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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Twilight

    Not losing!

    Lachanga--I'm right there with you. I haven't lost in nearly a month either. If I lost after my last fill it was the two or three days right after. Since then, my scale has settled. I'm going for my next fill tomorrow and I'm really hoping it will jump start me again. I also recommitted to my exercise. I'm shooting for 4x a week. I can't say I'm doing all the right things. I try to stick to 3 small meals a day but am finding myself making them medium sized meals. And then there is the Snacks. Not a lot, but late night I allow myself a yogurt of a fruit cup. On the main page there is a plateau breaking diet somewhere. I can't remember the page. It looks really similar to the atkins induction phase. If you can commit to that for a few days it may help. I can't. In the past when I even started to THINK about doing atkins I gained 4 pounds. The suggestion that you are eating too little is valid. Also, even if you think you are eating the right amount, your body may just need a boost. I've been told to increase my calories by about 500 a day for two days. That may jump start your body. I tried it, but I had a hard time going back to normal after that. Damned head issues. Good luck. We're all pulling for you. Whatever you do, don't get discouraged. Work the plan, and the plan will work!
  2. Rochelle- You give me hope for Monday. I've been holding steady for the past 3 weeks and I'm dying to see the scale drop some more. I have started walking again so that will help. I did two miles yesterday and two miles today. It kicked my butt but I stayed with it until the end. Keep us posted on your progress Rochelle!
  3. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh...and thanks Phyll on the picture. I love it when he smiles like that. He can just melt my heart!
  4. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyll, I have seen that some are getting down. I want to say something encouraging to them, but after the last couple of weeks I seem to be spending all my encouragement on me. To the rest of you....from where I sit, just 2 months out, your progress looks great! Maybe it is discouraging to you...I understand that...but you are ALL truly an inspiration. Looking at your progress and your plateaus makes me feel like I KNOW I CAN DO THIS!! You are...and that gives me power. For those who have lost all their weight and are maintaining a couple years out, that's great...but so far from where I am that I can't find the encouragement there. You all are my yardstick. I went to bath and body works over Christmas and bought a new scent from their aromatherapy line. When I am feeling discouraged I take a shower and rub it all over me. It's called Black current vanilla and part of the sensuality line. It is glorious and makes me feel like I am WONDERFUL! It is amazing what a scent can do. I bought some hand lotion too and keep it at my desk for those times when I need a pick me up and can't hop in the shower. Keep an eye on the prize guys...you are so close to victory. How powerful and strong you all are to have taken your lives back from the evil that food had become! Revel in that. Now....I have a question for you veterans that may be TMI!!!! ALERT! ALERT!!! TMI TO FOLLOW! STOP READING NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TMI!!!! Okay...When I was walking yesterday....all of a sudden I was passing gas right and left....honestly with every 5th step I was fluffing. Is it just me? I'm blaming it on the exercise. I hope it has a cause because had I been in public I would have been definitely humiliated! It lessened and then quit after about an hour of not walking. If this is going to be a recurring problem I am definitely going to have to find a private place for all exercise. Any insight???? Okay TMI ALERT HAS EXPIRED!! YOU ARE FREE TO CONTINUE READING. This was a test of the TMI broadcast system. Thank you for your patience. Have a great Saturday guys. I'm going to go walk again while the baby is sleeping!
  5. Well it is Saturday and I am getting so excited about getting my fill on Monday. I am to the point that I think I could eat as much as pre-op if I let myself. I have definitely been going over my 1c. max. I try to portion out onto my plate the right amount but I am still eating more. Not a ton more mind you and definitely a lot less than I used to. I broke through a barrier yesterday! I walked 2 miles with my "walk away the pounds" video. Before this I couldn't have walked 1/2 mile. Or let me rephrase that....I probably could have, but never would have. And 2 miles felt great. I was so proud of myself. Still am actually. I wanted to shout it to everyone I saw last night. I walked 2 miles!!!!!! Chris....where are you? I've been looking for your updates. You are such an inspiration and a great motivator. I need you for that!!! Come tell us about your days....And everyone else to. Oh...Chris....how is your scale doing? Did you do the plywood thing or what? Gotta run for awhile. I'll check back later guys!
  6. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi all!!! It's Saturday and freezing here. I really am jealous of you in the southern climes right now. If its going to be cold here the least it could do for me is snow....but so far, no snowmobiling this year. I'm about to give up hope. But I have great news to report! I got in ALL my water yesterday and THEN SOME! It was awesome. I just kept sipping and sipping and sipping and before I knew it I had over 60 oz. and it was only 7pm. How awesome is that. Second great news....and for some of you I know this will seems not so awesome....I walked 2 miles yesterday!!! :party:Now....let me explain. When I was 16 and no longer had to take PE in school I made a promise to myself. I was NEVER going to sweat again. You see, sweating meant that I would have to shower....and showering was.....at the very least....painful. All the taunting. All the shame. I still feel it, just thinking about it. The really sad part is that back then, I was wearing a size 9. Still, in the cruel world of high school, I was HUGE! :thumbdown: Up until yesterday I had kept my promise. I know that it is one of the biggest problems I have. My stubborn wouldn't let me do it. But yesterday I did it...and it felt GOOD! I am so proud of me. I know that there are a ton of people much bigger than me and doing a ton more exercise...and that it only myself that is holding me back. But 2 miles is a wow for me. Before I was happy at 1/2 mile stroll around town. No more. I'm going to get to the 5 mile walk before long....and then....there will be no stopping me! I might even have to take my treadmill back from the lady I loaned it to.....pre-surgery...because I hadn't been on it in 3 years. She uses it daily though....so I hate to take it away from her. Oh....what to do! The school weight room has a bike....I think I'll see if I can use that. Sorry guys...guess I got a bit wordy! I'm just so proud! Have a great weekend all!!!
