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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    When you open the subscription list there is a column at the right of boxes. Check the ones you wish to remove and then at the bottom of the page there is a drop down box that says "Move selected to" or something like that. Choose delete subscription from that.
  2. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hope everyone is having a good day. I'm on my 3rd bottle of water so that just leaves me 1 more before bed and that's more than doable. I may not even have to get up to pee 3 times tonight!!! My shoulders and back are sore today....holey moley! What a workout that wii gave me. I'm going to walk and total gym tonight and if my shoulders loosen up I'll wii a little more. I was looking at the wii fit online stuff and I'm trying to find a weight limit. My dh is heavy and wondering if he can do it with me or not. Has anyone found that info anywhere? I should be grading papers but I'm having a hard time getting motivated to do that. Running out of time though. I better figure it out soon or I'll be sunk come the last week of school. This short timers is horrible. I got some really great news today but it made me sad. I was elected to the Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics. There were 6 people running and I won!!!! How awesome is that? But....since I'm not teaching next year they are making me decline. I understand, but I'm hurt at the same time. I could do a lot of good the next couple of years. But....family first. I told the president that I would be available to help whenever they needed me to and not to count me out. I'm a lifetime member so they can't throw me out ) I called the pa who does my fills today. Told her that I'm going to be out of town when she does the fills in June and didn't want to skip May and June. She said I could and it would be fine, but I don't think I'd be fine. I'm not that confident yet about this band. So I asked if I could make an appointment and we could discuss it in person. I'll also take my food journal to the dietitian and see what she says. I needed a reason to go shop anyways. .... So next Monday I will weigh in and possibly get a fill. I will definitely be skipping June and we'll see about July. well...if I'm not going to work on my work I guess I'll go home and see my kids. I'll check in later guys. Don't forget to tally and tell your water today.
  3. Twilight

    Most Remarkable Changes?

    Beth, I forgot I was going to say something about exercise. I have 3 children 15mo, 3yo, and 13yo. They were my main reason for going through all of this. I wanted to spend time playing with them. I wanted to crawl up on the jungle gym with them. I wanted to play catch. I don't know how old your kids are, but are they old enough to play with one of those loop things (they were called lemon drops when I was a kid) that you kick around in circles and jump? Or jumprope? hoola hoops? Trampoline? Any of that would be awesome exercise. If they are younger than that, how about a ride in a stroller? I push my little one twice a week. She gets tired of it about half way and we stop and she plays for about 5 minutes and then she will sit for another 20 mins while I get home. My family was the reason I always gave for not having time to exercise, but I go for a walk almost every evening. I do a shorter walk by putting in a big hill at the beginning. With it I feel like if I only do a half hour it's been a very good half hour. Usually I do it after dinner while DH gets the kids ready for bed. I come home, read stories and tuck them in. Sometimes I don't get out to walk until after we put them down. Again, this works for me, your situation may be very different. I also try to go out and walk around a couple of blocks during my lunch break. I'm not spending so much time eating now so in my 20 min. break I eat for about 10 and then go walk for about 10. You can get a half mile in 10 minutes pretty easy. There are a few suggestions. Try something for a week and see if it works for you. If not try something else. You'll find something that works for your life. Again...keep us updated.
  4. Twilight

    Most Remarkable Changes?

