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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet, just talked to Rose. She was off on her days. She'll be at Hera's (?) on the 3rd and 4th. I think that's what she said. I'm trying to stay away from the junk today. My back is killing me but I know if I get out and walk a bit today I'll be fine. No tough hills today and not as far. 7 was pushing it I think. Working on 3day stuff so I'm around to check in and out. Have a great day ladies.
  2. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karla, you are very right about low cals one day wreaking havoc the next day. Every day I've stayed super low, the following day is torture. You need to vary your cals every day but you really need to stay around 1000. And Karri is our expert at finding really yummy replacements for high calorie foods. Well ladies, I was beat last night before I went to bed. Working on an "art" project. I'll show you pictures when I'm done. So that meant I didn't track my calories last night. I know they were around 1200. My water was a little low, probably around 40 oz. So today I've got to rehydrate and get back on line to track. Probably when the kids take a nap. I walked those 7 miles last night and my legs are screaming at me today. My training schedule gives me an "off" day today so I won't fall behind if I don't walk. But I enjoy it. No one to watch the little ones while Michael goes to confimation though, so I'm probably not going to get it in. I slept so well last night and I'm super exhausted today. I'm not really sure why. I got plenty of sleep. I can hardly keep moving today. Dragging butt! that usually means a bad food day. I'll have to be on guard for that little voice that tells me I can eat whatever I want today. Tired is such a bad way to be. Scary. Okay. I'd better go get my project donw. Talk to you later.
  3. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. I'm going to post here what I sent email earlier today and then add to the bottom...so this may seem like repeat! Hi ladies. I'll also check in here. Just spent over an hour and a half in the dentist chair. Now my mouth hurts. couldn't sleep last night so I'm just exhausted. All I want is a nap and I have a TON to do! Jeff did well with breakfast and he will for lunch. We are going out and he will probably have a salad of some sort. He is going out of town for 3 days and I really hope he sticks with it. If he can do THAT, he'll have it all made. Got on Wii today and was down almost a pound from Friday. that is beyond great! Now if my pants will just fit soon. I "Secret"ed my desires and I know it will happen. I have a LOT of summer clothes that right now are too small for me. Not by May 15 when I speak for Froid's graduation. So I have 3 weeks to drop about 10 pounds. My walking partner wants to try 7 miles tonight, so I'm going to go for it! I walked the killer hill here in town last night...but I made it. Janet., Rose is going to be in Laughlin about the 6th. Don't know if it is possible for you to go see her but they are staying there for 2 days. She said she would give me definite dates when she got somewhere that she could look at her itinerary. I want to say they are staying at Herod's but I don't know why I want to say that...so don't quote me. Hmmmm...there was something else I wanted to talk about but now.... Oh....Denise, so glad you took the time to pamper and enjoy yourself. You have to do that more often. You have some horrific stress in your life. If you don't take time to decompress you will go crazy! Okay. I'd better get. Have a great day ladies! Now onto the rest of my day....went to the dentist this morning...at lunch lost my temp. crown so had to go back. The only positive about that was I was doing walk stuff in between and when Doc asked what I had been up to he gave me a $50 donation! So my food today has been good but I haven't tracked it yet. kashi and yogurt for breakfast (just went and bought diet yogurt to see if I can hack it if it's mixed with kashi). Lunch was about a 1/4 of a grilled chx salad (mostly grilled chicken, not so much salad). Walked late tonight so I went to the store and picked up a taco salad. I may treat myself tonight with something because of the craziness of my day I didn't do the middle snacking so I can have one while I watch the biggest loser. We'll see where the calories total out at. Tomorrow Jeff leaves for 3 days. It will be just me and the kids. Anyone want to come relieve me??? Okay...off. Have a great night ladies.
