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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Wow! I thought I would be pages and pages behind by now! Glad to see you were all too busy to post! This conference was amazing. If you are a woman of faith, and we don't really talk about that on here so I don't know, but if you are and you are looking for a rejuvinating experience, this conference was amazing. Women speaking of their real struggles with their faith and what they have learned along the way. It truly was inspirational. Of course, on of my highlights was hearing Michelle Agular, the winner of the biggest loser season 6, speak. Her story was amazing about her struggle with her mother and feeling rejected and unloved and how she ate to hide it and how she overcame. It was very very powerful. The praise team was out of this world. I just can't get over how great it was. So anyways, if you have a chance, I would jump on it. The BEST part of the weekend though was when one of my former students called and asked me if I would help her with her math while I was down here. We spent 3 hours yesterday just hanging out, doing math, and connecting. She is an amazing young lady and has the most wonderful heart. She was going to take me out to dinner tonight to thank me for the help. Well she called me and she said, "Um, a bunch of friends asked me if I would go out with them tonight and so I was wondering if you were leaving really early tomorrow or if we could do breakfast instead. If you are leaving early I'd much rather spend the evening with you." How that made my heart sing. So we are going to breakfast tomorrow and I adore her and my soul is happy because I got to do what I love the best....help someone see the beauty of learning. She's taking this class online and she was HATING it. After 3 hours of us doing it together she said, "I guess it's not THIS I hate, you make it so awesome and exciting and I want to learn more!" AWWWW....melt again. Okay. Mom and I are sitting here in the hotel room just completely FRIED after the 2 days. I'm going to take some sleeping meds and call it a VERY early night. Love you ladies! Oh....Karla, I'll try to give you a call tomorrow on my way home and see how you are doing with the move. I'm so excited for you getting a new house. That's just AWESOME!!! And Candice....so very jealous. I want to be travling across country. Love that Peter needed his MRE's. That's just hilarious! Okay...phyl is having more fun than she knows what to do with and celebrating Earl's birthday, so I know she's doing well! Now...I'm off. Love you ladies!!!
  2. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good morning ladies. It's a little crazy here this morning. Nick and Jai didn't want to get ready this morning. It was a struggle for an entire hour. I was so glad to get them off! I hurt more today than I did yesterday. I'm really glad I'm not going to akido tonight. Actually, I'm upset that I'll miss it because I enjoyed it, but I think I might die if I tried to do it. It almost hurts to swallow! :smile2: Just tells me how outta shape I am. I did dream about walking in San Diego last night, so I know that I'm itching to get out and get moving again. Candice, I'm getting excited FOR you. I doubt I will ever get Jeff to travel like that with me. He loves his own bed too much. 4 days gone is almost more than he can stand. I'm so excited for you! Will you be keeping in touch while you're out and about? Janet, you are always on the move. I wish I was more like you! I think it's amazing how you go and go and go and enjoy life so much. You are so inspiring. Phyl, have a great jazz festival. I don't know when I'll check in again. Just depends on what is happening with traveling. Love you all! Have a great weekend!
  3. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hi ladies. Looks like you all are doing alright. Phyl, travel safe. I hope the Jazz Festival weather is good and you enjoy yourself. Having fun on the trip will make it less sad. I don't know how you do it. Jeff and I would kill each other in that confined space as much as you are in it. Karla, it will all work out. In 2months who helped you move won't matter much. In the heat of the moment, yeah...it hurts, but in the long run, just getting out from under all the bills will be so much nicer! Tomorrow is the day that I go to Billings for Women of Faith. I'm so excited. I can't wait. My SIL and my mom are coming to spend the weekend with me. I LOVE it. I'm also going to help a former student with her college math class when I'm down there. I'm so excited! I can just feel the chills. My body hurts from akido. and the push ups. I can't do push ups. I did almost 30. They tried to have me do 80, but I did manage almost 30. My boobs hurt though. I really did have fun though. Loved it. I'm going to miss it tomorrow so I won't get to go until next Tuesday. That makes me sad....but..oh well. Okay. I'm off for awhile. I'm watching my dvr'd Biggest Loser. Talk to you all later. Love you ladies!!!
