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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi guys. Just a quick check in on a beautiful Saturday morning. We have to go to Walmart (the closest is 90 miles away) and the optical shop this morning because my eldest decided to break his glasses. He says it happened in PE but I'm not buying by the looks at the frame.... Anyways....Stoiciometry!!! I love that word!!! It's my favorite thing cuz I can tie my chem to my math!!!! Isn't it the funnest word to say ever????:huggie: I think my rant on testing made a bad impression. I LOVE my students and worry so little about the testing that honestly 10 months out of the year....it's the furthest from my mind. But with testing coming in the next two weeks....it's back to the forefront. I get to teach the same students from 7th to 12 grade. I get to be a part of their lives...not just a part of school. My first 7th graders at this school are graduating this year. I made one of the boys cry the first month. He admitted a couple of weeks ago that he HATED me for a good year after that. But he's an amazing kid. He cried because I wouldn't let him quit. He was struggling and I told him it was pretty crappy that I had more faith in him than he did. At the time I thought I was going to die! Making a kid cry. But....we've got such a close relationship now. How wonderful he is. He still ocassionally gives up but he knows I won't accept that so he struggles through. Just one of a hundred kids that have touched my life and I hope I have touched theirs. It would be more...but when the average graduating class is 5 it's going to take a LONG TIME to reach thousands :w00t: I love teaching and I love the kids...even when they are driving me nuts. As for are they ever going to use the math I teach them?? Probably not a LOT.....but the skills of thinking through a problem and attacking it a variety of ways, the skill of analyzing a solution to see if it really makes any sense (they are really bad at that), the realization that there are a BUNCH of ways to attack a problem and just because you do it one way and someone else does it another....those are the skills that they will use forever. But those are tough to teach and parents get really upset when they aren't learning "algebra" or "geometric proof" instead. It is so hard to explain to people. I have a gut understanding of what I'm trying to do...and sometimes I can't articulate it. Anyways....partying....I WANT to be a party animal. DH and I went out for dinner and drinks last night. I had DIVINE walleye and salad and a few hashbrowns. Then out for drinks. I was exhausted by 10 and in bed by 10:30...so much for the animal in me. We were just talking about not having any friends. I hope that changes as I become more confident in my own skin. I need to feel comfortable approaching people....and I'm getting better but I'm not there yet. It will come. There were other things I wanted to talk about but yet again teaching got me fired up. I am really passionate about it and (DH would say) somewhat obsessive. Sorry. Well...kids are running around like wild banshees. I better get them focussed or we'll never get out of here in time to make it to the optical shop by noon. Have a great day all.
  2. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi all! Hope you all had a great evening. Tonight I went walking with a friend. She is a skinny and I kept up with her!!! How empowering was THAT! I have a question though. I can do 2 miles in 1/2 hour with the walk away the pounds video. I walked with my friend for about 50 minutes. I don't think I was walking quite as hard because I wasn't sweating like I do with the video. So....which is better for me? Longer but not so hard or shorter and harder? I did enjoy the change of pace but don't know how often I will do that. Hubby bought an electric pressure cooker off of QVC. We got it yesterday and DH cooked tonight. It was amazing! He made this Carribean pork dinner. It smelled wonderful. I was all but frothing at the mouth. And then it hit. That first bite and I had a great golf ball. I knew it as soon as I started to swallow it but it was too late. So this delicious dinner and I got two bites and a bunch of misery! A half hour ago I finally had a bowl of Cereal. I know...not the best choice, but it was 200 calories and it went down. I'll have some extra v8 before dinner to make up for the lack of salad and veggies. Today I was trying to find something to wear to work and was struggling because so many of my clothes are way too big...especially shirts. So I went through some of my old clothes and I fit into stuff that I haven't worn since I began teaching. I am so proud! It is finally becoming real to me. I'm getting it through my head that I am going to have success here! So tooty tooty toot toot!!!!