  4. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. A quick check in tonight to give my totals. I deserve a ticket! Gross cals 1320 net cals 850 protein 56g I did walk my 5 miles, up hill, so that was good, but had a horrible sweets craving today so ate 1/2 cup of raisins. Should have had 3 fudge bars, would have been better calorie wise, but this gives me my iron so I guess that's a positive. Jeff ended with 2200 cals for the day. We need to buckle down a little bit more. I need more focus. I'll weigh in on my wii tomorrow after the kids go to daycare and let you know how it's been since Friday. Karla, way to go, but what did you have for dinner. Don't let your cals get too low, you need to keep healing. Stick at 1000. Have a good night ladies. I will do my penance in the morning.
  5. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I forgot to add that MY calorie allotment to lose 2 pounds per week is 950. That's what made me crazy. Me 950, he 2700! that is SOOOOO wrong.
  6. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning ladies. Hope you are all having a great day. Just wanted to check in. Saturday when we went out of town shopping, Jeff admitted that he HAD to do something about his weight. He says he is ready to go to Mexico but he has to see how bad the business taxes are going to be before he can commit to that. However, he has agreed to begin eating better. Of course we had to wait until Monday to start but that wasn't all that bad. He ate "normal" yesterday and that allowed me to track his calories on a regular day. Can I just say....damn men!!! Why are their calories THAT much more???? I set his profile up to lose 2 pounds per week and it said he could eat 2700 cals a day. I said nu uh!! Changed it to 4 pounds per week and now he's at 1700 cals per week. We will start there and see if those numbers are doable. So I promised to get up with him in the morning and make his breakfast. We sat down and shared a bowl of kashi and yogurt for breakfast. I made him coffee with SF french vanilla creamer instead of him going and getting a 20 oz cappacinno. Then when he came home for lunch was making him a grilled chicken salad and he says "that's all I get to eat?" So I added 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and 1/2 a pear. When I offered him the rest of my salad because I couldn't eat it all, he said, "No, actually I'm really full." Sent him back to work with a water bottle with directions to drink an entire bottle before he comes home from work. I'm so proud of him. Something my walking partner suggested to use instead of creamer for your coffee. She said she uses Silk soy milk as creamer. I've never had it, but she says it has a nutty flavor that gives a little bit of something that is great. All I could think was "creamer with protein! Yeah!!!" So have a great day ladies. I will check back in later.
  7. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi there ladies. I hope you had a great day! I did. Had a great day at church. Father in law offered to buy lunch. They all had chicken fried steak with all the trimmings. I had a grilled chicken salad. Came home and got two batches of suckers done. Tonight I went out walking and did 5 miles. From daily plate my cals are at 1250 but I'm pretty sure that is high because of the salad...I didn't eat it all but didn't know how to count it so I counted it all and had to use DQ as the numbers and I know they are high. They put bacon on theirs and mine didn't have any. They use a ton of cheese, mine had very little. So count is: gross cals 1250 net cals 790 protein 60 grams I guess I'm satisfied with those numbers. Now sitting here watching tv. Going to have a good night. See you tomorrow.
  8. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies, Just a quick check in. Long day of shopping out of town. did fairly well total wise, but not great. Jeff wouldn't let me go walking today because of doc's orders of walking one day resting the next. so I got 1150 cals, 66g Protein, 82 oz Water.