  4. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, completely unfilled. No slip, no erosion, but still sticking on EVERYTHING. grrr. Martial arts tonight. Was loads of fun, but really really tough. I think I'm going to enjoy it. If I can walk tomorrow that is. Okay. I've gotta go. I'm too tired to think. Love you all!
  5. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Drive by post. Jeff and I are leaving in a couple of minutes for Williston. I should be getting ready but had to check in here. Dropped Michael for his first day of school. the more time I have to spend with the principal the more I think the man is a complete @$$. He didn't speak to me once. Spoke to Michael, the other teachers in the room, but not me. Even during the IEP ammendment time. I hate him more than I can even begin to say here. He makes my blood boil. I'm so glad I don't work for him. He would drive me to commit some horrible crime. Okay....enough of that. Today is going to be a good day. I get to spend it with Jeff. I love it when I get to do that. We will probably go to Applebees for lunch where I will have my old standby, french onion soup. At least I know I won't get stuck on it....usually. Last night tried some tenderized steak. No go. grrr. I hate not being able to eat and the more I can't eat the more weight I gain. However I did spend a couple of hours at the park with the kids yesterday and that was wonderful. I can't wait to spend time outside. Spring is finally here!!!! Okay. I'd better get my butt in gear. Happy Tuesday everyone. Love you.
  6. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Karla, Remember that you ONLY have to leave it broom cleaned. You are NOT required to deep clean all rooms. Swept and vacuumed is IT. I know that it isn't in our nature, but you HAVE to only do as well as you can. Choose your battles. Love you darling!
  7. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I made it through 2 of the 3 pages that I'm behind...but ran out of steam and thought I'd just post. It's been nice having Michael home. We are definitely in the honeymoon phase, but it's been good. We've had a couple of "oh no you didn't!" times but not like before. He's been very good with the kids so far. The kids have definitely missed him. Popped corn yesterday. Michael helped me. He was a little bored and wanted to leave 1/2 way through but he stuck it out for most of the day. It was a nice day to pop corn. We will probably not pop again for a month or so. I definitely need to make my arms stronger. My back and shoulders are REALLY sore today. Michael and I are going to start martial arts on Tuesday so hopefully that will help....and hopefully I won't make a fool outta myself. Okay...tired. I'll talk to you later ladies. Love you all. Hope you had an amazing Easter. It was wonderful here. Hugs!!!
  8. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good morning ladies. just a quick check in. I have to go down and get paint for Jeff's office and get it all painted. Not looking forward to it. I hate painting. ... but will get it done. I WILL get it done. I will GET it done! Help me out ladies. I need some pep for this. Will me the energy and desire. Leaving tomorrow morning to go get Michael! woot woot!!! I'm so excited! We have our last therapy session today. I'm pretty sure he finds out today that he gets to come home. He's going to be hard to live with the next couple of days. Poor staff! Okay...I've put it off long enough. Off to get paint!
  9. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    quick post...and THIS one is goiing to be quick. does anyone have the listing for our 4th of July house? Friends keep asking where we are going and when and I have forgotten all the details. I need to forward them onto Rose too. Oh...BTW, I told Karla, no excuses. She can hop in with Rose and I and there will be NO reason she can't come. Okay...gotta run. Have to put on another coat of paint.
  10. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Karla, Do what most teachers do. Stop taking grades on Thursday of this week for this quarter. Anything assigned after can be the beginning of next quarter. Or....give them a 2 week project that can be graded after you move. I know lots of teachers who do that this quarter because there are so few next days next quarter because of spring stuff. Good news on the house. It is all going to be GREAT!!!
