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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good job Phyl! Nice loss for the week. I was up a half pound so I've got a big kick in my butt!!! I know that it's my own damned fault and I can't even call it "daily fluctuation" cuz my intake has sucked for the last few weeks. I'm lucky it isn't more like 5 pounds. So great job with being down 1 1/2 this week. You are doing so great! I hope it cools a little bit in the desert for you this weekend. You should be down there enjoying the outside...not sitting in the airconditioning. Also good for you for telling him to quit moping. We can't do anything with the stock market if we aren't willing to sell...and after the losses the last month I don't think anyone is willing to see at these prices. So it's better to just not stay focused on it. Taking a bike ride is much more productive. As far as dinner....what about mexican fish tacos or enchiladas? I agree with the smell of grilled onions. They are divine. Luckily I don't like to EAT them...just smell them. Glad that Janet is going out with her girlfriend. I'm so glad to see her take time out to enjoy herself a little bit. Especially with someone she can be herself with because she is so close to her. Hip Hip Hooray!!!
  2. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good afternoon ladies. Halloween is coming!!!! I still have 3 punkins to carve!!! I need to do my costume for tomorrow night. DH and I are going as a biker couple. How original, huh? But he's got this horrible mask. It should be fun. I've got a cute wig and a jean jacket that I need to make more interesting. I have 2 parties to go to this weekend. Saturday is a steak dinner party. Should be fun. I should be doing 5 different things right now and here I sit talking to you all. I've got to get with it!!!! I'd better run. Have a great afternoon ladies.
  3. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay...ladies. I'm back. First. Candice. I was very tight for the last how long. I have had 2 unfills. I'm still a little tight. Not so much that I think I need another unfil but tighter than I want to be forever. The last time I was in the office the PA said that they have had quite a few patients that when they got closer to goal, their bands began to tighten on them. She suggested that this is what has happened to me. She wasn't overly surprised that I was getting really tight...because of this happening often. So you might not be losing your mind. Janet, I so hope you don't have too much difficulty with your sister. Stress just sucks. Try to make sure you take time just for you. Manicure, massage, a quiet afternoon alone with a good book. Don't use too many excuses. Remember NOT to should on yourself. It doesn't do any good. Phyl, have fun at your Octoberfest. I LOVE brats. they are definitely my favorite summer food. I prefer mine sans bun avec Miracle Whip or honey mustard. And of course...saurkraut. Okay...so now on to my stupid story. I had to go to Williston today. Invited my sil to join me and off we went. Had to drop off his truck to get a recall fix. They gave me a loaner and we ran around town for a few hours. Picked up truck and then thought I would be kind and get it washed for him. So then I came home and talked to Jeff on the phone. The first question he asked, "so all my parts were ready to pick up?" Oh crap!!! The REASON I went to Williston in the first place was to pick up these freaking parts! Everything else was just because I was over there. How stupid do I have to be some days? Absolutely crazy. So...I'm an idiot but had some great Chinese today...and quit before I made myself sick. That's a step in the right direction. Okay....off for bed. I'll talk to you all tomorrow.
  4. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi there ladies. I'm going to just quick reply right now and will check back later this evening. had a busy day doing silly things. What a story I have to share with you. I live in NE montana in the middle of nowhere. 30 miles from North Dakota, 20 miles from Canada. Montana wouldn't even claim us if it wasn't for our oil well tax income. Candice, I'll have to think about your chest pain. Sounds like what I get when I eat too fast, but don't know why you would get it in the middle of the night. hmmmm. I'm thinking. I'll be back in a bit. Gotta go get my darlings. Steph
  5. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I will live. Actually feel better today but sound worse. I've been very busy today with my standards stuff. Plus got a new phone. That has kept me busy tonight. I'm pretty excited because I haven't ever gotten a new phone. I've always had a hand me down from Jeff. Now I have my very own smart phone. Not that I'm smart enough to use it, but hey...who asked you. I had a great day with the puppies. I love them both so much. I do have three different collars for them and 2 coats. Jeff has put a hold on all my puppy purchases. I am not allowed to purchase anything else without his permission. I could go crazy buying for them though so I guess he has a point. I have found out that Chi Rho has a real fear of semi tractors. He was so scared when one drove past us on our walk today. I've never seen a dog so horrified. He froze and just shook all over. I never felt so bad for an animal. I don't know what had to have happened to the poor thing but it had to have been bad. I don't know what I can do to help it though....because Plentywood happens to have a TON of semi's. Probably almost as many of them as cars. I know we are going to have to work through it, but not sure how. I think we may need the dog whisperer. anyways....Jeff left today for a few days. I have a few days all to myself. Except for the kids. I'm pretty excited about it actually. But know I could get really lazy too. Watching some recorded biggest loser. I have 4 to watch so it could be a good way to pass a few hours. This so far is very different. I never watched the beginning of the other seasons. It's always been the end...so this is neat to watch. Takes me back to where I was a year ago. Almost makes me want to cry. I can't believe I was there a year ago. Very moving. So I'm off to watch tv....later ladies
  6. Twilight

