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LAP-BAND Patients
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About MarilynC

  • Rank
    Pisces Girl
  • Birthday 03/16/1965

About Me

  • Biography
    Married, 1 Child, 2 Cats, & 1 large mortgage
  • Interests
    Reading, Sewing, Cooking
  • Occupation
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  1. Happy 48th Birthday MarilynC!

  2. Happy 47th Birthday MarilynC!

  3. MarilynC

    Who's benig banded on 11/20???

    Jill & tlwempen, Thanks for the support ladies. I am eating a little more. Just due to feeling generally crappy, it seems my main meal is dinner. I am doing water, protein bars, and soups throughout my day. I tried to eat eggs this morning with extremely ground up bacon (put it in the Magic Bullet) and it came right back up. However, I had Swedish Meatballs (only 2) this evening and so far so good. It now takes me forever to eat. The good news though is that I went clothes shopping today and I can wear one size smaller pants, and two size smaller shirts. I've lost about 5 pounds since the fill. It seems I should be losing more with what little I am eating. Oh well... Keep me posted as to how you are doing. Marilyn
  4. MarilynC

    Who's benig banded on 11/20???

    Hi everyone. Well...it seems that I was correct in questioning the doctor on the fill of 5cc's. I landed in the emergency room last Friday due to extreme vomiting and pain from the over restriction. I was throwing up just plain saliva. The doctor was in surgery most of the day so it was a full 24 hours before he took 2 cc's out of the band. Since the ER procedure, my stomach and esophagus are sore. I am eating little except protein bars and soups. If I eat too much or too quickly, I vomit. I can really tell that my clothes are looser but I am losing very few pounds. It is so frustrating!!!! I read that some of you have already had two and three fills. Have any of you had more than 3cc's? Are any of you experiencing the same issues that I am? I truly hope not because I have been miserable for the last week. Keep posting and I will check in next week. Marilyn :rolleyes2:
  5. MarilynC

    Who's benig banded on 11/20???

    Hi everyone. I got my first fill today and feel as if I'm going to hurl at any moment. Anyone else feel this way after your first fill??? The doc gave me 5cc's. I think this was too much but when questioned he seemed to think this was appropriate. I had to actually pull over after the appt. because I was feeling so nauseated. He did give me some advice on eating/maximizing weight loss that I wanted to pass along... Keep the carbs to an absolute minimum; eat your Protein first; keep your fat grams to 25 grams or under; exercise at least 30 minutes per day. Marilyn
  6. MarilynC

    Who's benig banded on 11/20???

    Hi everyone. I haven't been on in awhile and I just wanted to check in. I have had a lot going on in the past few weeks with the holidays, family, the loss of a pet, and other general job/home duties. I go for my first fill tomorrow. I'm hoping this will help to start the weight loss. I am eating under 1200 calories a day and exercising. However, my weight stays the same. I am beginning to think my surgery was for naught. My husband says to be patient but I just want to sit down and eat an entire pizza:ohmy:!!! The weather in the Chicago area continues to be cold, damp, and a little snowy. I need Hawaii about now:cool2: but my wallet just says no. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. Keep up the great work and continued success! Marilyn
  7. MarilynC

    Who's benig banded on 11/20???

    Hi everyone. I haven't checked in for awhile. Welcome to the newest members joining us. I've lost about 8 pounds :cry and after reading some of your posts, it seems that I can empathize with some of you. I also am suffering from food cravings, slow weight loss, and the urge to binge. I see my doctor on Jan. 7th for my first fill. Hopefully, this will help increase the weight loss. I think I am just so frustrated that I am not seeing more progress. I'm not sure what I had in my head before the surgery. I knew the surgery was not a "miracle" for weight loss. However, I thought the weight loss would be quicker. Also...Thanks to Marissa, Bandpal, and Towens for the words of encouragement! I'm trying hard to hang in there but I am struggling. Reading your posts have helped to keep me going. Continued success to everyone and Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah or Happy Kwanzaa. Did I miss anyone? If so, please know that I am thinking of all of you with the kindest of thoughts during this special time of the year. Marilyn
  8. MarilynC

    Who's benig banded on 11/20???