  3. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    It took me awhile to formulate what exactly I wanted to say about this issue...because it is a real hot button for me. The opinions expressed in this post are from my experience and other teachers will probably disagree....especially depending upon where they teach. I will rant, explain, and probably give more information than necessary.....this is all about school and nothing about weight loss..... No Child Left Behind is the bane of teachers' existence. The idea behind why it was started...valid. The implementation....SUCKS!! It makes the teachers responsible for everything and not the students. I can't MAKE my students care. It doesn't address the growing apathy that the current student population has. In Montana, schools are required to make adequate yearly progress. That is tied to the percentages in NCLB. If the students do not do that, the teachers' jobs are on the line. I am pushed and reminded every Wednesday at our staff meeting what is on the line. My tenure has nothing to do with it. If the students are not where they need to be, my job is questionable. The students have no accountability. The parents have no accountability. It is laid on MY shoulders. I teach 7 - 12 math in classes that range from 1 student to 8. Because of the percentages NCLB has set forth, if one student does not make "proficient" I fail at AYP. It does not matter if the student is improving. It does not matter if the student is academically challenged. It does not matter if they just don't give a crap! Can you see the stress???? Because of all that, it is hard NOT to teach to the test. Even though the test changes each year and we never know what the focus will be. Three years ago the focus was algebra. Two years ago something else, and last year there was a crazy number of mile/quart/pound questions. Who knows what they will think is important this year. Now add that if a school is not meeting standards, students can opt to come to a different school, and area schools are failing AYP and I'm getting more and more challenged kids because of it....so they come to me without the requisite knowledge and I am penalized because of that. This year is the first year I am seriously worried. :frown: I know that there is no way I can meet NCLB's standards this year....let alone in a couple when 100% of students, regardless of their challenges/background must be "proficient". I'm stressing out. It only makes sense that teachers will concentrate on these high-stakes tests. Their jobs depend on it. Now....like I said, the idea that schools need to be accountable is applaudable. The push to make our kids better...AWESOME!! :thumbup: But that it all depends upon me....not so cool! And that they guy across the hall teaches history and doesn't have this hanging over his head???? criminal! :thumbup: There needs to be better implementation and families/students have got to be accountable. I have the tools I need to offer them the knowledge, but if they choose not to do their work, come to school, pay any sort of attention, put effort into their education, cannot be my problem too. It's enough that my curriculum gets bigger and bigger each year. I am not atlas and I cannot hold it all on my shoulders. So....testing SUCKS! Teachers teach the test because the consequences of not doing so are so severe. I'm not saying it's right...just that I understand. I try not to teach the test. I swear that there are too few math teachers out here in BFE for them to let me go because of it. I work as hard as I can to teach the kids that no matter what the questions, they can show that they know more than just an answer. But when it comes right down to it I thank my lucky stars that I get my contract before scores come back. At least it gives me a year to look for another job. Sorry this is so long. If you stuck through it, I hope it makes a little bit of sense. I get on a roll and my train of though jumps the tracks sometimes. Testing begins in 3 weeks!!!!!!:eek:
  4. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Yeah Janet!!!!! I'm tooting all over the place for you!!! I really feel bad if I hurt someones feelings with my tooting comment. Sometimes the diarrhea of the mouth is out of control! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait til the day!!!!!
  5. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh...and thanks for the goal weight talk. I picked a number with very little thought besides if I'm going to do this, I don't want to stop at "fat"...I was to be "healthy". So....I picked the top number of that place on the bmi chart....but knew that the bmi chart is not the be all end all. I will stop when I feel like I'm there.....but not when I am okay. Where ever that is...so be it. Oh...and I dug into an old box of clothes. I fit into clothes that I bought at the beginning of my teaching career in 1999. Yeah me! I still have a few things smaller, but not many! I'm going to soon be in clothes I haven't fit into since my first husband told me I was too fat to stay married to! I guess we know what he can do with THAT opinion... Yeah me! I'm tooting!!!
