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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Whenever I am stressed about something, even if it is just upset by my kids for 5 minutes, things seem to tighten. I don't have issues when TOM arrives, but many have reported that they do. Those two things together may be what is causing your tightening. Also, many have reported that a fill doesn't really "kick in" for a couple of weeks. It doesn't make any sense to me, but I believe the reports. Combine all three and it sounds like what you are experiencing. My suggestion would be to try to go to mushies for a few days until you feel a little better. If the feeling goes away, you should be fine at your current fill level. If, instead, it doesn't go away when TOM does or when the stress is a little easier, then maybe you need to think about a slight unfill. I know we like to see the scale drop but we also need to think about getting in all the good stuff our bodies need. When we are stuck on mushy stuff for too long it is pretty tough to get it all in. Those are my 2 cents. Take it or leave it, but let us know how it goes and what you decide. I know I'm due for some doozy of some trouble and I want to be on top of it when it gets here. Good luck!
  2. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good evening ladies! I hope you all had a beautiful day. No snow here today. It was still very cold but no snow was a plus. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 70's so I'm really looking forward to that. Tomorrow evening starts the working 10 days. I'm so excited and looking forward to it. 10 days in the mountains, next to the lake, no cell phones, no tv. It's going to be WONDERFUL. Of course they still have internet or I think I would refuse to go. The other bonus is no one that will be there has seen me since October and as far as I know, they have no idea of my weight loss. I'm looking forward to wowwing them. Good for my ego!!! I'm not getting in my protein out here. I need to start supplementing with a shake. I did bring half a dozen or so but not enough to make it through. The options just aren't here. Like tonight my mom made lasagna...mostly noodles...and bread. So there was nothing to do but pick out the sauce but there was no way I could get my 4 oz of meat in without being very obvious about it. I did get in 4 oz of jerky today while working on lesson plans so it wasn't a total failure. On the plus side I got in all my water. Janet???? Did you or are you going to have to double your workout Saturday? Karri, I'm glad your pcp got you started on something to help you calm some of those urges. I know it takes time to get into your system but I'm hoping for a quick help for you. I'm also keeping my fingers crossed for your insurance to cover your meds. Ruby, good for you and going out and enjoying it. My problem isn't that this or that isn't healthy, I still worry what I'm going to be able to eat. It seems like everything is breaded, smothered in cream sauce, gummy, or sure to get balled up once I get it down. I still wonder why salads taste so much better at a restaraunt than they do when I make them at home. I'm really loving salad anymore. I'm trying more vinagrette dressings and loving them and the different greens are really adding something. I so used to be a iceberg lettuce, ranch dressing kind of gal. I've been very adventurous lately. I'm really enjoying that. Well. I had better get to bed. I'm a little worried about the food at the lake. They have someone come out and cook for us but you never know what it's going to be. I can't really remember much about what they served for lunches in the past but breakfast is always biscuits and gravy, or pancakes, or waffles....something like that and dinner is usually some sort of potato based casserole. I remember them always having a lot of salad though so I may be alright. I'm going to bring my own kashi and berries for breakfasts. I just hope I don't offend the cook. I'm also stocking up on things to add to my water and I bought 2 naglene bottles for the trip. I shouldn't have too much trouble on the liquid front. Okay...now I really am off to bed. Have a great day tomorrow ladies. I'll probably not check in until late tomorrow night.
