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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. Thanks so much this all helps. I'll keep you posted on what they tell me on Tuesday. I'm excited and scared. I know I won't regret it though. I hope I can stay 2 nights in the hospital with all thats happening at home with my in laws...
  2. Well I have been approved! I'm excited but the timing isn't the greatest. My FIL is staying with us for possibly a very long time and my MIL is in a rehab. But I need to move on with my life and body and February is the best time for me to have it even though all this family stuff is going on. So My question are: How long is the recovery? How bad is the pain? When can you lay on your stomach? How soon can you exercise? Did you stay over night in the hospital? How long should my husband be around to help me? He works from home but travels quite a bit. Is there anything that you wish you had asked before hand that you wish you did? Did you help decide what size you wanted to be? Do you think your to small now? Do you think your to big still? Thanks any help you can give me would be great.
  3. sunsett

    Dr. Voellinger

    Yes something changes just this week and they now do cover it. I hope you'll be able to meet us on Saturday fr our monthly get together it's a lot of fun and educational.
  4. I was hoping that I'd get some help here..anyone here?
  5. sunsett


    I ususally have a protien shake in the morning I have 2 scoops in it so I start off my day with 40 gms. L-few slices of deli think turkey, 3-4 triscuits, string cheese, PB or the cow cheese I can't think of the name, 2-3 pickles for my sweet tooth S-almonds or string cheese D-chicken of some type, some veggies bad night time snack, popcorn or cheese and cracker packets, 100 calorie Cookies, anything that I'm in the mood for. pretzels sometimes. I don't eat all these things this is just a sample of some of my snack choices. Oh this week I have been mixing yogurt with GoLean Cereal for linch or breackfast.
  6. sunsett

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Hey guys its February..go to te new thread Mandy- feel better
  7. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    Wow I can't believe I'm the first to post for February! We are having snow here in NC Lucy and Sandy are having a ball. It is so pretty out. I am thrilled that January is over. Seems like everyone had a tough month. I'm looking forward to losing more this month and getting perky!!!
  8. sunsett

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    OH Kat I'm so sorry. I will surely pray for his family and for you. That is so sad and so hard/
  9. sunsett

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Ok you guys are BAD!!!! I went to Costco my home away from home nd brought this cereal called GOLEAN Crunch by Kashi. It has 190 calories 9 gms protien 8 gms fiber and is SO GOOD. It is becoming my new addiction. I took a cup the other night and ate it like popcorn. This morning I'm having it over yogart. I know its high in calories but it's got the sweetness and the crunch and the fiber and the protien. And as far as CAKE goes...I had a piece at the rehab last night that my MIL didn't eat...errrrr...unfortinuly it was really good I tried to make it a bite and before I new it the whole thing was gone..funny how that happened!
  10. sunsett

    NC Intro Thread...

    Welcome Lauri-Ann and Vickie and everyone else. We have a large group that meets monthly in the Charlotte area. We will be meeting this Saturday Feb 3rd I will post another thread about it hopefully you all can join us.
  11. sunsett

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Hi everyone, Yes Anne thanks for asking I went back this morning. I hope to go to sleep in a few minutes and get up early to go tomorrow morning. Things are still nuts here, I guess they will be for a while. Night night everyone hugs oh I ate a piece of chocolate cake that my MIL didn't eat today at the rehab..it was good but would have been better if I hadn't!
  12. sunsett

    Picture Page

    Jon you sure do have 4 beautiful children! God Bless All of you and welcome to the world Ella!
  13. sunsett

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

  14. sunsett

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    LOL Darcy I sure know that chocolate feeling I have it constantly! Well I have some bad news and some good news, the good news is that the insurance company approved my breast reduction the bad news is that the Dr didn't even know that he was not part of my network...frickinafrackinerrrrr....the office manager said well you can pay the out of pocket portion! Then she was very helpful and said that I could go to an in network Dr and bring my approval papers with me and they would forward all there stuff and it would all go fast and be no problem to be approved again. I had made an appointment earlier this week with another Dr and I go see him next Tuesday the 6th. I'm going to try to make that appointment earlier. When I first found out about the approval I felt really down. The timing couldn't be worse, with MIL in rehab and FIL living with us how the heck am I going to do this. But doing it in February early March is best for me to do it cause of the magazine and our close outs. So I have desided to go ahead as quickly as possible DH is also going on a Job interview and insurance may change all together. I have also desided that I'm going back to exercising everyday my MIL isn't going to die if I don't get to see her first thing in the morning and my FIL isn't going to go crazy if he has to wait a little while for me to bring him there. So that is a quick update on whats new here. Have a good Sunday night!
  15. sunsett