    POLL: 10 Month Stats

    Lachica, I am so there with you. I struggle with this almost daily. When I am home with my family I solve this by sitting down to dinner with them with no food. Just a glass of Water. We visit, they eat, I drink. Then after they are done, while my dh does dishes I dish myself up a plate and eat while he does them. About the time he's ready to turn on the dishwasher, I'm finished with what I can eat. The rest of my plate goes in the trash or in the leftovers. My need to not incovenience him overcomes my need for a full plate of food. When we have company I take a full plate of food usually....just more band friendly than it used to be. Then I take a bite, put down my fork, chew chew chew, talk for a couple of minutes, and then take another bite. In this way I look like I eat a lot. Everyone notices that I am chewing and not the fact that it's one bite of food in the time they take 5. Often I am chewing when they ask me a question....so it seems like I'm eating a ton to them. When I eat like this I tend to stop myself before the slime/stuck spot. It's when I'm doing something else while eating that I don't notice my bodies cues. I've been thinking about a slight unfill because of these problems but I do have to admit that I am probably at the perfect spot. I feel great when I follow the rules...and pay for it when I don't. That is my head issue...not the band's. Good luck with your frustration. I know it is tough, but hang in there and try to aquire better habits. And lose that "normal" word. It only makes you feel like a "freak". Or at least it does me. I don't think in terms of eat like I'm normal....rather, eat like I'm skinny. Again, good luck.
  7. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning ladies. I'm up hacking out a lung. I feel like I did when I was a smoker. This is day 3 of this cold so it should be the worst and then I should be getting better. At least that's what I'm telling myself. Phyl, I didn't see Favre play yesterday. I used to watch games all day on Sunday. now I'm lucky if I get 2 games a year. I'm so glad he's making the best of his trade though. He was so heartbroken to not be able to go back to GB. And I was bummed that now I'll NEVER get to see him play in person. But....all is well. It all works out. I was going to tell you all about hummingbirds. My dad used to call me in the mornings when he was still alive and tell me what was going on with his humming birds. He'd lay on the floor in his living room and watch them. It was such a special time for me. I had not thought about that for a long time. Thank you for giving me that back. Candice, I hope you love your new paint. I absolutely HATE to paint. It drives me up a wall. I always love the new look in my world, but hate the process. It's always really good exercise though, so you should feel great! I still haven't had a chance to look up info on Fergie. Obviously I am too much of a country girl. I couldn't even tell you a song that the black eyed peas sing. I know the name but that's about it. Has anyone heard from Karri lately? I was thinking about her last night and started to worry about her. I hope she's doing alright and not going crazy too much at school. I know how much work it can be and it's probably getting close to end of term. I hope all is going well. And if you're reading this Karri, I miss you. I'm teaching vicariously through you, remember? Okay....I'd better get to work. Taking the kids to daycare today so I can get work done on my website and the standards thing that I'm doing. I've got a ton of stuff to do. So I'd better get to it. I'll check back in later. Have a great day ladies!
  8. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Allie was a racer. She has run over 80 races. She was quite a winner too. Chi didn't get to race. He's still too young. I don't think he was ever really registered anyways. I can't get any information on him and his ear tattoo isn't registered. He's wonderful though and I adore him. Live as vicariously as you like. I'll share them with everyone.
  9. Twilight

    How am I doing?

