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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    Thyroid Problems and Lapband

    Hi Joyful, Welcome, Are you in NC? We have a large support group in the charlotte area if your interested in it PM me and I'll fill you in.
  2. sunsett

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    Right boob is much bigger than left this morning! I'm calling the doctor to see if they can see me! As far as MIL thanks Cindy. If I don't have to go to my Doc I will go. Let her be pissed with me! She knows how much I care. But for today I come first!
  3. sunsett

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    I need your input. Tomorrow is a meeting at the nursing home for my MIL and the PT, Social worker, Nursing staff, DH, FIL, and I are all supposed to be there. As you know I have been the behind the scenes care giver for both of them. FIL realizes that he needs the help and welcomes it. MIL can be a real witch she loves to play coniving games and try to make people dance around her and she wants to argue with everyone. If it wasn't for me when she was in the hospital, she would be dead most likely. Anyway tonight she started in by saying that there are many secrets and things happening around her back. So I'm thinking I should not go to the meeting tomorrow. I asked her if she wanted me to go. And she said why, well you can if you want what would you do? I said I'd be there to look out for your best interest to be your advocate. She laughed and said I can do that my self..here is a woman that can't walk, gets confused, wets her bed, shall I go on... DH wants me to go cause he says I always ask the questions he doesn't ask. FIL thinks maybe I shouldn't cause she already th Thinks I'm to bossy. I'm totally up in the air my thought is that if I do go I go early give a list of things I'd like covered and I stay quiet the whole time. Or I say screw it and stay home. Any suggestions? Beanie-I'd love some of your crape myrtle! We pay a lot here for your weeds..lol Patty-Good to see you hang in there feel better Darcy-I hope to join the mileage team now that things seem to be getting calmer around here. Sherry-I only lost 1 pound since my surgery, boobs that is, but I haven't been exercising at all. I hope I can get into doing something soon I'm still just trying to heal! Eileen-Is Jess's surgery something that you knew she would need again or has something come up again? I'm so sorry for her and you all. The concert was very nice. They are so talented, plus it was great seeing so many people again it's been so long..... Kat-I missed what you said about your foot. Feel better. Crispy-How are you doing today? Betty-Sorry about your back! Feel better Cindy-I love that DD cooked dinner. I wish my 21 and 23 year old would do that! Betty-Hope your feeling better! I love all the flowers too. It is so beautiful around here too. My iris's are out now and I just love then. Have a good night. I have givin my self permission to not feel guilty about eating tonight. I'm stressed out about the in-law crap and I want to start fresh tomorrow so I'm eating junk tonight. I know I'm bad. I have 1 month till we go to a friends sons wedding so tomorrow is kick off day of at east walking and eating healthy!
  4. sunsett

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    I'm pregnant..lol..April fools..I did that once to my mother she had a heart attach..lol.. I hope I can keep up with the April thread! Went shopping today still can't find anythin g comfortable. I am very swollen a 42 bra thingy felt good but the cup was to big as a C and there were no B's so I brought it anyway now I'm going to return it! I was a 34 when I went into the operating room. I measured and it says 38 WTF. I was in major pain Friday night went to Ladies night out and a nurse friend had to drive me home. I stayed in bed most of yesterday and today went to Olive Garden with the DH DS DD the first time since Christmas that the 4 of us were alone out to eat! YIPPEEE it was great! I love them so much it has been so hard on all of us these past 3 months. Anyway after that we went to Kohls and we walked past the clothes to get to the bras 2 hours later and 250 later we left. Yikes! DD made me buy these brown and white pocka dot pants and a cute pink top a jacket that I love and I forgot what else. Of course I brought her stuff and DS stuff. It is so exciting to look at things and be able to be "normal" and have so many choices. We re leaving in a few minutes to go to a concert at church we haven't been to church in at least 6 weeks. I haven' seen anyone since my BR. Hope I can keep up this month. Did Patty get her insurance to take care of the band yet? I've missed all of you. And thanks for the PM's
  5. sunsett

