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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    Thank Goodness It's February!!!
  2. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    Sorry about all your going through Darcy with you FIL. BYE BYE EVIL FEBRUARY:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :amen: :amen: Yesterday not only was DS, DH getting sick but the cat was also throwing up! I don't remember if I told you that already or not. Last night I started feeling as though I was going to get sick I took a phenagrin pill the DS had gotten fromt he hospital. This morning I wasn't feeling good at all. DH was to busy so I took FIL and Bambi to see MIL today she had open wounds on her from her cancer. We visited with MIL and she asked him what they were going to do with Bambi. He said we have to put her to sleep. She said whos going to take her. I said I would take her and hold her. I said let me call and find out if you need to make and appointment. I was thinking DH could take her. I made an appointment for tomorrow at 10. Then MIL said I think she should go today can't we take her today. So I called back and they said bring her in. Well then MIL and FIL said good bye to there little dog. My FIL has never loved a dog as much as he loved her. Then I picked her up wrapped her in a towel and I started to cry. I walked out crying and walking down the hallway DH was coming towards me. Thank goodness, he drove Bambi sat on my lap. We got to the vet and she leaned her head against Garry. Then they gave her the shot and she went to sleep. It was very peaceful. Garry said a prayer for her and for Herbert. :welcome: March!!!!!
  3. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    Could you imagine if I had PMS right now!
  4. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    Oh and the dog is dying!
  5. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    Ok I'm going to just scream, cry, throw my hands up, run away, have a drink! DH and DS are throwing up now and have diareaha I can't spell it but you know it! DS was in the ER this morning they gave him 3 bags of Fluid because of dehydration. Then he came home and procceeded the throw up all over his room! His room is the biggest mess you have every seen and I lost it. Not only can I not handle the puke! But the crap not really crap, the stuff all over his room is unreal! I'm so mad at him. I am not being the loving mother that I feel that I should be. I just can't give right now and his messy room is like icing on the cake! ERRR I am so frustrated! I am going to get a massage with in a week. I can't take it anymore.
  6. Thanks so much. I will be emailing you Valerie. I'm getting more nervous and today I heard good things about my surgeon and some not good things so now I'm more nervous than ever!!! But I made the 5 foot club at curves today which means I have lost 61 inches and another 5 pounds. So I am 12 pounds away from my personal goal now.
  7. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    Hi, Well the apricots just didn't disolve. It was horrible. Finially I threw them up and was able to sleep. Today I feel much better. Went to my Dr appointment and saw the PA. All seems to be fine. Were not sure if I'm to tight or if I have just not been doing things right since the last fill 3 weeks ago. So I'm giving it 4 more weeks and then going back. With the way things have been around here it's hard to tell what I'm doing these days. Please pray for poor Bambi. She needs to be put to sleep but my FIL doesn't seem to be ready yet. She is a miniture grey hound and she has cancer. The poor little girl needs to just go night night. My poor FIL is depressed to begin with and he loves this dog so much. I am praying that she will just not wake up, but they never seem to do that. Today I made the 5 foot club at curves the owner cried. So then I did. I'm so tired that I'm numb these days. I have lost 61 inches and 87 pounds. The goal that I have in my head is 168 so I am 12 pounds away. I have to rest and veg. Tomorrow I need some advice from all of you about my reduction. But I don't want to get into it now. night night
  8. sunsett

    Hoping to be another loser

    Hi and Welcome. I have had my band since September 05 I love it. I have had trouble though. I am a very rare case. 4 months to the day of getting my band we discovered that it had a leak. So I had to have the whole surgery again. The first surgery which is most likely all you will ever have to have, went great I couldn't believe how little pain I was in. I felt great. The second surgery was harder but I was only 5 months out from the original. My leak is such a rare problem I have only heard of 3 other people that had leaks int here bands. Now port leaks or flips are more common and can cause surgery but it is minor surgery. It doens't happen very often but does occur. I have to say that even with going through the surgery agian, if I found out that I had to do it for a 3rd time, I'd do it without hesitation in a heart beat. I occationally get stuck when I eat food to fast. The best thing I can recommend it to wear a wathc and make sure that you eat very slowly 20-30 minutes, and chew chew chew. Best of luck to you. feel free to pm me and ask away to all this site is wonderful
  9. Thanks! How long of a recovery was it for you>
  10. I had 4 or 5 apricots dried ones arount 9:30PM it is now 3AM I have been foaming and throwin up some of them. The heartburn pain is real bad although it has gotten a little better. I have had 2 tums first one threw up, so far second is still down. I dont think these are desolving at all! Not sure what else to do. I hope some one has some suggestions. I'm exhausted and want to go to sleep.
  11. sunsett

    Apricots HURT Any suggestions PLEASE

    The pain was unreal! I was pbing and throwing up it was the worst nightmare I have ever had with the band. I haven't heard of the Papaya Enzyme before but I'll go buy that now too. Thanks
  12. sunsett

    Apricots HURT Any suggestions PLEASE

    Thanks I spoke to the Dr and he said liquids today and tomorrow.
  13. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    I'm alive!! But going to bed.
  14. sunsett