    Michelle, everyone's loss is different. There is so much variability. So many different things to think about. I really would try not to compare your loss with anyone else's because it gets really hard if you don't lose as much as someone else. Or then if you lose more than someone else you get a little complacent. It's crazy the head games we all play. 40 pounds in less than a year is awesome! I tried carrying around a 5 gallon bottle of Water yesterday, which is about that heavy, and it almost killed me carrying it to the truck. And just think how much healthier you are. Awesome. As far as how you are doing, I would look at the skills you have learned this last year. Have you gotten great at getting in all your fluids? 60+ oz per day gets you hydrated enough to burn calories. It is so key and seems so unmeaningful. Have you gotten great at counting your calories without a counter? I'm pretty good at judging my calories without using my book. With that skill I can stay pretty close to 1000 cals without a lot of effort. But it took me a few months of plugging in EVERY food to the daily plate. Until I could judge my cals I was up and down too much to stay consistant. Or maybe you have done a great job of getting in exercise 4-6 times a week. That's my downfall. Honestly it's the first think I don't do....and that is always a slippery slope. The other thing I do EVERY DAY is weigh in. That way I can keep close track of any weight gain. I have a number that if I get over that any morning I work extra hard that day to follow all the rules. Usually it's just a matter of daily fluctuation but I never let it get above that set number. So look at those things and see which you have made an awesome part of your life. If this is going to work, you have to make it a natural part of every day. That way we won't get off track so easy. Celebrate the greatness you have done. Then look at one more thing you can put into your daily routine. Make it natural and then see what else you can do. You are doing great though. This is a forever thing, not a month or two thing. We will always have times when there are bad days or weeks. It is just as important to have ways to cope with those as it is to lose steadily. Keep plugging away and celebrating your losses. Way to go!!!!
  10. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    They woke up for a few minutes. Here are a few more pics. And before you ask, Candice, Yes that is one of those over the head bras!!! I didn't do my hair and I didn't do my makeup. It's all about the dogs!!!
  11. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. Not much to report but thought I would post pics of my babies. Silly dogs though, wouldn't pose. All they want to do tonight is sleep. So you'll have to imagine how beautiful they are running. Chi is so much happier today than he was. They ran and played tag with each other. He just has a wonderful sparkle in his eye now. Allie smiled when we got to her home. It was like she was waiting for us to get there. The poor lady who was fostering her though. Almost broke my heart to take her with us. Dog with white is Chi Rho, all black is Allie. A good food day. I made the most delicious chicken. Chicken breasts that were marinated in honey mustard. pounded flat with brown rice, mushrooms and colby jack cheese stuffing rolled up in them. It was absolutely divine. I can't even explain how wonderful it was. Emeril sausages for lunch. Protein drink for bfast because I was so plugged up this morning. I seem to be getting a LOT of colds lately. I hope it isn't something more than a cold this time. I definitely don't want another sinus infection like last time. Okay...going to try to get other pics of my dogs. Keep your fingers crossed.
  12. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning ladies. Had a good day yesterday. Went shopping with my SIL and that was fun. The best thing that happened though, was that I was looking at pants because it's getting cold and my short pants are just not cutting it....and I grabbed a 4 to see how far out I was....and they FIT!!!!! I am so psyched. I tried to wear them with the leg sticker on them last night but my darling little girl ripped it off. She was thinking of me I'm sure. And funny thing. I couldn't find 20's when I was a 20. Yesterday I couldn't hardly find 4's or 6's. There were about 5 pairs total in Walmart. What is up with that???? There were racks upon racks of 8-20....walls of them. How crazy. And the only 4's and 6's were petite. Thank goodness I'm short and could wear them....and that they were not in the super low waisted styles. My unders hang out but I don't wear short shirts so it will be okay. Went out last night for a benefit for