    Hi everyone. After reading all of your posts, it sounds as if everyone is doing so well. I can't believe the weight loss from some of you. That is absolutely fabulous! I have only lost a mere 5 pounds since surgery . I did lose 20 pounds on a six month diet before my surgery could be approved by the insurance company. I've just been a little disappointed that the weight loss hasn't been more significant especially given the small amount of food I am actually taking in. My husband, Joe, has actually hidden my scale because I seem to be so obsessed with weighing daily. I think it's just that I need to see the progress. I have been overweight for so long that I just can't imagine life without the weight. My little one had a B-day party this weekend and I began comparing myself to the younger, thinner moms. The feelings of wanting to binge were almost overwhelming. I didn't, thankfully the surgery doesn't allow for this. I'm just worried that if I don't start seeing more progress soon, I will give into those feelings. Joe keeps reminding me that it took many years to put on the weight and it may take many years to lose and keep off the weight. It's just that society has taught us to want what we want NOW!!!! Later doesn't cut it for me. I know this sounds unreasonable. I do realize a "quick fix" is not the issue. The issue is with me and my own body image. I'm sure many of you can relate to these feelings. Enough of the self-imposed pity party... I have been able to eat a little more and have even tried some mushy Pasta. Joe went and purchased a Magic Bullet blender for me to use. It is great in pureeing food to a pulp and I have been able to enjoy smoothies. He has also made sugar-free Jello and puddings. I was not a huge sweets fan anyway but just to be able to slightly chew something feels good. I miss my bread, though. I grew up in deep southern Illinois on a farm. Everything I ate was country cooking. Translation...lots of bread, butter, and good old fattening, stick-to-your-ribs food. It also doesn't help that I am a really good cook. Of course, also cooking with all that fattening stuff because it tastes so good. It has been a huge change for me to go from that to counting fat content and calorie content for the family. However, Joe has been a great support and my daughter has always eaten really healthy. It's funny that I watched her diet so closely to ensure that my genes would not influence her to be overweight while continuing to eat the same. I have always preached a healthy lifestyle to her while not necessarily following it myself. Do as I say not as I do. Wacky, huh! Enough rambling for now...Thanks for the venue to just let some of this out. I hope all of you continue to go down the road to success. Keep posting and let me know how all of you are. For those returning to work, expect to be tired and good luck! :Banane52: Marilyn
  9. MarilynC

    Who's benig banded on 11/20???

    Hi everyone. I haven't checked in for a few days. I see a new member has chimed in. Nice to hear from you Karmen. It sounds as if you are doing great. Bandpal and I have something in common, I see. I am a current educator working with children ages 8-11. They are great but the school politics stink! I can totally understand getting into a new line of work. I went back to work myself on Monday. I continue to overdue...part of that Type A personality. I am experiencing pain at the incision sites. I also am having hunger pangs. I am eating/drinking every few hours to help alleviate these. I'm not sure if this is also happening with any of you. It remains difficult to get my Protein in even using the whey powder. I see my doctor next Tuesday so I will address these issues then. Well...keep writing to keep me updated and everyone have a wonderful evening. Marilyn
  10. MarilynC

    Who's benig banded on 11/20???

    Hi everyone. I am still on pain meds but usually only during the evening hours. I go back to work tomorrow and am trying to manage the pain with just plain liquid Tylenol during the day. The pain is easing substantially everyday. However, if I move just the right way, I feel as if I was stabbed! I am also getting about 40 grams of protein a day using Whey protein that I purchased at GNC. There is no taste and it is a fine powder so I have been mixing it with almost everything I take in. I can eat about 4 ounces at a time. However, I am experiencing extreme rumbling/grumbling of the tummy if I do not take in something every few hours. This has also helped with keeping the gas down. I sympathize with tlwempen in watching others eat great looking food. My family ate lasagna the other night and it was all I could do just to eat my soup. Have a great day and I will keep reading all of your updates.
  11. MarilynC

    Who's benig banded on 11/20???

    Hi everyone. I too was banded on Nov. 20th. I just found the forum today after researching weight gain after surgery. I have gained 5 pounds post-op and have become very concerned. However, after reading the posts from others it seems to be normal. I hope all of you are doing well after your surgery. I am having some pain but it is dissipating. My husband thought I was a little crazy in going Christmas shopping yesterday. I am due back at work on Monday and my little one turns five tomorrow. No rest for the truly wicked! Hope to hear some of your experiences soon. Marilyn

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