  9. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning ladies. Having a pretty quiet Saturday so far. Have to make suckers this afternoon and get them out around town on Monday. It finally quit raining so I can make them. thanks for all of you chiming in on what works for each of you. It is funny that it isn't the same for all of us. Janet and Karri are the experts. I admit that. But I couldn't do what each of you do. There is no way I could eat fish and veggies every night for dinner. There is no way I could plan my entire menu and cook most of it on the weekend for the next week. Wish I could do those two things, but my family would divorce me. Our life is too chaotic. What I'm saying, Karla, is that you have to find what works for you. And in these early months you've got to get very strict with yourself. My first 4 months I was very tough. I wouldn't eat with the family. I would cook for them, visit while they ate and then I would sit down and eat my dinner of whatever I was eating. I was very carb phobic. I wouldn't let myself eat ANYTHING without having a bottle of water first, then waiting 30 minutes. Usually after 30 minutes my mind had moved on and that's how I learned what my food triggers were and what was head hunger and what was real hunger. I chewed a ton of sugarfree gum. I ate very slowly. Even liquids and mushies should take you a half hour. Once I was on solids my PA told me that I needed to set a timer for 20 minutes, take a bite, chew well, talk to someone for a minute or so, and then take another bite. Anything left when the timer went off went into the garbage. I also ate everything off of dessert size plates and small pyrex bowls that hold a cup at the most. In the evenings was the hardest and that was when I spent a LOT of time here, reading lots of threads, just keeping my mind on everyone's struggles and learning. This may be the only place I posted, but I read everything. And then the days went by easier and easier. that is what worked for me. Oh, and I kept beef jerky in my desk at all times. Then when I was really hungry (after my water and 30 mins) I could eat that. No eating that until you are on solids though :tt1: the nice thing about jerky is that it rehydrates in your stomach and makes you feel full for a really long time. It takes FOREVER to digest. So Karla, take it all in, and figure out what works for you. Know that support is here. And I will say it again, work your plan and your plan will work! I'll find some of my older posts that show you how crazy with this I was. I struggled ALOT! These ladies helped me get where I was in November. We won't talk about where I am now because that was injury related. They will help me get these last 20 pounds off by listening to their advice. What worked for me before isn't going to work for me again because I couldn't do it forever. This has to be a forever change. I can't stay that obsessed forever. I will lose my mind. I have to find a balance. But these ladies here are VERY VERY VERY smart and know what they are talking about. They have been at it longer than I have and Janet is below goal, Karri is getting ready to run a marathon, Phyl has been a steady loser for 2 years. They are all dedicated to this new lifestyle and they are dedicated to helping others do the same! Okay...enough from me. Later taters.
  10. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. Just a quick check in. My food today was pretty good, but still over calorie. I was actually really surprised but when I went in and calculated I forgot how many cals peanut butter has, and that is what I dipped my apple in today. However, I have always used the net cals on daily plate. I've set my profile to lose 2 lbs a week, it says I can have 940 cals a day. Well, there is no way I would be able to stay that low and still eat with my family. I have, however, never said I had any left over cals the next day. Every day starts anew. When I've been tracking honestly, drinking my water, and exercising, I have never had a week without a loss. It's when I don't do those three things, that I started avoiding the scales. So...from daily plate: 1300 cals, 30g fiber, 68g protein (gross) after walking 5 miles in 1.5 hours 820 cals net 70 oz liquid today, including a 16oz coffee. Have a good day ladies. I'll check in tomorrow.
  11. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Just totalled my cals for the day so far. And here I thought I had done so well. I'm sitting at 860 right now. And only 33g protein. I'm going to be getting myself a ticket :sad:
  12. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri, if it is any consolation, a lot of the smaller schools here in MT have or are going to 4 day weeks. My brother is on a school board that just elected to do that next year. When they were making plans and searching for schools that have done it, they interviewed a ton of teachers. All but 2 teachers and every kid said that they wouldn't go back to the other way. All but 5 had fought tooth and nail not to go to 4 day weeks. Most said that the quality of their classes improved, their students learned the material better, and there was a lot less absenteeism among the students...besides always getting a 3 day weekend. I know it would be a very tramatic change, but my father worked 4 tens for the last 10 years of his carreer (not teaching) and loved it. Try to see the positives. It's hard when something like that is thrown at you. I don't have an answer for the 2nd job and when you will find time to run, but knowing you, you will make it work. You can deal with this just like you deal with anything else. Find the golden lining.