  3. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay ladies....it's almost 11:30 here and I really do need to go to bed but wanted to check in quickly. Phyl, quite an accomplishment to be able to manhandle that scooter like that. Way to go!! It had to have made you feel strong. Janet, no flaking on exercise tomorrow. I know with a trainer you won't....but you need it for your piece of mind. Karri, last week of school!!! I know about the last two week thing too. I was working them up until the day before finals and whine whine whine. You would have thought I wanted them to donate their left kidneys to science. But another year is almost in the books!!! And think about the amazing June and July you are going to have. There was more I was going to say, but too tired to think about what I had missed the last couple of days. Now...I'm at my mother's house. I'll be here for a few days and then off to teach math teachers what I don't know. But....Phyl, you're going to LOVE this....it SNOWED here all day long. It was absolutely bizarre. I know not unheard of in the mountains in June, but I was definitely not expecting it and did NOT pack for snow. One of my neices is really on a health kick lately. Long story but she looks absolutely amazing. Always has but she is just drop dead gorgeous now. Well....she has joined the AF and leaves for basic the beginning of August. So she walked with me this afternoon (so did my other neice) and then tonight she and I did wii fit for about 30 mins. She will be here about 8am to do it again she said. She thinks she's going to get me running. FOOL!!! But, a girl has to have a goal I guess. My wii fit weight was up though. No longer under 160 but not changing because weigh in is technically not until Sunday and I'm going to have it back down by then. Food has been crappy. I snacked like a pig all the way across the state. I was so bored. I've got to figure out something for the 10 hour drive home because it won't be any better in 3 weeks and I have to have a better plan. I did have a good lunch today and dinner wasn't too bad. Could have been better I guess. I need to get back to logging my food but when I'm not at my computer like I am at home it is much more difficult. It keeps me much more in control though so I have to figure that out. Okay....I need to make reservations for M of A trip also. DH isn't going to be coming. My MIL doesn't think she is up to watching the kids for us. Again, long story. My mom wants to come though. So I may be bringing her along. disappointed that DH isn't coming but I love traveling with my mom too so I guess it could be worse. But I will be making reservations some time this week. Okay....now I have got to get to bed or my neice will kill me for not being ready in the morning....I wasn't this morning....another LONG story. Night ladies. Have a great day tomorrow if I don't have a chance to check in.
  4. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. Hope you had a great weekend. I had a very busy one. I'm leaving tomorrow for my mom's house and for the class I'm doing for 2 weeks. I'll be around most nights though. I'll check in and let you all know what's going on. I'm really looking forward to leaving and letting the carpenter get on with my bathroom. I'm getting really tired of sharing DH's and his whining that we're messing it up. He can be such a whiner. By the time I get home mine should be finished. I'm just really glad that they waited until after school was out to get it started. Not having a tub has been quite a challenge with the 16 month old and the 3 year old. I went through all my clothes today. It was rather depressing. The sad part was that I couldn't believe how big they were. And I thought I looked nice in them. And then I found our family picture from November. And I wanted to cry. I can't believe that I was that big. I'm not going to have a chance to go through them before I leave and put up a list for you all....but there were 4 garden size black bags full. I'll do it when I get back in a few weeks. When I weighed in this morning I was under 160!!! It was absolutely a beautiful day!!!! Well... I did a ton today and I'm beat. My back is killing me sitting here trying to do this so I'm going to call it a night. Have a great week ladies. There was more I was going to say to each of you but I'll do it before I leave tomorrow morning. Nighty night!!!
  5. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. Not much going on today. Did 45 mins of wii aerobics. I ran for 20 mins in 5 minute runs. Big news is .... I RAN!!!! I wanted to die each time...but I stuck it out each time and clicked retry each time instead of quit.... The step aerobics was getting a little better. I tried the second game that was unlocked but haven't tried the next one. I am very uncoordinated I can tell you. Went out for fish tonight but it was crappy. The service sucked and we waited 2 hours for a crappy meal. It was very discouraging....but it saved my calories I guess. I'll be on tomorrow to chat with you all but tonight I think it's a good night to just crawl into bed. Have a nice night ladies....you're probably in bed anyways.....sleep well.
  6. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. ... I hope all is going well with you all. I'm getting into this routine of being a SAHM. It is very different. In the past I have said, "this is summer vacation, I'm going to enjoy it! I've earned it!" Now I can't say it's summer vacation. I have to just get "in the groove." I can definitely say I'm out of mommy shape. Each day is getting a little easier, but I have been napping in the afternoons because I'm so exhausted. I need to stop that but they just wear me out! Today we went to the park this morning and tonight I mowed the lawn. Besides lawn work this evening I think I cleaned the living room 3 times and did dishes twice. How in the world do they get everything so messy???? Phyl, enjoy those new grandbabies. How wonderful! And I hope you super enjoy your wale watching. I've never seen wales...or even been out on the ocean that I can remember. I'm probably lying, but not on purpose..... Janet, those compliments must have been soooo awesome. I can't wait to finally see someone who blew me off as a fatty one of these days and just blow their minds! I know it's not the same, but I assume the feeling would be similar. Karri, I love your news! I'm so impressed. And to get a free professional shoot! A definite triple plus. If that was your only great news it would have been awesome! But all of it adds up to a great great day! Going to watch tv with my dh and relax. I'll talk to you all later. Have a great night.