  6. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    :Banane40:They are so few and far between and most days I am right where you are Karri. I'm hopeless and frustrated and angry that these kids won't listen and won't try and let things go in one ear and out the other. To make it worse, Montana only tests in reading and math. :glare: (I had to pick math right?) That's all that matters....and by the time my kids come to me they already have this awesome reading level usually. Well...this year is worse than many others and testing begins in three weeks....after a month of 3 day weeks because of basketball touraments. Honestly this week, Monday morning they were gone for an assembly all morning, today I had my 8th grade, 9th grade project all day, tomorrow afternoon they are in another assembly, and Thurs and Fri all but three are gone to tourney. The last three weeks haven't been much better. And then I'm given orders that during this tourney time, homework is off limits. How in the world?????:smile: Anyways...I'm not going to focus on that. I had theses bigwigs come out from Washington to evaluate this project that I put together and they could NOT say good enough things about my students. They were engaged, excited, learning.....ALL DAY LONG!!! It was a computer project and won't help me in my math testing, but maybe the enthusiasm will be contageous for the next couple of weeks. It was so wonderful. Today is the type of day that keeps me teaching. Why? Because these kids ARE reachable....it's just that what I'm doing most days isn't reaching them! But today??? I'M ALMOST HIGH WITH THE EXCITEMENT!! Okay....back to my band. Pretty good day. With the visitors I didn't get my lunch walk in today and now I'm curled over with cramps. These are new for me since I had my tubes tied.....they SUCK!!!! Anyways, I had fewer calories as a substitute. As for tooting your horn..:thumbup:..You guys are awesome about it. It makes me encouraged. I look at you and see the struggles you are having and you are still progressing. It gives me hope that even with my obstacles and my downfalls, all of this is possible. That is awesome. What I was talking about was the only time people are posting on my "home" board is to say they have lost 50 pounds in 2 months and they love their band. When asked how they got such wonderful results all they say is xxx. It's frustrating. Give me some guidance if you're doing so great....don't just give me a 3 sentence answer. I hope I didn't make you guys feel like you were putting anyone off. You are all so HUMAN! I would be sunk by now without you. Toot away!!! I know that it all comes with a mighty tough struggle. :tt2:
  7. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi all! Hope you had a great day. I have been busy at school getting ready for this project that I'm doing tomorrow. I'm still trying to stay calm....and I'm keeping the demons at bay. Today I did alright. Normal drinks for breakfast, raw veggies, pears, and 1/2 polish sausage (plain no bun) for lunch, and taco salad for dinner. Not bad. But it was 8:00 before I got home so I'm not going to get my walking in. I did walk for 15 mins during lunch. Mr. LongLegs complains because I walk to fast ...hehehehe. Tomorrow is another long work day so I won't see you all until late. Tell Phyll I miss her. Hope the rest of you have a great time
  8. Twilight

    Lack of support help

    Shadow, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this could be the start of a trend. Now some are very lucky and have very supportive friends and family. Others....not so much. My friends that I told have all been pretty supportive. My family....not so much. You are going to have to figure out how you want to address the nay sayers. They are out there. If your lucky, this friend will be the only person who you deal with that isn't behind you 100%. But really, this is YOUR decision. You have to do the research, look at the option, and decide if this is the right thing for you. If you have convinced yourself that this is right, then anything your friends say against it, you should have already asked yourself and answered yourself. Tell them the same things you told that nag in your head. It made sense to you and it will probably make sense to them. After I told my brother and he shot me reason after reason not to do this, I answered all of them with logical, thoughtful, answers. He couldn't argue with what I had decided because I had truly thought this through. Don't try to laugh off their concerns. Just address them one at a time. If you have done that and they still aren't behind you, you're going to have to be tough and either join them or tell them that this is your PERSONAL decision and you would rather not discuss it anymore. We are here for you to support you. I know it is nice to have that face to face support, but if this is all you have....well....it's pretty awesome! Good luck. You have some tough stuff ahead. Let us all know if we can help.
  9. Twilight

    Have you had your second fill?

    I've had my second fill. I guess it was on the 10th. So two weeks ago. I have noticed a huge difference in what I can and can't eat. I get that golf ball feeling way more often. I would say at least once a day if not more often. I'm still hungry quite often. But I guess that's normal. At some point you are supposed to be, right? I eat a good dinner and occasionally have a yogurt or something like that as an evening snack. When I wake up I have some v8 fusion and some Protein stuff and a cup of coffee. I am NOT a Breakfast person. Never have been. So it shouldn't surprise me that by 10:30-11:00 I'm hungry. I think that really is the only time I'm "starving." The rest is head saying I should eat. I don't know. I sometimes think that I shouldn't have gotten this fill. I should have waited a bit longer. I have more head issues at this point than hunger ones. That's my experience.
