Surgery Wednesday. Scheduled 10:30, but Dr. and OR were overbooked, so actually happened about 2:30. I was STARVING!, but that improved after Nurse Jan started the IV... on the first try. (Yay Nurse Jan!) A little pain and nausea while sitting in recovery, but the meds fixed that. After the barium swallow, I could have gone home, but I had to wait for the poor nurse, who was SWAMPED. Finally started home in the rain about 6:30.
Made it safely, and George the Cat appointed himself my new nurse. He stays right with me.
I was very bloated Thursday, but the winds broke that night. I blew out a hemorrhoid, which hurts worse than the surgery sites.
I'm on clear liquids for a week, then full for a week, then mushy, etc. Basically broth and popsicles right now.
I'm down 25 pounds since starting this journey last October.