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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I was subbing....but thinking of you all. The one reason I really like the proticcino is it is a protein DRINK and much thinner than a shake. I tried an atkins the other day and I almost gagged. There is no way I could drink those again. Have you tried mixing your shake with your coffee? I don't know if it would work but it may make it thinner and easier to go down. On the other hand it could be completely horrible. I'm going to talk to my NUT about my activity level, but since I spend a lot of time sitting with the kids doing crafts and time on the computer and little time actually running around, I think lightly active fits. She'll know better than me though. And since with only 1 day over cals last week (over the 940) and the other 6 under, and only losing 0.4 pounds, I'm guessing my activity level and calorie level is right. GRRRR....wish I could say otherwise. Alright, off to get the kids and then dh and I are going out with friends tonight for drinks and pizza. Today is going to be my OVER for the week...but I have over 550 cals left for the day and I only eat pizza tops so it might be alright....we'll see. Have a good night ladies, and if you have big plans, enjoy your weekends.
  2. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh, Candice, I can't understand your numbers you keep posting. Where do the breaks come in. What I see is totals: 701451892 what number goes with what?
  3. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Managed to beat the munchy monster tonight so the totals stay as is. I'm going to talk to my NUT on Monday about the new numbers that dailyplate is giving me. I really do think that 940 is too low, but what do I know. I used to think that 4000 a day was okay....so go figure. Until then, I'll try to stay down where daily plate is telling me. I sub again tomorrow but this time it's a math class so it should be better than home-ec. I won't be around tomorrow because of that. Oh....for dinner tonight we went to DQ. I had a crispy chx salad (I know, grilled would have been better but I had the cals to spend I guess) and ate about 1/3 of it. Brought it home and will take it for lunch tomorrow. The chx wasn't the happiest time of my meal today so I will probably not eat it tomorrow either. Stick with the salad part. So That is planned for. Between the proticcino, fiber bars, and salad I should be set for food tomorrow. Night all. Have a great day tomorrow.
  4. This is the page I found when I searched for more Cher posts.... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/2008-national-lap-band-conference-74558/
  5. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I'm so jealous! I ate pretty good today...or at least not that much today and even with that I only have 35 more cals before bed. But then with teaching today I didn't get a workout in either. I've got the munchies too. I don't know what I'm going to do with them....but I'll find something I'm sure. 905 cals 48 oz water 54 g protein
  6. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I'm back ladies. Not much to report. It was a decent day all around. The kids were good for the most part. Compared to some horror school stories I hear I would have to say a GREAT day. Not my kids though.... I did get an email from one of my kids yesterday that said they miss me. It was nice to hear. I reminded him that he hated me last year and he wished for a new teacher. That he should be careful what he wishes for. I have to figure out what I'm going to do food wise when I'm subbing. I had a prot. for breakfast and took two fiber one bars because I thought one for lunch and one for snack. When lunch came along I was so hungry I ate both of them. Now I've had less than 400 cals and it's 5pm. I've got to get a better plan figured out. Phyl, I know what you mean about the papaya. I took them all out of the house because I was starting to make excuses to eat them to get the sweet fix. Ruby, glad you're feeling better today. It's nice when things finally come together. Candice, sounds like a great plan. It always pays to find something to be accountable to. Way to go. alright. I'm off to get dinner for the family. I'll talk to you all later.
  7. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning ladies. Just checking in to update my ticker. Not a huge loss to report but at least it's a loss. And the great thing is that magic 25 is in sight!!!! 5.8 more to NORMAL!!! Deep breath....I can do this. I am so nervous about subbing today. I'll do fine, I'm sure but when I am not THINKING I'm feeling nuts about this. Okay...off to finish getting the kids ready. Have a good day ladies.
  8. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay...final check in final cal count 700 protein 60g liquid 70 oz. I guess shaking up my cals is what I'm doing because I haven't been steady all week. 450, 1150, 800, 1020, 630, 700. Go figure. Those are net, not all are actual cals. Will work on getting closer to 1k tomorrow. Night ladies.
  9. Twilight

    lapband=deceit and bullsh**t

    drstan, I do believe you would be more credible if you were to capitalize sentences and addresses, punctuate correctly, and try to separate thoughts coherently. I do not doubt that you are unhappy with your band. I'm honestly sorry that you feel this way. I am surprised that you were given a band with so little weight to lose. I hate the fact that there is a surgeon out there that is giving such horrible advice. Maybe if you could share more of your journey with us, tell us of your pre-op visits, we could give you more support. I believe you are in need of support and would like to offer you some. How can we help?
  10. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Glad I could help. Now could you help me? I'm way under today. Just wasn't really that hungry today. Didn't even eat ANYTHING until 2pm. I now have almost 500 cals to spend and really not hungry. I did just have a proticcino because I was WAY under protein for the day. Still need 15 more g of that. Maybe I'll have another of those. That would help a bit. I did get all my liquid in. That's the good news. Weigh in is in the morning. I sub tomorrow so won't be around during the day. I'm listening to Palin now at the RNC. Not paying tons of attention here. I'll talk to you all later.
  11. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ruby, I don't know what the percentage of calories coming from each should be, but I always look at the % at the bottom of the page that gives me the % I am allowed. As long as I stay under 100% of the baddies and over 100% of protein I'm happy. Down where it says "click totals for charts" it gives a graph form. I find it helpful too. Hope that helps.
  12. Twilight