  10. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well I think I am officially rehydrated. I'm saying that because when I stepped on the scale this morning it was up from my low of 178. I know that wasn't a proper weight though because of the two days of hell I had been going through. It's back to 181 but that's still down from where it was prior to fill. I'm going to take it as a loss for the week. Ruby -- I don't know if it will help but I use this ointment on my babies butts when they have diaper rash. It's called Corona ointment and I found it at the drug store where they have bag balm and such. I know it says it's for animals but I was turned onto it by a friend who swears it's the best for diaper rash. It clears that up like a dream. It either comes in a deep yellow tub with a red lid or in a tube the same color. I don't like the tube because it is hard to get out and while trying to keep a little one parked and using two hands to squeeze is rather frustrating. It might help.... Good luck. Phyll--we missed you!! So glad you can get back online again. Aren't our DH's something else. They complain but they always seem to come through in a pinch! Some days he drives me crazy, but he always seems to come out smelling like a rose by doing something over and above! Well...my food demons are still haunting in the shadows. I have a big project planned for a couple of my classes. I will be spending the entire day with them on Tuesday working on it. We're calling it a no travel field trip. Anyways....I have some grant evaluators coming to watch it and evaluate it from Washington. Long story and rather boring but the big wigs want to see what I'm doing! Now maybe it just fit into their schedule correctly but I'm pretty honored that out of the 30ish participants in the grant they want to see what MY CLASS is doing with it. Anyways....so the stress is starting to work itself up. I'm beginning to feel that pressure....and the only relief for it has always been food. I could stuff the pressure back down with enough cake or Cookies or donuts. Now...don't get me wrong, I'm not succumbing....but it is hell right now. Every bit of comfort food I have is a no no these days. Why can't brocolli be comforting? Wouldn't it be nice to eat a chx breast and feel better? chocolate has ALWAYS been my savior. Problem....I can't just have a little. One smell and I want it ALL! One little hershey's kiss isn't going to comfort me in the least. So on top of all of the school stress I'm stressing out about how to comfort myself. DH doesn't get this. Yesterday when we went through McD's he had a double qtr pounder fries and a soda. SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!! I did order a chx sandwich but only ate 1/4 of it before I was finished. An hour or so later I tried to eat more but it didn't go. DH finally ate the rest of that too. (hmmm....getting a little off topic here I guess) Anyways....I'm going to stay strong....but it isn't going to be easy. Well, I'd better get ready for church so I can get my little darlings ready as well! Have a good day all.
  11. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning all. Hope you all have an exciting weekend planned. I think I will spend the afternoon at the school. I can't put in 2 or 3 extra hours at the beginning or the end of the day like Karri. I'd much rather just give up an afternoon/evening once or twice a month. I had a pretty good day yesterday. Saved calories for the evening when we were going out to dinner with friends. I have a real problem with going to eat with people. I have done it 4 times in the last couple of months and every time I stick myself. The stupid part is that I don't want anyone to know so I continue to try to put stuff in my mouth so that they won't notice how miserable I am. How STUPID is that? Last night it was 1/2 piece of pizza. And of course I have to wait a while before I excuse myself to the bathroom because I don't want anyone to know what I'm doing in there. It's absolutely miserable. Now I don't know that I'm seriously "stuck" because from what I've read that is a torturous experience and this isn't ugly, just uncomfortable. But either way it is not good. Again...another head issue that I need to deal with. I'm beginning to think I didn't need a band, but rather a labotamy. My head is definitely the problem. I know you have all said the same things....just adding my amen to the mix. Oh....and I teach math to jr. high and high school kids. I could go on and on about why everyone needs it, but I'm going to let that rest....my soap box is tired of me lately. And I live in NE Montana. The ugly flat side, not the beautiful mountain side (I grew up in the mountains, can you tell?). I also wanted to add something to let you all know how much I appreciate the open arms you welcomed me with. I can't even begin to explain how important you all are to me. The December board is so....I don't even know how to explain what they are. You are all so real. You tell about your success and your struggles. It isn't all just "I've lost 50 pounds in the last 2 months! Yeah me!" You are truly what a support group is and I love you all for it. Karri, I bless the day you invited me in. You are all truly wonderful people and after looking at other months and lurking in the corner, this is the best board on the site IMHO. Bless you all!
  12. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri -- You are doing so awesome! You really are an inspiration. I went and walked my 2 miles tonight. I think it may have been more than I should have but no pain no gain I guess. This past month, when I went in for my fill, we had an hour information session on exercise. The big thing that the presenter stressed was how regular exercise not only burns calories...but also raises our basal metabolic rate. So, as we continue to exercise the number of calories our bodies burn, just to survive, increases. The numbers she gave were amazing. Something like an extra 1000 calories a day in just basal rate. I think that in itself is motivation. So, not only did you exercise off what you ate, you also boosted what it takes your body to survive. Now....I'm sure you can do a better job of explaining that....just like you did with calories....so I'll leave it at my basic understanding. I feel pretty good and I'm going to drink one more bottle of water and then call it a night. Have a good night everyone.