  7. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    When I took a weight training class a couple of years ago we did 3 "core" exercises but I can only remember one, called "good mornings" I'll have to look deeper. I remember they really helped my lower back when I was doing them a bit. I need to do something for my abs. I've had 3 c-sections and they are just sooooo weak. I know if they were stronger my back wouldn't have nearly the struggles. I agree on the crunches though. I am soooo bad at them. I need to get back on my total gym. I just never seem to get to the basement. I wish there was somewhere for me to set it up upstairs. Oh well.... Denise, I don't think you should be given duct tape EVER!!!! I'll remember to hide mine if I ever see you. Holey CATS!!!! I need to go get a few phone calls done. I'll see you ladies later.
  8. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Holey cats you guys!!! I'm gone and you all just go nuts posting!!! Let's see if I can remember what everyone said.... Linda?? I think you were thinking of shower ideas. I loved the shower my work gave me. They did a tupperware party. Maybe something like that or pampered chef or home interiors. Whatever would make her house more homey for her. We didn't do party games....I'm not that kind of gal. I enjoyed that a lot. Denise, when I went to my last nutritional class the nut said something that made me really rethink plateaus. She said that studies are beginning to show that they are actually benificial in some ways. There is a school of thought that our bodies have set points. Places where they are comfortable being weight wise. She says that when you plateau your body sets itself a new setpoint and that it allows our bodies to get more settled. It's a way of getting out of the yoyo diet scheme and works. Very interesting I thought. Karri, I know it's got to be frustrating to have to run all that way just to get a sign off. I'd be grumbling the whole way...but there are those benefits because of the family time. Enjoy those. And a day off work, though I always thought those were worse to prep for than being there would be. Ruby, I envy you a trainer. I know it is expensive but I haven't heard anyone complain that they wasted their money on one. Maybe just a month's worth to get you on track and get into the routine. I kow it's a lot of money though....I'd be hard pressed to spend it. Good luck with your decision. Okay. The last few days have been very long and I'm going to call it naptime for a half hour or so. I'll talk to you all again soon.
  9. Twilight

    Most Remarkable Changes?

    I am beginning to stand up for myself. For so long whenever something was wrong I just let it go and grumbled about it to dh later. The other day a teacher talked really nastily to my son and I made it a point to tell her that I thought it was inappropriate. When another person grew a little too big for their britches talking to me like I wasn't good enough, I set them directly in their place. The new self confidence and the feeling that I AM worth it is amazing. I think that's the best NSV and most remarkable change. Who knew that I would start to feel worthy by losing some weight. Amazing.
  10. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Way to go!!!! I'm sure your legs are exhausted! Those are amazing times. Under 10 minute miles! You just keep beating your challenges. You give yourself a goal and BAM!! you've conquered it. I'm so impressed at how hard you work at beating your challenges. I wish I had half the gumption you do. Anyways....congrats! Enjoy your victory.
  11. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay...I combined my 4 piles into one....and got all the laundry in the right pile. I'll go through it all day after tomorrow. Tomorrow I have to drive eldest quack to the child psych.....4 hours one way. So tomorrow won't work. But Tuesday I will go through all clothes and make a list of everything I have and let you all know. I honestly don't know what I have of what sizes. It would be awesome if some of you could use them. Dh and I went for a walk but it was short so I won't count as a session. Tomorrow morning I plan on getting up early and going for a long one before we leave for appointment. Tonight dh and I are going to sit and watch some of our tivo'd stuff. It sure was a great weekend. I'll be around on and off tonight. I'm sure I'll think of something more to say before bed. Oh...dh just asked me to go to the drive in....so maybe not. It never gets done until midnight....so we'll see
  12. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay...confessions....this is extremely ugly. If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read further. It could be terribly heartbreaking. If you want to sleep without nightmares....turn back now. Okay...background. I was asked a couple of months ago to be a part of a 2 week workshop of math teachers across the state. It requires that I spend 10 days out at a lake....cabin shared with 3 others, workshop from 9-5 and then the evenings just to relax by the water.....I know...it's going to be the worst time I've ever spent! Anyways....DH says he doesn't care on two conditions. 