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LAP-BAND Patients
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About destined2befree

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 06/25/1969

About Me

  • Biography
    A mom of two, wife, student
  • Occupation
    Full time student
  • City
    Yorba Linda
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  1. Happy 44th Birthday destined2befree!

  2. Happy 43rd Birthday destined2befree!

  3. destined2befree

    load noise from throat, stomach noise

    i only get it sometimes, like when i overdo it. I am not sure what it is, but like I said, it only happens sometimes, but yes, very embarrassing and hard to explain especially because I havent annonced to the world that I have the band
  4. destined2befree

    what to do when something is stuck

    omg! I talked to you a long time ago, did you get the sleeve? why?
  5. destined2befree

    center of excellence?? *just a rant* SORRY lol

    I had my surgery there in Jan 08--my doc, dr. eric pham ALWAYS calls me back and his receptionist, debra, she is sooo sweet. She must really be busy, but yeah I would show up to exchange my boxes and tell them, if she doesnt call me back in 10 to make an appt I am going to show up~! well I would ask the dr. to call me back and tell him your situation and ask him to get you in before you ins expires. I am happy that I did it although the weight loss journey has been harder than i expected, but I am still trying to eat right and move more and for sure I am eating less, whether I want to or not! good luck!
  6. destined2befree

    How I Honestly Feel

    Your honestly is liberating. It is true that we all feel that way deep down. it is hard, i am 8 mos post op and feel exactly like you. It is hard every single day, every single meal is hard for me. I recently started an exercise program and am now only feeling the difference, but you are right about one thing, you will FOREVER be constantly fighting this battle!
  7. destined2befree

    So-Cal Doctors?

    dr. eric pham at st joseph's hospital in Orange, cA. They have a whole team of docs, nurses a designated recovery area and special beds for bariatric patients.
  8. destined2befree

    Restriction or Not?

    that is exactly what that is! Tortillas are a problem for me too, flour or corn, it doesnt matter...no matter how small the bite is, I always regret it. So I just started doing without out and so far so good. I am mexican so it is hard, but they never make me feel good afterwards and sometimes they even come up, so what's the point? good luck, you will find pretty soon you wont miss them, use a fork instead and you'll get to have a little more food that way too.
  9. I would not do it again. I had initially lost 10 lbs and as of today I weigh 2 lbs more than I did on the day I had my surgery which was 01/07/08...almost 7 mos ago.........I am totally disappointed. I feel awful. I get sick quite a bit I am filled 5.5 in a 10 cc band and i am totally unhappy with the results. I could have gained/lost this much weight on my own. i have started walking again, but am sooo discouraged with the surgery. this is just my opinion, there are lots of people who have been very successful and have been banded after me, but for me it just didnt work,....good luck.
  10. OMG- I just read your post and I have been feeling quite blue, I had surgery 01/07/08 and have lost 10lbs only to find it all back again, I eat around the band. I initially exercised then gave up and wanted the band to do all the work. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I feel awful and my clothes fit terrible, it is almost as if I have not even had surgery at all. my girlfriend has invited me on an early morning hike tomorrow and I am going NO MATTER WHAT. thank you for your post as it has given me the inspiration that I need. i copied your quote at the bottom, it is great and really hit home with me.
  11. destined2befree


    I have been banded since 01/08 and have lost ten lbs only to find them again.....I feel totally deceived. you are right, when I lost 5 lbs in a week it was because it was too tight and I couldnt eat a thing and puked several times.........yuck, that is sooo gross and unpleasant, no way to live your life, I had him take some out and I try and I mean try to use portion control and I also exercise regularly, but still dont knwo if i have lost any weigth, I wont weigh myself unlessI go to the lap band doc, it is way too depressing! I feel bamboozled! I am hungry every 3-4 hours and eat quite often, I try to fill myself with fruit, btu I am hugnry and I cant sleep if I am hungry.......wish I had done the bypassl...oh well, such is olife, what can I do now? live with it and do my best, every single moment is a challenge.....I am consumed with it, I am obviously feeding something else and need to take a different approacvh, i will attend OA this week,,,,I simply can t take it anymore:sad:
  12. destined2befree

    Help!! Eating to much

    Jeremy, you are doing fantastic! I was banded 01/07/08 and I lost ONLY 10lbs and then managed to find it back again, I have 4cc's in a 10ccband. I struggle every single day and am obviously feeding more than just my hunger! I am on the exercise train and just started journaling my food today and we shall see what happens. keep up the good work. I am going to ask my doctor for a fill next month and see how it goes. wish me luck. take care and dont beat yourself up...you are pluggin along just fine.
  13. destined2befree

    Second Guessing

    oh my gosh, we could be twins! I could still eat a whole bagel post lap band---I know I lost 10lbs in 8 weeks and then found it all again, currently I am 4cc in a 10 cc band and i feel good although, I have to control my intake, i was a 5cc's and i got sick and had the foam and it was gross, now I dont get sick, but I know when I have had enough, but I still feel like I can eat a lot, too much for being banded honestly. good luck.
  14. yeah, I too was filled to 5cc's out of a 10 cc band and I lost 5 lbs in a week! I was soooo miserable, I was able to eat, but so little and I threw up a couple of times and discovered what the foamy spit up is and it was just plain gross!! I was like that for a week and then I went back to my doctor and told him it was too much, he took out 1cc and now I seriously believe I am at the sweet spot. I feel great, I am taking better care of myself and eating better and most importantly working out because I never ever ever want to go back to being overfilled--it has to be the worst feeling ever! call your doc and have him unfill you as that is no way to live and a super miserable experience, you eat something and you feel it sitting in your esophagus....sorry to be so graphic, but call your doc, that is what he is there for!!! good luck and happy banding, I promise you will feel better!
  15. destined2befree

    How slow is too slow?

    I feel your pain. i initially lost 10 lbs in 10 weeks only to gain it all back! yeah my first two fills were unsuccessful and I just yesterday got filled to 5cc's in a 10cc band, so I am now half full. 2 weeks ago i had been filled with 3cc's and he only filled me again because I gained half a pound. I can seriously feel restricted now. I am starting with a trainer tomorrow and see what happens in the next 30 days. I am also keeping a food journal now. It is true this is not a race, but it sure would be nice to see less of myself. good luck to all.

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