    Apricots HURT Any suggestions PLEASE

    I did try that. I finially got to sleep. My neck and face are hurting today from all the discomfort. I just had to chewable tylonals. Should I take liquid malox or something like that the sooth my esphoagus? I'm doing Clear liquids today thats for sure.
  15. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    not much relief! I have thrown up some and it doesn't seem to be desolving at all! I just had my second tums. The burning isn't as bad as it was butit is still there. I am SO MAD! I can't believe this. I tried some coke just a sip. I will try something cold now maybe that will help. I have a Dr's appointment on Monday and I really didn't want to go. But maybe I should now. I'll have to see how I am in a few hours. Needless to day I'm putting my self on liquids for at least the next 2 days! AHH
  16. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    Hey is anyone awake? I am in so much pain!!! I ate 4 or 5 apricots arount 10 and I've got HORRIBLE burning and PBing. The buring is really got me scared!! What should I do?
  17. Just think 30 pounds, and 11 inches gone from you waste! It is so worth it! You can do it. Throw them you will feel so good when you do.
  18. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    :clap2: I have underwear!!!!! When SIL comes today I'm going to GREAT IDEA!!!
  19. How exciting! I'm having a reduction and lift on March 12th I can't wait! I'm hoping to lose 18 more pounds and then in Novemeber go for the TT.
  20. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    How fun more suprises!! Chrispy! How cool! I can only comprehend a little bit these days, sorry guys. Ok here is an update from the sick house..MIL rehab is still closed to the public! It has been a week and a half. She just started with the horrible bug yesterday, not good she never cries and she was crying on the phone. FIL good old HERBERT came home yesterday. He was up and down all night. Finially got up took a shower and came down around 1 only ate a half of bananna and some pedialite. Now he's back in bed. He is very weak and not steady on his feet. Kelly has a sinus infection, I have something, Garry is out of town and Jim thank the LORD will be home around midnight. Herbert said maybe I came home to soon! SIL comes tomorrow afternoon PRAISE THE LORD!!! House is a mess but who cares. Oh funny thing I can do everyone elses laundry but I have no more underwear!!! Hello, I have more under than WALMART!!!..don't worry I still have a few left, but usually I have like 30 or so now I'm down to 3! Night night Oh after I wrote this I threw a load of underwear in..aren't you proud of me!
  21. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    Hey gang, Please pray that they will keep FIL in the hospital. I'm really tired so I cna't tell you about it right now but they are talking about releasing him tomorrow and Kelly is sick I'm not feeling well and he is really disorientated. SIL comes on Thurday so he can come home then. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers someday I hope to catch up!!!!
  22. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    So what is the secret is it a movie you can rent?
  23. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    Chrispy-What size did you go to if you don't mind me asking? I'm having the fears of being to small now. Sounds like the tattoo boy is real nice and supportive that's great. Beanie-OH no stuck in an airport how horrible!! Betty- I hope the neck feels better. I haven't had time to catch up..sorry guys... I'm feeling really losey today. Achie, tired, cold, urgh, FIL isn't feeling well and he just fell. Garry is going out of town on Monday so I told him no matter what he is taking FIL to Dr tomorrow. Herbert (FIL) got cold today when we went to Wendy's and he was shaking uncontrollably and then his hands were purple and the middle of his face was purple. Garry keeps saying lets wait and see! URGH how frustrating! So we may be having a big fight in the morning about him taking him but TO BAD. I can't be left home alone with an 86 yr old man worrying about him falling and getting sicker! Can you hear my frustration!!! Well I'm going to either jump in the hot tub to get warm f the bath tub in a bit. Have a good night.
  24. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    Hi, just a quick pop in. I have been out of the loop for so long. I hope everyone is doing good. I fugure I will never be able to catch up..sorry..I hope everyone is doing good. The MIL and FIL situation is about the same FIL living here with us right now. MIL in rehab/nursing home. They are quarintining(sp on that one??) the center since this Monday and most likely we won't be able to go back in until this coming Monday..FIL is now sick he has the bug that everyone else seems to have..wonderful..Garry is home until Monday so I sure hope FIL gets better befor he leaves. FIL found a place 12 miles from here so it looks like they will be moving in there. He hasn't tld MIL yet so that will be interesting. Looks like my reduction will be on the 12th of March. I will know for sure on Tuesday but all seems to be going that direction. Other that that I have been eating like an idiot! Every thing bad for me goes in my mouth. The good thing now is that I have a date and now I have a goal to lose as much as I can by the 12th and also exercies as much as I can by then. I guess being in limbo with everything is my excuse. I will try to read up on everyone this weekend. Please know that I have been thinking of you all daily. love me
  25. sunsett

    TGIF NJ chat!

    Beanie-Wow you were up late last night too! I didn't fall asleep until 3AM I landed p playing pogo and then reading. Before I knew it it was 3AM!!! Betty-I do the same thing all the time I always pittle around and then I have to rush I hate that. That stinks about your electric bill. Do you have only electric heat? Mary-Glad your little ones are better. Eileen-Howdy I'm so glad spring is on it's way!! I can't finish reading or writting gtg..love you guys

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