    Beth, I want to add to the "don't get discouraged" sentiment. I know it's tough. When you see one number on Monday and by Wednesday you are up a pound or more. Remember that unless you are eating around your band, that one pound or two is just Water weight. If you are consistant in your water intake that should get better. Try to get in at least 48 oz. 64 is better but 48 will keep your body hydrated enough to not fluctuate so much. Remember that it takes 3500 calories extra to turn into a pound of fat. So if in one day you gain a pound you would have had to have eaten 5000 calories the day before. If the scale is still discouraging try only weighing once a week, in the morning after you have gone to the bathroom. See if that doesn't show a more accurate trend. My final suggestion is that if you still aren't seeing weight loss like you want, track your calories very carefully for a week or two. There is a site that I like called daily plate. It asked for a few bits of info and what my goals were and calculated how many calories I should be consuming....then I track my exercise and my food there and try to hit target. I still use them only as an estimate but I get a really good idea of where I am spending my calories. I also can look at how much of my diet is carbs, Protein, fat, and all of that. I can then look at my weight trends and have found that on days when I drank x I had more water weight....oh, look at all the sodium....etc. It works for me. Don't give up. It's going to take time and there are a ton of people on here that are losing slowly. Ask them for advice on how to stay motivated. There is a whole thread for them. And keep posting here. The more active I am on this site the better I follow my bandster rules. Keep us informed. Oh...and I'm a teacher too. I teach 7-12 math in Montana. FYI
  5. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Heading off to bed ladies. I don't know how much time I'll have online tomorrow but I'll be thinking of you as always. I wanted to cheer Karri on. I was looking into a 5k for me tonight. Possibly a 10k. There is a huge Montana race called the Governor's cup that is run every June. I'm thinking about it. I have a class to teach for 10 days in June and would have to head to Helena 5 days early to do it, but might do it anyways. I will be gone for 2 weeks though already so I don't know.... thinking thinking I wii'd tonight. Boxed and really had a good time. We bowled and I'm as lousy a bowler in virtual life as I am in Real life :wink2:) But I did have fun. I'm not a very goo boxer either but I did alright. I'll get there. I told my dh that since it was MY wii, my rules dictate that you can't play it sitting in the chair. He didn't seem to like it but he did it. I need to figure out how I can log my wii time as exercise. I didn't do it long enough to count it as a session today but I did work my arms out really hard. I can hardly lift them over my head. I need to figure out how to track it on daily plate though. Wii isn't listed as an activity :confused:) Well... dh headed to bed. I guess that's my cue. I will see you ladies sometime tomorrow. Happy Monday everyone. Attitude is everything, right????
  6. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    The daily plate was the first one I went to and I tried it and liked it. The only thing I don't know about for sure is the fitness stuff. There are a couple different "walk 2mph" and each has a different calorie burn. I don't know which one to use. I picked the middle one. As I get healthier I'll probably have to change that. I really haven't found anything that wasn't there. Maybe not my exact recipe but I can build it from there. Like if I make a bowl of cereal I add my cereal, my milk, and then my banana. Or when I made chili, I added 1/2 cup beans, 1/4 tomato sauce, 1/2 hamburger patty. It worked for me. I don't really know if it is better or worse than the others because I haven't been anywhere else....if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
  7. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    alright ladies. I'm back. Going to take a weekend nap but wanted to say high. I had a very bad lunch, but don't know how bad yet. I haven't looked it up. I do know I'm going to have to walk and lift tonight as well as probably only have protein and veggies for the next week. .... but after my outburst last night, I'm not feeling guilty about lunch. I have bigger issues. Wasn't going to post until I read about which page we were on and we are still there.... But did you all notice how many posts we have on this thread?
  8. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Jackie, Okay, I know I shouldn't be so thin skinned. He's a teen ager. Why do I let him get to me? Well usually I don't but I think it must have been some pms going around. I know I went overboard but he needs to learn to be a little kinder. I don't know. Shame on me. I'll try to remember to laugh about it and not get so bent. Now...about your food. Are you really beating yourself up for soup, 2 servings of nuts and a snack wrap? We have to learn to make good choices and all that but you did. You didn't order a quarter pounder. You didn't order a chicken sandwich. You even did better than I did and ordered the grilled chicken instead of the crispy. You made a GREAT choice. I'm sure you are under your cals and maybe there wasn't a TON of nutrients in the nuts but they are crammed full of protein. What I didn't hear you say was that you drank a bunch of water. Hopefully you just forgot to mention it. Turn it around today and feel better and make great choices. Focus on water and veggies today. Make it a balanced 2 days. Gotta get to church. I will check in later. Can't wait to hear about Janet's escapades!!!