1. I have to find something to do with the miniature quacks and 2. I have to clean my room before I go. The ANIMAL!! How dare he put that kind of pressure on me! Okay, so my family has agreed to watch the kids while I'm stuck hating the lakeside. Thank goodness they don't have to go through that torture. I've been putting off the bedroom though. I must warn you all now.....I feel obligated...this is about to get icky!!!! Well....in case you've not gotten the idea in the last couple months....I'm a bit of a clothes horse. Others may say something a little less flattering but let's go with clothes horse. Now for some reason when it comes to my bedroom I am still a 15 year old girl who is in complete rebellion. You can't make me clean it! This is MY room. You would think I still lived with my mother. The rest of my house is pretty well organized...for having 3 quacks....but my bedroom is a complete hell hole. So....I've been putting it off. So now I go in there and start on the first pile of stuff. I have 3 major piles. Almost everything is clean, just not put away. There is my stuff, LG's stuff, and LB's stuff. It honestly IS NOT ALL MINE!!! Okay....90% is. I admit it! My name is Stephanie and I'm a clothesaholic. I have thought of joining a 10 step program....but I guess I haven't hit bottom yet. Anyways....who has this many clothes???? Ummm...and worse....who has this many clothes, lives in the middle of nowhere with no one to impress, and complains she doesn't have anything to wear??????? I'm sick! Very sick. I'd like to say it was a transfer addiction, but I have complete wardrobes in 20's, 18's, 16's, 14's, and now starting in 12's. I could honestly start a thrift shop with just my clothes. Okay...so...I've confessed. If I haven't come back in a couple of hours please call my house and see if I can come to the phone. If there is no answer send in a search party. I may have been avalanched. Oh.....and does anyone else want to take me up on the offer I gave Phyl? I need to do something with these clothes!!!!!
  13. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I get a terrible rash on my chest, arms and back if I'm out in the sun without sunscreen. I tried to find what my doctor called it but can't. I will tell you when I went to my dr. the first time and she said I was allergic to the sun I thought she was full of crap. Who is allergic to the sun???? So I then went to a well respected dermatologist in a different city the next summer that it happened and when he walked in he said, "Wow, I've never seen anyone with a worse sun allergy." I hadn't even mentioned that I had seen anyone else for it. He gave me the same treatment and the same words of advice. So I guess she wasn't crazy. My local doc gives me a shot each year of steroids and that seems to help. I did a search on google and found PMLE. This sounds and looks like what happens to me, but the name doesn't sound right. I'm going in next week for my yearly shot, but it happens every summer and there are always 2 weeks of hell from it. It gets worse if I sweat or become overheated. I've been lucky so far this year. Just thought I'd share that to see if it helps you.
  14. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Wow!!! Has everyone just been crazy busy or when I hit submit is this one going to die again on me? I hope it's crazy busy. It was a beautiful day so I'm really hoping it was wonderful for you. I had a pretty good day. I did take a nice walk today with DH. It's great that he would walk with me again today. And then he and the oldest quack went out to the drive-in and left me with the younger two. So I watched a couple of Big Medicine's that I had recorded and then did 40 mins of wii fit. My age is still 46 which stinks, but it is late so maybe earlier it would be better. I can't believe I was exercising at 10pm. How insane is that? But I think I will sleep better. And since we walked and I fitted, I made my exercise goal....and with an hour to spare ! I'm going to stick with the same goal for next month. When I'm at the lake for 10 days I hope to do a morning walk and maybe an evening kayak or another walk. I'm really looking forward to the time at the lake. The people who are going to be there with me don't know I had surgery and know nothing about my weight loss. Last time I was there I tried to do the walks but there was no way I was going very far. Im not going to let anything stop me this year!!!:laugh: Well...everyone should be here soon and it's time to go to bed. I'll see you all tomorrow at sometime. I am cooking dinner at church tomorrow. I've made broc/cauliflower salad, creamed cukes, and tomorrow I'm going to make fruit salad as well as some low sugar dessert. I found the recipe in a cook book. I'm hoping it is yummy. Higher fat but low sugar....sort of a trade off I guess. I'm going to put the recipe here and let me know what you think....especially Karri, since you're our resident chef:thumbup: Sugar free chocolate pudding Low fat sour cream Sugar free cool-whip Bananas Sliced strawberries Crushed chocolate wafers Make the pudding, mix in 1/2 c of the s.cream. In the bottom of a cup put a layer of strawberries, a layer of banana, crushed wafers, coolwhip, then pudding, then coolwhip, wafers, then arrange bananas and strawberries on top. I'm putting them in little champagne glasses from my wedding 6 years ago...so I can get them out of the cupboard. They actually hold about 4-6 oz is all. I hope it is wonderful! I'm keeping my fingers crossed because the church ladies can be so harsh. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Okay...bedtime. I'll talk to you all tomorrow.
