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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Twilight


    I'm with you. That just sounds ludicrous. My team's philosophy has always been SOLID Protein first, then veggies, then carbs only if there is room. Liquid Protein has been discouraged since I left the mushy phase. If you cannot eat solid protein and be satisfied for a long period of time...and can only do liquids, then you are too tight. The idea is portion control, not liquid nutrition. I would seriously look at your choice of docs. This is a scary way to find success. I'd be looking for a second opinion,
  2. Twilight

    SCALE Victories!

    I consider today my greatest scale victory ever!!! I broke the 150 barrier. I know I am still overweight but I haven't seen a 4 after that 1 since a year after high school! 4 is the most beautiful number I have ever seen!!!!
  3. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay...just a quick check in.... Nick was horrible at the dentist. Wouldn't let the hygenist do anything. It was so embarrassing. grrrr I got wii hooked up and my weigh in was 148.8!!!!! Now onto the exercise so I can keep the downward direction. Next order of business is breakfast. I definitely understand the waking up starving Karri! I think I could gnaw off my arm. I'm going to go look at texts today. I don't even know what I'll be teaching for sure. I am definitely hating this. I will probably take you up on the help Karri. I don't even know where to start or what to have them get for supplies. Lord help me. Okay....unpacked and this is my total purchase.... 5 pairs of shoes, 2 dresses, 1 skirt outfit, 2 pairs of sweats, 2 pairs of pants, 10 tops, 1 Brett Favre jersey, 1 necklace, 1 wedding ring set, 1 toe ring, 2 pairs of earrings, 1 pair of pajamas, 4 bras, 2 spanx, 1 set of nails, 1 large suitcase, 2 outfits for Jai, 2 stuffed animals from build a bear, 1 tee for eldest. I believe I left enough money at the mall. They should give complimentary service after all that!!! Or a free cart or something. I don't even want to see the credit card bill. Okay. I've got a ton to do. I'll talk to you all later.
  4. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning ladies. I'm going to be around a bit today. I need to clean clean clean my house because it has been destroyed while I was gone. I also have to weigh in but am waiting for my kids to go to daycare so I can crawl on the wii board without distraction. The biggest problem with waiting until after they are at daycare is that I don't want to eat until after my weigh in so I'm getting hungry. Not a huge thing though I guess. I can't believe I've gone almost an entire week without weighing. That is so unlike me. And I'm not frantic either. Amazing. I am going to the school today to talk to the superintendent about teaching science. He called me on Tuesday and asked and I told him I would but I really need to get everything solidified better. I'm in trouble with my mom about it....but DH does understand my dilemna. I am so torn. I loved teaching math. I didn't give up that job so that I could teach science. I don't want the kids to not have science though. I don't know that I have the skills to teach it though. I may have a chem minor but that is a long ways from being qualified to teach all those different science classes. Okay...time to run. Daycare for Jai, dentist for Nick, then daycare for Nick and down to the school. I think I'll ride my bike so that I can at least call that FUN!!! I'll be back this afternoon.
  5. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh...about the ear piercing. I did NOT get a second hole put in my ears. I didn't realize that Candice did hers. I thought about it but I rarely wear earrings anyways so thought it was silly to put a second hole in. I wanted to thank all the ladies for welcoming my mom, Rose, with open arms. They were awesome and she had a great time. She talked about you all the way home. Thanks for that. Okay...where are all the chatties???? It's awfully quiet around here. Karri, how is the fill going? Did the 1 cc help with the monsters that were haunting? I sure hope so. And how was the trip? Are you feeling better? More awake this week? I haven't checked your blog the last few days., Denise, how did the pouch test go? Did you have the follow up done? Where are you sitting? Share ladies!!! You're all being way too quiet.