  11. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    drive by post. I'm supposed to be cleaning but had to catch up with you all. Had a good kettle corn weekend. About $900 in sales so I made 1 months payments on both the RV and the business. Won't be going and doing anything else for awhile I don't think. I was asked to set up Saturday for the Easter celebration out at the fairgrounds but don't know if I want to or not. It's a toss up. We'll see. My body hurts from this weekend. I definitely am out of shape. I'm sure I'll hurt even worse tomorrow. My back is killing me. I need to find my brace. Haven't worn it in a year and not sure what I did with it. I'm pretty sure I need to wear it while I'm doing corn to support my back while stirring. I'm also extremely exhausted. That physical labor can kick you in the @$$. I was in bed by 10 on Saturday and before 10 last night. It's beautiful here. I have all the windows open. Only problem with that is the city's lagoon is melting. It will be stinky for a few days and then it goes away. The wind could change directions and then I wouldn't even notice. No matter. I love having the windows open so it won't stop me even if it stinks. I need to paint tonight. Jeff's office is complete. Once it is painted I can start moving his stuff outta his current office so that I can get Nick moved outta Michael's room. We go Wednesday night to Billings and pick him up on Thursday. I am really excited and not so nervous anymore. There are a million things I need to do around here but what gets done will get done and what doesn't, Michael can help with when he gets home :thumbup: Okay...so this was more than a drive-by but don't tell Jeff. Talk to you all later. Love you ladies!
  12. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good morning ladies. Quickly popping in before I go get in the shower and find all my warm clothes for today's adventure. It is supposed to be in the high 50's but right now it's not even 30. brrrr. I wasn't going to but now I think I'm going to take the RV down to get out of the weather when it's quiet. It has a furnace, so that will work. Looking forward to popping corn today. It is so much fun Janet, I'm going to try to get Michael to pop with me. I think it will be a good thing for us to do on so many levels. Hopefully I can convince him of it. He'll want the money too....so if nothing else, I may be able to convince him that way. Karla, I sure hope you had a lot of fun! I hope this is the first of MANY fun nights out. You deserve to have some fun. You put it off for the girls and now it's YOUR turn. Candice, you are a CRAZY woman! 14 6 year olds? Holy CATS!!! It made my toes curl just thinking about it. However, it sounded like a GREAT birthday party. How much fun. Nick has a bday coming up the end of June. Would you like to throw it??? I will only invite 1/2 that many. Okay...gotta go get in the shower. Have a great day ladies. Wish me luck! I need to pop enough to make a payment today!
  13. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, Jeff's sleeve has had to go on the back burner for awhile since his dad was sick. He's still planning on it, but probably some time this summer instead of this spring. Our Coachmen can sleep 6 if everyone loves each other. 2 in the back "queen", 2 on the dinette but will probably be just Michael, and the 2 little ones will sleep on the top bunk. It will work for us. If the little ones were bigger it wouldn't be big enough but since all 3 kids probably won't be traveling with me every time it should be perfect. when you travel through MT, just let me know where you will be. I'll make the trek whichever direction. Remember that Rose is in Lincoln....about 100 miles from Karla. I'll go wherever. If you are going to go through south MT that's fine. We'll do whatever. Okay. Talk to you all later.
