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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BB1112

  1. I have been approved for my lapband. My surgery will be done on Dec 5th. My surgeon is Dr. Edward Cussatti. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I attend a support group at Good Sam Hospital in West Islip NY. Most of the people there are gastric bypass people and they sometimes seem to be down on lapbanding?? So I guess I really need to hear some of your success stories. I think that will really help me. Were you all scared before surgery?? Barbara :omg::whoo:
  2. Per my doctor I will go on a liquid diet one week before my surgery, the last two days I will be on Clear liquids only!! On some the threads people were told to do the Atkins diet before surgery? What did you do? Barbara PS Your seem to be doing just GREAT. I am so glad to hear such positive results. Thanks for sharing. It really helps

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