  6. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Alright ladies....I made it home!!! Sorry to worry you all, but my family attacked me and this is the first chance I've had to get online since I got home yesterday. Where to start??? Oh my word, I don't even know. It was the most amazing trip of my life! I feel like I've just woke from a dream. It started when my mom called me just after I got on the train. She surprised me by saying she was on the train too!!! She had told me that the ticket was too expensive and that she wasn't going to be able to make it. I thought I was going to be traveling alone. But then she was there!!! How amazing was that????? So then we met Phyl and Earl. What amazing people they are! Earl worries WAY TOO MUCH about Phyl's scooter. He is just a hoot! Phyl is a little .... ummm... let's call it devious. Waiting for Earl to turn his back so she can get her ears pierced. I can just imagine what she was like in her 30's! Let me just tell you all that Phyl is the most inspirational woman I have ever met. To have taken control of her life back at her age and after all the hardship it has caused. And her spirit! All of you who couldn't make it, you have got to meet this woman! We got to the hotel and of course rooms weren't ready because it was only 8am....and we were EXHAUSTED so we waited in the lobby, ate some breakfast and pestered and pestered this poor woman until she had rooms ready for us. I'm so glad that we had a chance to get freshened up before the other ladies arrived because they were shopping crazy!!! Okay....if I go blow by blow we will be here forever. Let's just say that it was amazing. I don't know who out shopped who, but I had to buy a second suitcase to come home and one of them was still over weight by 1 pound. I shouldn't have brought the wii fit. I could have bought another 5 things at least. I haven't unpacked yet so I can't even tell you what all I bought. I did get a new wedding set. My fingers have gone from a size 8 to a size 6. If you have a chance to go to a Chico's it can be the most uplifting experience. They have different sizes than typical. I bought something a size 1/2. Phyl introduced us to this amazing woman at Nordstrom's that helped all of us raise our girls. My DH thanks you. If you have not gotten fitted in a long time, I would suggest you make a point to do so. I never thought I needed someone to tell me what size bra to wear....who doesn't know what size they wear??? But I was way wrong and my girls are THRILLED. I could almost tell myself they don't need a dr. to perk them up any longer....not sure about that, but it is possible when they are wearing their new clothes! Oh...and spanx makes a BRA!!!! It is wonderful comfortable. I haven't weighed in yet. Tomorrow is the day. I will see if I've gained or lost. I'm sure gained....but I'm a little scared of how much. I was much more open on our trip than I have been at home....and since coming back, I'm tight again. Oh...and I bought some gnc papaya while I was out there....walmart's is so much better tasting. Cheaper and better tasting. I'll buy it at walmart from now on. Okay....young lady is awake again. I'd better go for a bit. I am glad to see everyone home. Phyl, sorry you had such a Hagitha on the train. That is horrible. It makes me angry that anyone could treat you that way! I'm so sorry. I'm glad you got upgraded for the home trip though. You'll really enjoy that. I know the sleeper on the way home was so much more comfortable than coach. I told DH that we need to travel that way as a family soon. Okay....I'm off.
  7. Okay... I thought I loved Lane Bryant when they started with their 1,2,3 sizes in jeans....but today I found Chico's! Okay....now I honestly know that the numbers are rigged....in my heart I know that. But I bought a size 1/2!!!!! Yes....one half...say it with me....ONE HALF!!! So their 0 is a size 4ish, .5 is 6ish, 1 is 8ish and so on. My goal before this trip to the Mall of America was to be in a size 8. Well I can fit into SOME size 8's but mostly 10's. Tonight I went to this cool store and wanted to see how far from a .5 I was. I put them on, I zipped them up, I buttoned them. They are no tighter than my size 20's were in November. I will still need to lose a few pounds before they fit nicely....but who can pass up saying they fit in a size 1/2???? I think I am in love with these new marketers! They know the way to my heart!!! I'm going to be a size zero some day.....<humming in her head to the tune of going to be a diamond someday>......
  8. Twilight

    I am going to be honest ....