  7. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri--I was going to suggest the Bolthouse farms mocha cappuccino drink that they sell at Walmart and a bunch of other grocery stores. They are in the produce section so I never would have found them... I'm not sure if they wuld be too much dairy for you, but it might be something. I can't take another shake. They are soooooooo thick. I put them in my mouth and want to gag. I could chug this other stuff those. Its not the least carb with 29g per serving but it does have 10g of protein in a serving too. I talked to my nutritionist and she said it was a great breakfast for me. Bolthouse makes two other protein drinks but I can't drink those ones. I will keep my appointment unless my little guy is worse. Dh will just have to stay home with him instead of coming with me. My MIL said she would keep him but I don't want to do that to her if he is worse. I was hoping DH would come with me so that we could go look at things to remodel my main bath. But....fill comes first....bathroom second. As for sick days, I took two weeks last year without pay for maternity leave and it got me so far behind that I don't want to take anymore days without pay EVER again. Will if I have to, but don't want to. I am now at almost 50oz of water for the day and will probably get 32 more in while playing cards tonight. Didn't get my walk in though so I'm a little aggrivated about that. I'll try to do that after I pick up the other kids. Will check back in a little bit. Have a great weekend if you won't be around for a few days.
  8. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi everyone. Hope you are all having a great morning. I'm home with little Nick again today. When I dropped the baby at daycare (trying to keep her healthy so getting her out of the house) they said that one of the kids in Nick's group had confirmed RSV. Well, Nick doesn't have the strongest lungs so I decided I better go have him checked out too. The test takes 24 hours but doc says she is pretty sure it is RSV. That means out of daycare until Wednesday. Now....don't get me wrong, his health comes first....but does this have to happen now??? I have a fill on Monday, that I drive 3 hours to. Was going to have DH come for moral support because I really am a wimp when it comes to needles. And because of my pre-op and surgery and last fill appt. I don't have enough sick days to cover yesterday, today, and THREE days next week. Then there is the idea of when am I going to get filled the rest of the school year? I had it planned out perfectly. And now look! I refuse to panic because I know that God will have it all figured out before me, but it is a little disheartening. And on top of that, hopefully Nick doesn't end up in the hospital on a respirator or in a steam tent again. I got all my water in yesterday...and then some. Today I have done about 24 oz so far today. I have a card party tonight and instead of drinking I will do water....which will probably put me over if I can get 24 more ounces in this afternoon. Well, I'll check in a little later. Have a great day.
  9. Glad you have joined us Girlmoose. Hope we can be a great help to you! I have heard that sometimes it takes up to 2 weeks for a body to adjust to a fill. I guess that is why the docs require so much time between fills. If you go in two weeks later, it's possible that you just haven't adjusted, and then they fill you more....that sounds like disaster. I don't really miss drinking with meals. I never really did anyways. I was too busy stuffing my face to stop and enjoy a drink too. My team said that it wasn't prohibited to drink to wash something down. That is allowed. Just drink only enough to do the job. They also said the key was to not have the dry stuff to eat too. I guess, I would suggest, before you take the drink ask yourself why you are doing so. Do you NEED to or do you WANT to? Only take those sips that you NEED. Hopefully that will help. Again, welcome aboard. I hope you are loving your band as much as I am.
  10. Woke up to a sick 3 year old. Had to drive the 35 miles to work to get ready for a subsitute and then drive the 35 miles home to take care of him. GRRRR. By the time I got home the 13 year old was home from school sick too. Sitting around all day is bad for me. I don't move enough and I don't eat right. I munch too much. I haven't gone completely overboard but I did eat 1/2 piece of toast that I shouldn't have and 1/4 piece of pizza. Calorie wise I'm fine but definitely not good choices. Where's the Protein in THAT! I have been getting my liquid in. I noticed that I've been drinking a ton more plain Water. Before all of this I honestly said I HATED water. I would drink maybe 20oz a month. I couldn't imagine drinking 65oz. per DAY! So I bought all the crystal light and similar stuff. Now, I just drink the water. I don't like the sweet as much. Imagine that!!! The sugar addict saying that something is too sweet. I still drink flavored creamer and splenda in my morning coffee though. I can't give that up. I'm thinking of cutting down how much I use though. That new mindset just AMAZES me!!!! Well, back to doing something besides sitting here. You guys have a great day!!!
  11. Twilight

