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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Twilight

    Good protien drink

    Glad I can help. I forgot about the aspartame part but I know that is a problem for a lot of people. AND the proticcino is aspartame free so that's even better!
  2. Twilight

    NSV's for the Merry Losers

    Right after Christmas I was doing some sale shopping with my sister and didn't want to buy anything because I knew it wouldn't fit for long...but at the same time it was depressing not to buy. I was in a 20 at the time and so where did that leave me? So I found a really good deal on work pants at $13 a pair and HOW DO YOU PASS THOSE UP???? So I tried on a 20, decided that I liked the cut and bought 1 18 and 2 16's. I wore the 18 last week and was feeling pretty good about life. It has been awhile since I have been in an 18. This morning I wanted to see how long it would be before I would be able to wear the 16's because I am running short of pants with only the 1 size 18.....and they ZIPPED! They were still a little snug but no snugger than my 20's were getting when all this started!! I wore a 16!!! I didn't wear them to work but I WILL WEAR THEM NEXT WEEK!!! I'm going to do whatever I have to in order to be in them next week. 16 is my new favorite number!!!!!
  3. Twilight

    A Little Help for my Dec LBT friends

    I've had my first fill for almost a week and STILL nothing is happening on the scale. I keep looking down and it just keeps sitting in the same spot. The fill is keeping me fuller longer but I'm still not losing. I'm getting very aggrivated but know that I have to be patient. Once, about 10 years ago when I was going through a really rough time in my life and I thought that it was NEVER going to get better, someone told me that it took me 3 years to get INTO the mess I was in and so in all honesty I needed to give myself and God at least 1 year to get me out of if. I'm trying to rely on that piece of advice again. It took me over 10 years to get here (granted most of it in the last 4) and so it is only fair that I accept the need to give it time. I'm debating on the daily weighing thing. My PCP says to weigh daily because then if you go up you're seeing it and doing something about it immediately and that the successful weight patients do this. On the other hand, I know my weight will fluctuate daily and so maybe once a week would be more helpful. I don't have an electronic scale so I don't see tenths of pounds, just pounds. I just don't know....I think I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't. All in all....I'm stuck. But still working the program. NOT GIVING UP!!!
  4. Twilight


    Utah, I know exactly how you feel. I HATE the feeling that I don't get to eat all that good stuff I used to. But food was not my FRIEND. It was a very sneaky enemy. It was always there when I needed it, but it also tried to convince me that I needed it when I didn't. It was definitely an unhealthy relationship. The foods that I truly love will be there when I am back to eating again. I will just now be able to control my impulses a little better. Instead of eating an entire casserole, I'll have a bit of it. Don't give up. Your feelings are completely normal but they will pass as you learn to live with your band. Embrace the person you will become and start to dream the dreams that will hold you through the tough times. Start a journal of all the things you want to happen in the next few months. How you see the weight loss improving your life. Write about all the positive things you were feeling before you decided to do this. There had to be great things for you to decide to go through the whole process. Embrace the positives. Listen to the negatives. Finally remember that those negatives are about the here and now, but the positive will be your new life. Keep posting and letting us help you through this.
  5. Twilight

    U N D E R 3 0 0 L B S !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Way to go UG!!! You have now entered twoterville! Soon you will not be out in the boonies but actually downtown! that's over 30 pounds lost! How awesome is THAT!
  6. Twilight

    Is this normal??

    Airika, I didn't try anything solid for three weeks so I'm not sure about the pain. Are you following the diet plan that the center gave you? At three weeks I was allowed purrees. For my dr. that meant Soups that had been completely blended and the like. Mashed potatoes were still out at this point. I could have cream of wheat but it had to be completely runny. I have to admit that since I didn't care for that consistancy of stuff I stayed on cream soups during this week. After 4 I could have mashed potatoes and that consistancy...a lot of oatmeal and cottage cheese. I guess my advice would be to take it slow. If some food is bothering you take it back a day or so. My guidelines said there will still be swelling on some people for up to 5 weeks and only to eat what was tolerated. Good luck!
  7. Twilight

    I Don't See it!