a friend who's kidneys went haywire. Very scary for him and now he is fully disabled. So many bills. Thank goodness all their kids are grown and only one is still in college. I'm thankful for that for them. Anyways...had only two drinks and 3/4 of a polish sausage and kraut and about 1/4 cup Beans. Later was still a bit hungry so we went and ordered pizza....ate the tops off of 3 small pieces....hamburger, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles....with a little bit of miracle whip. Amazing actually. Sounds gross and had I not had 2 coctails I would have told Jeff he was crazy....but it turned out to be really good. The MW made such a great tang. If you're thinking about something different for pizza I suggest you try it. It was like a wonderful cheeseburger. And all those yummy veggies. Okay....I talked Jeff into letting me bring home the other little girl dog...so I'm going to go get her this afternoon. Chi just really needs his mate. And she was so sweet. So in a week we have gone from 2 dogs and 1 cat to 4 dogs and 1 cat. I am so excited. I left my camera card in Lincoln or I would show you my puppies but I think I'll go buy another one today and I'll post new pics of my darlings. Okay...I'd better go. Have a great day ladies. I'll talk about humming birds and Fergie later....I have to figure out who the heck Fergie is...I'm assuming NOT the former royal. Will be back later!!!
  13. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi there ladies. Had a decent day if you don't count food. I got two walks in with Chi Rho. Neither was super fast but he went further than I thought he would have. Total walk of about 1 1/2 hours. Then when I got home there was a message that they are ready to lay the new carpet I ordered a couple weeks ago so tonight Jeff and I moved all the furniture out of the two rooms and tore out the old carpet. It was definitely a semi strenuous workout. I've been really busy with this facilitator job the last week. I think it will be an alright job but I've got my work cut out for me. I've been on the computer most of the rest of the day so I'm going to call it a night. I'll check in with you all tomorrow ladies. Have a great night.
  14. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Denise, So sorry to hear about your troubles. It seems the older I get, the more often someone I know has passed away. Not many as close as you have had the last week or so. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers tonight.
  15. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet!!!! Welcome home!!!! You have been so missed. I think you are the glue that holds us all together. I don't know what we would have done without you if you weren't a 7. I'm so sorry that the drama isn't over yet. I hope you can get back to your normalcy soon. Snuggle up with your fur babies and try to destress a little bit today. Even if it's only 10 minutes, take those 10 minutes to do something special to pamper yourself. You definitely deserve it. I have to admit I haven't been the greatest at being a bandster the last week or so. I was super tight and of course my mind gets the better of me when I'm tight and I eat bad for me stuff. Yesterday I stuck with fish for lunch and dinner and didn't get stuck at all. So far today I'm doing alright too. I'm going to get in my liquid today. I am making sure of it. Liquid is always going to be my downfall I think. grrrr. I have been staying away from qvc lately. I need to quit shopping for me and pay attention to buckling down. This credit crisis has me really freaked out. Also, the new darling has been a little pricey in trying to get him outfitted. 2 coats, a couple of collars, looking into a gps tracker, a crate, his adoption fee....you'ld think I'd adopted a child. Okay...I'd better run for a bit. I'll talk to you all later. Have a great afternoon.
  16. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Here are a couple more ideas...but they are white not yellow. Epiphany is platinum over stearling.... Epiphany Platinum Clad Diamonique Love Knot Stud Earrings - QVC.com Epiphany Platinum Clad Diamonique 100-Facet Stud Earrings - QVC.com Epiphany Platinum Clad Diamonique 1 ct tw Stud Earrings - QVC.com I hope you can find something wonderful. And even though you buy two, if you lose one, you'll have a spare.
  17. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl, Have you thought about qvc diamonique? I know it might not be real diamonds but it could maybe solve your problem. I don't know if they make them small enough, but they are gorgeous and much cheaper. here's a link. Try these and see what you think.... Diamonique 1/2 ct tw Princess Cut Stud Earrings14K Gold - QVC.com
  18. Twilight