  9. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good evening ladies. It's been quiet around here without Karri and with Janet all busy getting girly to go to Stagecoach! I hope she is having a great time. Well, I had a magnificent day! In EVERY way....can I share? Of course I can, we're all sisters.... When I was on here this morning I was wired and left for a walk. Went for 50 minutes. Came home and was freezing because it was only 28 degrees out there. Can you believe I stayed out for 50 whole minutes while it was so freaking cold???? Yeah me!!! So anyways, I was cold and DH was still sleeping so I went in and he "warmed me up." Okay...maybe that is an over share....but it was a completely new thing. Then after shower and getting cleaned up (all before 8am mind you) I had a healthy breakfast and then my mom and I went to town (that would be the one with the Walmart) for the day. Took the two youngest quacks, left the eldest to bond with DH. We had the best time at Wally world. There was this whole rack of clearance. I decided that I had enough clothes for right now but would need smaller t's soon. So I picked up a BUNCH of $3 shirts....size medium. Well I tried one on earlier. And I fit in a medium!!!!!! Holy freaking unbelievable! I'm almost tempted to put on my mom's smalls and see how far I have to go. Okay...before. When I was getting ready for my shopping trip, I asked dh if he had mother's day figured out. He didn't really have much of an answer so I asked him if I could pick my own gift while I was in town. He said that it depended and I told him I wanted a wii. So he said that it was fine. Well walmart didn't have them. I called and he said "oh darn, that's too bad." Like a real jerk. Well when I got home he had one sitting here for me. I guess they had them here in town. He said they had like 9 of them. Well just played boxing and I suck. My eldest decided to humiliate me by laughing at me the entire time. I guess it wasn't such a great idea. Talk about ruining a great day. I guess I shouldn't be so thin skinned but who ever taught him to be so cruel? And he comes home crying because the kids are so mean to him. Well ..... never mind. I'll leave that thought. I guess I'm off. I'll talk to you guys in the morning.
  10. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Linda, You have a lot of stuff to go to this summer and you have worked hard for new clothes. Take some time and enjoy shopping for fun stuff. I live in a non-walmart community. The closest walmart is about 80 miles away. We do have a high end clothing store in town but their stuff is too pricey for dropping sizes. We have one other that I'm finally fitting into their sizes. I vote for taking a day to go to Milwaukee and enjoying a day pampering yourself. Enjoy a healthy lunch somewhere where you wouldn't normally go and just shop to your heart's content. I think it sounds wonderful. That's my vote but I know sometimes life gets in the way of pampering....but think about it.
  11. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Holy Hannah!!! $700!!! If I sent you $20 would you invest it for me too???? Lucky lucky you. But I guess I can't complain because I never really gamble so if I don't play I don't win! Good job on the win. And you won more than $700...you won when you ate too. That's always a tough battle when there are other people eating with me.....I want to fit in and try to eat bad stuff. So that was the true win!
  12. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning ladies. It's 515 here and I've been up for about an hour. Wow! before I was begging to let me sleep for another hour at 10. Now I have so much energy I don't know what to do with it. Amazing! Now I know some is the mucinex. I needed to take it last night but I took it much earlier, about 6pm instead of 10, and my body must have needed to sleep because I did from about 10 till 4. Then I tossed and turned for awhile obsessing over my next appointment....over nothing....so I figured it was time to get out of bed. But I don't care what kind of upper I'm on, there is no way 50 pounds ago I would have gotten 6 hours of sleep and been wide awake. I talked to the pharmacist about the mucinex and he said that yes it does have sudafed in it. grrrr. Oh well. His suggestion was only to take it in the morning and I should be fine. Had I not been so congested last night I would have heeded that but I needed the relief. Janet, you are not a miss know-it-all. You are passionate about your band and helping others. Part of it is the mother in you, part of it is the lack of people in your immediate vacinity to take care of. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing. I have too many in my life to take care of. But this allows you a way to nurture and help. I've never thought of you as a know-it-all. I'm happy that you are here and helping us along. I know without you and the others as an example I would be like that poor girl going, "This sucks and I'm a failure." My attitude change is in large part due to you. Don't apologize for caring. Oh.....but I still am jealous about Stagecoach. Miranda and I were singing at the tops of our lungs yesterday on the ride to work. Give her a big HAH!!! when she sings Kerosene...just for me:lol: I can't help being excited for Karri this morning. I so hope she feels better and found some great shoes. I'm going to do some research and try to find a 5k some time this summer. Even if I have to walk it, I'm going to enter. Again, 50 lbs ago that wasn't even a pipe dream. I'm so ramped up about Karri's success....and it's contagious. Phyll, the ADHD might be some of the cause for the mucinex problem. Maybe it just ramped it all the way on high....but I could focus on it well too, so who knows. I have never been medicated for the ADHD, I just learned to cope, which works most of the time. I had to laugh at your "In my day we called it hyperactive," because when mom and dad were taking me to the doctor to see what was wrong with me, the one said, "She's just a very precocious child. Some girls are harder to handle than others." I've always worn that with a badge of honor. Precocious. What a precious word!!!:frown: Jackie, I wish we had more second hand stores around here. I used to love shopping thrift. I could spend 15 bucks and come out with beautiful work clothes. Now I can't spend 15 bucks on underwear hardly. Who was looking for the size 14's??? Peaches??? Ruby??? Oh I don't remember, but maybe you can find some for her and send them. For that price even with shipping she would have a ton. I didn't track my food yesterday like I should have. I couldn't sit down at the computer when it was quiet. I just did and it wasn't good yesterday. I honestly didn't think I was eating so little. My gross cals were less than 500 and with my 40 minute walk they were less than 200. That honestly can't be can it? But then when I think about everything I did yesterday, I did not eat. I drank 5 bottles of water and 1 bottle of ice tea....but I didn't eat in the morning because I didn't have time, so I had my peach fusion instead. Lunch was french dips and I just had 2 pieces of deli roast beef with some carrots and pickles because the bread would have stuck. For dinner I had 1/2 fillet of Walleye. I didn't eat a salad because I wanted to eat the fish instead and didn't even order a potato. I know that's not good for my body. I know EVERYONE needs more than that to live. The great thing is I wasn't hungry. But I was high. What a trade off, huh? Well, family is still sleeping and I'm done here for now...so I think I'm going to put on some warm stuff and go for a walk. I'll see you all later. Have a great Saturday.
  13. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay...now onto the rest.... Janet! YOu're going to stagecoach??? I'm so jealous!!!! I wanted to go so badly. I couldn't come up with a good reason, the money, or the time off so I'm pouting that I'm going to miss it. And then the people you are going to see. OMG!!! Then next weekend is TRACE!!!! Are you trying to kill me with envy? It's just not fair. That's all. Just not fair. Karri, I know you won't see this til Sunday, but I hope you have a great weekend and kick butt at the 5k. Take care of your feet is the first order of business though! Jackie, I've been wondering about you. I figured you were cuddling your kids since they got back. I think as long as you make the memories it doesn't matter how many family members are present when you do it. Quality, not quantity. Make every minute count! I'm debating getting a fill in a couple of weeks. I'm going to Minot for the support meeting but I don't know if I need one. I'm not getting stuck, I'm not getting super full on 1/2 cup of food. But I'm loosing at an alright rate....so I just don't know. Sorry you got so upset. I'm sure that would make you really tight. Peaches, your story about DQ made me roll! I was a little confused for awhile about the BF's husband. I'm thinking, "Her boyfriend has a husband????" I read it again and again and again....then figured out that BF meant best friend. I was really puzzled. I'm thinking, she's married AND has a boyfriend? And that boyfriend has a husband? Wow I'm a noob!! hehehe Then I felt really bad for you only getting a bite and pbing. That's so not fair. If you're going to pb you might as well get a good half of it! Oh well....I loved the God Smack comment though....I think it's right.... Okay...now something else I wanted to ask you all. I'm thinking about the 900 minutes and thought maybe instead of setting myself a minute goal I could do a session goal and only count a session if it is 30+ minutes. That way if I only total gym for 15 minutes it doesn't count but the days I do both only count as one. That way I can count "days" basically. And since I did 12 in 15 the last month I should be able to set a fair goal at 20 in May. If I walk morning and night after school gets out it would be counted as 2 sessions. Does that sound more realistic than 900 minutes? I'm pretty sure that's what I'm going to do.....but I could still be swayed :thumbup: You guys have the best advice. Okay...school has 15 minutes left so I'm going to clean off my desk and call it a day. Have a great TGIF Oh water patrol check. I've drank 32 oz of water and have a 16 oz tea for on the ride home. How's everyone else doing?