    I don't know if you'll follow my instructions very well but I will try to help you with posting pics. First thing you have to make sure of is that they aren't giant pictures like my first attempts were. To check and see open the picture in a picture viewer. Your puter usually automatically does this when you double click on it. The size it opens is the size it will post. If it is too large you need to resize it. Now, my computer opens pictures in Windows photo gallery. Most of mine are giagantic so I must resize them. To do this, on the right of the tool bar it says open and I open with office picture manager. Once there I choose edit and resize it. I then save it to my desktop so it is easy to find. Name it something easy for you to find. Now, to attach, you have to do it from the "new reply" not "quick reply". Once you're in the message section you should see the paper clip to attach with. You then browse to the picture you want to attach and do so. As long as you have changed the sizes they will attach quickly. If they are too big, it will not attach it. I think that should give you all the steps you need. If you are still having trouble, tell me where the instructions broke down and I'll try to lead you from there. It really is a great idea to show the pictures. I'll try to help you through it as well as I can. I'm not an expert, but I'm learning too. As far as your two year old, imagine carrying her around all day every day and never putting her down. That's how much progress you've made. Awesome job!
  8. Twilight

    I Don't See it!

    Do you want to post them so we can see it for you? sometimes we just can't see the thin person emerging. I know I only see the fat Steph when I look in the mirror. I must put on a fat suit before I look. I don't know. With 30 pounds there is bound to be a difference! When you think of it, that's just a little smaller than my 3 year old. How can it not be noticeable. Don't fret. The difference must be felt inside as well as seen outside. And even if you don't want to post a picture, try picking up something about 30 pounds and carry it around for 5 minutes. THAT'S a difference you will notice. Keep up the GREAT WORK! 30+ lbs is a great accomplishment! I'm impressed.
  9. Twilight

    Feeling a little down today.....

    Jaymie, Don't let this temporary situation spiral too far out of control. I know it is crazy the first month. Still is and I'm 6 weeks out. But I'm starting to eat more normally and that helps. When I couldn't eat what my family was, I didn't eat WHEN they did either. I would fix them something and while they sat and ate everything I would find something I just HAD to do. It was something that couldn't be put off (if my kids asked). I just tried to stay away so I didn't feel quite so deprived. I also gave into my frustrations sometimes and went outside and vented all the angry stuff I was feeling. Saying outloud to no one certainly made it seem more "taken care of". Then I would pull on my big girl panties and tell myself to buck it up. I can give myself a pretty good butt kickin when it's needed. You will soon be eating with the family again. You will be enjoying it even more because now you know what its like not to have it. And because you'll be eating less while enjoying your family you can get more quality talking in. Maybe it will open up new roads of communication that way. I know my DH and I talk a lot more now that I'm not shoveling away. I ask him more questions and answer his more completely. You're doing great and it will get easier. PMS makes it tough. I know I have been pmsing for a good week now. Flo could make her appearance and get the hell gone any day now. Good luck. Keep posting about your feelings. It helps and you'll find, you're not alone. That's always helpful.
  10. Twilight

    Suggested book

    Hi all, At my first support meeting last week I was recommended a book and possibly the workbook that goes with it. It is called "The Succes Habits of Weight-Loss Surgery Patients." I'm wondering if anyone has read it, looked at it, heard about it, used it...and any information before I shell out $20 for the book and $30 for the workbook. If anyone has any other reading suggestions, I'm open. TIA
  11. Twilight

    My NUT guidelines - please share yours

    Sheila, One ounce meals seems really restrictive! That's 1/2 of a quarter cup. Is that forever or just during this healing phase? I know they made our stomachs small, but holy moly! But then again, my guidelines of about a cup seem excessive. There must be a happy medium that I can find for myself. Maybe somewhere around the half cup range. Let us know how you feel on one ounce. I'm curious how your hunger will be. Thanks for sharing though. I'm really interested in what everyone's teams say.
  12. Twilight

    How do you know you're full?

    Alison, Come to think of it, I have been eating a lot faster than is probably healthy. I'll try slowing down and see if the hiccups resolve. Thanks
  13. Twilight

    A question for all teachers.