    Nj March Chat

    Hi gang, I'm trying to catch up here on everyone. WOW a lot is going on. I'm glad Abi is doing better. I haven't had much recovery time due to inlaws and DD. DD was in the hopsital from last Wednesday until Tuesday. I've been running inlaws to Dr.s appointments. I went into this surgery exhausted so I shouldn't be suprised that I still am. I do like the results so far. Except for the fact that I am still in quite a bit of pain on my left side. I have a folded stick that I think he really needs to open up! It is making me very uncomfortable. I called yesterday and told them about it. They said take it easy this weekend and call on Monday and let them know how I"m doing. Well I'm off to the coach.
  6. sunsett

    Nj March Chat

    FIL moved into his studio apartment today. We all went over this morning I hung out in the reclyner, then we went to Outback. Over all I've felt ok today but I sure can't push a cart in the grocery store, drive, blow dry my hair carry my purse or poor my self a glass of milk yet! Chrispy-Thanks! I've been taking Propoxyphene every 4 hours except for today. I have pnly taken 3 so far. But the fact that you took them for a straight week doesn't make me feel so bad about taking them. They do help! I will PM you tomorrow with some questions! Have a good night
  7. I'm excited and scared! But I have my date. He will be doing more of a lift than a reduction. I have more questions... How hard will they be and for how long? How long before I can lay on my stomach? What size sports bras should I buy for the recovery?
  8. Hi Valerie, Well surgery went well I am so glad that I reread this post tonight! Valerie I am so glad you said what you did about being to small. That is my fear right now. I am having a lot of pain in my LB the dr took a lot of tumors out of that one. I heard from someone that she also had tumors and that breast was very tender. It is exciting. I'm glad I did it I think...but I sure am glad I reread this post tonight! Thanks I'll keep you updated.
  9. Hey thanks for posting. I just had my BR on Monday. I had a lot of fibriod tumors in my left breast and it is giving me a lot of pain. My right breast feels fine. I'm exhausted doing stuff and I'm really not doing much. Today was the first day I ran/really walked into Costco to buy a camasole and sports bra then went to visitMIL in rehab and laid in her bed while I was there. What type of support bra are you wearing? You sure are brave for doing both at the same time. I'm thinking TT in Novemeber.
  10. sunsett

    Nj March Chat

    Wow guys I had major anxiety attack last night I finially took a xanax around 4AM and I may take another on soon. I just kepted wondering what have I done. How will I look, was this a mistake what if it doesn't heal right, what if Garry doesn't like them, what if I don't like them, what if my stomach sticks out further than them...and so on...I called the Drs office this mornign told her about the pain and the axiety. She said that the anxiety is to be expected and that I am perfectly normal and it will come in waves. She also told me I could just buy a camisole and wear that instead of the bra they gave me or wven a sports bra. So I'm going to Costco today somehow..She wants me to come in and see him on Tuesday and to keep taking pain meds and rest. I was actually shaking/shivering. I know in reality that it will be fine. I already love them, it's just wierd. Kind of like who am I, I"m sure not the 268 48DDD woman I used to be. I know I'm me inside but I sure see someone differen't in the mirror. tHE 15 YEAR OLD BOOBS IN THE MIRROR ARE COOL, but do they really belong on a 47 year old woman? Ok I'm rambling can you tell, the pain meds are kicking in they eyes are losing focus and the thought of my pillow is getting to be a wonderul idea. night night thanks guys...
  11. sunsett

    Nj March Chat

    I dodn't want to lose everyhting thats why you have me posting twice. OK I don't feel good guys. Although today has been the best day so far. I had a lot of fibroid tumors on my left side and he took them out and sent them to pathology he said everything looked good though nothing scary. But my left side is hurting REALLy bad. I look terrifying! It is pretty scary. I'm taking pain meds every 4-5 hours today I was able to go to 5 hours although I think I should have kept it to 4. I am more awake today, which is good. The compression bra is a silky material and it's starting to drive me nuts so tomorrow I"m going to call the office and see if they have a cotton one, if they don't there is a specialty store not far from here that I'll get DH to take me to. Well I'm off to putting ice on the boobs, OH I do have to tell you though that I saw my neighbor this afternoon outside and she said wow you look great, you really look like you've lost 50 pounds since the last time I saw you. I said well you know I had my surgery on Monday, she said you did I thought it was this comng Monday! LOL that felt great! I was even in my PJs. The girls are a lot smaller I'm scared that they are to small but she sure made me feel great tonight! Night night. Thanks for the prayers...
  12. sunsett

