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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good evening ladies. I hope you all had a good day. I had a VERY busy one cleaning up and final prepping for family reunion. Then aunties and MIL came over and my anal retentive power fanatic self went crazy because they were here and I wasn't ready and if they would just give me 1 more hour I would have gotten that done...and that done....and that too.... It was a little nuts. I decided that I'm going in on Monday for an unfill. I'm just not eating right and when I try to stick with my solid protein I'm always hurting. I tried it for a month and I don't feel better. I have been eating very little for breakfast, trying at lunch but most doesn't stay, and dinner is questionable. I've been supplementing with protein drinks and fiber bars. I love that I'm never hungry but I can't even eat 3 bites of real food anymore. I really don't think I'm getting enough cals because I am still super tired most of the time. So I called and got an appointment for Monday. At least I'll have serious restriction for the reunion so I won't be able to go crazy. Kari, don't be pouting....we drank margaritas and coladas for you. You were there in spirit. You all were. I'm putting $10 bills away for next year. If I can put about $200 per month....and dh doesn't know about it, then when it's time I'll be all set. I don't know if you're able to do that, but it's an idea. Another would be to do something like Phyl's diet challenge where they put a dime in everytime they do something wrong....however that worked....and then you can do it with $5 bills...but then if you're good it wouldn't help. dangit. Candice, my son got all his reports back from the 10 tests he took. The psych calls it ADHD with a mood disorder. He's not sure he wants to call it bipolar or depression...but some sort of mood disorder. He suggested some new meds and I have to get in to a doc to get them prescribed, he wants him in therapy so I need to find a good therapist, he wants to put him on an IEP at school to get him some counseling there too as well as a little help on some of the academic problems, he wants Jeff and I to take a parenting course....and then he wants to see him in about 6 months to look at the depression/mood disorder. This psych is 4 hours away and I think that is why he wanted me to find a counselor closer. We have a lot of stuff to takke care of. Anyone know anything about "Love and Logic"? That's the system he suggests for parenting. Okay....gotta run for awhile. I'll be back.
  2. Twilight

    I am miseable!!

    It sounds like you are way too tight. Especially since this came about right after a fill. You will dehydrate quickly, especially in the heat, so you need to get back in and get some fill removed. Even if you weren't too tight, throwing up as much as you have will have irritated your stomach and it will have swollen shut. Call your team and get their expert opinion, but it sounds like a way too tight problem to me.
  3. I have to say that I'm on the fence for this one. I love the new topics being in the middle and you can get to them easily. On the other hand there are a couple of threads that I visit regularly and in this format they are harder to find. But they are easier to find if you click on the LBT banner at the top and it takes you to the old "filing cabinet" format without the new stuff in the middle. Maybe that's why they left it that way. When you come to LBT, click immediately on the banner with BBK standing there and you get it the old way. Hope this helps.
  4. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!! <<<< and the crowd goes WILD!!!!! >>>>:thumbup:
  5. Pat~~ Enjoy your meeting and learn a lot. It is a lot to absorb the first day. I would ask if they have a face to face support meeting for JUST bandsters or if it's combined with Bypassers. The first few months can be very intimidating when you go in and hear bypassers talk about 30+ lbs lost and you're supposed to be happy with 10. I would have also have liked to meet the pa doing fills. I didn't realize that I may never see my surgeon again. The relationship with the support staff is so important. You have to be comfortable with your surgeon, but you have to love the supporters. They are so much more influential in my opinion. Enjoy your journey.