    Sometimes all it takes is opening your heart and really looking at the issues. Knowing what they are is a huge step. I am completely with you on the soft Protein issue. It is so much easier to eat shaved turkey and cottage cheese. It's so difficult to cook all this stuff for the family and then not eat it. But it is grilling season and there are so many different ways to cook the goodies out now. Experiment. I've never been to curves but it is a huge step to get out and do it 4 times a week. Don't downplay that success. That is HUGE!! Take where you are and go from there. If you normally do 8 reps, tomorrow try 10 on that one machine that is kicking your butt. Instead of going around once, see if you can do it twice. Push yourself a little harder on the cardio one day and ease up on that the next and push the strength. Push yourself to get just a little bit better each day. Encourage yourself though. You have started a great workout routine. You should be very proud of that. I know that the weeks that I log my food I drop pounds. On the weeks that I don't log, I've usually sat still. I don't exercise as much, I don't drink my Water, I don't follow the rules. It seems like if I let one slide all the rest follow suit pretty danged quickly. I don't remember if I told you about my philosophy of calories. I spend them like I do money. I have 1000 to spend each and every day. If I go over I'm in debt. The only way to get out of debt is to work and I then make myself work those extras off. I'm thinking of making it "count" a little more for me though to make it harder when I overspend. I think I'm going to set up an overdraft account....with real money. And then when I am overdrawn I put money in my charity account. When I have 20 or 25 bucks I will send a check to my favorite charities. I donate anyways, don't get me wrong, but this way my over eating will have a positive take along with the negative one. I hope you find a good mentor. I know that the people you talk to on here every day can be the God send you are looking for. I am right now spending 4 days with a group of 4 other ladies I met on LBT that have mentored me since my beginning. They adopted me and have been the reason behind my success. The power that each of us have is amazing. Tap into it!
  9. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Happy Bandiversary to all the Lucky 7's!!! You are all in our hearts if not our presence! We couldn't have done any of this without each and every one of you. We talked about all of you tonight.....no, not like that!!! Saying that we missed you and wished you could be here.
  10. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Partying??? Why would you assume partying???? We were perfect bandsters tonight! Doggy boxes in the fridge for each of us, went walking in the mall after dinner to get in our exercise..... Oh....and we ordered you all a margarita. Enjoy it!!!!!!
  11. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    That does sound awful open to me. Just the thought of peanut butter on bread and then drinking almost made me pb. I think Janet had a logical next step....to do a fill under floro (or whatever it's called). Or a barium swallow like you did right after surgery. I would talk to them about not doing something about it while you were still under "free fills" even though you told them there was a problem. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you. Remember that 80% of this is us...only 20% is the band. You are strong enough to do this until you find out the problem. Don't let those head demons take over.
  12. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh...forgot to tell my funny story. Well....I get horribly motion sick. I don't know why I didn't realize that when packing. Anyways, I forgot my dramamine. So I go to the lounge car and they don't have any. So when we get to the next stop we have 35 minutes and I ask the attendant if they sell it in the station. She says no but that there is a convenience store "just up there". Okay....so I start going. And all of a sudden I see where "up there" is. And then I had to run. So I run all the way (okay, not all the way, but a lot of the way) up this hellacious hill. I'm huffing, puffing, ready to keel over and I ask the lady behind the counter if they had any. She looked at me like I was asking her for eye of newt or something. Well....they didn't have any....so I had to run BACK to the train....and still no dramamine!!!! But I ran. I almost died....and even though it wasn't 45 mins I'm adding it to my exercise log! That hill counts damnit!!!! Okay....so that was my excitement for yesterday....now I'll return you to your regularly scheduled program....
  13. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. Phyll and I made it. We're waiting for our rooms to open up. We are all very tired. My mom surprised me on the train and actually did come. That was funny! So I didn't have to make the whole trip alone...since Phyl and her DH had a sleeper. My biggest worry was getting accosted in my sleep. So I think the concensus for the day is get to our rooms and take a nap. I don't dare go shopping without Janet!!!! Mom and I are talking about having our nails done. We shall see. No pictures yet, but as soon as I get some I will upload. I sure wish everyone was here!!! I would love to meet you ALL!!! Next year. I'm going to take Janet's advice and start saving $5 bills. I just have to figure out where to put them so that I won't snitch. Denise, did you test your pouch? I'm worried about you. haven't heard from you so I'm not sure what's going on. Try not to worry about it, okay? Don't put your horse before the cart. Okay....I'm going to go veg some more. I'll check in this afternoon. And everyone that stayed home better start posting. How are we going to keep this thread #1 if it's silent for the next 5 days!!!! Hugs to all!
  14. Twilight

    I am going to be honest ....