    Nj March Chat

    WOW Mandy, I'm so sorry I would like to send her a card I just need to feel better then I will. I am praying for her and you and your husband. Hang in there you are doing the best for her. Family makes it so hard for us. They think they know everything that is best for us and our children when they have no idea! We had to take a stand with my family years ago when my DGM wanted to pay for a special school fr DS to go to. It was a great school and who knows if it would have been the best for him, but for us and for him we said no he needs to stay home with us and go to our local school. I drove him 3 times a week and hour away to special tutor which cost us 75 an hour. He is on his way to being a PA now. We made the right choice it was a tough time not knowing if what we were doing was the best thing or not cause they were telling us that we were foolish not to send him to this school. THANK GOD WE DIDN'T! Mothers truly know best and although we question ourselves and our choice we really do the best for our children. I know that you are doing the best for Abi and there will be more desisions in the future to make and they will be difficult, pray, ask us, seek out people who have gone through this, seek help from the state, medical community and schools. Fight the fight and know that we are here to support, love and trust you! Kat sorry about the kiddie...thats so sad. Beanie, sorry about DS
  13. sunsett

    Nj March Chat

    Hey everyone!!!! This is Kelly, Dianne's daughter I am just updating you all on how she is doing!! The surgery went great this morning, she got out of surgery around 10, and had a lot of pain... So my dad didn't get to see her until around 3!!! She is home now and feeling okay! She definately can't wait to look underneath her bandages!!! She said her pain on a scale of 1-10 (ten being worst ever) is an 8. She wanted me to tell you all "I have perky tits!" Thanks so much for all your prayers and support!!!!! Keep em coming! She's hurting tonight, but she'll be just fine! Till the next update
  14. sunsett

    on my way

    How are you doing?
  15. sunsett


    Hi Suzanne, Welcome to Lapband! I have fibromialgia also. I feel a lot better since I have lost the weight. The band and I have done great together. It is a personal choice. I can only tell you about how I feel about my experience, and if I had to have the band all over again I'd do it in a heart beat. Please ask anything you'd like on here we have a great support system. Do you live in NC I live near Charlotte. There is tremendous support here in this area. Have a blessed day
  16. sunsett

    Nj March Chat

    Hi, Well in 13 hours I'll be under the knief..ew that sounds awful! Went to church this morning which was the first time in a few weeks and my GF pretended she had a saw and was cutting...we all laughed. I can't WAIT to take this bra off at 5:30AM for the VERY last time. Good bye 34 G and 34 FF!!! GOOD BYE wire!! Goodbye back pain and neck pain and shoulder pain..I hope... Thank you for your prayers I know I don't even have to ask. Yesterday was crazy DH and I did everything and he has to go back and finish up. We are both totally exhausted I don't think I've ever been this tired. Today has been a nice day doing laundry and just hanging out at home in crummy clothes. Well I'm off..I asked Kelly to post you and let you know I'm ok. Should be about 3 hour surgery I have no idea what time I'll be home tomorrow but I have a feeling this is going to be harder than the band so you may not see me for a few days. Love you guys, if you want to call me and have my # feel free. I think you all have it. OK I need Gods peace and a good nights sleep...
  17. sunsett

    Nj March Chat

    Hi tomorrow is move out day..yikes...I woke up stressing and full of anxiety at 3 am and have pretty much been up since then. I made a list and got a lot done on it. After all the boxes are in tomorrow I am coming home doing some laundry and going to bed! Kat, that is scary about your mom! Prayers for her and you. Well I'm going to sleep now have a good night I hope to get back on tomorrow but who knows. Thanks for all your hugs thoughts and prayers..love ya
  18. sunsett