    I scheduled my surgery as soon as they would let me in. I was banded on Dec. 8th and that gave me 2 weeks before christmas break. I took off the Wed. before surgery, though only because of the weather in the area and the drive. I had surgery on Thursday and was back to school on the next Monday. I told my administration I needed two days off for medical appointments. When I got back someone had told him what I had done but I didn't think I needed to explain anything to him. Once I had my pre-op appointment and knew the exact date of surgery, I gave him the notice that I had....13 days. I try to give them as much notice as I get. But if I put in for sick leave I just state it is a dr.s appointment. Good luck, Steph
  14. We started with a diet adjustment. The nutritionist went over everything I should be eating and what I shouldn't be eating. How much I should be eating. What my priorities should be. She answered all my questions about what I'm doing now and where I'm going. It was AWESOME! I was sure she was going to tell me I was doing a TON of bad things. The only thing she kept stressing as my downfall was not getting enough liquid. Which I knew....but she said I get to count my coffee as 1/2 liquid instead of none, so that helps a little. I'm renewing my commitment to getting in all my liquid! Next was my band adjustment. I was so scared. I was so sure I was going to be poked and jump and they were going to puncture my tube or something horrible....Well, the PA did struggle getting the needle in but I guess it was because my port is directly under a mole and she didn't want to poke my mole because they bleed so badly. It took a little but it finally happened. I had 4cc's in from surgery and she added 1 cc. I guess I have room for 10, but hopefully will have some restriction now. I do today but know that most of it is from swelling. I'll be wishing for next week to be the same. Then I went to Lane Bryant for a little window shopping, but couldn't resist. I had to pick up a couple of things. I bought a top that was a 14/16!!! I was looking at going into the 22's pre-op because my 20's were getting too tight. And I fit into a size 3 jean!!! okay, that was just good for my ego even though they have started a jean line that they number 1=14, 2=16, etc. So I really fit into an 18! But 3 sounds so much better doesn't it? It was very empowering to go shopping yesterday. My final adjustment was an attitude adjustment at my support group meeting. WOW were some of those people inspiring. They were great about talking about struggles and how they are trying to get back onto the program. I was feeling pretty good about my weight loss after that because they were all so proud of me! That felt pretty good too. So all in all I am adjusted...I don't know what else could have been tampered with. And as for my weight loss.....drum roll please.....I am down to 197! That's 23 pounds since pre-op. and i"m counting since pre-op because all loss counts! I never would have lost it had it not been for this journey, so it counts. I hope everyone has something so wonderful happen to you this week, Steph
  15. Twilight

    I have now been completely adjusted!

    Chris, When I have a chance I will write something about my NUT suggestions. The biggest thing is to be balanced. And the amount of food she said I could have vs the amount of food I KNOW will fit in my stomach is amazing. It's like saying you can eat ALLLLLL of this. How in the world can you be hungry then? For now, I'm just loving my adjustments.....attitude and all. I hope things are going good for you. I can't imagine how frustrating without a fill right now. I forget when you said you will be getting your fill. For me it was really strange. She asked, are you nauseaus? no...Are you hungry when you wake up? uhhhhYEAH!!! Who isn't? Are you hungry before your next meal? a little. She said my loss may be going really good but it's more important to get me "not hungry" so I don't sabatoge my band. So...in for a fill. It looks like those will be the key questions each time because they were on a form the NUT asked and then gave to the PA. BTW, the PA was great. I was a little perturbed that I would be having a PA and not my dr. but she was awesome and I never should have worried. Okay...so hopefully tomorrow I will have a chance to sit down with guidelines and can share those....look for them. Steph
  16. Twilight

    Don't Waste Your Money!

    Okay...here comes the cold calous Steph....I don't think I was "sold" anything. I didn't get "roped" into a seminar. I went looking for one after I had done a pile of research. I have been hypothyroid for 8 years. My weight didn't come on because of it but it certainly was helped there. I knew going in that because of my thyroid I may have a little slower loss, but slow loss vs. no loss was acceptable. If your friend feels she was coerced into surgery and this wasn't a medically sound team of professionals, she should be looking into legal repercussions. No doctor should try to talk you into something this extreme....and I have to say, someone who allows herself to be talked into it needs to look at her other issues. Regardless, if she was "sold"....then I would be looking for someone to help me tell THAT story. I would broadcast it from every roof top and on television. I would say that all surgery centers are not guilty of this. Mine certainly wasn't. And honestly, if she couldn't have afforded it, your friend needs to put that on herself too. She had to sign those papers if she financed it. They didn't forge her signature did they? I'm a self-pay. I know it's expensive, but I looked long and hard at what I had to do and what changes would have to be made in order to afford it. I made sacrifices I could accept. I'm sorry if your DF's family is suffering from her lack of doing the same. On the other hand, I was informed of how this works. We were told how the metabolic syndrome works, how our bodies react to our years of overfeeding and underworking. I was told over and over again how you have to be SURE this is what you want, that this wasn't a decision to be made lightly, and that no one could made it but myself. I am hypothyroid and I LOVE my band. I bought it, no one sold it. Every day I feel more and more like I look like the "million bucks" this thing cost me. It has been worth every penny...and the looks and comments and "other" my husband has been showing me, it was definitely worth it. Not a waste of money for me! Steph
  17. Twilight