    Liquid Diet

    My PA told me to schedule my next fill when I leave from my appt's. And then, if I don't need it, cancel it. She said I should know a week or so in advance if I'm not going to need it and they would always be able to fill my time. Just something to think about in case fill appts are hard to come by in your office. My PA says 4 weeks minimum and I'm dying to get there on Monday. If I had to go 6 weeks I might eat my leg by then. As for the liquid diet, are you getting enough calories in? Be sure to get enough of those as well as Protein. Starvation mode or hair loss wouldn't make you feel better than a plateau. Good luck though. I'm curious if it works though. I've been stuck for about that long too. I blame myself though. I haven't been as diligent as I should be and have been making bad choices. Let us know how this works for you. Thanks!
  12. Twilight

    NSV's for the Merry Losers

    Thanks Chris. I'm starting to get my head back in the game. I've been more into things this last few days. You've been doing great lately too. Let us know what all has been going on lately on the ML main thread. It's time to get caught up :regular_smile:
  13. Twilight

    NSV's for the Merry Losers

    Okay...long story...can't make it much shorter..... My DH bought fleece vests for his business. At Christmas he gave them to the bookkeeper and all his mechanics' wives. He bought me an L. I have always worn a men's xl or xxl. I said I would wear the L in the spring when I didn't need my winter coat anymore. It came and it was HUGE. I told him I needed a med. He had some more made and bought me another L. I reminded him and he apologized. He had me try on the smalls he had made for my mother and sister in law. I laughed and rolled my eyes.....and tried it on. IT FIT!!!! Okay, it was a little small but not smaller than the clothes I was squeezing myself into before surgery. I fit into a men's small!!!!! Small I say!!!! I fit!!!!! How great does that feel!!!
  14. Twilight

