 yrs ago. Now I just go back a few times a year to visit. Pat, Patty, Chrispy, and everybody else. Hi and Happy New Year!
  14. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    OK Here goes me and my tree.
  15. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    Irene you look so good. What a difference isn't it fun putting pics together like that!
  16. I'm a few hours early, but I just wanted to wish every one a VERY HAPPY and HEALTHY New Year! We are off to a party more food oh boy!
  17. sunsett

    December chat

    I lost everything I wrote your you guys I'll try later or over the weekend.
  18. sunsett

    December chat

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year gang! I am in the car driving home from NJ! DH has a verizion thingy and I can do this while driving. It's so cool! I've been catching up in everyone while he steps on the breaks and scares the crap out of me ahh.. I'm going to post this and then come back so I don't lose everything.brb
  19. sunsett

    December chat

    Mary-I'm glad everything went well ! Yay Kat-You've sure been busy! You DH cracks me up! I haven't looked yet but thats the next thing I'm doing! Cindy-Wow what an emotional day for you I'm sure! Did you ever think this day would get here? Bean-Glad your feeling better. Ok my brain is getting back slowly. I know I've left out a bunch of you, I'll get cha tomorrow in the car on my way up to NJ. Eileen-I hope you got my message and I hope this thing words so I can check it. Have a good night guys and thanks again! I'm not sleeping much so we are adjusting the medication a bit. But I'm not crying anymore!! YAY
  20. sunsett

    December chat

    Hi guys, I am feeling better but the anxiety is still real high and sleeping hasn't been good. Urgh. I hope to catch up on personals soon. Thursday we have a 10 hour ride to NJ so maybe my brain will let me do it then. I am begining to feel like there is a light at the end of this tunnel the tunnel doesn't seem to be quite so long anymore! Eileen I tried to send you a personal but they told me I was full! So I have to go get rid of stuff in there. Anyway I'll be in Oakland late FRiday afternoon and Saturday morning. Hopefully we can meet up for coffee or just a hug or a meal! I've already told my friends that I was meeting up with you hopefully in the morning. Gotta run thanks guys your all so great..I feel your love and prayers really I do I am blessed.
  21. I was walking around the house the other day and as my legs slapped together I started to laugh. I was thinking of what David Letterman would list as his top 10 reasons not to get fat. So I thought it would be fun to see what you guys thought. I can't think of 10 yet but here are a few. 10. Women need to buy a OVER THE SHOULDER BOULDER HOLDER Rather than a bra 9. RUNNING CAN CAUSE BLACK EYES 8.WALKING UP THE STAIRS AND CLAPPING YOUR HANDS SOUND THE SAME (I'm not trying to be insulting to anyone and I hope that you all take this as lightly. If I am offending anyone I'm sorry I really don't mean to.)
  22. sunsett

    December chat

    I may be on my way back..lol.. I'm still not me but I'm not like I have been thank goodness! Tomorrow I will be getting together with the NC group. I'm excited about that cause I didn't think I'd make it. Love you guys! night night
  23. sunsett

    Sept 2005 bandsters post here!!

    I've actually been having trouble eating! My anxiety about a lot of stuff is actually making me feel like like eating. Yesterday I took a horse pill! A Multi B I felt sick all day so no more of that one. But when I went to Costco and they had samples of chocolate..lol..I had no trouble having bite of that!
  24. sunsett

    December chat

    Hey guys, I have this huge lump in my throat. I dont think it's the band I thinkit's just nerves. What do you think? I PB the other day but I had triscuits. I could barely eat yesterday but I took this HUGE pill that I got at the health food store called Calming Thoughts. I did sleep pretty good last night, and I called my PCP to tell him about the lump and the weird head tingling. I'm going to get my butt dressed and go to curves. They always make me feel better over there and lately they have seen me lose it to. I'm sorry that I keep coming here and venting. You guys are awesome. Cassy-Hurry and move I don't like that jerk! Patty-Hugs Betty, Cindy, Mandy, KAt, Beanie, Pat and everyone else Hugs I feel them all. I know I'll be me agian soon...Oh Dr's office just called and they think that the cymbalta is begining to work since I didn't cry all day yesterday..lol..Sorry for whining!
  25. sunsett

    December chat

    Hey guys, I met the best of me Kathy for lunch today she looks great and is so sweet.! I couldn't sleep last night stomach was real upset. I laded u taking sonata at 4 AM thinking I would sleep till 8 but woke up at 6! Anxiety was the worst it's been yet today and I was to affraid to take anything for it until I got home. I did some deep breathing and relaxing when I got home and I feel less anxious. I'm off to bed have a good night. If I have to cry at least I can do it so you don't Cindy..lol..I couldn't imagine you not though, all those years there! night night guys and thanks..hugs..

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