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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LovingWhatIs

  1. LovingWhatIs

    Dr. Robert Pinnar Reston, VA

    I had surgery with Eric Pinnar on September 11th, and had wonderful experience as well. Eric is a great guy and a good Doctor and apparently a chip off the ole block.
  2. Oh thank you for posting this! I got the AP band on Sept. 11th and So excited to find this part of the forum. I found the link to your posts by googling Advanced Platform Lapband - even tho I am on the board I didn't know about this section. Thanks so much!
  3. LovingWhatIs

    Difference in Bands?

    Thanks for the Link. I have an Advanced Platform Band (Large) that is pretty new, so I am learning that there are different bands, different sizes, and the amount of fill from person to person is totally not a indicator of correct fill quantities. Everyone seems to respond uniquely. It is sooooo interesting.
  4. LovingWhatIs

    September 07 Roll Call

    Hey gang, I am from Virginia, Banded Sept. 11 with Dr. Eric Pinnar, Synchrony Health - formerly Advanced Weight Loss Solutions (AWLS). was 222 when Banded, and am now 207. I have had three fills. May need to take a little out - just waiting a week since my last fill to see if the swelling goes down. Feeling GREAT!
  5. LovingWhatIs

    My Worst Fat Day EVER!

    Thunder, I love your post. It reminds me of when I spent the night at a friends house a few months ago (at 220 pounds) and when I got in the bunkbed top, a slat broke. Thank god I had already been doing a lot of work on my thinking and really beginning to love and appreciate my body, cause she said to me: "Oh don't worry, please don't be ashamed". and I said to her, "I'm not ashamed; I'm not the one that built the bed". We laughed so hard we practically peed! I love that the "battle" has become a sweet collaboration between me, my sweet body, and all the support out there, including my band. Isn't that just fine?! I am excited for you and here to help in any way I can. Lisa
  6. LovingWhatIs

    Should I have a slight unfill or wait a full week?

    cool julie. That really helps! I am gonna weight (ha ha)
  7. :help: So I had a fill (my third) on last Thursday. I am having trouble eating - only soft foods are painless. I tend to swell a lot, and my fills have changed (loosen up a bit) after a week in the past. (Today is the following Monday, 4 days). So my question is, do you think I should go back in get a little pulled out, or stay on liquids/softies for the rest of the work week and see how it goes? I feel great and fine... I know you guys aren't, mostly, doctors, but I find that I have gotten the best answers to support a decision before I talk to my Doctor. Just want the opinions of those that live it, first.
  8. Steph, I love the Marianne Williamson quote! Thank you for inspiring me. It resonated in the deepest ways... She is remarkable. I am a student of her friend, Byron Katie. She is an amazing woman, too and I use her process, called "The Work", to question the stressful thoughts that led to my eating. She has a website, www.thework.com Anyway, thank you for giving me just what I was supposed to hear today. Love to you. lisa
  9. LovingWhatIs

    Dr, Malley and fills...Red flag I should run...

    I am not from MO, but I would definately encourage you to find another filler. I only have to wait a few days for an adjustment. Months is just unreasonable!
  10. LovingWhatIs

    My Worst Fat Day EVER!

    And Mona, I would also add that you are your own best friend! Look what you are willing to go through to support your wonderful body that has supported you for so long. You couldn't be your own worst enemy - from where I sit, you are someone who cares deeply for yourself and I love how you take care of you. Just your willingness to step into THIS, is a testament to THAT. LOVE to you Angel.
  11. LovingWhatIs

    Virginia Nov Chat

    I would call for sure! This is a collaboration - you are on the team of "you". I called, and even said, "hey I don't want to be a pest", and they said, "Please, be a pest - we are here for that and for you." Go for it. And I don't think calling after two weeks is Impatient at all. I finished my requirements and called the next day and scheduled an appointment to come in and set up my surgery. Get her done, my friend! Your sistah in Va. Lisa
  12. I am excited for you, DEB! We can all walk through this together. I love it.
  13. LovingWhatIs

    Hello from VA!