  14. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi there everyone. Been a really great day! Crazy since my last night was so crazy.....here's the story....hold on to your pants. When I went to the doc on Wed. she gave me some scripts for my sinus infection. 1. zythromax, 2. rhinocort spray, 3. a decongestant. I asked her if the decongestant had amphetimine in it because that stuff make me a little crazy. It feels like my hair is falling out one strand at a time. Anyways....she said no and I should be fine. So I was happy go lucky and took my antibiotic. It gave me tummy problems so I didn't take the other stuff that night. Yesterday driving to school I remembered my nose spray because it was sitting in the seat next to me and all was fine. Now the fun begins. Last night when I got home I did dinner and all that and then decided to go walking. DH and I walked and then I pushed hard and walked on my own. Well I was really excited that I pushed myself so hard and was almost "runner high" when I finished it. Then we watched some tv, I took my decongestant and went to bed. Well I certainly didn't sleep. I looked at the clock every freaking hour. I honestly saw every hour last night. I was sure when the alarm went off that it was going to be an bad, exhausted day. So I got in the shower and tried to wake up. Got my stuff done in record time and was kind of excited at that. took my meds and went off to work with my coffee. Well the drive here was insane. No cars or anything like that but I was singing, the music was awesome, I was smiling, I was turning up the volume....then I got to work and I was talking a mile a minute and I was like, WTH is going on??? I should be exhausted. Then I thought it must be my "second wind" and it would go away soon....oh hell no. ... I'm still zooming. I told the teacher across the hall and he says it's the mucinex. At the thought of that my head started to crawl!!! I honestly think I've been high all day at work!!! OMG!!!!! I can't be high at work!!!! I feel like I could run my 3 miles tonight....super me!!! Lord love a duck! Okay...that's my story. I'll reply to everyone else next.
  15. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good evening everyone. Thought I would check in while I take in our tivo'd House. I walked with dh tonight and then when he pooped out I walked on my own. I made it 50 minutes. I want to clock it but I'm sure it was more than 3 miles. I'm really low on cals because I was stuck most of the afternoon. I ate some rice and though it hasn't been a problem before. Today it was miserable. I had a swallow of pineapple juice and it was almost instantly better. I'm still a bit swollen. I had the kashi that gets really soft in milk and a cut up banana (it was soooo good!) for dinner and am working on more fluids. Karri, I'm glad you saw a doctor. it sounds so much less horrible than it did a couple days ago. It is so hard to know what to do. Phyll, your dd needs to take a pill. She needs to know how she is tearing you up inside. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Especially on her birthday. I hope you got to have something wonderful happen today in spite of the pain. You are a wonderful mother and a great grandmother. You care and you love them all. How can someone be angry about that? If she was thinking clearly she would see that you are a blessing. There is more I want to say but can't keep a coherent thought right now so I'll let it go. Every day I think the same thing. Things I want to say to you all but I can't remember it by this time. It drives me crazy. I hope you know that most of the time there is so much going on here that I can't keep it all straight. I love you all and I think that I let you all down wrapped up in my own world. I honestly think about everything that you say and have things to say back, but just don't have the attention span to hold onto it. Damned ADHD! Okay...it's bedtime. Have a great day tomorrow all!
  16. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet and Karri make perfect sense. So I went back and looked at my daily plate information that I've been logging. I have 15 days worth of data and I could look at my exercise minutes for each day. In 15 days I totalled 525 minutes for an average of 35 minutes per day. there were 3 days in there with absolutely no exercise and 3 with 60 minutes each. I think I will be much busier this month than I was last and so 30 per day may be a bit excessive. However, after May 23rd we are out of school and I will have all day with the kids to add in walks and stuff. One of my neices is getting ready to join the airforce and she is working out pretty heavy and I have promised to tae bo with her while I'm there for graduation. I am going to set the 900 minute goal. I think if I don't I will regret lowering my expectations. On the days I don't do it I will have to make up for it somehow. Either calorie wise or extra the other days. There are still those walks with my mom that take much longer. And when I walk and do gym I'll be getting bonus minutes too. So I did hear you and appreciate your comments. I think 30/day could be pushing it, but I didn't do all this NOT to push myself. I push myself every day while the family is eating ice cream and cookies and other rubbish. So I'm going to push here too. No excuses. If I have to walk while it is dark or walk at lunch because my evening is full, so be it. Karri, you have inspired me and I'm looking into a 5k for sometime this summer. I'm not quite up to your level but I can at least walk it easy. I remember doing the walk-a-thon when I was a kid and that was 20 miles. I can do this! Thanks for the advice everyone. BTW, where is everyone today. Sorta quiet. Phyll?????? Water patrol. I'm at 32 oz. oh...and I'm only counting water and tea because I need to increase those and make them more of a staple in my diet. and I consider crystal lite water. What I don't count is my coffee (because I'm not drinking it for thirst, its for my enjoyment only), milk in my cereal, broth in my soup. Whatever you count is up to you, but that's my logic. cbl all
  17. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I need to make a exercise goal. I know that I am going to be hugely busy this month. I have semester tests to write, grades to do, a classroom to clean out. I have home life to keep in order and I have a few days at my family's because two of my neices are graduating. I know I can exercise there but that is TWO days in the car. Now....a lot of that sounds like excuses not to exercise and I don't mean for that to be. I just don't want to set an unreasonable goal. I WANT and PLAN to get at least my half hour walk in per day, but know that there may be days raining or sick that it is impossible. I guess my question is this. If I set a goal of 900 minutes (which is 30 minutes a day), is that way too much? When I walk it is usually 45 minutes at a time so I'm not pushing quite as hard as it sounds and some days I will do the walk AND the total gym. Am I setting myself up for failure or is 900 minutes a good goal? What do you all think?