  15. Because I can't keep track of it, I thought maybe someone else is having trouble too. I think it's the lack of carbs that I can't concentrate these days..... I can remember a little about most of you but I'm having a hard time placing you all geographically. less than 48 til the new (improved) me!!!! I'm from Montana
  16. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh fahoozle!!!! I just spent 15 mins writing a reply and it dumped it! grrrr. Oh well. I'll say more tomorrow. Now it's bedtime. Night ladies
  17. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies! Hope you had a great Friday! Ruby, I'm sorry you're not feeling so great about yourself today. I am amazed at your journey and I hope if you can't see it yourself you will take it from the rest of us that you've done a great job! Your hair will come back. I'm sure of it. I've been thinking about doing the fish oil things. They have some on QVC today. I think I'll look for what Phyl was mentioning at Costco when I go to "the city" in a couple of weeks. Phyl, I'm sorry that the navy exchange wasn't great for you! I'm glad you gave the guy a piece of your mind though. I've got a ton of 18's in a bag downstairs waiting to go to goodwill. Would you be interested in me sending them to you? Tops, bottoms, skirts....work and play related. I do have pets though so if you are allergic you wouldn't want them. Think about it. And then you can try them on in the privacy of your own home, do what you want with them and it wouldn't cost an arm and a lg. DH is taking me out for fish and waiting for me....I'm dressed up....ish...jean capris and a nice shirt.....did up my makeup. I bought size 12's today!!!! I'm so psyched. DH says I look awesome. He even told me tonight that I shouldn't worry about spending money on clothes...as long as I WallyWorld and GoodWill it, he won't complain. Isn't he just the best???? Okay...better run. I'll check back after dinner. Happy weekend if you have plans.
  18. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good evening all. Not much happening. I went for a walk with DH tonight but we just sort of strolled along so Im not going to count it as a session. I was going to tell you about this wonderful appetizer that my sister made for graduation. It was absolutely divine. Canned chicken Mayo (light or fatfree is fine) (use as little or as much as you like) dijon mustard (1 Tbsp per each 1/2 c mayo) finely chopped celery salt and pepper to taste (it brings out a bit more flavor in the chx) Finely chopped green onions craisings chopped pineapple Slivered almonds. Mix it all together and then serve on endive boats. It was soooooo good. I can't even explain how awesome it was. The endive boats were the topping of it. I think it would be awesome as a stuffing for tomatoes too but my family won't eat it that way. We don't get endive around here so I want to find another way to serve it. It was a pretty good dip for crackers but those aren't great for me either. Had an okay day. I had a run in with one of my son's teachers. I don't think she would have said what she said had she known I was his mother and I was standing right there and was really upset at being called on it. Basically she snapped at him, turned around made some grumble about him, and when I said he was with me she said something derogatory about his organization skills....and it just slipped out....honestly I didn't plan on saying it....but I came back with "Maybe you should work on your people skills." Then I pointed out that I am a teacher and it is inappropriate for her to talk to a student OR a parent like that and then I walked out. HAG!!!! On the last day of school. Have a nice summer Michael. I've enjoyed having you in class. Look forward to seeing you next year. HAG!!!!! And then she has him next year too. grrr....I'm still gravelled over this. But....50 pounds ago I would NEVER have said that. So good for me, but I really do need to get my tongue under control. I hope everyone is doing alright. Linda, I'm sorry your vacation wasn't as wonderful as you had hoped. Peaches, can you give me lessons on how to be diplomatic? I hope you have a better day tomorrow. Night all
  19. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Shame on you!!! How infantile:thumbup::thumbup: I thought the same thing when I wrote it so I guess I can't say much huh? Just came from the chiropractor so I think I won't play it today. We'll see. I loved it yesterday but it did do a number on my back.:biggrin:
  20. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    OMG!!!!! I forgot to share! Now I'm taking this all with a grain of salt for a few days to make sure it is real and someone doesn't come along and pinch me, but...... Drum roll please!!!!...... According to my Wii Fit board...... I AM FAT!!!!!!! BBYE that horrible O word. BBYE that nagging feeling that it doesn't matter I was still "o" so what did those 55 pounds really mean. BBYE forever! I AM FAT!!!! I AM FAT!!! I AM FAT!!!! I want to shout it from tall buildings, but we don't have any here on the prairie. Monday I will change my ticker if the numbers stay down....if not I will double my exercise next week and make sure they go down! Did a 45 minute walk this morning with 2 small hills instead of just one. What a great way to start the day. Waiting for the kids to wake up so I can get on with my day. Oh...and 16 oz of water in already! Have a great day all. Love and hugs to you. It's a beautiful day on the prairie.