  13. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well all. I'm back. I've not really been gone, just lurking. Not much to say. I was sick for the last couple of days. Some stomach bug seriously kicked my @$$! On the plus side I can confidently say that my bowels are not holding any excess weight! When I asked my PA about the flu at my last appointment, because I was worried about vomiting, she said that I need not worry over a flu bug. The vomiting they worry about has to do with being too tight and being stuck. She assured me that a bout of the flu would not cause slippage. I sure hope she is right. I'm feeling better today and seem little worse for the wear so I'm going to keep positive and not stress over it. I did step on the scales this morning and am down about 4 pounds since Sunday, but I'm assuming dehydration and ignoring that new number. I'll check again on Sunday and use that. If I'm lucky there will be a happy number staring back at me. I was a bad food person while I was sick. Carbs seemed to be the only thing that settled my stomach. I don't think for three days total I got 1000 calories total though so I'm not going to fret. It just goes to show me that my bad behavior is sitting in the wings waiting to kick my butt if I let it back onstage. Hopefully it will walk away soon. I don't remember who (Karri?) said we need to stay focussed for at least 6 months....maybe on a different thread....but I'm going to keep my guard up. Medium workout clothes??? Oh, what a dream! I am just frothing at the mouth thinking that someday I will be there! I don't think I've worn a medium my entire adult life. Maybe in high school. I'm jealous but also encouraged. Way to go!!! While I was sick I was watching and looking for new workout videos. Since there isn't a gym in the area I'm looking for something to keep me motivated. I came really close to buying a set called total jam. They looked way above me but the "success" stories said that the women were larger than me. I don't know....I'm torn. Anyone heard of them or have any suggestions? Walking is going well but I know I need to change it up. I'm still thinking about an elliptical but $60 compared to $1500 is a big factor. It looked like fun but I don't know if I'm that coordinated. The high school drill team seems a LONG time ago. Well. I got my midterms finished and I'm going home. I'm still not 100% but a ton better than before. Thanks for the great reading the last few days guys. When I'm not HERE I'm still lurking.
  14. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good Morning All!! I hope everyone felt loved yesterday. My DH was sweet and that's not usual for him, so maybe he is turning a page too! Went out for crab legs last night! They were divine!!!! I love crab legs. I had a big (well...big for me) salad with cukes and lettuce and cottage cheese. I hadn't had salad because my nutritionist said that it was one of those things people stick on. I don't know...it was great. I want more!! I was really getting tired of green beans and broccoli so salad will be a welcome addition to my repertoire. I looked up the nutrition stuff on crab legs and then told DH he was going to have to feed me those things more often! I know the butter isn't the best but if I plan my day for it, it won't kill me. They are so low cal high protein that I think I may want them weekly! Again...this surgery is getting really expensive :eek:) My neck is still bothering me a bit. Not enough to go see a doc but enough that it's giving me a headache. I'm going to try to walk at lunch though. If that 10 minutes doesn't hurt I'll go back to another half hour after work. Funny thing. Someone somewhere else responded to the "don't have time" excuse that I'm ALWAYS using that on the weekends we have a LOT more time.....and to use it. A light bulb came on. of COURSE I could work out on the weekends. Why didn't I think of that? Sheesh! Now I have two days with NO excuses. I only have to find 2-3 during the week. Okay...back to work. Brought my 13 year old with me today. He's going to think I don't do anything all day. Have a good one all!
  15. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Doc said if I was throwing up, my pupils didn't match, or I passed out, to come to the emergency room. None of those things happened so I didn't go. My neck is really soar today and I can't turn my head. Someone mentioned whiplash and that it happens after a bit of time. I don't know what that feels like so I need to do some research. The jarring of walking hurts my head though, so it might be a concussion. I don't know. I feel like a big old whimp! I reread my answer post and what I was writing was supposed to funny but my humor didn't come across in the post. I really wasn't whining, just trying to be me. If you didn't get that before, try to reread it with a smart alec twist. Maybe my brain really is bruised. On a positive, DH got the hint from last year and got me flowers and is taking me out to dinner. He found somewhere serving king crab legs. I need to look them up....do they qualify as fish???? and I know I shouldn't, but I'm not skimping on the butter for them :cursing:)) Anyone know how bad they are for me? Woohoo...Lunch. yogurt, veggies, and cottage cheese! I'm starving!!
  16. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph You know the food cop isn't going to let that pass :biggrin2: Where are your veggies... :cursing: Now Now! I had just fallen down and almost killed myself. DH wouldn't cook if I had broken both arms and legs. He ordered pizza and there were no veggies on it. I asked for a can of beans and he gave me the "Uh, those would be in the cupboard? Do you want them warmed up? How long? Do I use a cereal bowl?" And I gave up and told him I'd have pizza. I have helpless men!!! I'm married to one of the biggest. I didn't have any fresh in the house or I would have eaten them and it hurt to badly to go into the kitchen in the light. I drank extra v8 juice though....does that count? Sheesh...I feel like my mom just caught me in the frosting container. I didn't eat the candy little guy brought home from daycare. I didn't eat a bunch of cake that neighbor gave me..... What is my punishment? I'm a big girl. I'll take it. But no extra exercise...I can't even walk today without pain. I'm taking it easy. However, I stepped on the scale today and it's down a couple of pounds....so I'm positive in that direction. Have a great love day all. I'll talk to you all later.