  6. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Thanks ladies for your words of encouragement. I have to remember that he really is a good kid at heart. It was he and I for 6 years and I really miss that bond that we had. It is just very difficult when you're in the heat of the moment. Deep down there is that wonderful kid. We just have to get him into therapy and on the right meds. It is amazing the difference the right meds have made for me so I know it will be night and day when we get that figured out. Okay....gotta get cleaning. Company starts arriving tomorrow and I lost yesterday..... Later ladies
  7. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. It's been a long day. Started at 5am and it's really gotten to me. I'm sorry my story about my pcp got you down. He really is a butthead most days. If he wasn't such a good pcp I would dump him.....but he is so up on so many things. I don't think he is right about my surgery, but it aggrivates me that he won't give me a chance. He did say that what little he knows about it, it makes much more sense than RnY. Phyl, glad to see you pop in. I understand the struggle to get online while you're away. It's just not the same when you're using someone else's computer. Glad you are keeping up with us on your blackberry. You don't have to be strong with food all the time while you are there. Just remember to figure it in to your calorie budget. (like I should talk about budgeting after the MoA trip) When I go somewhere where I will be tempted over and over, I try to fill up on the better stuff. Can you start with salads and then not have the room for as much of the other stuff? I know sometimes that isn't an option and other times it just doesn't seem like a good idea. Today was a horrible food day for me, so don't think I'm not sympathetic. Filed in your forgettory!!!! I've never heard that before but I LOVE IT!!!!! Talk about make me laugh! That is hilarious! Now onto the megabitch issue. When we are struggling is when we need each other most. Don't think you shouldn't come here and say what you need to say. And you can always preface the comments with "I'm in a mood today, so forgive me if this sounds harsh...." I find that when I'm in those moods is when what I say tends to give me more insight than others....after the fact. It's like I'm really talking to myself. Maybe that doesn't make any sense....sorry...now I think I'm rambling. Glad you are back though. Tell Flo to hit the road...she's worn out her welcome this month and to come back and visit when she plans on being a little nicer! Okay....now, kidlet's appointment went alright...follow up with dr. didn't....but that's another story...then we just got a phone call from a parent because he's being a bully at the pool....WILL IT EVER END???? I have a lot to process so I'm going to be quiet while I'm trying to get it all straight in my head. I'll be around for an hour or so. I'll talk to you all later. Have a great Wednesday ladies.
  8. Twilight

    I need help, support. motivation.

    Anna, You can do this! I know it feels like you are under an immense pile of pressure. Don't let this stress be the "excuse" you give for not succeeding. During all these stresses, taking care of yourself is crucial. Taking a 30 minute exercise break, taking 15 minutes to journal your food and count your calories, 5 minutes 4 times a day to fill your Water bottle. None of it is huge in time or energy, but all is gigantic in benefits. I was banded 8 months ago. I have 3 kids, 1 teen, a 4 year old, and a 1 year old. I am dealing with mental issues in myself as well as my eldest. I lost my dad to cancer within 6 weeks of his diagnosis a couple years ago. I know it is all crazy. I know it all seems insurmountable. By taking those few times a day to yourself you will not only be doing what you need to succeed with your band, but you will be taking some stressless time for yourself too. It will be great for your mental health. If you need anything more, let us know. We are here to help. If you need more talk, pm me. I'm here almost every day.
  9. Heart, I don't know if you've found a buddy, but if you're in need of support, advice, or someone to work a challenge with, please let me know. I'm also a December bandster. I'm needing some motivation myself to keep myself going for this last 20 pounds. I feel like I'm losing it. Anything I can do for you, please let me know.