  18. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet, I totally get the morbid thinking. I have a pain in my shoulder and I'm sure it is a ruptured disk. The pain behind my eye for the last few months, definitely a tumor. I was giving a seminar 2 summers ago and got the stomach flu one night and all I could think was what if it was my gall bladder and it had ruptured, or my appendix and I was ignoring it. I'm always coming up with the worst case senario. It is just crazy. However, as an ex-smoker I have to agree with Denise on this one. I think deep down you know that all this damned work is going to be for nothing if you are still cutting your life short for those stupid cigs. Now don't get me wrong. I don't preach quitting. It is a HUGE personal decision and my quitting I attribute to a fluke. My mom has smoked for 50 years and though I want her to quit and would do anything I can to help, her decision is up to her. I said something the other day about not walking with her because she smokes and it isn't that she smokes that's the problem, it's the heath, lung issues it has caused and her fraility that slows her down. Whether she quits or not is up to her. I feel the same about you. I think it is important, but you know the dangers and if you're willing to live with them....to heck with all of us. We love you, cigarettes and all. But I think it is subconciously bothering you. Okay...off my soapbox. (Damned reformed smokers anyhow)
  19. Twilight

    BMI vs. body fat percentage

    Thanks for your replies. I hope I get many more as it is very interesting. My gut feeling was that the dense bone doesn't make THAT much of a difference but I didn't know for a fact....I hadn't asked anyone in the know. I still want to learn more about this body fat vs. bmi debate so I welcome any other answers. Jachut, your explanation was great and I do take what you say seriously. I have found you to be a very knowledgeble and helpful ally in this fight. So thank you for your reply. Other info that anyone has gleaned from drs or reading? Also, in case I think to ask during one of my appointments....what is "healthy" body fat %. For some reason something about body building and 18% is sticking in my head, but I don't remember where I got THAT number. Is this something I can just search for? I guess I should just try instead of ask here, but then it wouldn't open a conversation I guess.... Thanks for your help all.
  20. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good evening all. I have a few minutes so I thought I would hop in and read all the stuff I missed today. It was definitely crazy. We started the day with a staff meeting lecture about the kids getting out of control in our classrooms and it had better stop. All because in one class two kids were tossing an eraser back and forth and it got a little heated when one kid missed and got hit in the head....and in another one kid goosed another and the first turned around and slugged him. That's the extent of the "violence" all year and we get a 5 minute growl about how we need to have better control. GRRRR. Then the IEP that got me all discombobulated and it didn't get better all day. Then I went to the bathroom this afternoon and thought "Oh crap, I was supposed to leave 10 minutes ago for my dr. appointment!" So I was late for that, but she is always behind so it actually was a positive. Then she wanted to see the eldest quack after school so she could evaluate his new med regimen....it was just crazy. Anyways, on a good note we weighed in and even though the numbers haven't dropped she looked up and when I came in to see her the first time in 1999 I weighed 176 and now I weigh 172. She is amazed at my progress and so encouraging. I ate much better today but haven't tallied on daily plate so can't tell the numbers. I think I may post them daily here so I am a little more accountable. It would be humiliating to tell you guys I ate 1500 cals and didn't exercise. It might make me think twice about that bad food choice. After dinner I then went out and walked. I made it on my 3 mile look even though when I left I was having stomach cramps. I really was trying hard to talk myself out of going but convinced myself that if I got a couple blocks away and it wasn't better I would come back.....but it was better until almost the last 3 blocks. Then the cramps came back. It was either the salad, the bit of salmon patty, or the zithromax that I drank before dinner. Whichever it was, I'm better now.....and when I got home I checked time and I did 3 miles in 40 minutes!!! I thought the other night it was a fluke to have done 2 in 30 minutes but I sustained the pace for an extra mile AND there was a 3 block hill at the beginning that wasn't there last time. Karri, I vote for walking/running the full. I was thinking that there will be other marathons for years to come and if you want this to become a regular occurrence then you need to take care of your body