    Nj March Chat

    Hey Kat how your mom? Well I din't do anythign on my list..lol..sucker I finished the magazine delivery with FIL we had fun together. So now I really am done with that. Tomorrow I'm going to go in for my prop appointment with the anestes...how ever you spell him...I have to leave here at 6:45 yikes Then I'm hoping to go to Bible study, meet some GF's for pre-op lunch and do a few more things for me hopefully. FIL's Dr appointment went well today. Doesn't look like he has Cancer at this point just a reacord breaking HUGE prostrate. He is talking about moving into the apartment on Sunday or Monday. I am going to let Garry handle things from tomorrow afternoon on when it comes to his parents. I can't do anything next week for them so he can start now. I will help with the move on Saturday but I am not going to exhaust myself with getting things together. So be it. We got Cindy the collar today and Kelly put the stuff in it and then barked we laughed so hard and she barked a few more times...Well the dog hasn't barked once! As a matter of fact she is being a sweety sleeping in the crate in the living room not complaining at all!! Speaking of her I have to take her out and then go to bed. Thanks for the hugs and prayers oh DH job interview went well. night night
  19. sunsett

    Nj March Chat

    Wow Mandy, I know how hard that must be for you I'ms o sorry. My Godson sounds a lot liek her. He is 21 now. I remember when he was younger and all the struggles they went through with medication. It is better now but at times challenging again. Prayer are going your way. Thanks so much for all of your support I feel your hugs and prayers. Ok I went out of my way and found a bakery and brought a peice of cake! Ate all the icing and just over half the piece. I felt full and not good when I was finished, but not guilty, I needed it today! I think it is the first time I have done that since right before my sencond band surgery. It felt good satisifying and it was mine! It also felt good throwing the rest away. After that I went to the hospitality show. I told Jennifer that I will not be able to continue distributing the magazine this week with all the Dr appointments this week. So thats one thing off my list. I got all the apartment stuff together as far as new phone # and cable set up for him. FIL and I talked about him totally moving into the new place and he said he thinks he should stay here at night for a while. I told him that I agree and that we need to take it real slow and be comfortable about it. I also told him that I am quit anxious about him staying there alone. It felt good to tell him that and was a relief to me and I bet to him also. Ok tomorrow, here is my list guys help me keep to it. Hopefully I will sleep till 8:30 shower 9:00 wake Herbert up Throw laundry in check on all of you get Dr's paper work together that we have to bring go to Dr go to Petsmart, yay!! stop by storage place go see MIL read chapter 1 of my bible study book make dinner oh yeah more laundry small group of bible study HS girls come here cruise the inernet throw another load in go to bed. I hope I can do it.. Thanks night night
  20. sunsett

    Nj March Chat

    This inlaw stuff I'm fine with I don't mind helping them and doing everything for them. BUT they have this STUPID DOG! And I love dogs I have 2 that are wonderful I have even considered grooming as a hobbie because I love them so much. Animals are Gods gifts to us, so when I say this I don't want to come accross to you as an animal hater because I truely am not! Cindy is a cocker she is the dumbest dog on this earth she doesn't walk she does the breast stroke. I have tried to be nice to Cindy, and I still am, however this DOG has been barking non stop for 2 hours! She barks all night, I let her in the house after bing outside for a walk and she poops She pulls me almost to the ground when I walk her! Then I am suposed to be taking a leave of absence from work with all this personla stuff going on and they are driving me crazy. It is time to deliver the magazines. So I am trying to juggle all this stuff for everyone else including taking FIL to Dr.s appointments taking me to pre-op visits, visits to the rehab, arranging the inlaw move from Columbia for Saturday, cleaning the house doing the laundry..I've just had it. I am resting having some MY TIME and the magazine calls and wants something else! I have a house to clean close to get ready, me to get ready for Monday. NO one has offered to help me out next week when I'm recovering DH forgets to feed the FIL so how am I suposed to rest and heal with all this CRAP going on. I am truly furios right now and the FREAKIN arking stupid DOG isn't helping my insanity!!! I feel a meltdown coming if not an explosion. I just got a sore throat screaming at the deaf dog!!! Sorry I had to vent the over load is to much! I know it will be a while before I can do to much around here and I would have liked to clean my pantry before hand! oH AND i FORGOT TO pay the garbage bill so now I have to go to there office today to give them MOney so they pick up on Friday! Sorry I just need to bitch __________________
  21. How exciting. You are so right about this being a part of the WL journey. I am having a lift/reduction on Monday I'm so excited about it yet terrified at the same time. I hope to have a tummy tuck in November. Isthis a surgery that you are glad you did while the weather is still cold outside. I am thinking November because I fear that if it is to warm out I will be even more uncomfortable.
  22. This makes me so mad! I get so frustrated with the medical community for not understanding the band. Be careful and be your our advacote! Do not be afraid to open your mouth and educate your Dr on the band. You may even want to call your LB dr and ask him to call your OB. Good luck.
  23. sunsett