  10. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good evening ladies. Another quiet night I see. And with such wonderful news from our two favorite ladies!!!! One jumping for joy and the other running for it! Janet! I have been on pins and needles hoping you would get good news early. I know how hard it is to just sit back and let the process work. What is the next step? What was it? Are you prone to having more? I just can't believe how relieved I am. I can only imagine how you are feeling. Karri!!! Shame on you! Running 3 days before you were cleared. <wags finger at you while smirking> I'm actually a little surprised you didn't push it a few days before now. You really are a good patient. You do everything by the book. I bet you were an awesome partner in chem labs....no short cuts, no "ah it's good enough." I would have driven you nuts! I probably would have done better in organic though with you around. Probably wouldn't have had to do my labs 3 times each that semester. Just be careful. If it hurts, even a twinge, you need to stop and evaluate. I'm sure it felt amazing though. hmmmm...there was something I was going to say to Linda....I'll have to go back and reread....sorry Linda....let's call it a blonde moment. Candice, I couldn't drink that isopure stuff. It was too strong tasting for me. I'm glad that Karri could help you. I'm glad you enjoyed the weekend. Maybe a day of liquids will help. When I went in to my pcp to have my fingernail removed he asked me a bunch of questions about my band and then gave me some "fatherly" advice which actually made me a little wary. He said that they've been doing bariatric surgery in one form or another for 50 years and they have all been failures. He doesn't know much about this one and hopes they have found something that works better, but he's doubtful. He says I will probably do just fine this year, but after that it's probable that I'll go back to my old ways. It was very depressing. I assured him that I was learning how to eat differently, was exercising, was really changing my behavior and he just glossed over it and re warned me about relapse. I have to say that the only thing that kept me out of the corner crying was that I knew you all would never let that happen. And now you all know my mother....so I'm utterly screwed. Now I'm all down again....dangit!!!! I leave early in the morning with the eldest for a follow up with the child psych. I sure hope he can give me some guidance because I am definitely NOT doing well with him these days. We had a huge blow up last night. I shouldn't have said some of the things I did. He's pushing me past the point I have patience for. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Okay...I'm off for now.
  11. Hoping to push to the top of the 70's this month. I'm so excited to be seeing some people I haven't seen in months. They are definitely shocked with the new me. A friend of my husbands told him the other day that I'm going to have to find myself a hotter husband if I keep it up. Not that he's insecure in the least but it sure does make me feel good. I agree that we need to hear from more of our Merry Losers. Share your numbers everyone!!!!
  12. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good day ladies Please forgive any typo's...I'm really having a problem typing with the bandage on this finger. It makes all my fingers type funny....go figure. I forgot to mention to you guys that mom won 400 at the casino when we went....I lost 30 but that's not bad for almost 3 hours. It was fun...that's all I can say. I'm busy the next few days getting ready for the family reunion. I can't believe I agreed to have it here!!!! What the frick was I thinkin. Schools here start in 2 weeks. I still don't know for sure if I'm teaching, but will find out soon I hope. I'm hoping they hire the guy that applied even though I'm not crazy about him. It's none of my concern as long as they found someone. okay...gotta run. Talk to you later ladies. Have a great day.
  13. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I hope you can eat better today. And dangit for messing up your steakdinner like that! I haven't even tried to eat steak yet. I'm sure I won't chew it nearly well enough. Have a better day today.
  14. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh...forgot. Feeling much better today. Did a ton of yard work, went for a bike ride. Still very tight. Never hungry but always feeling like I should be eating. Damn head hunger. Today, 3/4 kashi oatmeal, 2 cheese sticks, a couple pickles, 2 slices of hard salami (shaved thin), 1 fiber one bar, 3/4 tub of buttered popcorn at the movie. Drinking 1 bottle water, 1 bottle iced tea, 1 bottle crystal lite. Will work on the liquid tomorrow. Just can't seem to get it in. Mowed the lawn (front and back), about 1/2 acre, with push mower, swept and mopped the upstairs....counting it as 1 exercise session...it was hotter than hades out there and I definitely worked up a sweat. Tomorrow I'm going back to walking. Okay...now I'm really going to bed.
  15. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri!!! I can't believe you are pb'ing liquid. I hope it's just because of the steak. Your pics look amazing. I can't wait to see the clothes on pics. You look absolutely wonderful. I can't believe the transformation in 1 month. Beyond that, I can't believe how your attitude has become so much more positive in the couple months since school got out. I don't think it has anything to do with teaching putting us in a poor state of mind, but you have been so much better and positive about so many things. Your life must just keep getting better and better every day! You are so inspirational to me. Thanks for sharing all of your journey. It has meant so much to me. Okay...better run. Went to the drive in and so it is very very late for me to be checking in. I'll see all you ladies tomorrow. Night.
