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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    BigTink2LilTink reacted to Brandeis in Before And After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Photos   
    4 months out...lost 55 pounds since surgery, and 80 since HW! first pic is august, second pic is last week~

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    BigTink2LilTink reacted to Ignatius in Guys who started over 400 lbs.   
    How's everyone doing? I've lost about 120 pounds since my pre-op diet began Oct. 14. I've noticed I can "get away" with higher calories and more carbs/sugar than I would have anticipated. It's becoming quite clear that this truly is hard work. That said, I'm still losing at a good clip and have many, many more good days than bad. Will start personal training and boxing classes soon to supplement walking (currently my sole form of exercise).
    On a high note, when I attend my sister-in-law's wedding next weekend I won't be worried about the seating, the dancing, and, most of all, uncomfortable dress clothes. I'll wear a suit that fits better than when I bought it in July 2011.
    Onward and downward, gents.

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    BigTink2LilTink got a reaction from FAT2LESS in Guys who started over 400 lbs.   
    To me 241lbs never looked so good. Especially coming from good and well over 600lbs too.
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    BigTink2LilTink got a reaction from jenndogg in Guys who started over 400 lbs.   
    So this morning I stepped on the scale and saw a number I hadn't seen in decades.....241. I was at 241lbs this morning. I am close oh so so close to getting into my goal weight range of the 230lbs.
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    BigTink2LilTink reacted to BigViffer in Chest Exercises   
    The first thing you need to do is establish what exactly you want. If you just want to flatten your chest and get rid of the "moobs", stick to cardio. Just run your ass off. Losing the fat will flatten the chest. If you want to try an back fill the left over skin with muscle, you are going to need to focus on building muscle. And not just the pectorals, your shoulders too. And that means using free weights.
    I know the machines are more comfortable and easier, but there is a price for that. Effectiveness. The king of chest building training is the bench. Ugh. I hate the bench but it has to be done. Whether you start with dumbells or the barbell doesn't matter really. I prefer dumbells, but there is little disputing that the barbell is better because if forces the arms to work in synchronicity. Just be conservative with the weights. Even now I start ever chest day with just the bar to warm up and establish my bar path in my head.
    Any training that involves the chest press requires that the shoulders be strong as well. So you are going to need to start training them as well. I have a post on here with some examples of shoulder exercises. Again, be conservative. This isn't a race, it's the rest of your life.
    Once your shoulders and chest are starting to show progress, then you can add dips into the mix. They are good for the lower part of the chest. Forget declines. Dips is what you want. Inclines are OK, I do them too, but it is because I enjoy them, not because they are a magic movement that causes huge growth. A better lift for the shoulders and upper chest at the same time is the standing press. That causes some growth!
    And one real quick note about the reverse grip bench. That is not a chest exercise, rather it is a triceps lift and the chest is ancillary at best. I don't care for it, but there is nothing wrong with it. I just want to make sure people know what it is really working. Oh, and the EZ-Curlbar Skullcrushers are great for the triceps and lats. Look that one up too.
    All of this is of course optional, you may do whatever works best for you. This is just what I have I researched and experienced. And I would say these are things you shouldn't attempt until you are hitting 100 grams of Protein on a somewhat regular basis.
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    BigTink2LilTink reacted to BayougirlMrsS in Is It True What They Say???   
    @@Who'sThere LOL.... you forget im almost single now..... but i will keep you posted
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    BigTink2LilTink reacted to HypothyroidFighter in Guys who started over 400 lbs.   
    Hw 421.7 Which Was The Day Of My Consultation With The Surgeon He Asked That I Lose 50Lbs For Him To Do The Surgery Because Of The Possible Risk And Complications That Was On Wednesday 3/15/17 Leaving That Office I Wanted To Cry Because I Was Ready Had All The Insurance Requirements Only Thing I Needed Was to Send In Everything For The Insurance To Accept It And A Date. I Have Hypothyroidism I Been Obese All My Life And Never Could Lose More Than 3Lbs Before Gaining 10 So I Was Scared And Ready To Give Up By Now 6Days Later With My Low Calories Diet, Exercise, And Dedication I Am Down 19.7 Lbs I Currently Weigh 402.0 From My Starting Weight 6Days Ago Of 421.7

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    BigTink2LilTink got a reaction from Dashofpixiedust8 in What is your fav vitamin and protien shake brands?   
    Careful with getting thing pre-surgery. As some of us who've gone through the surgery can tell you, your taste buds will indeed change early on and in some cases permanently. Things you may like right now and can tolerate you may find disgusting post surgery, or worse can't take them cause they may make you sick. So keep that bit of information in mind before you go dropping a ton of money on things to only find out later that you can't tolerate them.

    Protein Powders/Shakes:
    I have tried Isopure powders and Protein Water. The Water is god awful pre and post surgery. Pure protein coconut water I was able to tolerate post surgery. Protein powders that I have used and still do is Isopure (unflavored/Chocolate/Strawberry), Quest (Salted Caramel, Cookies & Cream), and Dynamite ISO (Chocolate, Strawberry). Each had their own unique taste to them and served a purpose. I know early on they tasted way way too sweet for me to care for them. So I found myself doing the unflavored Isopure brand the most. Was usually just mixing it into my orange juice in the am to give me some additional protein throughout the day.