    Biggest Loser

    This is the first time I have watched. I didn't see the first couple of shows. The first I saw was when they voted off purple. As for the orange team. I sort of like the son. But the mom??? I'm glad she's gone. When she went and asked Trent (I think his name is) if he'd be alright if they voted him off....HOW RUDE!!!! I don't care if that IS your plan. Not nice. I'm hoping that black kicks blues butts. I was so proud of them this week. Those men act like they can't be beat. And the temptation just proved it to me. I'm looking forward to watching how the rest of the season goes. And I hope Gillian's team wins since Bob was so mean about picking his team. To turn his back on those who picked him to begin with. It made me think back to how I always felt in grade school. I would pick the cool kids and then they wouldn't pick me. I hated that. What a miserable feeling. And that's how I see Bob now. I hope he gets it rubbed in his face. I guess those are my 12 cents.
  15. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I am a qvc girl. I bought that outfit when I took some of my students to the east coast for a tour. It was wonderful for the springtime. And that citiknit material will STRETCH!!! I LOVE it! Or did before I wanted to show off my weight. You could never really tell where the clothes were and where I was, so I could pretend. I LOVE qvc and DH sometimes threatens to take away the channel, but he watches his "build it bigger" shows and I watch all that lovely "stuff". Living in the boonies, I have no choice. No malls. Nothing other than Walmart within 90 miles. Qvc is my answer! I talked to my PA about the flu bug. She said that I was crazy if I thought I was never going to throw up again. She said that a day worth of vomiting would not hurt me and that is really what happens with the stomch flu, you throw up a few times and you are done. She said that is what happens with the band, and what we need to avoid, is the vomiting that we so affectionately call PBing. I still have some suppositories in the fridge from my PCP and will get more if I get the flu. I'd rather be safe than sorry. I don't have another $20 grand for removal/replacement. I went and added my 2 cents to the thread that you were talking about. I felt bad though because last time I said something like that in the Merry Loser forum I was called "preachy". Its funny how upset people get when you don't say what they want you to....even if their thinking needs some serious adjustment. Oh well. You guys have been pretty good...and hopefully you will tell me if I get too over the top. I was going to add something about her way of thinking being the same as People magazine and Oprah's, but didn't think it was necessary. Maybe someone else will make that point. Karri had some great points earlier this week.:tongue2: Thanks guys with all your kind words on my pictures. :blushing: I went back and looked and it does look like my neck is thinner and longer. That was kinda cool. I hadn't noticed. Kiddos are sleeping and all is quiet in the frozen north. Oh, Karri, I'm sorry about the conferences. Here they are BAD, but not THAT BAD! :eek: You said you weren't going to kill yourself over these kids...and yet you are going to put in 18 hours instead of the 14 required? :eek: Now my dear, it doesn't sound like you are following through. Don't kill them or yourself, take it out on the treadmill or bike at the gym. And after 1 hour at the gym maybe you can do more work faster since the adrenaline will be pumping. 18 hours is too much :tt1:....you're still getting over sick. Tomorrow is Friday. Don't ruin your weekend over these kids. They don't ruin theirs over you.:regular_smile:
  16. My team didn't break it down into percentages for me. They basically said, "All we can do is help you with portion control. If portion control was your only problem, you probably wouldn't be here right now." I looked at why I was eating. Maybe 20% of the time it was because I was hungry (those 3 meals a day). I added a morning snack around the coffee pot at work with my co-workers because that's what they were doing. Then there was that mid morning cookie between classes. In the afternoon I would grab something while we had coffee in the kitchen. Then after dinner I HAD to clean the kids' plates (and obviously couldn't clean them into the trash). Then when I would fix the kids a bedtime snack I had to have just a smidgen. When DH wanted ice cream about 10 I couldn't let him eat alone. And all those NON-HUNGRY times of eating were super high cal, super high fat. There's nowhere in that day for Water. No time for exercise. So they put a band around my stomach. Do I still get hungry? Damn right! By lunch time I want to gnaw off a finger (though before I would have wanted an entire leg). When it isn't meal time and I'm feeling like that I grab a low-cal, high Protein alternative. When its time to clean the kids' plates, DH does that now. We cut out the evening Snacks. Kids don't need to learn that lesson and all it was doing was feeding my butt. Coffee time is tough. I really WANT that cookie or bun. I would kill for just a slice of banana bread. Trust me. At those times I am STARVING. Problem....not physically, mentally. I also have to shop. And my band doesn't walk past those muffins. My band doesn't ignore the beer aisle. No little piece of plastic looks at the frozen pizza and steps away. THAT is serious work. My little buddy inside doesn't get off the couch and put on tennis shoes and go walking when I don't want to. And when I have taken the break, like I did this month, and not done MY part (IMHO the biggest part) I don't lose weight. And when I don't lose weight, it's hard to convince yourself that this was a good idea. Prepare yourself for this journey. Be sure of what it is going to take to succeed. Commit to success. My band is a tool. Without it I would still be 220 and gaining. By now I'd probably be 230. Instead, I'm hoping that on Monday I hear a number below 190. For 3 months commitment, I'll take that...and look forward to the rest. My band was the best decision I have ever made (besides the one to marry my DH). The $13,700 I spent to do it, chump change compared to the million bucks I feel like everytime that scale goes down.
  17. Twilight

    ??? on Heartburn.???