    Nj March Chat

    I didn't want to lose my post.... OK I went for my pre-op appointment yesterday with my GF and all went well. Monday at 7:30 I will be losing about 3 pounds of boobage!!! He said that by Monday evening I should be able to make myself a sandwhich and watch a movie with the family! I'm not telling Garry, I want to be waited on..lol...No seriously he said that a lot of women use the drugs the first 3-4 days and then just tylenol and the meds at bedtime. He also said I would be a small D cup. That sounds to big to me, but I will talk to him more about it on Monday morning. He said no drains..yay..and I can shower right away...sweet.... If I can't type on Monday my Kelly will come on and let you all know I'm ok! OK well I'm going to cruise around here for a while. Have a good night. Thanks so much for all of your support. I really appreciate it and need it right now. Can you all come and stay with me for the next 3 weeks....pease....
  24. sunsett

    Nj March Chat

    Hi all, Darcy I'm so ssorry to hear what going on with your FIL. I do agree with what Betty said though. If it's what he enjoys why not ;et him have it. I had a very very close frend who was really like a family member to me. I adopted him and we became very close he even lived with us at one point for a while when Floyd came to NJ and flooded him out. Anyway he was a major alcoholic and in the end his daughter and I brought him a bottle of vodka and we had a drink with him. It was very sad for all of us, but it was what he enjoyed and needed. FIL and MIL aren't to great. Things are still nuts around here. We are moving him out of the Columbia house on Saturday. I gave in to Garry and said what the heck I can only do so much. He gave into me and said ok hire a moving company. So at least we will be rid of Columbia in a few days. FIL has no appetite and slept ALL day yesterday. Today he was a bit better. The PT came to work with him and I tink that helped. MIL was ok she had lip stick on today. She looked good. She is walking more with the walker, but still cant do anything for herself. We brought Cindy her cocker to visit her today Cindy didn't seem to care about seeing her which was to bad. You guys know I LOVE animals, but I have got to tell you Cindy is the dumbest dog I have ever known I think she could win an award for being the dumbest dog on earth. She doesn't walk on a lease she does the breast stroke! I am not kidding! She is really something. OH I have no idea how he will be able t keep her. She is great company for him she sleeps on his lap but when she is awake..wew... I take FIL to urologist on Thursday. His PSA is 22. I am afraid of what is next with him.
  25. sunsett

    Nj March Chat

    Hi gang, Wow I love all the miles you guys are doing and Beanie the WL how exciting for you! I'm sorry I can't do personals. I'm lucky to be on here though. Welcome..umm..I forgot your name..I keep thinking loser but I know your a winner. I used to live in River Edge, Hawthorne, Oakland, Mahwah, Hackensack, High Bridge and then I moved to NC. But once a Jersey girl always a Jersey girl. Although I would never move back I LOVE the south. Well, life here is getting more complicated. I can really use prayers guys. I know I'm getting them and thanks. We took my FIL to the Dr yesterday and he has lost another 9 pounds. He's lost 28 pounds in 3 months. The Dr told DH and I that he thinks he has cancer! HellO!! Today I spoke with him and his blood work looks good except that is PSH, is that the prostrate one, any way the prostrate one, is VERY high. FIL tld me that it usually is high for him. But it is 22. I'm taking him back the the urologist on Thursday and we will see what he says. I'll be going solo there which is going to be hard. DH will be on a trip and the BIL and SIL are far away. I had a few good cries today. I can't believe how hard this is. MIL is doing better although she really needs full time care. Next Saturday we are moving some stuff to the new apartment near us. Then we have to schedual the bigger move after that. Cindy the cocker has to have ear surgery some time soon, thats there other dog, and of course I'm having my BR on the 12th. So as of March 2nd it sure doesn't look like March is going to be any better than January or February was. I hope to get to church on Sunday cause it has been quite a while since we've been and I know it would be comforting. I hope that I can let go of my FIL when he moves into his new place. I worry about everything with him. OK I"m off to bed. Tomorrow our NC group is meeting. I can't wait. Last month we had 25!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