    lapband=deceit and bullsh**t

    Anyone can find a doctor to do ANY surgery for a price. There are no barriers that money can't cross. It's sick, but I know it's true
  13. Twilight

    lapband=deceit and bullsh**t

    I, too, am sorry you have had such a horrible time. I, for one, knew what I was getting into when I volunteered for this surgery. I did a LOT of research. I was told of all the possibilities. I was warned that this was a lot of work and that if I didn't follow the rules, chew even after I thought I had chewed enough, and learn a completely new way of living my life, I would be absolutely miserable. I can't say anything was hidden from me. I hope you can feel better soon. I'll be thinking about you.
  14. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Now...for the rest of you....a plug. I don't know how often I've talked about my proticcino but I do LOVE it. I also love the cocoa with protein that I ordered. I just thought I would add this for some of you as we start getting into cold weather. I've really started drinking my coffee again as mornings are cooler. But I want it to be something good for me too so I've added my prot. to it. Here's my recipe..... I take 1 bottle of proticcino mix and poor it into my shaker. I add 8 oz of coffee. I then put a little creamer and 2 things of splenda into a large coffee mug, pour in the prot that has been dissolved and then top with coffee to fill. It is JUST like a cappuccino you get in the convenience stores....only you get 15g of protein. In the evenings when I need a little warm or chocolate, I have some of the sf cocoa that I ordered at the same time. I love their mint cocoa. Actually probably going to order some more. Now...where do I get all of that? At mydietshopz.com . Their shipping is great, fairly cheap, and you can get free samples when you order enough stuff. Again, I'm not saying we should be drinking our protein, but if I'm going to put 100 cals in my body, I want it to have SOME benefit. I'm not crazy about their oatmeal or their other shakes...the proticcino is much thinner, more like iced coffee. So, just thought I'd mention it as the days are getting cooler. I LOVE them and am getting ready to order again. Later ladies...have a great day
  15. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Dionna, I'm sorry you are having such a struggle with your support group. I have to admit I'm a little more obnoxious than these other ladies. I wouldn't stop going. I'd go and I'd be more vocal. I'd talk about what IS working. What HAS been a success. How you ARE getting all your protein in without shakes. How you ARE dealing with cravings. One month there was a lady there who would interject all the time about why things WEREN'T working for her. She had an excuse for everything....eating, drinking, exercising. When it came my turn to talk I talked about how I had overcome those things. I admitted I still struggled with some of these issues but that I didn't think it was insurmountable. I talked about my triggers and how I fought them. I did NOT attack their excuses, just talked about MY experience. To stop going, in my opinion, does a disservice to those others who really do need help. You can be the voice of reason for a lot of people. Maybe being THEIR support will help you feel supported. But you do need to be vocal and positive. When I share things that work for me, I reiterate to myself what I'm doing IS working. As for shakes, I still drink my protein in the morning. I asked my NUT about it and she said that as long as I'm not doing it because I'm too tight to eat, and instead because I don't eat breakfast normally, she was fine with it. I always get more than my needed protein and have no problem with cheese and meat if I don't have my shake. I just want to hedge my bets. It's a good boost to my morning. Those are my thoughts. I hope they help a bit. Oh....and if you lean on us a little more because you get the support and ideas here, more power to you. I have plugged this website at EVERY meeting I've been to. I've written it down for people, I've even convinced my NUT that she should come and see what it's all about. This is a great support but I need the face to face. Good luck and glad to see you here. I think it's awesome that you have found this a comfortable place to come.
  16. Shelly, what awesome accomplishments for you in 8 months. You have got to be feeling great!
  17. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning ladies. Ruby, sorry to hear about the tummy cramps. But good to hear that you are still having a great start to a new day. It's been cool here for a few days. Hoping it dries out so we can go outside and play today. Phyl, I hope you enjoy those jeans! What a huge accomplishment for you! Wear them with pride. I'm so happy for you I'm bursting. I need to get a bunch of stuff accomplished today so I'll probably be gonemost of the day. I don't seem to get a lot done when I sit here all day. Have a great day ladies. Enjoy your skinnier life today! Look on the great side and tonight share with us what your awesome weight losses have allowed you to do today. I'd love to hear it from all of you.
  18. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    What a day for you!!! Half way done, which is beyond huge!!! and now a pair of jeans that fit! And remember when I was pushing to get into an 8? Well Janet hit it right on the head when she said that when we are larger we have to lose a lot more weight before we drop a size. When we get smaller we can lose less and still drop a size. So to go from a 32 to a 22 is GIANT!!!! Kudo's to you!!!!!