    I agree Janine, this board gives me the opportunity to find someone who DID have the same experience. It's a godsend. Funny you saw Eric in an ad. He's a good dude.
  14. So I got my third "tweak" today (Banded Sept. 11th) My doctor is so great about adding/removing as often as I need to get it right. And I think we really got it right this time. Instead of a full bag of steamed veggies, I am perfect with 1/2 cups mixed with Tofu and am waaaaaay full. :whoo: I had lost a small amount of Fluid "to the Band" as he put it. That is like when you make coffee, my mother used to say throw in an extra spoonful for "the pot" - Interesting - splains why I started getting hungry again. I love having a Doc that I can go in 3 x a month for no charge to adjust my fill and get it right if that is what I need. And I find that his instincts are actually pretty good - (I am learning from this board that fuller is not better, weight loss stops as metabolism adjusts). Anyway, I hear a lot of people that still don't have restriction and I say, "Sit On Your Doctors Doorstep and Take No Crap!" LOL. Love to you all.
  15. It took 3 fills. The first was October 31st, so exactly a month. I wish they had warned me ahead of time to be patient and know that the weightloss phase can take awhile to hit. I didn't know about this forum and was feeling disappointed. typical of me to think, okay, the day after surgery I will be thin! LOL. So hang in there and know that if you have the thought, "This band isn't working! I wasted all this time and money!", that many others had the same experience, and then the right fill level hit and VOILA. It's not true anymore... Hang in there - I am so excited for you.
  16. I found that after I finally got to the right "fill" level, the difficulty not drinking went away - AND I HATED NOT DRINKING WITH MY MEALs at first. I loved to pound Water with my meals. But weirdly, after reaching restriction, not a problem. Good luck, angel!
  17. :bounce:I DID HAVE THIS EXPERIENCE DURING MY FAST, PRE BAND. One of the reasons why was every time that I believed the thought, "I'm Hungry", I asked myself, "IS THAT TRUE?". AND I sat with it. I didn't answer right away - i went inside and listened to my body and waited for the answer, and many times found that, no, it isn't true! I am not hungry! I have been believing a lie and living out of it. And sometimes I found I was hungry, and enjoyed the experience of what the truly feels like for me. I wonder, Fanny if that isn't what happened for you - your willingness and open-mindedness to try doing it differently and "listening" to yourself (I NEVER did that before... I just ATE), slowing down, and discovering what is REALLY TRUE for you. I LOVE IT. This is so much more than about eating for me - it is about getting into a relationship with this beautiful body of mine that has carried me so far and taken so much abuse and never been anything but loyal to me. I just love this body, and I love serving it and listening to what it has to tell me. IS IT TRUE? A wonderful question, and it seems you slowed down and found the answer for YOU! There are three other questions I use, too - if you are interested in the 4 questions, go visit www.thework.com and find out about it. It's free and easy. PS: This is such a powerful question for me that I had it tattooed on the inside of me wrist yesterday, isn't that nuts? LOVE TO YOU FANNY!
  18. LovingWhatIs

    Hello from VA!

    Oh cool, I would love to get together. That is remarkable about it taking a month. I learn something new every day. I had no idea it could take that long. I had it done by Dr. Eric Pinnar. It used to be called Advanced Weight Loss Solutions (AWLS) but is now part of Synchrony Health. My fill is great, thanks! I really have good restriction and seem to be satisfied on about 1/2-3/4 cup of food. I love it!!!!!!!
  19. LovingWhatIs

    "Houston, We Have Restriction" WEE HEE!

    Let us know what happens. One, I want to know you are okay. And two, if that ever happens, then I will have your experience to draw on. Good Luck, sunshine.
  20. LovingWhatIs

    Reviews of protein powders?

    It's a protein powder that is great for people with Bariatric Surgery. Go to Injury | Personal Injury Lawyer | Personal Injury Attorney
  21. YOU GO! I love it. Hear you roar, woman!
  22. LovingWhatIs

    "Houston, We Have Restriction" WEE HEE!

    Thanks! I'm getting whatchall been talking about now!
  23. LovingWhatIs

    Virginia Nov Chat

    Hey chickie. Just got back from another fill. My doctor is hilarious... We negotiated and I think I have a nice restriction - sticking to liquids. I told him all about this board and how helpful it is and he is going to start promoting it. You guys are awesome. I feel like I have constant buddies and am never alone. ::::sniff:::::
  24. LovingWhatIs

    Reviews of protein powders?

    karma, How true! I was an excercise nut too, and then I would stop because I was getting no where. I remember I would start up again and then two days later expect a size 12 jean to suddenly fit. I think I was confused! HAHAHAHA.
  25. LovingWhatIs

    Hello from VA!

    Hi Janine! It is exciting isn't it? We have similar stories - me with the same 90 pounds. Just got banded Sept. 11 AND getting 3rd fill today. (I swell alot so am getting mini fills till we hit sweet spot). Although I am up near Winchester, my husband's ex is in Fredericksburg and if you guys ever get together count me in and I can visit her too at the same time. It's only about 1.5 hours and I agree, I love the connections and support that this forum offers.

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