    NSV's for the Merry Losers

    <p>I Ran Today!!!!</p> I didn't run far but I ran. It was so very awesome. I walk in the gym every day at lunch and today because I wasn't puffing nearly hard enough I ran the short ends. I made 5 laps running the short ends, walked 5 more, then ran 5 more. Before long I want to be jogging a lap and then walking a lap. That's my goal for the month exercise wise. I love my band!!!! Steph
  18. Twilight

    comparison pics

    Very nice progress Missy. I need to figure out some more of this picture stuff...but for now I'll just add my monthlys. I really can see a big difference in your face. Beautiful. Congrats and keep it up! Steph
  19. Twilight

    Unrealistic Ideals

    It's hard when the scale doesn't move. Mine has been sitting i the same place for almost two weeks. I'm waiting for it to go up as TOM gets closer to arrival. I really don't know why while they are in there they can't suck some of that fat out. I was so disappointed after surgery when I was bigger than I went in. I know it was swelling but dangit, I should have been thin by then, right?? It does start to come off, but it is slow. I look at the scale and see NOTHING happening. However, I do look in the mirror and see some changes. It really helped to take some pics and compare them. It does show that even though I'm not "losing" I'm changing. Oh...and I think most of my "loss" has been in my feet. My shoes don't fit very well anymore! I didn't do this to have skinny FEET!!!! Keep positive! This will happen! Steph
  20. I just wanted to show off the changes in my face. Until dh took these pics I didn't see any difference. This is pretty wow for me. The first is from about 2 months pre-op until yesterday which was 1 month post-op
  21. Twilight

    Other Montanans Out There

    Hi Foofy, I grew up in Helena. It's been a hard adjustment for me to get used to the prairie. My family still lives in the area so I get to the mountains a few times a year. Glad everything is going well for you. For anyone else who is reading, that protein drink is made by Bolthouse farms. There are three different types but I really like the mocha cappachino. I found it a Walmart out here and in North Dakota. My nutritionist said it was okay to replace breakfast. Steph
  22. update!!! Just got back from my first adjustment! My goal may be a little ambitious, but I'm going to stick it out! name ........ starting# .... current#......goal#.....togo# Rainer..........264............264..........248.......16 wombat712.......154.8..........154.8........140.......14.8 LessnLess.......172............172..........164.......8 metawnny........252............252..........240.......12 Skinny_Jill.....195............195..........180.......15 Candle .........218............218..........207.......11 KarenG..........207............207..........199.......8 Hoppingto.......350............314..........294.......20 SWEETY..........180............180..........170.......10 juliegeraci.....220............220..........210.......8 Trystelle.......219............219..........205.......14 Susan4794.......240............240..........225.......15 rharriet........367............256..........248.......8 nip50...........250............250..........238.......12 keekahari.......220............220..........205.......15 Hollyberries....298............298..........285.......13 Stacy73.........230............230..........222.......8 Irishmae11......233............233..........219.......14 jfran...........187............181..........177.......4 liz_hager.......202............202..........190.......12 SueMagoo........230............229..........220.......9 MJRouse84.......274............233..........218.......15 Cagstorm........360............360..........345.......15 Jsrico..........255............178..........165.......13 kjl315..........237.5..........237.5........220.......17.5 chickatee.......188............188..........175.......13 want2lose.......236............236..........225.......11 Cerrin..........350............350..........325.......25 Twilight........206............197..........185.......21 RenewedHope.....228............228..........210.......18 georgia girl....275............275..........260.......15 Anitak33........245............218..........199.......19 Redtulips3......248............248..........235.......13 cQQlgirl........220............220..........210.......10 Manatee.........188............188..........175.......13 Jennie1976.......290..........251...........235.......16 Cookielover.......202..........202...........192.......10 uxbus5.............240..........240...........230.......10 Jillrn.................176..........176..........166........10 Sunny112..........145..........145..........140........5
  23. Okay....I just need to vent a little bit. I don't need anyone to agree with me or flame me. You can if you want, but I don't promise to be swayed Feel free to click off if you don't want to hear it. It won't bother me. I have a diet. I always have a diet. Whatever I eat is my diet. What a lion eats is his diet. What a bacteria eats is it's diet. If we're going to survive we need a diet. No one can subsist on nothing. Now, common usage of the word makes it a 4-letter word. I get told to "take the word diet out of your vocabulary." Just because it is a 4-letter word for some folks doesn't mean that when I say it, it is. I need to control my diet. Which means control what I eat. I'm not ON a diet. I HAVE a diet that must be controlled. When I need to "change my diet" I'm not talking about WW vs. Atkins, I mean I need to change what goes in my mouth. Regardless of what everyone says about "this is a lifestyle change," to change my lifestyle I have to change my DIET! If I don't I won't succeed. This just seems to drive me nuts when someone says something about their diet and they get blasted for using "that word!" To me it's the connotation that needs adjustment, not the word. It's not that saying the word is going to make us fail. It's the thought of this being temporary that is going to cause failure. This is forever. We need to change our diets permanently. If you made it this far, thanks for reading. I'm totally shocked. I hope everyone is doing well today. I'm starving today. There's no way around it. Just STARVING. I have stayed strong since I am at work and have no other choice. Maybe I'll stay here all night and only go home to sleep, because once I start feeding tonight I think I'll be grazing until bedtime. Here's hoping you're doing better than that. Steph
  24. Twilight