    Also the unflavored did allow me to add it to stuff and it didn't change the taste or texture of foods too much for me to still be able to consume/enjoy them, while getting in the necessary grams of protein in per day that I needed. Protein powders are better in cold/cool drinks, and if you are mixing them into something like a chilled puree. Adding it to hot liquids can cause it to clot and make it almost curd, which can change the taste and make it gross honestly. But hey if you enjoy curd protein then by all means have at it.
    For Vitamins I've done the One a day and the Vitafusion brands of Multivitamins, (chewable types of course) and am comfortable with either or those brands. I've never tried Celebrate, so I can't speak on them even though my doctor recommends and sells them in his office. Besides Multivitamins, I also take in addition, Iron supplement (chewable GNC Bariatric brands), Calcium supplement (GNC Bariatric brands), Thiamine supplement (B1), D3, and B12 supplement, folic acid, and Omega 3 (helps with the skin big time).

    I hope that my $0.02 were helpful to you. Good luck with your upcoming surgery.
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    BigTink2LilTink reacted to strengthin#ers in Guys who started over 400 lbs.   
    Amazing!!wooooow you look GR8[emoji106]

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    BigTink2LilTink reacted to vcalvillo90 in 100 pounds gone in 7 months   
    What did you do to lose the weight , I mean which exercises. I'm trying to get rid of my arms and legs. I've lost 50lbs since my sleeve on 11- 21- 16. I need some advice.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J320AZ using the BariatricPal App

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    BigTink2LilTink reacted to Ruth1ess in 100 pounds gone in 7 months   
    One year ago vs now. This comparison really floored me!

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    BigTink2LilTink reacted to ready_to_be_thin in 100 pounds gone in 7 months   
    You look awesome!!! I'm the same way....I get used to the weight loss looking in the mirror everyday, but when I look at before and now pics, I am just amazed at myself!
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    BigTink2LilTink reacted to Please in Before and After Pics   
    Wow ! You look Awesome Lady!!
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    BigTink2LilTink reacted to Ghstbstrgrl in Before and After Pics   
    This is from November 2016 to today. Sleeved 2-22-17, 47 pounds down.

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    BigTink2LilTink got a reaction from MsShortyDee in You know you lost weight when   
    Here is my latest list of "You know you lost weight when" answers.
    This is for my heterosexual people in here. When you go from not really having the opposite sex pay you any attention at all, to now having multiple people approach you about dating. (Yeah I know it seems a bit shallow, but damn it I didn't really have a shallow phase at all until now so let me live in it for a bit).
    When you can actually start wearing suits and they look on you exactly like how they look on the models in the suit brochures, that's when you know you've lost some weight.
    When you can lay down and see your rib cage, pelvic bone, hip bones, and genitals and not have to suck in your gut cause its flat enough to see straight down now.
    To be able to shop in stores that don't have the phrase "Big & Tall" in the store name.
    *Also I maybe the only one that does this, its also a bit dangerous and silly but.....* To be able to drive with one's leg on the dash because his legs and thighs are skinny enough to allow for such flexible acts of nature.
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    BigTink2LilTink got a reaction from FAT2LESS in Guys who started over 400 lbs.   
    To me 241lbs never looked so good. Especially coming from good and well over 600lbs too.
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    BigTink2LilTink got a reaction from teacupnosaucer in Before And After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Photos   
    11.....I am 11lbs away from my own personal goal weight. post workout tonight pictures.


    Now the pictures of the blue suite are from this past weekend,which was my birthday weekend as I was treated to a night out on the town at a Burlesque show.

    The red suite here is from my oldest brother's wedding from about a month and a half ago.

    In other words people. I am now starting to actually appreciate how I look. It has taken a long time for me to mentally get to this point where I don't see the "Fat Man" anymore. Even after the surgery and easily dropped the first 200lbs I still saw the "Fat Man". Now I am not seeing him at all. A good clean suit does do wonders for the confidence that is for damn sure.
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    BigTink2LilTink got a reaction from daisy63 in Vivid dreams?   
    First year I had that. Hell the first 4 months were bad with dreams of eating things I knew I couldn't eat any more. It gets better with time though. Just hang in there.
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    BigTink2LilTink got a reaction from UpandAtom in Unintended Consequences of Massive Weight Loss   
    Try some compression undergarments and see if that will help. It kinda keeps all the skin in and keep the "jewels" up front where they need to be.
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    BigTink2LilTink reacted to Sullie06 in Before and After Pics   
    8wks Post-Op today!
    SW 301
    Day of surgery 271
    CW 242
    Size 22- Size 16