  17. I have to agree. I'm not against ads all together but that place is really annoying. There are lots of ads on each page. Do we really have to be subjected by that one. Honestly....I don't even read it because it annoys me so badly. I scroll right past it. I'd be interested in how much traffic those ads are generating. I wouldn't think much. I'm adding my name to the move them list!
  18. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet -- the pizza. I didn't eat the whole thing. I had the little pieces of sausage, ham, hamburger, and the cheese. I chewed and chewed and it took me over a half hour to eat the top of a piece of pizza. I had a little bit of crushed but it didn't sit well so one bite was enough. I guess I've been eating the top of pizza for quite a while and I don't think of what others will imagine when I say I ate pizza. Karri -- I'm so sorry that you were crazy busy today. I would be comatose by now if I had been at work at 4:30. And you went to the gym. Now I really feel like I should have walked tonight. What's a little bump on the head when you've been going for 15 hours. Super super you. Phyl-- I know that if I had weighed in after noon I would have a weight gain. A HUGE weight gain. I would not feel bad about that. Next week if you weigh at the same time you'll be able to see a difference. If you are still seeing the same weight in the morning that you always have, I wouldn't take that weight gain as gospel. I say NO WAY!! Also if it is hotter you may be drinking things with more salt. I know it is a huge craving when I am overheated. On the plus side....I'm freezing so being warm right now sounds pretty good. I'm sitting here watching the biggest loser. I recorded it so now I can skip all the stupid commercial. There were some great things about the mental issues this week. I need to really think about this mental stuff. I need to start really thinking about it and making it a bigger priority. Good night all. See you all tomorrow.
  19. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay....I just have to state...I take the bra and shirt OFF at the same time. I put them on separately. I've always struggled with bras....because they seem to always cause this ugly roll. So, maybe they are in need of changing but I'm going to wait until I can buy pretty underwear. Hopefully another 15-20 lbs and I'll be able to buy something gorgeous. As for the lamps...I know they aren't sun lamps but that was the term that came to mind. I looked into them during a depression episode a couple of years ago but my dr. said they didn't work so not to waste my money. It was early March by that time and I was getting more sun by then sos I was on my upswing. I think I'll look into them before the next winter season. I am also allergic to sun exposure....it gives me these really horrible hives....so I get very little sun in the summer. I have thought of artificial tanning, but it would irritate my skin also...so I just live with it. I told Mr. Mile Leggs that he tried to kill me. I made a big deal of telling everyone that he was trying to off me so he could have our end of the hallway all to himself. I think they are used to my obnoxious drama by now. They laughed....so it worked I guess. Getting into my car tonight I fell really hard on the ground. Hit my head pretty good. I've been watching myself closely for signs of a concussion but I'm feeling better. I took a few tylenol and a couple hot showers and now my headache is gone and I'm not nauseas any longer. I got some pizza top down. I'm still really tight from my fill on Monday. I got a little yogurt, a couple of spoons of mashed potatoes, a couple pieces of cheese, and a little Protein drink down today. My Water is a little low. I need to get another 30oz down by bedtime. I don't see it happening, but I might surprise myself. I think it will be an early night. I'll exercise more tomorrow. Goodnight everyone
  20. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Wow. I check and check and nothing to report and I go away for a few minutes and three of you post:) It's been pretty quiet here. I've been dying inside because it is finally snowing. It probably won't amount to enough to snowmobile, but my prayers are out there floating in the great unknown.... I knew you would all laugh at the over the head thing. I don't think many people would consider it, but it works for me. All in one stroke, shirt and bra....ta dah!!!! I got a brisk walk in at lunch today. Only about 10 minutes since I spent the other 10 of the lunch break eating... but let me tell you the story. The PE teacher here has legs that go from the floor to my shoulders and is about as skinny as a rail and yet he is daily complaining about the 10 pounds he put on over Christmas or having to lose 10 by summer before he gets in the combine....I usually give him that look....the one my students call my Hitler look....and he shuts up pretty quickly. Anyways, I'm down there walking and clipping along pretty good when Old Smarty Long Legs comes along and wants to walk with me. 1 he's the PE teacher, 2 his legs have a good 18 inches on mine, 3 hes a man and not going to out do me. So my pretty good clip has to turn into an almost jog....Well, I almost died. Honestly I think my lungs were close to exploding. Not exaggerating. I almost puked. So....can I count it as 30 mins? I tried to quit 2 laps before I did, but he wouldn't let me. Of course not, Mr. Smarty Pants, I started 5 mins before him.....grrrrrr. Anyways....afterwards he comes to my room, about 30 mins later, and says "Wow, you were really going there, my calves are killing me. You could have taken it a little easier on me. I bet your legs are killing you." My legs??? My lungs are still on fire and he's talking about my legs? Anyways....I thought you'd all chuckle a bit. Well....I think I am going to do the elliptical. The treadmill I can always ask for back, but I enjoy the walking video and will probably continue that. If I elliptical too that will give me a couple of options a day. There was a thread on the exercise board that I was reading....Now I just have to open the wallet. You know this surgery gets more expensive by the day. I haven't even started with the new clothes. I may have to take a second job! Well all...have a great rest of the day. I'm going to brave the blizzard and drive home. I could stay here for the night but if I'm going to get stranded I'd rather be home. I'll check in tonight.
