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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning everyone. Things are looking good this morning. I have not started the Water but usually don't for another hour or so. Still drinking my coffee. I did cut my creamer in my coffee in half this morning. That was my step in the right direction. According to dailyplate I've netted less calories than my goal and my gross is about 1100 the last couple of days so I guess I shouldn't be worrying so much. I just think my loss is going to slow down and I want to counteract it. I guess I should wait for the shoe to drop before I start trying to put it back on..... I'm so excited for Karri. I hope she has a good trip and a great unfill. She shouldn't be worried. She's so dedicated to this. I wish I had half her dedication. Phyl, we'd give anything for that moisture. The farmers and ranchers out here don't know what they are going to do. It could be an ugly summer out here. Maybe that will help you appreciate what is happening a little better.:confused2: Janet, where did peckish come from? I don't remember someone saying it before you did....but doesn't it mean "under the weather?" That's my guess. Peaches, So sorry about the treatment your mom is getting. Nothing is more frustrating that feeling like you're being ignored. If you need a second opinion or even a fifth opinion I think you should find someone who will take you, and your mother's health, seriously. Good luck! Ruby, glad you are feeling a little better. Nothing sucks worse than feeling like crap. And then feeling tight and being on mainly liquid puts your head hunger into overdrive. You've stayed very strong. Keep it up! Okay...off to grade papers. Have a great day all!!!
  2. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good evening guys. What a night!! I'm finally sitting down and it's almost 10pm. Just finished adding in all my food to dailyplate. With the 45 minutes of walking I'm 200 calories below my limit!!! Wow what an eye opener. I mean I did know that exercise was important but doing both of these things together (daily plate AND exercising) is really opening my eyes. Walked for another couple of miles tonight. I was so proud of me. With stress at home I wanted to bag it but wouldn't let myself. I got out there and did it anyways. go me!!!! Karri!!! You're doing a 5k on saturday??? Awesome!!! I'm so excited for you. Can you imagine thinking you would be doing that even 6 months ago? I can't even think about me doing something like that any time soon. But hopefully within a year I'll be doing the same. Janet, I would be super pissed off too. I hate it when people take advantage. It doesn't matter if it's family or if it's someone I hardly know. It is rude!! My Water intake is short about 8 oz but don't want to drink before bed or I'll never sleep up peeing all night. I have enough liquid but not enough water. I'm trying Janet's idea of only counting true water. I got 3 1/2 bottles....but wish it would have been 4. Oh well. Hope you all have a great day tomorrow. I'll talk to you later.
  3. Twilight

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because THIS plan is working.....and when I follow my own plan....not so much! Someone much smarter than me figured out that this works....would be pretty conceited for the woman who ended up 100 pounds overweight to think she knew better than they did.
  4. Twilight

    Room for a new member?