now. You don't want your determination to push you so hard that you can't make the marathon a ritual. I understand determination and disappointment, but I can't imagine how much more disappointing it would be to be injured forever. Remember, you are young and you have a good 50 years left to use those feet. Linda, so sorry to hear about the insurance. They will do anything to NOT have to pay out. Frustrating when you think that their reason is probably because they know that few people have the dedication to sustain. But remember, you do. You will do just fine. Waiting may be frustrating but the end result is going to be worth it. Just keep your eye on the prize. Going to run. Not sure what I'm going to do about the total gym.....My abs are a bit sore but I know that is a good thing....so I should continue. But don't want to get burned out either so may just take a quiet night with the rest of the family....We'll see. as dear Janet says, will check back later:tt2:
  21. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I understand what you are saying and you are right. I think it is a matter of semantics that she was talking about. A pound is a pound is a pound. The volume of a pound of fat is more than the volume of a pound of muscle and therefore takes up more space and so if you are staying the same "size" yet gaining weight it is because you are replacing muscle. I have the same issue with the word "diet". I have a diet. Everyone does. Our "diet" is what we consume for food. It drives me nuts when I say something about my diet and I get blasted for "We are NOT supposed to be on a diet". It's a little thing but sometimes we just have to say it. I think Janet's explanation was good about what is happening in our bodies. I think she gave good advice. Is it ALWAYS the answer? Heck no....but it is for a lot of the time. My thought was, if you are stuck on a plateau and want to try something, that's a great place to start. It made sense, it had sound medical reasoning behind it. So, if you don't have any other medical issues causing your stall, a step up on the exercise front MAY get you restarted. Okay....this took me 4 hours to reply to because of other things happening....so this issue has probably been beaten to death. Oh well. Those are my 2 cents.
  22. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning all. I just thought I would check in. Missed my first class this morning because of an IEP meeting and then 1/2 of my second. I really feel like I need to be there because I want to be this kid's advocate and on mom's side, but it really throws my day into a dither. I have had a cup of coffee this morning but I'm now not counting coffee as liquid intake. Water and v8 fusion only. Oh...and iced tea. If I can't count tea I quit! It is my liquid of choice all summer and usually drink about a half gallon a day. I will still work on the 3 bottles of water, and maybe this summer will be different. Who knows. Last night on the total gym I did my leg pulls and my arm pulls and then added in butterflies. Then I read that the first two should be the limit for the first two weeks for "non-exercisers". Do I fit that category? I haven't lifted weight for over a year. I know I've been walking so I'm not sure if I fit. My plan was to do it every night adding in one new exercise until I built up to the full 20 minute workout. That would take about a week because there is 7 exercises and I'm guessing I won't make EVERY night. I have been wondering about the calorie tracking....on the daily plate it gives me my gross calories and then I track my exercise and that gives me calorie burn and then they subtract those and give me net calories. Like calories in/calories out. For my weight, height, and activity level, to lose 2 pounds a week they say I can consume 1180 cals daily....which is about the 1000 limit surgeon told me. Okay...so my question is, would you consider that 1180 NET cals like they do or 1180 gross cals. I've been sure to stay under NET (almost every day), but not always gross (okay, usually not gross). My difference looks like this since I've been tracking. Mon: 1201/872 Tues: 1344/955 Wed: 1184/1184 Thurs: 1485/1485 (really bad day....slaps her hand) Fri: 1250/1049 Sat: 985/985 (had I exercised I could have had a GREAT day, dangit) Sun: 1352/1218 I'm not overly concerned because of my weight loss...it is dropping like it is supposed to. I do know, however, that as it drops it will get harder and I will need to revise. See Janet, I was listening....See Karri, I am making a plan!!!! So, what is your advice. I would like everyone's opinion. What do you all think? And yes, I know I have to get those bad days under control. Finding it easier now that I'm doing something in the evenings besides tv. And honestly most of the calories are GOOD choices, just too much food. My carbs are higher but that's because I'm adding the Kashi and that adds protein and fiber so it is a toss up that I have chosen to accept. Okay...time for lunch....gotta run. I'll check back in later