    Boogie Onederland!!!

    :Dancing_biggrin:Awesome Job!!!:Dancing_biggrin: :party:Let's all do a happy dance!!!:party:
  19. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl, you are such a great friend. We are all lucky to have you, but Janet especially is. Your presence there must have been very comforting. I wish I was close enough to give her some face to face support. She is definitely still in my prayers though. Today was definitely trying for her and I hope she is feelingmore at peace after the service. When you get back here Janet, we love you!
  20. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Candice, I forgot about mom. She is doing really really good. She was so excited because there was no bruising. Now she is beginning to see some color. My sister said that her face is a really beautiful yellow. She looks great though. She'll be out here again in a few weeks and I will take pics of her then. She said to tell all of you hello. She asked about you all and hopes you all are doing great. I kept her apprised of Phyl's trip to Cali, Candice's growing family, Linda still MIA, all of that. I hope Janet gets back soon. I really want her to be good. Checking in would lift her spirits I think. At least I hope so. I'll be back later. Have a great afternoon.
  21. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Donna, you're looking GREAT!!! Keep up the great work. I'm sure you feel much better these days too. It just gets better and better. Candice, it looks like a wonderful place to enjoy the outside. And your puppy is adorable. What kind is he? How old is he? He looks playful and sweet. I agree with Phyl. Your daughter looks a lot like you. She looks so happy. When is the wedding again? I forgot. As a friend says, my forgettor just keeps gettin better. I can't find the sd card for my camera. I took it out to copy to the puter and now I'm not sure where I set it so I can't get you all any pics of ChiRho. That's one of my jobs for today. I have quite a few actually. Tom kicked my butt again this month. And of course he had to show up when I was on vacation. It's frustrating but probably a good thing because that way I'm not able to overindulge. The problem is, when I'm super tight like that, my head convinces me I can eat garbage. And coupled with not being at home and not having "normal" food choices, it makes it really hard. I've checked my weight on the scale and I didn't gain but haven't gotten on the wii yet to check it officially. I think I'm okay though. Going to go get breakfast for the kids and do the morning stuff. Be back soon.
  22. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. I just got home with my kids and new dog. He is wonderful. We called him Chi Rho (said Ciaro). Think greek alphabet. I'll catch up tomorrow. I need some sleep. I'm too tired to even think. Hope to see you all tomorrow.
  23. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. Busy busy. I'll catch up tomorrow or the next day I promise. It's 10:45 and just got back to the hotel room after leaving this morning at 7:30. TOM decided to visit the other day and he's being a horrible tight guest. I'm back to being super tight again. I'm hoping once he leaves I'll be alright. Mom is doing alright. I'll have to post a picture once she really lets me take one. I'll post one of her and I on the trip...then you who didn't meet her can see how much we don't look alike ) Phyl, thinks so but I don't see it....or didn't until her ps....now she's looking much more like me...which is a little scary because I worry I'm going to need it too. Oh well...to bed with me. Love you all. janet, if you read this, I am still thinking about you all the time. Giant hugs and prayers
  24. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. Just checking in before I head to bed. Had a great day really. Met my darling of a dog. I will post pictures tomorrow. I forgot my laptop at my mom's house and it will be shuttled to me tomorrow. Right now I'm using the hotel's business center so no pics today. I will go see the dog again tomorrow some time. Had a bit of a problem with the hotel so we are switching tomorrow to another one. Too late to do it tonight. Will tomorrow. I hate it when plans go awry. Mom is having her ps tomorrow....ladies who know her, she is so excited I don't think she'll sleep tonight. She said to let Janet know she's thinking about her and how sorry she is. We love you Janet. Hang in there! Okay...off to bed. Have a good day ladies and I'll reply to today's posts tomorrow.
  25. Twilight

    lapband=deceit and bullsh**t

    Stan, I'm glad you are feeling better. Sometimes you just have to get it out before you can realize what it is that is going wrong. I know so much of this beginning post was frustrating. I think that the next time you get frustrated it might be time to recall what you can do to SOLVE the problem instead of placing blame or getting angry. Easier said than done, I know, but possible. Take this experience and learn from it. Every adjustment gives me another learning curve to adjust to. It can be so frustrating! Again, really glad you are doing better now. Keep up with the good attitude. It's amazing how negativity multiplies exponentially.

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