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Happy Anniversary Eileen. Things are still nuts here. MIL is in rehab about 11 miles from here thank goodness. FIL is staying here and there 2 little dogs..AHHH...FIL is great and wonderful. I am totally exhausted and have no time for me it seems like. When I am at home I am so tired that I just want to sleep. And on that note I'm going to play one stupid game of poppit on pog and gtb. Night night
  16. sunsett

    A February Bandster from NC

    hI AND wELCOME! Oops... I highly recommend Dr Voellinger at Southeast Bariatrics in Charlotte. It maybe a ride for some of you but it you want personal care with your surgeon he is the Dr to go to. We have an NC group and we go out Monthly We are meeting on Feb 3rd in the University area if your interested let me know or check out band2gether.net the NC site there is info there about it. Hope to see you there.
  17. sunsett

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

  18. sunsett

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Hi all I am missing so much around here. MIL just doesn't seem to have a will. BIL ansSIL are leaving tomorrow.
  19. sunsett

    Dr. Voellinger

    I think Dr V is the best! His personl care is wonderful. His staff is wonderful. I have heard from other patients about other Dr's in the area. By far Dr.V wins with his staff and personal attention to you. He listens to you and when you need a fill. His office has WLS staff so they know where you are coming from. If you'd like to PM me I would be more than happy to talk to you more about him and his staff. Sorry you have to go self pay BCBS sure are dudds. Good luck, We also have monthly meetings that would be great to have you come to. Most of us NC hang out at band2gether.net hpowever I always come her also.
  20. Be you! Be sure that the phyc eval is done by someone who has a lot of experience in WLS patients. Good luck I'm sure you'll do great.
  21. As how many bands the doctor has done. How many slips, eroisions, leaks they have had. What is the follow up care like. How often will you go in for followups. who desided on the fills, you, doctor, nutritionist how many or the staff have the band, how many has had any weight loss surgery. This is a big one, because if the staff has never have WLS then how can they understand where you are coming from. good luck
  22. sunsett

    What I'm scared of...

    I had the exact same fears. You are not alone. PBing isn't that bad some people never have them. Just eat slow and take small bites. I think I saw that same episode I was scared to death about that also happening to me. But the reality of it is that most likely it won't happen to you at all. Hang in there, that kept creaping up on me also. As far as being a guinea pig, I would rather be a size 12 guinea pig than a 26 size. What will hapen in the future we really don't know, however I really believe that the band will last for a very long time...lifetime. Don't belittle your fears they are real and normal. Write them all down and go over them with your Dr before the surgery. I had a 3 page list of questions. Good luck and enjoy your journey...
  23. sunsett

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Hi everyone, Patty and Mandy I'm praying for you guys and of couse the rest of you!! MIL we thought was going to be released today but she has blood clots in her lungs. So she will be staying in the hospital for a while. BIL flew in last night he had seen her at Christmas in Florida and he can't believe the change. SIL flies in tomorrow morning I know she will be a mess when she sees her. Tonight we took the night off and just stayed home and relaxed. It was much a much needed night. Thanks for your thoughts prayers and hugs...Hugs to you all. di
  24. sunsett

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Well I'm at the hospital I sure hope the rehab has wireless..lol, but I dought it. She is more herself today and she can stand with help for a step. She is conplaining about the theripists and my poor FIL when Garry left to go to the dentist she ragged on him. Really hurt his feelings. He is such a kind man who loves her so much and she can be such a bwitch to him. She was accusing him of trying to skeam against her to get her money she yelled at him about what a dump he had put her in. I think she thought she was in a phyc hospital she has settled down and none of us saw her this way, although she isn't very nice to the PT. Oh boy this is going to be fun! We haven't talked to the Dr to see when she is going to the rehab if she doesn't go tomorrow it won't be until Monday. I am hoping it is tomorrow so that BIL and SIL can help settle her in. But I realized today that God knows how this is all going to go and his timing for there visit and her moving is in his hands. I knew that but I felt the peace about it today. Thanks for your prayers. Not sure weather to have a fill on Tuesday. I am hungry, I haven't been eating right, I know it's nervous eating. I don't know I'll give it the weekend. Well have a good night all. tty later or tomorrow.

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