  23. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good evening ladies. Just taking a quick break while the middle quack gets his bath. Mom and I went out for our walk and I pushed the stroller. I'd say we did 2 miles. Not as quickly but with added resistance. After kids are in bed I'll go down and do some work on the total gym. Imagine that....working out more than once today. How does THAT work? Water patrol checking in. 2 bottles before lunch, a bottle of ice tea before dinner and working on my 3rd bottle. I'll probably have another after lifting before bed. So I'm safe!!! Who else are we waiting for? I'm going back to the doc tomorrow to see if I can get rid of this crudd. It should be gone by now I would think but it just keeps hanging and everytime I work out I get a headache. I'm pretty sure it is a sinus thing. Last sinus infection I had took 4 rounds antibiotics. I thought I was going to DIE before I got rid of it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. But then again it could be something horrible so maybe I should pray for a sinus infection. Well....middle quack wants out of the tub sos I guess it's time to run. I'll be back later.
  24. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning all. I hope you all had a refreshing sleep. It is amazing how much better I sleep when I exercise in the evenings. I was a little worried about it last night because I got such a late workout in but it didn't seem to matter at all. I slept like a baby. I thought I would be sorer (is that a word??) today but I guess I didn't really work it as hard as I thought. I only did about 30 reps with my legs and 30 with my arms so it wasn't a MAJOR workout, but it was HARD!! Last night I thought the girls were going to revolt they were so sore. Today, not so much. Ruby, how did the girling up go? Are your nails wonderful? I wish I wasn't so hard on mine and I have mine done, but they are always breaking or I'm chewing them. I chewed my nails for 30 years and then quit after my dad died (it drove him crazy and I figured he was ALWAYS watching then). It was a huge habit to break and I still slip up....so no expensive manicure for me. About the meth situation. We had some millionaire donate a bunch of funding for meth awareness in Montana. They started the Montana Meth Project. If you want to see some sad, very scary stories, go to Montana Meth Project and watch the commercials. The sad part is the stories are all true of Montana meth users. It's not fiction. We have a huge meth problem. I had one student a few years ago I would swear was using but couldn't prove it. There is a ton here on the Indian Reservations. It is so sad to see. I could talk for days about that, but I won't. I agree...who would put that crap in their bodies???? Karri, you behave with your foot. You've been working very hard and I love your goal and your determination but it isn't worth hurting yourself permanently for. There will always be another half marathon even if you have to take an extra month off. Let it heal and maybe have someone at your gym look at it to see what they say. They might have some good ideas....or if you have a trainer at the school maybe they can help. Whatever you do, be careful. I regret all the time the damage I caused my back in high school because I wouldn't listen to my drill team instructor. Janet, you're so close I'm sure you can almost taste it. I can just imagine the feeling. So proud of you. I was thinking.....okay that is always dangerous, but....I was wondering if you all would like to be part of a Lucky 7 slideshow. I love using powerpoint and playing with it and designing those things so I was thinking it might be fun for the M of A trip. Even for those of you not going to be there, it would be a way for you to be there in spirit. If you would like to be part of it, what I'm thinking is pictures and quotes from everyone. Things from the journey. Goals, why you did this, important things that happened that you didn't expect. You could email it all to me and then I can put it all together in a presentation. I may try to dig into past posts and find things for you all too. I thought I would see if you all were interested before going any further. School gets out in May and I'll need a project to keep my busy on days when the kids are in daycare. It's something I would love to do, but only if you all are interested. I could then post it on the web somewhere private so that only us 7's could find it and those who aren't there can see it to. Anyone interested or are you not. Looking for feedback is all. Let me know.
  25. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Yeah Linda!!! How exciting that you are going to be able to sleep free and clear now!!!!! You'll probably sleep much better once you get used to it. Hope you have a great day at work!

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