  14. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good morning ladies. I have a little more time right now so I can give you guys a little more time. :thumbup: Phyl, you're so funny. I can only imagine you having letting your hair down. Wish we could see it. We might have to plan at least ONE night in Seattle. Though, don't give Rose wine. she gets really teary. Hope you didn't hurt yourself falling down though. Hopefully just a little pride bruised Janet, you're a terrific food cop but I completely understand how it can be taken too far. Especially when people don't know you like we do. When you need a food cop fix, you can always come here and lecture me. I need it all the time. I need to stop being the rude police. I really pissed my sister and BIL off while in Lincoln. I don't know when we might talk again. It's very very hard to hold our tongues. good luck. Karla, remember that it will all work out. It's stressful waiting and all of that, but your price range is NOT outlandish and there is no reason it won't come in correctly. You're going to be just find. Sorry puppy feels so bad. Stress is so hard on all of us. Hope he feels better by this afternoon. Candice, I have forgotten...when are you heading out here? I'm so excited to see you and meet Peter. I have a crazy crazy summer planned but it will be fun. So.....we bought a 21 foot Coachmen to pull the kettle corn trailer. That way when the kids come with I don't have to worry so much about them. I also don't have to rent motel rooms all the time. The money we would spend on motel rooms will make the payments. Craziness though. Sometimes I think I'm nuts. I had the flu for a while before we went to Lincoln and weird but since I had such a horrible bout of vomitting I haven't been nearly as tight. Still not great, but can get a little more to stay down. Don't know how that worked, but the whole gift horse thing. I'll take it. I also am not eating nearly as much crap. Just doesn't interest me. I have more energy most days. Today not, but I think I needed a catch up day from all the craziness. Michael comes home April 1. He had a really good month. I'm much more okay with him coming home. I think I just really had to come to terms with it. We are busy building a room in the basement so that Nick can move out of Michael's room. He moved into it to see if he was ready to move to the basement. He's done really really well so now Jeff has to move his office out of the other "bedroom" in the basement. didn't have a place for the office so dividing the family room. The carpenter was supposed to be done before we got back from Lincoln. I was going to paint yesterday. well...he's still not done and I can maybe paint this weekend. I hate that. Anyways...the point is, we'll be crazy busy here the next couple of weeks....so if you don't hear from me, it's just craziness. I'm also hoping to get my walking started in the next week or so. Michael and I are going to start martial arts two times a week when he gets back. That will run forabout 2 months before summer break. Enough time to get me jumpstarted. It's getting nice enough outside that I can get out there and get moving. woooooohooooo! Okay. Jeff will be home shortly for lunch so I had better get something figured out for that. Love you ladies. Have a great day!!!
  15. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Quick post. It has been crazy here lately. Trying to get everything done by the time Michael gets home, kettle corn season starting, ending snomobile club stuff, beginning motorcycle club stuff. It is going to be NUTS around here for awhile. Went to Lincoln for the weekend because Nick had 2 days off school. Probably bad idea. Bought an RV. Maybe you saw the links on FB. Driving home an engine light came on. Put our arrival home behind about 6 hours....but we made it. Funny thing....while we were driving out Jeff got the funniest voice mail. Not sure what it was about when it was texted to him but then listened to it yesterday...and guess how it was??? I heard Janet and Candice for sure, but not sure why you guys were trying Jeff's phone. It sounded like maybe you were video conferencing. Funny...and sorry I missed it. Hopefully my next laptop will have a webcam...but doubtful since Michael has such internet problems. Saw Karla while I was out there. She is one hot mama these days!!! You all need to gripe on her until she puts on some new pics. She needs to do a before/after post. She's gorgeous!!! Any negative posts about her looks from now on need to be blasted! She looks AMAZING! Okay. Im at the state regional math meet and the kids are almost done with their last test. Hopefully tomorrow I will have time to catch up a bit. oh....the chromium seems to be doing a lot for me. I've got energy, smiles, motivation....it's really really nice. okay...outa here ladies. Love you! Miss you. I'll be back soon.