    My band had 3cc at surgery and 2 more at first fill, so I wouldn't think 5cc's is that aggressive. From what I've read, it might be a little more than average, but not horrible. As for the heartburn, I have heard a lot of people having heartburn and some reflux issues after their fills. Is it worse at night? Right after you eat but gone before your next meal? Constant? Are you burping with it or just pain in your chest? Think about those things, do a search on "heartburn", read the comments, and if you are still concerned, call and ask...but you'll be prepared for the questions they may ask because you have really evaluated it before your call. Hope that helps. It would be great if you could let us know how you resolve this issue, because I know you won't be the only one with it and your experience can help us all. Please let us know what you end up doing to fix it. Whatever you do, don't ignore it. Heartburn CAN, though not always, cause some serious damage. Don't just suffer through it.
  18. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning all. What a busy morning. Woke up to my little boy throwing up. Just what I needed. I had to go into work to take care of sub plans for the day. Now I'm home. On days like today I wish I didn't work 35 miles away. When I got home my 13 year old had come home from school sick too. Oh lovely! I'm not sure if he's really sick or just faking since he knew his little brother was sick....but it's his first sick day of the school year so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. If nothing else, he must have needed a mental health day like I did earlier this week. Glad I didn't take it then. Karri--WOW!!! 1 mile!!! Running!!! I'm all but speechless. You have been such an inspiration. The dream of running by the end of the summer doesn't seem quite so out of reach! Peaches--I loved the joke. DH was not nearly as impressed. He said something about it only happening once. To which, I said, "I hope so, I didn't think I married an idiot." Again, he did not see the humor. Phyll--Your numbers astound me. I think you did more in one week than I did all month. And they say the weight loss slows down the further out you are. My team said to shoot for 8 lbs per month and be happy with 6....You are another idol. Janet--Sometimes people need to hear the cold hard truth. For many, hinting at it or sugar coating it isn't good enough. If you said it, she must have needed to hear it...otherwise something (I believe, God) would have curbed your tongue and softened the blow. I'm sure your, what you consider an, outburst was exactly what was called for. My team doesn't think much of chatting with others online about this journey, but I think it's a great educational tool. I think there are too many gullible people out there that take everything they read as gospel. I take it all with a grain of salt. Like our bands, it's only a TOOL and we have to do the actual WORK. Anyways....never pull punches when it's something important. Well, I'm going to go snuggle my little guy and try to make him feel better. I'll be on and off all day. I have a ton of grading to get caught up with. Maybe today really will be a blessing.
  19. Twilight

    Progress Picture Brag Thread

    Mine aren't nearly as impressive as your 6 month pics but much improved for me. I'm not seeing a GREAT improvement this month, but I did a little better than maintained, so even if I'm not thrilled with it, I'll just have to kick my own getting littler butt and get in gear. The first face is before surgery, but since I can only upload 5, I didn't include my original before body shot. I need a little more guidance on the collage things you guys have been doing. I guess I haven't done my research. :eek: But honest I thought I had. I know what PB is...does that count?
  20. Twilight

    comparison pics

    Wanted to add my second month pictures. I really don't see any progress this month, but I also didn't work as hard as I should have last month. A lot of it, actually all of it, is lack of my consistancy and drive. I have another fill scheduled for Monday and I really hope that will help me get on the right track.
  21. Hi guys. I've had a really crappy attitude the last few days so I've been keeping myself scarce. I didn't want to contaminate the good vibes going on here. There have been some good posts. Way to go everyone. I'm not going to bore you all with all the blah dy blah de blah that my life has been lately but the only thing that seems to be almost alright these days is my band. I can't wait for fill on Monday, since I haven't lost a pound in almost 3 weeks, but I'm eating alright and living decently.... exercise is non-existant right now. I'm struggling to keep family all tied in one knot so walking is low priority. Probably part of the reason I'm not losing. However, the stress level has tightened me up a bit the last week or so. I don't know....maybe I don't need a fill....but the stress is bound to disappear and THEN where will I be? They like to see their patients at least once a month for the first three months anyways so I'll go...we'll see what my team has to say about it. Just thought I'd poke in and let you know I'm still around....just growly. Hope everyone else is having a better week.
  22. Twilight