  19. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay....just did 30 mins on the wii fit. I now really feel hot and icky, but better because I did get up and moving. I didn't do huge tough stuff but at least I moved. I was starting to think I was being a big baby and I really didn't feel as bad as I was making it out to be. I thought I was faking myself out. After that 30 minutes....I know I'm not. I really DO feel like crap. As for tv's, all I can say is that if you don't see it next to a bunch it's hard to tell. The pictures are so different on all of them. I also think there are differences in personal preference or they would all look the same. There is a big difference in color and clarity. I would not buy one online or from a store if I hadn't seen it in person. Our family has become an LG family. We like their tv's, dvd players, and phones. But that's just us. I don't remember what we payed for ours or even what size it is. We found the best tv's at the appliance stores, not walmart. The stores that are "brand source" dealers seemed to be the nicest people for us. Okay....off to watch dr. phil. I wonder what he's talking about today. I usually think he's a little harsh but he's funny to watch too. Does anyone know when the biggest loser starts this season? I'm looking forward to new shows! Okay...now I'm really off. Later ladies
  20. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. A little late check in today. No real reason. I feel crappy and tired. This horrible cold. I feel achy and have a headache. Phyl, your grandson sounds like quite a gem! When they start developing language it is so wonderful. Kids are so funny how they pick up some things and mess it up. I didn't come anywhere near my exercise goal for August. I need to get back on track. I'm not going to go to 20 this month. After a while I feel like I'm never going to get it so why bother. How stupid that sounds. Even saying it sounds stupid. Nick began his first day of school today. He was so excited. I hope he had a great day. It's just pre-school but he loves it. I sure hope he continues to love it. Michael hates school. That is so frustrating. I've been looking at greyhounds. I am so excited. I need to get my application in and then the agency will start looking for a dog for us. I'm going to go for awhile. I'll talk to you all later.
  21. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    end of the day check in. I don't remember seeing Ruby here today or yesterday. I guess I need to go back and check. I hope everything is alright. Today's cals = 1080, protein = 51 g, fluid = 48 oz. Night ladies.
  22. Kara! Good for you! It takes a big commitment to come in and say you are struggling. It means that you are willing to make a change. That is absolutely HUGE! You have been given some great advice. The only thing I would like to add is to take it slow. Make one change. Whatever you think it should be. Make it a priority and work that change until it is no longer work. That may only take a week, it might take longer. But, take it as a complete change, not a "for a little while" thing. If you try to do it all at once, I think it can get overwhelming. Make one small change. Work it until you can add another in. You can do this! Come back and tell us how it's going. Don't give up!
  23. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I was just reading about Palin's daughter. I feel so sorry for her. Losing her childhood, now getting it blasted all over the world. There is no way I could do it. I agree. More power to those who are willing to let us see that side of their lives. I just had a fiber one bar and it was okay. Who knows. Cheese bad, fiber one fine. Go figure. Oh....I was going to mention. My dailyplate, last time I changed my weight, says 940 cals a day. I thought 1050 was tough to stay underbut 940 seems a little too low. I'm sure it's probably right, but it doesn't help my head when I'm trying to not stress over cals. I will plan on the dramamine but looking for other ideas to combine with it. I just don't know. I haven't been on a carnival ride in YEARS. I thought it was because I get sick but I wonder. Okay....this is going to sound funny....I always told myself I'm not a girly girl. Hated ruffles, hated dresses, no pink for me. Well now that I'm losing weight I'm sure liking looking much more girly. Loving it! Now I'm wondering about all those other things. Do I really not like rides, or was that just my excuse so I could check out of life? I don't know. What else have I fooled myself into believing so that I didn't have to deal with being fat. Okay....gotta go find something for dinner. I don't know what I want to make. I'll be back later I'm sure.
  24. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet, I know the feeling of wanting to eat and just not stop. That is the drive me crazy part of my days when I don't have something to distract myself. It's absolutely nuts. The feeling that I am out of control during those times scares me I am pretty tight today. I think it's the cold. I have an itchy throat. Both of the young kids are sick so it doesn't surprise me that I'm getting it. I just hope it doesn't stick around for too long or get much worse. So far today I had protein with my coffee and 2 pieces of cheese. I really don't feel like I'm hungry but trying to drink coffee again and I can feel trickle down. Very frustrating. Did I tell you all I'm going to San Antonio in the middle of September? My niece is graduating from basic. Rose and I are going down with my sister and BIL. I've never been and we are going to be busy with stuff with her but we are staying right down by the Alamo and I'm really excited about it. I think we're going to Six Flags to ride the rides. I'll have to figure out what I can take so that I don't get sick sick. Any brilliant ideas that work wonders? I'm so excited though. Okay....off for a bit. Talk to you all later.
  25. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good afternoon ladies. Went to visit with the lady with the greyhounds. They have got to be the most graceful, beautiful dogs I've every seen. I really am a cat person in a lot of ways and they are the best of both worlds really. Play fetch and do the cute doggy stuff but then curl up and sleep all day like a cat. How perfect is that? Yes, I know it's not quite that way, but closer than most other dogs. DH and I are not really doing well today though so I am stressed. Trying to eat lunch now and it's just not going well. I hate stress. I'm going to go do something. Not sure what. Have a nice day ladies.

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