  21. You are looking awesome!!! You are almost half way there and only 2 months out! Think how awesome you're going to feel at 6 months! I'm on day 1 of my second fill. Feeling much better but there is still swelling to give me restriction. Hopefully I don't lose it after that goes away. Check in more often! Tell us about your progress.
  22. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Wow you guys. I leave for a couple of days and you guys go NUTS!!!! No wonder I'm addicted here. If I don't get my fix it takes me forever to get caught back up. Forgive this really long post but there is a ton I want to say..... Peaches--I would LOVE the snow. Here it's just super cold. It got above zero again finally. I'm really dying to get back on my snowmobile. Last year I was pregnant for most of the season and too big to fit into my clothes the rest of it. Oh....and as for the m&m's. Yesterday on the way home I saw these chocolate skittles. Now...I had just gotten out of the fill office. I was JUST told that I had to not have anything but liquid for 24 hours. And yet, there I was, talking myself into skittles turning into liquid if I sucked on them. I blame the company, how do they combine the idea of m&ms AND skittles and expect me NOT to grab some. I held out though. Janet--the brownie batter.....OMG!!!! I almost frothed at the mouth thinking about it. I hope you enjoyed it for all of us so that we can live vicariously through you. Maybe we should all share taking one for the team..... Actually I was very proud of you for only mixing some up. I don't think I could have had that strength. Phyl -- Tell me more about this cottage cheese concoction with splenda and cinnamon. Is it good? The only way I ever eat cottage cheese is plain. Other suggestions? I might have to try it. On another note, I so hope your aunt is better. I'll keep you and her in my prayers. Brandy--I remember 140. I was in high school. My friends kept telling me how to diet and take the extra pounds off. Oh to be there again.....AWESOME JOB!!! Man how our perspective changes. Enjoy it! Karri-- I love your list. I am going to print it out and put it on my fridge. You can keep me on track with that list. As for when you call it quits and being crazy about it....I think that maybe it's because we are all familiar to what has always happened in the past when we have quit losing. There has never been maintenance of any long standing. Whenever I QUIT losing...I STARTED gaining. The end of losing is really a scary time for a lot of us. That said, it doesn't have to be....and you can succeed at this. I agree, you have to let one thing lose focus in order to keep your sanity. You aren't crazy yet, but could be if you keep living in all this stress. Good luck Okay....as for some of this other stuff that I don't remember who said what.... Sunlamps--do they work? My doc said I shouldn't waste my money even though my depression gets a lot worse in the winter. He suggested sitting for a half hour in the sun first thing in the morning before I do anything else.....like I have that kind of time. I leave before the sun comes up and get home often after it goes down. A half hour before I shower and get ready. Good luck with that I thought. However a sunlamp...I could keep it on my desk and soak it up all day.....but do they work???? Anyone with any experience? Bras -- I have always taken mine on and off the same way I do my shirt. Over the head. I know...I don't untie my shoelaces either. I never could see below the "girls" so fastening in front was still tough...and the front fasteners always dug into a central mole I have. So....over my head. now....onto me. I had my official weigh in yesterday. I'm not going to count my home weights since my scale is always a lot less than the docs. I'm keeping doc as official and just look at the difference from now to then....for reference. I lost 6.2 lbs this past month. I guess since thinking I had stood still all month, that's pretty positive. I am 1 lb away from 30 total since pre-op diet....so that's pretty exciting. I wish it would have been 12-15 pounds instead...but why be greedy? Aunt Flo came to visit this morning...so maybe it was actually a little more than 6.2....but I will stick with the docs number. Sometimes it seem like such a struggle for "just" 6 lbs. Anyways...I now have 6cc's in my 10cc band. The PA was surprised that that much went in without back pressure. I was wondering if that was a lot? I know it is all personal but I'm wondering how much more wiggle room I'm going to have. I seem to be creeping up there pretty fast. She did say that she would be surprised if I needed a fill next month. She wants to see me to talk about how I'm doing but thought I probably wouldn't need any adjusting. I don't know....I seem to be getting to the top of my fill level and have the rest of my life to survive.....what happens if I top out and still am not where I need to be????? Okay....calm down...I know.... Next, before my fill we had a class. There is one every month and this month it was on exercise. Well, since I've been such a exerphobe I have a long ways to go....but I've