  16. I called my surgery team yesterday and left a message about this pain in my shoulder. It is killing me and I don't know what to do. It is creeping up my neck but I know that is because I've been favoring my arm. The pain is very intense on the front side between my shoulder socket and rib cage (right above my armpit). It really kills me to use my left arm for anything. If I sit very still and don't move or if I lay in my recliner for about 10 mins the pain stops but comes back as soon as I start moving again. I was banded last Thursday. Yes, it feels very different from my gas pains, but is in the same place. My nurse called back and said the surgeon does not think it is in any way related to my surgery. Uhhhh...it started the day of....how can it not be? Well the lortab doesn't even phase the pain and so I guess there's no point in using that. They suggested i call my pcp but they can't get me in until next week. Does anyone have similar pain and what have you done or is this just wimpy Steph again? I'm not sure I'm buying that this is unrelated, but at this point, if I can just get some relief I will be happy! Suggestions? Steph
  17. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Quick check in ladies. You all have been busy tonight. Lets see if I can remember everything I want to say considering the drinks I've had :thumbup: Candice, we need to work on your directions. The Dakotas come first THEN Montana. If you're doing interstate then I'll make the trip to Billings to see you, but it is 300 miles from me :ohmy: We are much closer to the Canada border. About 20miles South of Canada and 20 miles West of ND. Highway 200 goes all across the state and you could see Glacier instead of Yellowstone, but whatever. Just a thought for you to consider. Billings works for me though. I'm all over it if that's your trip. Rose lives in Lincoln and you could stop and see her if you went across what we call the hi-line. Phyl, since my disc was between L5 and L6 I know the pain you are talking about. Bulging means rupturing and I was THERE. Beware that if you are talking a bulging disc you could have a rupture at ANY TIME. If you put off fixing a rupture you could have serious nerve damage. Take it very seriously. I did chiro and accupuncture and neither did any good with the disc problem. Nerves yes, but not disc. I suggest going to see a neurologist. Have an MRI done no matter who you go see because I found that most neuros won't see you without one. Karla, send it to the universe and forget it. You're worry about it brings negative, remember. Put the request out ther and start living like it has happened. Reread the secret. Okay...there was something else but I'm going to bed. I will remember it tomorrow. I think the few drinks helped with the worry about Michael. I'm going to be okay. Thanks for the kind thoughts. Love all of you ladies!!! Hugs.
  18. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hi ladies. Good Lord I'm about to be sick! We have a date. 21 days until pickup. I'm really going to be sick. If my stress level hasn't kept me so tight I can't eat before, I'll never eat now. I may not even be able to get junk down NOW. Lord, have mercy. I know that we have been working TOWARDS him coming home, but really....none of us are ready. he's not, I'm not, Jeff really isn't. There are so many reasons he shouldn't come home. Anyways...besides that I've had a couple good days. I'm getting another state paid job for training in my area. That's AWESOME. My SIL has gotten me really excited about kettle corn. I've about got EVERY weekend filled starting the end of May. I'll keep Michael busy if nothing else. So...looking forward to spring and summer. Besides all of that...just hanging out. I need to get out of the chair and get something done. I'll be back later. Hopefully today...if not...tomorrow.
  19. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hi ladies. Had an okay day. Nothing too special. Did finish my crappy job on Michael's quilt. I was so frustrated by my quilting job that I just didn't care how bad the binding was. I know he won't care but I will always know it could be better. He'll get a better one next time. Went to bible study tonight. It was a nice time out. Talked to Karla earlier. I miss the human contact. Miss her! Okay. That's about all to report. Talk to you all later. Love you ladies!
  20. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Wondering how Phyl did in her walk. Anyone know?
  21. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Happy weekend ladies. I hope you are having a wonderful day! I see Candice made it home! I'm so jealous. I need to have a vacation somewhere warm. I want to sit on a beach and drink refreshments with pretty little umbrellas. I think the chromium has done some good. I seem to be a little clearer headed. I sleep when it's time to sleep and wake up clearer and not exhausted. Whether that is the chromium or just wishful thinking I don't know. I'll take anything at this point. I've been better about my food the last couple of days. I don't have the snackies as much. I've better control. That is REALLY nice. I need that. It might be because I was subbing the last two days and had something to do....might not. We will see. Alright. Time to watch this movie with Jeff. Have a great day. Love you all! Oh Karla. Give #4 a swift kick in the @$$ for me. Tell her to have some common sense. her mother has enough on her plate right now. You're dealing with your dad. the LAST thing you need is to worry about her. How freaking RUDE! I have to say. I'm freaking ANGRY. DAMN HER! grrrr. I'm so very sorry. Hugs to you from me. I love you! Okay...now....I'm gone.