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    BigTink2LilTink got a reaction from tronataizhane in Weightlifting questions.   
    NSAIDS offer too much risk in getting an ulcer post-op so its best to avoid them if you can. Tylenol is the go to for pain meds or the knock off brand for Tylenol. Also if you can steam like in a sauna or soak in a whirlpool post weightlifting I have found that to help with soreness after lifting heaving on weight lifting days. Try not to over do it, and remember Rome wasn't built in a day. So take your time slow and steady and you will get there.
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    BigTink2LilTink got a reaction from Dashofpixiedust8 in What is your fav vitamin and protien shake brands?   
    Careful with getting thing pre-surgery. As some of us who've gone through the surgery can tell you, your taste buds will indeed change early on and in some cases permanently. Things you may like right now and can tolerate you may find disgusting post surgery, or worse can't take them cause they may make you sick. So keep that bit of information in mind before you go dropping a ton of money on things to only find out later that you can't tolerate them.

    Protein Powders/Shakes:
    I have tried Isopure powders and Protein Water. The Water is god awful pre and post surgery. Pure protein coconut water I was able to tolerate post surgery. Protein powders that I have used and still do is Isopure (unflavored/Chocolate/Strawberry), Quest (Salted Caramel, Cookies & Cream), and Dynamite ISO (Chocolate, Strawberry). Each had their own unique taste to them and served a purpose. I know early on they tasted way way too sweet for me to care for them. So I found myself doing the unflavored Isopure brand the most. Was usually just mixing it into my orange juice in the am to give me some additional protein throughout the day.

    Also the unflavored did allow me to add it to stuff and it didn't change the taste or texture of foods too much for me to still be able to consume/enjoy them, while getting in the necessary grams of protein in per day that I needed. Protein powders are better in cold/cool drinks, and if you are mixing them into something like a chilled puree. Adding it to hot liquids can cause it to clot and make it almost curd, which can change the taste and make it gross honestly. But hey if you enjoy curd protein then by all means have at it.
    For Vitamins I've done the One a day and the Vitafusion brands of Multivitamins, (chewable types of course) and am comfortable with either or those brands. I've never tried Celebrate, so I can't speak on them even though my doctor recommends and sells them in his office. Besides Multivitamins, I also take in addition, Iron supplement (chewable GNC Bariatric brands), Calcium supplement (GNC Bariatric brands), Thiamine supplement (B1), D3, and B12 supplement, folic acid, and Omega 3 (helps with the skin big time).

    I hope that my $0.02 were helpful to you. Good luck with your upcoming surgery.
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    BigTink2LilTink reacted to UpandAtom in Unintended Consequences of Massive Weight Loss   
    Ok Guys I don't quite know how to say this so I'm just gonna come out and say it. I keep sitting on my balls! It seems that with the receded thunder thighs and reduced fat pad in the pubic area, the sack hangs much lower than it used to. Everytime I sit down i squash the nads just beneath my now bony butt! Needless to say this causes discomfort and the embarrassing need to furtively glance around while reaching in to rescue the little fellers. Anyone else have this problem and have an suggestions? Maybe some drawers that work better than others?

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    BigTink2LilTink got a reaction from Dashofpixiedust8 in What is your fav vitamin and protien shake brands?   
    Careful with getting thing pre-surgery. As some of us who've gone through the surgery can tell you, your taste buds will indeed change early on and in some cases permanently. Things you may like right now and can tolerate you may find disgusting post surgery, or worse can't take them cause they may make you sick. So keep that bit of information in mind before you go dropping a ton of money on things to only find out later that you can't tolerate them.

    Protein Powders/Shakes:
    I have tried Isopure powders and Protein Water. The Water is god awful pre and post surgery. Pure protein coconut water I was able to tolerate post surgery. Protein powders that I have used and still do is Isopure (unflavored/Chocolate/Strawberry), Quest (Salted Caramel, Cookies & Cream), and Dynamite ISO (Chocolate, Strawberry). Each had their own unique taste to them and served a purpose. I know early on they tasted way way too sweet for me to care for them. So I found myself doing the unflavored Isopure brand the most. Was usually just mixing it into my orange juice in the am to give me some additional protein throughout the day.

    Also the unflavored did allow me to add it to stuff and it didn't change the taste or texture of foods too much for me to still be able to consume/enjoy them, while getting in the necessary grams of protein in per day that I needed. Protein powders are better in cold/cool drinks, and if you are mixing them into something like a chilled puree. Adding it to hot liquids can cause it to clot and make it almost curd, which can change the taste and make it gross honestly. But hey if you enjoy curd protein then by all means have at it.
    For Vitamins I've done the One a day and the Vitafusion brands of Multivitamins, (chewable types of course) and am comfortable with either or those brands. I've never tried Celebrate, so I can't speak on them even though my doctor recommends and sells them in his office. Besides Multivitamins, I also take in addition, Iron supplement (chewable GNC Bariatric brands), Calcium supplement (GNC Bariatric brands), Thiamine supplement (B1), D3, and B12 supplement, folic acid, and Omega 3 (helps with the skin big time).

    I hope that my $0.02 were helpful to you. Good luck with your upcoming surgery.

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