been thinking about it. I had a treadmill that I never used. Lots of reasons but none of them good. I live in a small town with no health club available. The nearest is over 70 miles away. It is VERY cold here for at least Nov - early March. I've committed to getting some form of exercise 4 days a week minimum. I started walking and am now up to 2 miles in half an hour. Now comes the question.....would any of you recommend an elliptical trainer? I was looking at them....but they are expensive and after the treadmill fiasco I'm a little leary....but know that walking with a video is going to get old too. Suggestions? I just don't know what to do. A bike is cheaper but bothers my knee. The elliptical didn't when I was on it...or rather the more expensive ones didn't. DH says if I want one I can have one, but I'm the skinflint in the group. I don't want to buy something I may only use for a month. The salesman said, once I start, I'll love it....after the initial break-in period and he prefers it to treadmill because he can get his heart rate up and keep it there without killing himself like he does on a treadmill. But he's a salesman too. I am looking for guidance. Those of you who go to the gym, what is your preference and why? I wish I had that option because for the cost of one I could probably belong to a gym for 2-3 years. Okay...I know that was rather long, but thanks for listening. Your insight is needed and appreciated. Anyone I missed, sorry, but it was a lot to keep track of. Have a great rest of the day guys. I'll check in later.
  23. I don't think I'm going to make it. Went in for a fill today but it is probably too little too late. It's been worth it though. My first challenge and I made it close. I'll try the next one. Name............starting#......current#.......goal#.....to go Anitak33...........245............218..........199.......19 Anna2766____.......232............226..........220.......6 TxArcher...........360............346..........345.......1 Candle.............218............207..........207.......0 chickatee..........188............179..........175.......4 Cookielover........202............202..........192.......10 cQQlgirl...........220............217..........210.......7 Faithmd............306............301.2........296.......5.2 georgiagirl........275............264..........261.......3 Hollyberries.......298............298..........285.......13 Hoppingto..........350............314..........294.......20 Irishmae11.........233.8..........230.4........219.......11.4 Jennie1976.........290............251..........235.......16 jfran..............187............181..........177.......4 Jillrn.............176............171..........166.......5 Jsrico.............255............178..........165.......13 juliegeraci........220............220..........210.......8 KarenG.............207............189..........189.......0 keekahari..........220............217..........205.......12 kjl315.............237.5..........228..........220.......8 legster............223.5..........210..........199.......11 LessnLess..........172............163.75.......164.......(.25) liz_hager..........202............198..........190.......8 Manatee............188............175..........175.......0 Mandyjo............191............179..........180.......-1 metawnny...........252............252..........240.......12 MJRouse84..........274............233..........218.......15 nip50..............250............235..........238.......-3 Rainer.............264............250..........248.......2 Redtulips3.........248............228..........226.......2 RenewedHope........228............213.5........210.......3.5 rharriet...........367............256..........248.......8 Sades..............199.7..........198.4........189.......9.4 Skinny_Jill........195............187..........180.......7 Stacy73............230............222..........222.......0 SueMagoo...........230............219..........220......-1 Sunny112...........145............145..........140.......5 Susan4794..........240............240..........225.......15 Suzzzie............303............294..........290.......4 SWEETY.............180............174..........170.......4 Trystelle..........219............209..........205.......4 Twilight...........206............191..........185.......6 uxbus5.............240............240..........230.......10 want2lose..........236............236..........225.......11 wombat712..........154.8..........146.8........140.......6.8
  24. I'm home from my fill. I'm hoping that this is the first step in the right direction. I have lost 6.2 lbs in the last month. My team is happy about my loss. I wish it was more. I wish it was 12 instead. I'm hoping that this fill will jump start me. Hopefully I'll have more time to post tomorrow. Night losers
  25. Twilight

    Great Falls, MT

    I live in Eastern MT but a lady who was banded in Colorado here goes and gets her fills in Great falls. If you go to the Montana forum, you can get his name. She loves him. Says he is great I guess. The MT forum is under local support forums.

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