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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mikelle_

  1. First of all, I'm fourteen years old, and I'm obese with a BMI that fluctuates between about 34 and 37. Over the past two years I've been experiencing obesity-related health problems, such as menstrual irregularities, gastroesophageal reflux/heartburn, and sleep apnea. I read an article online about a twelve year old girl whose mother brought her to Mexico to get the procedure done. I think that's a little insane, and I know realistically that if I couldn't get it done locally or pretty nearby then my parents would never go for it. But I'm very concerned for my health, and I'm getting worse and worse. I have tried everything. I've been struggling with my weight since I was eight years old. So, here are the questions I have: 1. Would a doctor in Illinois even do the lap band procedure on a fourteen year old if she met the requirements [bMI of 35+ with two or more obesity related health problems, I believe]? 2. Would my insurance likely cover the procedure if I met those requirements, considering my age? Thanks. [Am I posting this in the correct forum? If not, let me know and I'll move this somewhere else.]
  2. First of all, I'm fourteen years old, and I'm obese with a BMI that fluctuates between about 34 and 37. Over the past two years I've been experiencing obesity-related health problems, such as menstrual irregularities, gastroesophageal reflux/heartburn, and sleep apnea. I read an article online about a twelve year old girl whose mother brought her to Mexico to get the procedure done. I think that's a little insane, and I know realistically that if I couldn't get it done locally or pretty nearby then my parents would never go for it. But I'm very concerned for my health, and I'm getting worse and worse. I have tried everything. I've been struggling with my weight since I was eight years old. So, here are the questions I have: 1. Would a doctor in Illinois even do the lap band procedure on a fourteen year old if she met the requirements [bMI of 35+ with two or more obesity related health problems, I believe]? 2. Would my insurance likely cover the procedure if I met those requirements, considering my age? Thanks.
  3. Yes, obesity does run in my family. Both of my parents and their siblings/parents are obese (though somehow my sister seems to have completely dodged that trait, I swear she's adopted or something!). As a matter of fact, two of my aunts have gotten the Lap Band, and my uncle is scheduling to get it done sometime soon. I'm not sure if my parents would be supportive of me or not, though I'm sure if they agreed to it at all they would be very supportive. Meaning, they wouldn't agree to let me have it done then not be supportive of it. I might speak to my mom about it tonight, or at least just about seeing my family doctor specifically about my weight (not just a regular check-up).

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