    All Heart ~~ I hope you find all the encouragement you need here. It hasn't been an easy journey for any of us. Some have lost quicker than others but we have all struggled with our own demons. Have you tried to find a mentor on the mentor thread? It might help to have someone to talk to every day and use as a sounding board. Having someone here would maybe make it easier for you since you haven't told many people about your band. As I get closer and closer to goal I start getting more and more nervous. My big problem was never losing the weight.....it was keeping it off. I could drop 30 pounds....but then I gained 50. Now....stress is beginning to kick in. So, even though we may be in different legs of our journey's we can help each other. Are you tracking your food? Are you eating solid Protein or eating softer stuff, like cottage cheese, because it's easier? Are you getting your liquid in? How's your work-out routine (and that means whatever you have chosen it to)? When do you seem to struggle the most? For me, it's when I'm not up and moving around and with summer vacation here and more idle time at home I'm having some serious issues. I sure hope we can support you through this. You can do this. You CAN be successful.
  15. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies!!! I'm getting ready to pack up my computer so I wanted to say goodby to you all until tomorrow. I'm so excited I'm about bursting!! I self tanned, re-packed, and now I'm getting sick to my stomach. I was teasing Phyl yesterday but now I know how she felt. I hope she's having a great train ride! Denise, let us know how you are doing. Keep in touch....tell me about the pouch test. If you do it, I want to know how easy it was to tell. It sounds almost too easy. Karri, still haven't heard from you. Hope you're doing great. Probably enjoying that new tummy already! Okay ladies....I'm off to the MoA!!!!!! I'll send pics tomorrow night.
  16. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I'm up I'm up I'm up!!!!! Only 11 more hours and I'll be on the train!!!! I'm off to go walking. I am walking a dog this morning. I walked her yesterday too. She's 6 mo's old and the sweetest little thing. Okay....sweetest monster thing. She's a golden retreiver and going to be HUGE. Her owner is out of town and his wife has a bad hip and can't handle her. Well, I'd better get out and get her walked. I have a bunch to do today. I'll be checking in and out.
  17. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay...let me quote.... :Step 1: purchase a container of small curd low fat cottage cheese :Step 2: begin the test with a full container of cottage cheese and perform the test in the morning before eating anything else. This will be your breakfast on that day :Step 3: Eat fairly quickly until you feel full (less than five minutes). Note that the small soft curds do not require much chewing. You are eating rapidly so you will fill the pouch before there is time for any food to flow out of it. :Step 4: After eating you "fill" of cottage cheese, you will be left with a partially eaten container that has empty space where cottage cheeses used to be. :step 5: Measure the volume of cottage cheese you have eaten by filling a two cup measuring cup with water. Pour water into the container of cottage cheese until the water level rises to the original top level of the cottage cheese. :results: The amount of water poured into the container is the functional size of your pouch. Still quoting: "Dr Flanagan's research indicates that the average volume of the mature stomach pouch of a RNY patient measured by this method is 5.5 ounces. Additionally, he reached the conclusion that "sizes ranging up to 9 ounces have NO IMPACT on the person's success in weight loss" That means that unless your pouch holds a volume greater than 9 ounces, the exact size of your pouch is not a critical factor in whether or not you can lose your excess weight and then manage your weight as time progresses." I hope you can use some of this information. If you have more concerns I would ask your dr. Don't let her scare you and then send you home. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
  18. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Denise!!! Don't panic. If there was something she was really worried about, do you really think she wouldn't tell you what she was worried about? I would hope you have better providers than that. I wish I could help you at all. The only thing I have read to test pouch size is in my "Success habits of weight loss surgery patients". It says to start in the morning with a small tub of cottage cheese....wait. Let me find it and then I will type it in. It is around here somewhere. I'll be back in a few.
  19. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    you are just too funny!!! I am envisioning this tiger roaming your house....and that must be why you need FOUR little boxes! It is going to be so quiet here this weekend. But...I am bringing my laptop so I will try to upload a few pics every day. That way everyone will get a chance to see us. I talked to DH about bringing the wii and he's all for it. I really thought he would have more of a problem with it. Sometimes he surprises me. I just never know what to expect. And so we will figure out how to use it one of the days. I've got two remotes....if you think we need more, bring yours Phyl. We'll see. I'm getting so excited about this trip. I can't even function today. I don't know what to do because I'm getting distracted! How funny is that??? Okay. I'd better get something done before DH comes home from work. Janet said she'd be busy, but she didn't say she'd be completely gone did she????? Karri, I hope you're feeling better. I remember you saying something about being very tired. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed that it goes away soon. Okay....honestly....I have to get to work!
  20. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Four!!!!! Holy Hannah!!!! How many furries do you have? If someone is coming to change the box why four? <shakes her head> Okay...I've almost convinced myself to pack my wii to go t MoA. I wonder if there is a bigger room at the homewood that we could use one evening? I think I might call. There are 6 of us? Maybe Sunday night would be fun. Weigh in on the idea all and I'll give it a whirl if everyone likes the idea. I've packed a really small suitcase with very little shopping room so if I can convince dh it's a good idea I can bring a bigger bag.....I'm a little devious today huh? Shame on me. His fault for putting me on a budget for this trip. Give me your thumbs up or thumbs down everyone. Not that I'll listen. I'm so darned headstrong!!! :thumbup:
  21. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl, you are doing great. Don't ever get frustrated. You have so many more mobility issues that I do. I am so impressed with how far you've come. You will break 240. I know it will be soon. With this much restriction how could you not? As to what you will do without your wii fit? I don't know. I travelled with mine. I bought a bag for the wii and have kept the box for the board. I couldn't not have it for 3 weeks. It would be like binging for me. Even if all I did was a body test. The board wouldn't be bad to carry in a suitcase. I got my bag at kmart. It's the size of a purse. I know you guys are traveling light but would it be out of the question? You'll probably be too busy anyways....but boxing with your sisters could be therapeutic. Just think of knocking them out. Wouldn't THAT be fun!!!! Okay....kids are screaming. I have more to say but I'll be back.
  22. Twilight