  16. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well ladies, I went out and tried to have a good time. I made it about an hour and made dh bring me home. So I took a bath and really thought about what is going on with me. I am skeptical. 1. vicodin should not have effected me this harshly....especially 1/2 a dose. 2. I was stung by a wasp 2 days ago while riding my bike....and at 70 mph the stinger went in pretty deep. 3. I also drove past a field they were spraying and drove through a pretty smelly cloud of something. So my thought now is that I've been either herbicided or insecticided. I don't know which but it explains my symptoms more than a bit of vicodin. It explains why my pulse has been a lot slower than normal. It explains the lightheadedness. It also explains why I'm still having problems more than 30 hours after my taking the vicodin. I don't know why I didn't think about it before. I should be feeling better tomorrow or the next day. From what I've read and heard it should be out of my system in the next 48-72 hours. DH is actually relieved. He thought I was too tight and not telling anyone. He wanted to take me to get unfilled. I am NOT that tight. He said it makes more sense and he knows how to deal with those insecticides and herbicides. He's hoping it was herbicide. He says those are not quite as harsh.....but if this is NOT harsh I'd hate to see harsh. Okay...going to run. Talk to you all later.
  17. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Mari, it is so nice to have you. Anything that we can do for you, let us know. I have to tell you that this group has been the thing that has kept me going whenever I feel down or frustrated. It keeps me accountable. I don't think I would have been nearly as successful without these wonderful ladies. And one of the nicest things is that we don't only talk about our bands.....we really share our lives. Sorry about the fingernail story. Would hate to scare you off like that. I suppose that was quite a story to step into. Yikes.
  18. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. Today is better. I don't know what I was thinking yesterday. I was actually almost comatose until noon today. I finally got some kashi oatmeal in me and that has helped. Im now trying to get some crab salad down. Very very tight though. It is crazy days here today. How nuts is that? I had to go buy some tennies though because I lost one of my shoes on the trip. I didn't have anything to exercise in so it was a must. I think Janet rubbed off on me. At least that's going to be my excuse. Then I went downtown and there was this really cute over jacket for 6 and a shrug for 10 and a pair of jeans for 10...and a pair of capris for 10. The retail on it all was 109.50....so I'm going to say it was a great buy and not feel guilty. I have a birthday party for one of dh's employees in a couple of hours. I've got to get some serious food in me before we do coctails. Who starts a birthday party at a bar at 4pm? It could kill me. I think I'll do 2 waters for each cocktail. And then have dh take me out to dinner about 6. If I can get food in. I sure hope so. Karri, import/export...OMG I laughed. I loved it. That's exactly what you should tell everyone. I hope you enjoyed the movie today! Marivali, I'm confused with your dates....I'm guessing you were banded on July 23rd? It sounds like you've had a terrific year. Good for you. We'd love to have you join us. How can we support you? What goals do you still have to accomplish? Linda, I hope you enjoy the party. The nice thing about summer parties is that it's not unheard of to have lite stuff to eat. I so love fruit salad....just melons and berries. It has to be my favorite part of summer. And allthe lighter meats. It is so great. Enjoy it. It means that we don't have to be worried about the summer celebrations. Okay...I need to get going. I'll talk to you all later.
  19. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri!!!! Congrats to dh! I know that takes a huge weight off your shoulders. A deep sigh of relief! I hope he loves it! And you get to start exercising next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How amazing must that feel. Ruby! You're going to have those days. Those hunger demons can be so horrible. As for NEEDING chocolate, at the last support meeting I had we discussed how to feed it without feeling horrible. Tootsie roll midgies are fantastic for that. You have to chew chew chew and it gets stuck in your teeth so you taste it for awhile. And often at convenience stores they sell them individually for a nickel a piece. Has anyone heard anything from Phyl? Wanting to make sure she isn't in jail for murder. She was a little worried. I hope all is going well with her sisters. I'm hoping it is going better than she thought. Okay. I need to go to bed. I'll talk to you all tomorrow. Have a wonderful night and morning ladies. And if you have big plans for the weekend....enjoy!!!!