    There is always room for another! Welcome to the site. There are so many really smart people here. And when you listen to the advice of most of the successful ones....magically....the system works! I find when I am not doing as well as I should that I read some posts by people like Salsa, Jachnut, Wheetsin, and a few others who have had tremendous success and it puts me back on the path I have strayed from. Good luck. It looks like you guys have been doing very well!!! Success feels so great! Welcome to the board
  5. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I cook something similar in my electric pressure cooker. I usually make it with rotinni for the family but then just eat the chicken and mushrooms. I do the same with meatballs and have been thinking about pork. Very tasty and when done in the pressure cooker, very very moist. I'll have to try the cornstarch trick. it makes complete sense but never thought about it. Maybe we'll do this for dinner tonight. hmmmm....now I don't even have to think when I get home!:tt1: Thanks Phyll
  6. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning everyone! DH fixed my D key!!! then my C key went to pot but he got whatever was sticking out! Computer back to normal. Yesterday I finally broke down and went to daily plate.com to start logging my food and exercise. I decided that my "about" wasn't going to cut it. I still am not going to "measure" everything but I'm pretty good about portions sizes. I measure it once and then go by what I see the next time. Like last night I measured the cereal but now I know what it looks like. Oh, btw, I found this great cereal! I bought it for DS because he loves polar bears but found I really like it. It's called Wild Animal crunch. It has pics of polar bears or lemurs or pandas on the front. It has something to do with Animal Planet. Great green box. Well 3/4 of a cup has only 100 calories. With skim milk that makes a great snack! The sugars weren't super high and the fiber is there also. I can't snack on the same thing every day so I have a little of this and a little of that at home. Oh, and protein ends up about 4g. Our water cooler is out of water and if I drink water in this town AND my town it causes problems with my digestive system....so during my prep I have to go to the store and buy some water. Dangit!!! I'm going to walk though so that will give me about a 1/2 mile before lunch. Taco salad for lunch today. Haven't tried to do lettuce since last fill and that has been an iffy food for me. The other foods are cinnamon rolls and canned peaches so I sure do hope the salad goes well. I do have a couple of protein shakes in my desk so if they don't I have something, it just doesn't last like I want it to. Okay....gotta run. I will type to each of you later....things I want to say to you all. Don't forget your water!!!:thumbup::thumbup:
  7. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri!!!! 5K!!!! Only in my wildest dreams. I told you that you inspire me!!!!! How wonderful is that. I would love to say I could do that far, but I think I could run 5K INCHES! If that! You keep going and you'll be our marathoner! I am looking for your first post about doing a run! You'll find one soon I'm sure. Keep up the awesome job. So excited for you!!!!!!
  8. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi guys. A GREAT day! I got all my water in and then some. BTW, my nut said coffee counts but only as half. If you drink 24 ounces you get to count 12. So that is what I do. I try really hard to get 50 oz water, juice, and protein and then I don't have to count my coffee for sure. I ate very well today. I was thinking about my breakfast routine. I do an 8 oz glass of fusion light which is 50 cals, 8 oz of this protein drink which is 150 cals. That leaves me extra cals for me to put creamer in my coffee. That was the one thing I couldn't convince myself to give up. Problem, I put way too much creamer in my coffee. I expect it is about 100 cals. Which is still 300 cals for breakfast and I budget accordingly. But it's getting warm and I don't usually drink coffee in the warmer months. So there is 100 cals that I can throw into the deficit column hopefully. But then I did buy some other protein stuff that is only 80 cals. and then I can keep my coffee. But the coffee is a bad habit that I should throw away. I just don't want to do both at the same time. So, which should I give up first??? Okay...next....after we did dinner I went out with DH and the little 2 and walked a little bit. Then we got home and I went out again because I knew it wasn't enough...so I pushed myself pretty hard. After I got home I went and drove the route and then I was really impressed with myself. With both walks it ended up 2.5 miles. If I add in the 10 minutes I did at lunch I probably did another .5. Yeah me!!! I want to die now, but it sure felt good while it was happening. I bought some of the spinach dip thinking I would try to concoct something. Since Karri seems to be our resident chef, I thought I would run it past her and anyone else who wants to input anything. Here's my thoughts: 1 can chicken (that stuff like tuna) as much spinich dip as needed to make it as mushy some cottage cheese to add extra protein On a piece of tortilla add lettuce, tomato, cucumber and wrap it all up. It will probably be more than I can eat at one time but half for one meal and half for another will probably be alright. I also bought some of the tostito queso dip that I want to make something similar with. I was thinking some hamburger taco meat and more taco type fixings. I think it will help make it go down smoother than plain salsa. Well, it's been a long post so I'm going to let you all off the hook now. I know there are tons of things I forgot to say to everyone. Good job on your water everyone!
  9. Twilight

    Milestone Today: 50lbs in 6 months!