    Little rant about "diet"

    I'm off! I complain a lot too. Like right now I'm really irked that I have to drive 5 hours to get anything done! That irritates the peanuts out of me! I'm hoping that I learn something positive at the support group tonight. There are two lapbanders (including myself) and two RNY's here in my itty bitty town and I guess there has been talk of forming a little group here, just to get together and share. Bert, you can ALWAYS join me in my rants. The more the merrier I say! I think it's easier to bitch here. It's easier to let it all out because no one is standing there "but-ing" you. You can have your say and feel better about it once it's done. Sometimes all we need is to spew forth....and as long as the spew isn't something about sabatoging your sucess, I think it's okay to spew. And once you've spewed like Mt. Vesuvius, you are ready to take some constructive criticism or listen to differing opinions. It's just nice to have somewhere to say it all! I hope that makes sense. I'll go into today with a better attitude. My coordinator is the sweetest thing. I love her! She's like a big sister and so supportive. When I told her I was really nervous about today she said to relax and remember to only take about 20 percent of anything on line to heart until you have experienced it yourself! Oh...and I love that she calls today my first "adjustment"....now I'm going to go adjust my stomach AND my diet....and then I'm getting my attitude adjustment too!!! I don't know why but it just sounds better than my "fill". I know that's what they are doing, but I like the sound of it better. Well, I'd better get a move on or I'll be running late and then my attitude will REALLY need adjusted. Thanks for sharing Chris! Steph
  25. Twilight

    Little rant about "diet"

    Oh Chris!!! I'm so excited. Tell me what you learned and how the support thing goes. I go to my first one tomorrow night. I'm a little nervous. I don't want anyone looking at me with that.....you know....look that says "Why haven't you lost since surgery, look at how wonderful I've done!" look. I know, just in my head I'm sure, but I'm still nervous. After reading my little temper tantrum above I realize just how hungry I must have been when I wrote it. I was sitting at 2 on the hunger scale obviously! Now that I'm finished preparing for my sub tomorrow and writing my semester tests I finally got to come home. 7:30 am to 8:30 pm was just TOO long of a day I guess. I had some yogurt down in the kitchen I should have gone and eaten, but I didn't want to take the time. Shame on me!! I'll have to be better about that! I came home and had a bowl of cream of wheat and a couple handfuls of soy nuts. Did you know they have a TON of Protein in them? I chewed really well and after about 1/4 cup things were looking up. Enough so that I don't think I need to midnight graze tonight. I'll be on the road tomorrow to go to get my first fill, my first dietician appointment and my first support group. WOW it sounds like a lot to take in tomorrow. I'll be popping in and out in the evening. Let me know how tonight went and how the exercise one goes too. Steph

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