  20. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay...I couldn't resist. I ordered red/black and teal/charcoal. I so hope the medium is perfect. I'm worried that I might have needed to change for small. I may have to send back, but I love love love them today. I couldn't wait because the teal was sold out in xs and s and getting limited in m. It is gorgeous!!!!
  21. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh yeah!!! I can't explain the pain. And typing sucks. So, luckily, you all will be getting short Steph posts! I'm sitting here eating ice cream trying to boost my blood sugar and maybe feel better. There is no way in hell I can eat something solid. I tried a bite of cheerios. They didn't go. But I have to get something in that will counteract the meds. I should have NEVER taken it. Honest it was half the dose that was on the bottle. Thank goodness the bottle was almost empty and there wasn't more because it might have killed me to have taken the full dose. So ladies....beware of that. Okay....watching qvc while I can't focus. Beware of tomorrow's special value. I'm in love. I think I need 3. I'm trying to figure out if a medium will fit me after I lose 20 more pounds. I am in LOVE!!!! Ladies, it is spectacular. It will be on in less than 10 minutes. You have to look! Lisa's fashion jewelry this hour has been amazing, but her sneak peek of tomorrow's....it's divine. Okay. Finger can't take anymore. Tell me what color I should order....because I really can only order one.
  22. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi all. I've had a really crappy 24 hours. It really stinks. Last night I was getting ice out of the dispenser downstairs. My water bottle got stuck. I pulled and tugged and got really frustrated and then with a giant angry pull it came loose...crushing my ring finger...and ripping my finger nail off. I knew it wasn't good but thought I might be lucky and it only ripped off my acrylic. I came upstairs, iced it really good, about passed out a few times....and then looked. It was still there but it was only being held on by my cuticle. Wrapped it with bandaids and took some liquid gold. Today made an appointment with the doc. He pulled it off. It will take 3 months for a new one to grow out. He numbed it really good but I am a super wimp and was sure it was going to be super painful when the numbness wore off....so I took some more liquid gold. Well....I forgot that I hadn't really eaten since 5 or 6 pm yesterday. I've been in a constant state of limbo since 11am. I'm lightheaded, my eyes keep rolling, and too much activity almost makes me pass out. In fact, this has almost taken all the strength I have. I have had 2 protein shakes and 1 small can of pineapple juice. I am super tight because of the stress and can't seem to get any more down. Not really wanting to. I think it is just a side effect of the meds I shouldn't have taken....I'm hoping so. Okay....I'm signing off. Later ladies.
  23. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I know there are a lot of exercise challenges out there to keep you motivated. Mine, however, is all on my own. I set my goal and I keep track of what I do. I'm debating about changing the 45 minutes to less because when I work on my wii fit sometimes I don't make the 45 minutes and then I don't count it. I think I should be able to count a couple of the days at the mall but I didn't. I'm going to make my goal this month. I've been a little short each month so far, but I'M GOING TO GET IT THIS MONTH!!!! Join us
  24. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    All of that is amazing news! How wonderful to see that much success in one month! Sometimes the pounds are secondary to the wonderful things you see happen from working out! And the wonderful benefits from your new job are awesome. I can only imagine the stress relief. You should be jumping for joy! I'm so excited for you. Keep it up and enjoy your new job! I'm so jealous.
  25. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well. I went into the school today to talk to the super. He is frantically looking for a teacher. He did get an application today but when he told me who it was I almost cried. He's so out to lunch. I didn't know what to say to the guy. I didn't know what I thought. Good or bad. It was definitely a toss up. He told me he would pay me my daily salary that I would have got if I had stayed. Without the insurance taken out that isn't a bad day's pay actually. We already applied for blue cross blue shield and it's actually cheaper than the school insurance so it makes sense not to take it. But I told him I could only do it through October. After that they were on their own. So he might not need me. Which would be best for everyone. My mom would not be so angry at me. I'm sorta feeling like I should have gotten a second hole in my ears. Oh well. Okay...I better run. I have a lot to still do. Have a great day ladies.

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