  22. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    So great! Lost my post and it was so upbeat and positive and now while I was getting ready to retype it, I got this email: " Hi Steph, Ok, so Michael is technically funded up to April 1 for his placement here. I know that around the time of his next MTPR, March 23, our recertification people will request additional time. It is highly unlikely we will get additional time. We need to plan on an April 1 discharge. This means you all need to come pick him up. We should attempt to have the outpatient therapy appointment scheduled for within a week of his coming home and a medication management appointment within the month. He will be discharged with a month’s supply of medications. I am going to be out of town March 17-29. What can I do to help?" Now...I want to puke. I want to cry. I want to curl up in a ball. I am so not ready for this. I am not strong enough for this. I am freaking out! My what if brain is in overdrive! God help me! So....I'm going to go sew and try to lose myself in the white noise of the sewing machine. Please pray. I'm going to need a lot of strength. Tiffany
  23. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hi ladies. A little louder here today. I thought maybe I bumped into my old December thread here yesterday :thumbup: J/K. Karla you're doing alright. You can get this under control. My suggestions echo Janet's. Get some jerky to keep in your desk. Just remember to chew chew chew. It swells in the tummy and lasts forever. If you need the "sweet" try teriyaki or something. Phyl you are a better woman than I. I would have hit him upside with a frying pan! You have SUCH control! I've heard that Menopaus is hilarious. You'll have a great time. And you're welcome for the donation. My pleasure. Anything to support such and inspirational woman and help such a good cause. About the chromium....My mom was reading about it in one of those checkout lane rags. I then looked it up in regards to "atypical depression" and there were references to it with and without other meds. Some reports say you may see results in as little as 3 days. One of the effects of it, that I think can help me on two fronts, is the cutting of carb cravings. One because of the highs and lows that the sugar intake causes and two because of the weight loss it can hopefully jumpstart. Anyways....the studies were done with people on meds so I'm not concerned there and the dose that it recommends (600mcg) is 1/2 of the maximum dosage stated as max out point....so I'll see if I see any results and let you know. Okay...time to get the kids to bed. I'll talk to you all later. Hugs ladies.
  24. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Just popping in for a minute before I go get my hair cut. Probably nothing major but then I'm in the mood for a change so maybe I'll just shave it all off :thumbup: Phyl, you're such a hoot. I hope you chose not to tell him. Would serve his grumpy butt right :thumbup: His friend TOM must be coming to visit. Amazing how that happens. I've been reading alot about chromium picolate as a helper mineral for depression, weight loss, and insulin resistance. I think I might try it. I have read some people don't see much of a difference but no one has said it's caused them troubles. I think I need something to boost. Any thoughts one way or the other? Have any of you heard anything about it or tried it? I'd trust all of you more than the articles I'm reading. hmmmm...there was something else I wanted to say but I don't remember what. Imagine that. It seems to be happening more and more often. Have a good day ladies. Love you.
  25. Twilight

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    good afternoon ladies. Taking a quick break to say hi before I go get something done. Jai is sleeping and Mom is getting ready to cut out some stuff for her new quilt. She is much braver than I am. I'd get so lost on this pattern she is making. Holy Cats! Anyways. Mom has been exercising and eating well while she's been in Lincoln so we are trying to keep her on the right track here too. we need to go down and walk today so I'll probably do that next while Jai is sleeping. Yesterday I had 2 smoothies and 4 bottles of Water to help get back on track. I just finished another smoothie. I think if I go back to liquids for a few days I'll get back in touch and maybe some of the swelling will go down and I'll be able to get something solid to stay down. Stupid that an apple won't but hell the chips will. grrrr. But doesn't do any good to bitch about it...just suck it up and go on. That's the plan of attack. Jeff has been in Vegas for a few days and gets home tonight. I've missed him. Phyl, good for you for walking the memory walk. I didn't realize it was coming up so quickly. I'll have to check the link out. You're doing so great! I'm so in awe of you! Karla, you'll be just fine with the house either way it goes. I have no doubt. You're so very strong even when you think you aren't. Look back at the last year and really LOOK at how much you have thrived through. It doesn't have to go EASY to mean you're strong. It doesn't take strength to pick up 5 pounds and it doesn't take strength to try to pick up 100. It takes strength to be handed 50 and struggle through it and come out the other side having carried it. You're strong!!! Believe it. Okay...gotta run. Love you ladies!

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