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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bbgal

  1. bbgal

    Throwng up at night

    OMG! I thought this was just me! I thought I had developed GERD, but Dr. Spiegel had told me that the band would help to reduce GERD (as a mater of fact, he said the government was even checking into approving this lapband surgery for GERD patients, not necessarily obese). The coughing at night makes me insane. If/when I can puke it up, I quit coughing and finally get some sleep. No solids come up........just flemish fluids. Guess I better get to the Dr. I'm not ready to give up on my band....it's helped me to lose 120+ lbs in 10-11 months. The weight loss has definately slowed down, tho and I just don't feel like I could handle another fill at this point.................some things, still won't stay down. I used to be able to eat a cheese enchilda withought any problem. It's tough now.....gotta eat really really really slow (makes my family crazy). I like the ice cream as it feels good on my throat, but if I eat it too late (hr or 2 before bed).........I will start the coughing thing. Please let me know what your Dr says.........it'll be a while before I can get into Spiegel's office (lots has changed there). lisa
  2. bbgal

    I'm Engaged!

    Congrats Sarah! May ya'll have many many years filled with love, laughter and happiness! (I just love weddings!) lisa
  3. bbgal

    New here with band problems

    I was banded on Aug 15th by 'open procedure' due to other complications. The top portion of my incision is where my port is and I too just would not heal there. After all the staples were removed, a hole remained in the top portion of the incision. Dr told me that I had caught the infection in it's early stages. If I would have waited, I could have had terrible complications with my port (.."and I didn't want that"). The 'swabbing' of the port hole was nasty, but that stuff HAD to come out! My Dr told me not to pack it, but to lightly cover with gauze and let the crap drain out (Better out than in). He prescribed 'Levaquin' for 10 days (twice a day). This is apparently a very strong antibiotic, similar to that given through an IV. After 10 days, I called and told them that I thought I needed to remain on the antibiotics for another 10 days and they refilled it. The 'hole' is now scabbed over, all infection is gone and I feel great! Please don't get discouraged. I too felt I was destined for failure, as I had the original attempt at banding laproscopically in early May 2005. This procedure was aborted as a huge tumor was found on my liver (Thank God it was benign), not allowing them to get to my stomach. I was persistant and had the procedure "open" in Aug 2005. I had the port infection and also ripped by incision in the lower portion, as I pushed myself too hard. You have to give yourself time to recover! Please, please concentrate on your port recovery and healing. I feel wonderful now and soooo happy to have my band. After all I went through..........I'd still do it again! It's that worth it to me! Like Martha Stewart would say......."It's a good thing!" (ha) Take Care and best wishes for a speedy recovery! Lisa
  4. I'm a newbie and proud as can be! I was just banded this past Monday (8/15). After a 2 year research of lapbanding (yes, I'm a chicken), I had run out of excuses. In Feb 2005, I met Dr Felix Spiegel in Houston and he changed my life. He actually performed lapband procedure on patients with a BMI over 50! (Yes, that's me....but not ready to give you #'s just yet). After many insurance issues, dr office staff issues, etc. I went in for laproscopic banding in May 2005. Boy, was I ready! I was awaken from the procedure to find out that it could not be done, as a grapefruit size tumor was found on my liver, prohibiting him from getting to the stomach. I was sent to a liver specialist in the medical center and after more testing...found wherein the tumor is a benign hemangioma (blood tumor) and is generally never removed! If it prevented me from being banded...I wanted it gone! Dr. Spiegel spoke with 2 of my liver specialist and all agreed to not remove the benign hemangioma, but perform the banding 'Open' procedure. Which sent me back to the insurance company for open procedure approval...................! After fighting like the stubborn bohemian woman I am, I was approved and surgery was performed by Dr Speigel at Twelve Oaks Hospital in Houston this past Monday. I was on Preop liquid diet for 4 days, hositalized for 3 days with only ice chips and 1 broth meal and now at home and still on liquids! I HATE LIQUIDS! But, I've come too far to screw it up now! I am determined to concur this come hell or high water! Today, I'm having to run to the bathroom with diahrea (sorry, don't mean to gross you out) after each meal. Meal is either: broth, Atkins shake, Jello and/or popsicle. I did start drinking about 1/2 cup of coffee in the morning. (i like my java) Could this be the problem? I stop when I'm full and drink slowly (or at least I think I am). Is this what they mean by 'dumping syndrome'. Thought I wasn't gonna have this with lapbanding. Should I be concerned? It's Not terrible yet ... and I will not let this defeat me either! Don't own a scale (imagine that?) and won't weigh in until next Wednesday when I see Dr Spiegel for postop. Anxious to see the #'s. (Never thought I'd say that I'm anxious to step on a scale). I have an awesome support group of friends and family and are ever so thankful for them, but unfortunately they can't help me like I'm hoping you can! Thanks in advance to all you for your support as well! bbgal "Smile...it makes people wonder what you've been up to!"
  5. bbgal

    Looking Forward

    I also would like men to 'flirt' with me, instead of my girlfriends; and my husband's reaction to same!
  6. bbgal

    Looking Forward

    I wanna shoot OMAR THE TENT MAKER! I wanna 'clean my closet' and start fresh! I wanna see friends and family reactions when I suceed this time! I know my daughters love me...I just want them PROUD to be with me (note: one is a teenager, so it may never happen.. ha).
  7. bbgal


    Thanks to all ya'll. Seems to be getting better. I've noticed where this LIQUID phase can be from 1 week to 6 weeks, depending on your dr. God, I hope I'm not in the 6 week group....I think I'd lose my mind! Hoping when I return on Wednesday for postop, I'll get the green light to soft foods (yogurt, mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, etc.). I'm a "Texture" person.......I wanna feel the food in my mouth! Ha Dr Spiegel enphasizes getting on foods as soon as you can tolerate, so I'm hoping that day will be soon. Thanks again for ya'lls help. bbgal
  8. bbgal

    Anyone for fish or is that t.m.i?

    I was banded 'open' this past Monday (8/15) as I had a tumor on my liver that prevented me from having it laproscopically. Tumor is benign and all is fine. As a matter of fact, I still have it. Dr. Felix Spiegel in Houston did my surgery and had previously discussed with the liver specialist. Anyway, long story short. I was in the hospital for 3 days and now home and moving around. I tire easily, but stop to rest when needed. I thing there must have been a staple factory in the surgery room. I've never seen so many staples in my life (and I've had several other surgeries). I will be off for approximately 6 weeks. I'm hoping I'll look quite different when I return to work. I realize that I'm very fortunate to have a job that allows me the recovery time. Just remember to take enough time for yourself....you've come too far! Hang in there! Feel better soon! bbgal

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