  21. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri, You don't need to apologize. As I said, you didn't ask for help, you were just thrown into it. I brought something very personal to this level. I feel like I gave up a secret or something. I am so sorry for that. You know what they say about people and their opinions. You and your "quirks" are what make you so special. You are not crazy. Whatever is coming to light right now, it is what has made you "you" and what we have all been drawn to. We'll take you however you come to us. I hope you feel better today. Be careful of the tireds. They can be a b!&@$ when you are already emotionally fragile. I'll be thinking of you today.
  22. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet, I've forgotten to answer your question about creamed cucumbers. Here are the ingredients of one recipe. I haven't found the magic combination. I substitute splenda for the sugar and use red onions to give color. 1/2 cup sour cream 3 tablespoons white vinegar 1 tablespoon sugar Pepper to taste 4 medium cucumbers, thinly sliced 1 small sweet onion, thinly sliced and separated into rings
  23. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I wii'd for 45 minutes today and walked for 40. Yeah for me. I'm going to make my goal this month. I know it. I'm feeling good. My hips hurt a bit. Phyl, the bubble thing was unlocked today. I suck! It is soooooo bad!!! I hoola hooped today...that was fun but with my back problem it hurt. Then I tried to aerobics thing....but that was just weird. I'm really not coordinated enough or smart enough. Supposed to step right and I step off back or supposed to not step and I'm walking on.... Then I ran in place and it kept telling me to keep my pace steady. I will work on that again tomorrow. I did 2 runs and neither was very good so I'll try that again tomorrow. Tomorrow my plan is to train on sports and then do some more balance stuff. Has anyone tried the yoga? I've never been one for yoga but I might try it tomorrow. Well...better run. unless I think of something else to share. Oh...I got in 80 oz of water today, how did everyone else do? Water patrol out and about
  24. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet, Thanks for the input. I think you are completely right. Karri, you can tell us about your fears. You are allowed all of those scary thoughts. I should have realized that it was a need to say it not a need for it to be fixed thing. God knows I have said that plenty of times in the last month to DH. You are doing a great job keeping everything together. Janet is right, you have way more on your plate than I can even imagine juggling. I'm always in awe when I hear about how much you pack into a day. I'm sorry if I was trying too hard to fix and not just listen. Love and hugs.
  25. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl, I love the wii fit. I haven't done a lot of it but so far it's been fun. My wii age on that is much younger than on the wii sports. We took it on our trip and one night we spend boxing and golfing and bowling with the family. It was great. Our 13 year old was having fun along with my 21 year old nephew (who hates everything) as well as my SIL's godmother who is about 70. How fantastic that we can all do it together. And each of us was only worried about beating ourselves, not each other....at least until DS and I boxed...then I wanted to kick his butt. He kicked mine though. Question. How accurate do you find the balance board as far as weight? I was thinking about using that for scale since I don't trust my dial ones and I won't be seeing fill PA until July. Just wondering if it was agreeing with your scales. Oh...and for anyone on the fence, my 4 year old loves to watch me play it. His favorite is the soccer balls flying at my head. I really suck at it too...but it's a lot of fun. I've only tried the balance stuff. Was thinking about doing the aerobic stuff today. I haven't had this much fun in a LONG time. I'm going to dod 30 minutes of that today as well as my walk tonight. I'm getting short on time to get my 20 sessions in...but am definitely going to do my best to get it all done. I still have 3 days so I'm not giving up yet. It's been kinda quiet around here lately. I hope everyone is doing well. I need to go back and quote everyone so I remember what else I want to say. Maybe this afternoon. Being home with the kids these last couple of days has been great. I'm loving it. I may have been sad last week but these kids are the greatest cure of all. They are so important. Okay. Off to play something awesome with them. Oh...and on my 2nd bottle of water. How are you all doing???

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