    Tell us about your summer NSVs

    Fanny!! You are looking terrific! Your progress has been right on target! 6-8 pounds a month....7 months gives you 42-56 pounds. Don't be even a little disappointed. You look spectacular. And the look on your face is so much happier!
  23. Twilight

    How often do you weigh?

    Wow. I can't believe this question is back up at the top! I went back to read the comments now that I'm further into this. My pcp says that those who are most successful at maintaining a healthy weight for an extended period of time are those who weigh daily. Not to worry about the little ups and downs but because you notice the up before it becomes a big up. I'm now using my wii fit to weigh in. I do that almost daily. I love it except that if you are up just a little it makes you choose why you think you are gaining....and doesn't give you a "daily fluctuation" choice. I work much harder the days that I get a gain though. I used to only count my official weigh ins at the docs but now I don't go every month and I don't want to go two or three months without changing my ticker. My wii fit is usually a couple of pounds lighter than my docs but it subtracts 2 pounds for clothes too. Thanks for your answers guys.
  24. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay....today is NOT an official weigh in but I have to share! My wii fit weight this morning broke the 150 barrier!!!! I was 149.8! I don't count it until tomorrow and I think it was a fluke but it was amazing to see! I said in the beginning that if I could get to 150 I would be more than thrilled. Then I set my goal to "healthy" weight. I'm not anywhere near satisfied at this point and plan on dropping until I get healthy....but 7 months ago I never thought it was possible! Keep your fingers crossed that I keep that number for tomorrow but I won't be disappointed if I don't. Today was a decent food day. Not a great liquid day. I just wasn't hungry so I didn't think about drinking so much....just like phyl said. I'm trying to get 16 more oz before bed. Okay...I'm going to go lurk elsewhere. I'll talk to you all later!
  25. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    We can't wait to hear about your success Mike!!!! Good luck!

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