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Posts posted by catlover2565

  1. I know this is not a normal topic of discussion here.. But, I am finally comfortable enough with my looks now that I am starting to try to date again..

    With that being said... I only started trying about a week and a half ago, and I am going on a date this coming Wednesday night!

    Wish me luck!!

    Oh and lookie!! I am officially in just the overweight category!!!

  2. I hadn't seen most of my family in a year... lost 80 pounds... and barely got a "you look good" It was quite disappointing to say the least...

    At work, with people who see me all the time, I get more responses..

    BUT I also get more than I want from people at work...

    "Oh, you look great! Whatever you are doing is working... I have this great diet program that I am on.. I will send it to you for you to follow...."

    I tell them that I am good with the program/lifestyle I am currently doing.. and they STILL try to tell me what I should and should not be eating...

    and I get comments about how my rear is getting smaller... Well, DUH... can't lose 80+ lbs and not lose some of the caboose... Imagine if I had lost weight/inches everywhere EXCEPT the backside....

  3. I tried searching for this, but I get sooooo many responses and none seem quite right...

    I am in a MAJOR stall, and have been for about a month now. Eating everything right and approved. Working out 3-5 times a week.

    I have only lost 11 pounds in 2 months and a total of 6 inches overall... Now while I KNOW that is still ok and is NOT a gain in any way shape or form... I just do NOT want to get stuck here.

    So how many of you have gone back to Protein shakes in order to, well for the lack of a better word, "reset" your body and your weight loss?

    Is this a normal thing that people do to try to re-kickstart the loss again? Something else that I should be doing??
    Have nut appointment in 2 weeks....

  4. I know that everyone stalls at some point... I have been stuck at 205/206 for almost 3 weeks now...

    I eat the allotted calories/carbs/etc that was set by my nut..

    I recently started going back to crossfit... 2-3 times a week... It is a very strenuous exercise program...

    The scale won't move. I am so frustrated! I don't want to stop here!

    I am able to wear a pant size down from where I was a month ago.. But I'm worried that my body is just being stupid due to working out again...

    I will be talking to my nut in about 3 weeks at my next appointment...


  5. I don't think it is necessary.. but I still drink them from time to time even though I am 4 months out...

    I CAN meet my required 76-95 grams without them.. but sometimes it is a super easy way to make sure I get there...

    Also, it would depend on what your NUT says..

  6. chocolate Peanut Butter Bars

    8 scoops chocolate Protein powder (I use Wheytech Pro 24 Rich Chocolate by Bodytech found at The Vitamin Shoppe or on Amazon)

    1 cup old fashioned oatmeal

    1/3 cup PB2 (3 TBS powder mixed with approx 1.5 TBS Water adjust to make into nice PB paste)

    3 TBS Honey

    ½ cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

    1/3 cup crushed peanuts


    1. Mix together the Protein Powder, oatmeal, Peanut Butter, honey and milk.
    2. Form into 12 bars and then roll in the crushed peanuts to finish.
    3. Place in the fridge for about 30-45 mins or until solid (tastes better if overnight) also best to keep in fridge until ready to eat

    18 grams Protein

    It is pretty hard to mix and will seem like it is too dry.. you have to use elbow grease to get it mixed well… rolling in the peanuts doesn’t work that great so you will need to press the nuts into the bars. They are really chewy, but great snack!

    The scoops that are in the powder that I use are pretty large.. if yours has small scoops you may have to double it....

    For all the ones below, just chop everything in food processor with the almond milk and lime juice if required for recipe...

    Peanut/Date Bars

    1 cup dry roasted peanuts

    1 cup chopped dates

    9 scoops vanilla Protein Powder

    ½ cup unsweetened almond milk

    3-4 Tbsp. lime juice

    That is it! Makes 12 bars just like other recipe… This one has 20 grams protein...

    Key Lime bars

    1 ½ cups pistachios chopped

    8 scoops vanilla protein powder

    ½ cup unsweetened almond milk

    3-4 Tbsp. key lime juice

    Zest from limes – I did it from 2

    1 cup chopped dates

    ½ cup finely chopped pistachios for outer layer of bars after shaped

    Makes 12 bars - 19 grams protein

    This one I am going to make this weekend… Won’t know how it tastes until Sunday…

    Vanilla Apricot Bars

    1 cup dry roasted peanuts chopped

    1 cup chopped dried apricots

    8-9 scoops vanilla protein powder (don’t know how many I need yet for right texture..)

    ½ cup unsweetened almond milk

    Makes 12 bars

    I think that is it.. 20 grams protein

    So far the ones with dates in them are a bit sticky.. but VERY tasty!!

  7. For me.. IF my stomach doesn't like what I ate, within 5 minutes my mouth doing that over producing saliva thing that warns me that I am gonna hurl... and for me there is NO stopping it...

    as far as feeling full... I am not really how to explain it.. it is not the same feeling as before surgery for me.. I kinda start getting a lump in the base of my throat... and I just don't eat anymore...

    not sure how it is for anyone else...

  8. Just something to throw out there at all of you losers!!

    As we are all losing weight, pretty rapidly, we need clothing that doesn't cost a fortune!

    Goodwill (or places like it) is a GREAT place to get CHEAP clothes...

    I got 2 pairs of jeans and a pair of shorts for a grand total of $14.50 the other day.

    Granted they don't fit YET.. but they will...

    one pair of jeans was $3.50...

    Be prepared to have to look through everything since there is basically no organization... other than sorted by color for tops and pants other than jeans...

    ALL jeans are lumped together in no particular sizing order...

    at least that is how it is at the ones I went to..

  9. I know for my job that I had to be able to pick up at least 60 pound power supplies... My doctor kept me off of work for 6 weeks...

    and even when he cleared me he told me to get help with anything over 40 lbs for a couple more weeks.

    The getting up and down at the 2 week mark can be rough, but doable IF you can manage to still take it slow... but I can't imagine that is very possible with little ones.... Hell I managed to strain an area of incisions just from walking too much at about a week and a half after surgery..

    Be prepare to still get tired easily and often...

    Personally I would ask for more time off...

  10. Just got back from my appointments.

    Blood work was great!

    glucose level was very slightly elevated.. by .1 so they are not concerned about that at all.

    I don't have to take the B12 anymore!

    I did lose more muscle than fat this time... so it really shows me that I HAVE to get back to the gym... even though I find gyms incredibly boring..

    my blood pressure was 105/70 which he says is on the low end and could be why I am getting dizzy. said to add salt to my foods.

    So I was nervous for no reason at all!

  11. I have my 3 month post op appointments this Wednesday! I am NERVOUS about them for some reason..

    I had blood drawn last week for a full work up to see how my levels are. I am really nervous that I am gonna be all out of whack!

    And this month will be the smallest loss since surgery... I really was hoping to still be with that 10+lb/mo... It looks like I will only be around 8ish...

    Am I weird for being nervous about this one when all the previous ones seemed like no big deal??

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