    Great job Heather. I'm waiting for that magical number. I have never loss that amount of weight....EVER!!! I think I lost 30 pounds once right before I got married. And maybe close to 40 from my childbirth high to after low.....but now I'm going to hit 50 and keep dropping! I know how wonderful it feels for me...you've got to be on cloud 9!!!! Congrats
  10. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning everyone. Hope all is going well. Water patrol is looking for your numbers. I have managed the 16 oz for breakfast, about 8 coffee, 1 Liter of water and am now working on 8 oz protein drink. It's only 1030 and I have over half my liquid in!!!! DH and I went for a walk with the dogs last night. Nothing huge, just about 6 or 8 blocks but 3 of them were uphill. Then he was complaining about his knees and his feet so we went home...and then I went out by myself again and did another half hour on my own! It was even misting out. I told him I was tired of making excuses for it. I need to do it and I'm not going to let myself whine my way out of it. I charge up my ipod last night and will get the ball rolling again at lunch. I usually only have about 10 minutes but it's 10 more than I would have done otherwise. Phyl, I'm sure it's awesome to be home! We spent one night away at a motel and out of our sleep number bed and I was miserable! I think even another one at a motel wouldn't be the same as my one at home. I do love filling it every day so that when I get in I can go for my "ride" down to my sleep number :crying:) DH calls me weird but I get my kicks so to heck with him. Karri, how was the meeting? My one on fill day was hilarious. I just kept thinking how you and Janet would have responded to it. I hope I didn't used to be such an excuse giver. There was this one lady who had an excuse for everything she wasn't doing. A reason she wasn't exercising, a reason or six that she wasn't drinking her water, a reason she was still eating pastries and cookies and other crap like that. Uh...just shut up! I really don't think she understood how stupid she sounded. And then complain because she's only lost 15 pounds! grrrr. Hope you had a better time. If only by supporting the lady you go with. Ruby, don't apologize for being part of the water patrol. They don't apologize to us for giving us tough food love. Glad you had a nice dinner with DH on your anniversary. That's always important. So sorry you don't feel good though. But you are sharing it with him so it always makes it easier! Gonna run. Prep time is up in 5 minutes. Have a great day ladies.
  11. Twilight

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I know if I work the plan, the plan will work! I'm 2 pounds from a HUGE milestone. I promise I will get there by the end of next week. If I break from the plan there is no way I can get there. The other reason I'm staying on plan today is because LBT keeps me accountable. Thanks you guys!
  12. Twilight

    I match my driver's license!

    This is funny. I renewed in January after having surgery in December. I really struggled about what to put for weight. There is no way that at over 200 they would buy my goal weight but I didn't want to put my current weight either. I finally think I settle on about 170 so about where I am now. There's no way I'm stopping there though so I may have to say I lost it soon and redo the picture and weight.
  13. Twilight

    4 month progress pics

    Thanks! I do feel really good! I've found that coming here on a regular basis as well posting and being accountable. Find a group that will keep you in step. It really does help. I think I could be further along had I really paid close attention to my exercise but I quit and now I've got to start over on it. Do it daily....no excuses. I found excuses for the last 20 years and that's why I needed the band in the first place. It's time for me to put them away and get with the program. With exercise you could be at goal in a year....without, doubtful. Goodluck an keep coming back! Stay active here. It has been a Godsend for me.
  14. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    How funny!!! I had just remembered I was going to chime in on the "no snack if you don't get your water!" That made me laugh and laugh. The food cop getting got!!! We'll be the water patrol! I need to focus on getting more plain water in. I get the fluid but much of it is coffee or protein drinks so I need to push the water instead. So far (10:30) I have had 8 oz v8 fusion light, 8 oz protein drink, 16 oz coffee. I am sitting here looking at 8 more oz of protein because tummy is growling and I'm not sure protein bar is a good choice today. I need to go fill my water bottle. Everyone chime in...how's your fluid intake going???
  15. Twilight

    4 Month Goal and updates

    Went in for my fill yesterday and a weigh in. I have updated my ticker! I have lost 48 pounds in 4 months!!! How awesome is that??? I am only 12 pounds from being able to say "just overweight" not obese!!! I am so looking forward to that!!!!!!! Just fat. I'm just fat. How awesome will that feel???? I need to focus on liquids and exercise this month. I am starting to get saggy arms and they are going to look awful in tanks...so that is my focus this month. If I do those things those 12 pounds will come with!
  16. Twilight