    Two Month Comparison Pics

    Oh...and I was going to mention....have you noticed your arms look like they are getting longer....look how much further down your body you can reach now. How interesting!
  23. Twilight

    Two Month Comparison Pics

    My fill is on the 11th but tomorrow will be 2 months....I'll THINK about it, but this month has not been the best for me. I'm doubting I'll see any difference..... I'll probably take them but don't know if I'll post them. Chris -- you are looking AWESOME!!!! It's gotta feel great. And as for the counting all 40 pounds....you lost them, they count! I'm sorta thinking I should be able to count the 2 lbs I lost 5 times as 10...but that might be pushing it a bit Way to go! Keep up the great work. You are surely inspiring.
  24. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi all, Kids are taking a test and working hard without me so I figure I can sit here and take a few minutes to check in. It's so nice when there are only 6 of them to watch. I think with a larger class I would have to be more on top of it. I don't envy you, Karri, at all with the big city classes. Sometimes I think these guys frustrate me so much just BECAUSE I have such small classes and know them all so well that I take their mess ups personally. I may not be THAT important to them but EACH ONE of them has a huge stake in my world. That said, I went home last night and took time out for family. I decided that it was time to enjoy them for awhile instead of tolerate them. Played with the baby, read some books and did a couple of puzzles with the three year old, checked Jabba the Hut's homework (he went to play basketball last night so he wasn't home much), cooked dinner and did dishes (we eat on paper a LOT because I don't have time), and sat DH down and explain how what he was doing was hurting me. All in all, a great night! I ate some chx for dinner and had some soynut mix for snack. Went to bed happy instead of growlin/scowlin and you wouldn't believe the better attitude I have today. I thought I was going to call in sick today because I needed a mental health adjustment but was much better this morning. So....now I am watching my last two classes take tests and feeling pretty good. School lunch today was horrible for me....goulash, bananas, homemade buns....so I had 1/2 banana and some yogurt. Not enough protein but I'll have one of my proticcinos for snack this afternoon and that will help. Why is our nations school lunch program so carb/bread/starch/crap heavy. They take the junk machines out but leave the junk in the subsidized programs. Isn't that a little hypocritical? If we want our kids to grow up not like us, we have to do something about what we train them with. Case in point, here is our lunch menu this week: Yesterday - taco boats, canned peaches in HEAVY syrup, cinnamon rolls (the size of your hand open), Today I shared Wednesday - meatloaf, baked potatos, gr. beans, fruit jello, homemade buns Thursday - breaded chicken patties, curly fries, lettuce salad, bananas, sugar cookies, and homemade buns Friday, BBQ beef sandwiches, baked beans, chips, fruit bar For a low-carb, high protein meal, what should I eat? It KILLS ME! No wonder 1/2 the student body is overweight! Okay enough from me. If you read this far, you're good friends. Well, you're good friends anyways....but bless you for hanging in there.
  25. Twilight

    Biggest Loser

    Last night was the first time I had tuned into it. I kept thinking that there was NO WAY I looked like that at the same weight. I went back to my pics and I was big at 220, but not as big as they are. I need to ask DH how much he weighs to see if I believe the mens' weights but the women, I think, must weigh more than tv says. And I'm 5'2 and they are not shorter than that....I don't think. But...they are losing and good for them. I was impressed that no one grabbed a soda on the show last night. At least I have the excuse that it would hurt. They just had willpower. Holy moly....no way! I would have been all over that table, honestly. I'm still a soda junky, just have a good reason to say no. a $13,700 dollar reason! Anyone who loses should be proud of their loss. They should stand tall and smile. I wish I had a personal trainer though....and 3 hours a day I could dedicate to exercise. Some exercise buddies wouldn't hurt either. The support mechanism they have in place during the show is superb. I hope they can keep with it after the show though. It must be hard to continue when everything else is gone. At least this year, they have their teammates.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