    4 month progress pics

    LivingTheDream, I am sure it was a very personal decision to not tell anyone and none of us judge you for that. I wasn't sure who I was going to tell for a long time...but figured it would keep me more accountable...but that is me. Maybe when an obese friend says something you can share your calorie intake, your exercise goals, and your new eating style with them. All the bandster rules without calling them that. The lifestyle change is possible without the band, it just is easier with it. Maybe that would help?? You look awesome though! Great job!
  17. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Alright, a little quiet time so I can respond to everything I've read this weekend....if I forgot you, please forgive me :thumbup:) Karri, you inspire me. I wish I had half the motivation that you do. I just find your workouts amazing. You are so dedicated. I was going to post that I thought you should unfill completely now since it's such an issue going back and forth. You have the commitment to make this work and it may help you in the maintenance phase anyways. You have such great eating habits in place that I think you'll be fantastic. Phyll, I wish my dh cared as much about what I was doing. He is enjoying the emerging woman but could care less about how I get there. Enjoy the help even when it gets annoying. Peaches, I hope your fill sticks. I feel a little different today...I can feel my coffee all the way down...but I don't know if it will stay that way. I hope we both have some restriction so that we can ignore those demons who are starting to rear their ugly heads. I want to say welcome to the new comers. I am a December bandster but these guys have adopted me. They have been so great!!! My own board is very inactive so this place helps me stay on top of things. Join in. It's so much fun. Now...onto other stuff.... The hotel we stayed at had a water park and I went down the water slide....three times! Which means I climbed those freaking stairs 3 times!!! I would have done more but I was getting banged up pretty good on the slides and dh twisted his ankle on the landing. While we were sitting in the hottub we started discussing my tummy and my girls.....and he seems more than happy to pay for ps when I get to that point! We talked about a tt, a little joy for the girls, and then I mentioned a kitty lift and he just looked at me like I was crazy. How exciting is that! My new weight puts me 12 pounds from being fat!!! I am so excited about that. I could be just fat by M of A trip!!! I am going to throw a party when I get there....bet you me!!! Well...better get to teaching. I'll talk to you all again soon I'm sure.
  18. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi all. Back from my fill. It was a good weekend all around. I am down to 172 by docs scale!!! That is 48 pounds!!!! I am so looking forward to 50. PA says that I may not need to go back next month! She was really excited about my loss. I'm getting pretty psyched too. I need to up my exercise. I know I'm not going to go much lower unless I increase it. I'm so glad it is getting nicer now. I hope to get outside a lot more soon. I will talk to you all tomorrow!!!
  19. Twilight

    Anyone else at a standstill??

    Chris, Sugar is so addicting. The minute I put it in my mouth my day is blown to hell and back. If I can resist starting I'm happier, I'm less hungry, and I'm more in control. I have been allowing myself to slide a bit the last couple of days because I've been STARVING. They took out some of my fill my last appointment and since my swelling has gone down I've been dying to eat. And then the stress I've been under and the sugar demons really attack! Fill on Monday and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some assistance to this willpower that seems to be drooping lately. Why is it that we know the answers and can give the advice to others but then have such a hard time following it ourselves? Or maybe that is just me. I don't know! Have a great weekend.
  20. Twilight

    Anyone else at a standstill??

    Mr. James. Sugar is a demon. We crave it. We need it. Our heads LOVE it. It is like an addiction....we can't have just one. I understand completely. Remember the pre-op diet when we had NO CARBS except the shakes. The first couple of days were hell....and then it just sort of eased. The need for carbs, aka sugar, went away a bit....but just like a junky, it only takes on sugar HIT to get us back to dependance. It will take 2 - 5 days of cold turkey to "detox" your body but you can do it. Carbs are also a HUGE hunger stimulant for me. If I don't have the carbs I am nowhere near as hungry and eat much less and am satisfied. You can do this. And the not being happy about people saying you look great may be because you KNOW in your heart how "bad" you are being. It's like being complemented on a paper you wrote really well when you stole it off the internet. Thanks, but if you only knew.... When you get back on track those compliments will make you feel better. It will be motivation to keep going. You probably do look awesome and they just don't know the guilt you are carrying around. Take a deep breath and get ready for detox. The sooner you start no carbing it the sooner you will feel better about the choices you are making. A depressed bandster can not be a successful one! We want you on the success end of things. Good luck!!!
  21. Here are my 4 months pics. 1st is pre-band, 2nd January after 1 month, and 3rd is yesterday. Surgery was December 6th. I can only do 5 pics so I'm going to just do faces this month.
  22. Twilight

    comparison pics

    Thought I would start. I want to see how everyone compares. I know bert has started a similar thread. Anyone who would like to join me, please post. I hope I get this attaching thing right. Steph
  23. Twilight

    comparison pics

    Took pics today after my DH told me I'm hot! What a morning! Nothing much better than that! I did fit into 14's on Tuesday and Large going on Medium shirts!!! How awesome is that! I'm using my Feb. pics as befores since I didn't take pics last month.
  24. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Pretty quiet around here today. I just uploaded my pics on the brag thread. Just though I would let you all know!
  25. Twilight

    Progress Picture Brag Thread

    Here are my new pics.....taken this morning I attached my last to compare with....my befores are just so bad!!! Maybe when I'm at goal I won't be so horrified....maybe!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