  13. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    good morning ladies. I hope you all had a good night. I did. High protien food/snacks/drinks at MyDietShopz.com for e-Z Weight Loss, e-Z Shopping, and e-Z Prices That is where I get my protien shake that is powder in a bottle and that I can take with me anywhere. Just add water to the line and shake. The lady who introduced me to them told me that she puts on in the freezer for about a half hour after mixing it and it's just the perfect slushyness. I might have to try it. I actually plan on packing some for the 3day. They are light but may take up some room, so I don't know. Anyways, I drank them for the first year faithfully. My team said no protien shakes after week three but I couldn't get my protein allotment in if I didn't. There are some other things there that I tried but I personally didn't like any of them. I have a bunch of unjury that a friend gave me after she didn't need it anymore, but I was waiting for Jeff to climb on board before I used it. Okay...the big news is that my wii fit this morning said I was down 1.5 pounds!!! I don't know how many times I've said it, but it bears repeating. Work the plan and the plan will work!!!! GRRRR. I hate it when it's myself saying "I told you so!" I don't know why I'm so obtuse. I'm going to start tracking on dailyplate again too. I've been really bad about that. It's time to get back on budget. So far this morning, 1 container of yogurt, 1/2 cup of kashi. Now I need to go get me some water to drink. I don't want to hand out any water tickets!!! Be warned, if I'm going to get a food ticket, you guys are going to get water tickets! Have a good day ladies.
  14. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. Just a late night check in. Walked 4 miles tonight in the school hallways. That sucked the big toe! 16 laps, but it was rainy and cold. Talked to Karla and gave her some mushie ideas. I think I still prefer some mushies. Yogurt is my best friend these days. I love mixing it with my Kashi (but no longer mushie then). Had a decent food day. I hope when I get on my wii fit tomorrow, because Friday is always going to be my weigh day, I'm hoping it will say SOMETHING is gone...even though it's only been 3 days. by walking I'm more conscience about my food, because why screw up all the work I'm doing by eating a bunch of crap. Although I did listen to Janet tonight and decided to take her to heart. I'm doing a lot wrong still. Karri, I ordered a Nike+ thing and a shoe lace keeper. It will be nice because I'll be able to track my mileage while I'm walking and it will be a lot less guess work. I'm tired of getting in my car after my walk to drive the route to see if I made it far enough. Hopefully tomorrow will be nicer than today. Its supposed to be a cross training day but I am only allowed to walk, so I will do 3 miles tomorrow. I just don't want to wander the halls again. Funny thing...these older guys were walking when I was finishing and the one asked me "What is Jeff up to? He working on getting himself a trophy wife? Does he know how high maintanence they are?" I just grinned. But when I told Jeff, he said, "Yes, you have become high maintenance." SLAP!!! But then I laughed. Stephanie the trophy wife....I'll really have to go get boobs when I'm finished!
  15. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I googled it. I'll never get used to it. It's just so ingrained!
  16. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good Morning ladies!!! I have a whole day to do nothing, but can't just sit here and do nothing. I have no idea what I even WANT to do. Very frustrating. Was going to go clean the back yard from winter dog mess but woke up to rain. Can't make suckers because of the humidity. Should probably sit down and work on website stuff. Yeah...that's what I need to do. GRRRR Karri and Karla, I had no problem at school because I never left my room except to go get coffee...and then I could walk away from anything in the kitchen because I was focused. I don't know if I could still do that but I think it would be easier for me if I was working. This sitting around at home not doing anything is killing me. I slept really well last night and woke up with my headache gone and my back feeling pretty good. I guess my doc did know what he was talking about when he said work really hard one day and then rest one day. I thought he was full of crap! Oh..here is a completely random question. I was taught that when you type, after a comma is one space and after a period was two. Now....someone told me that the rule has changed to only one space always. Is that right??? I don't think I'll be able to change that habit! Who came up with THAT stupid change. Of all the things!!! Can you tell I'm freaked about that? It could kill me. Okay..off to do something, even if it is wrong. But not eating.
  17. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Denise, I hope everything turns out alright for your family. It's been a tough while that you've had to go through. I'm so sorry. Positive thoughts coming your way!
  18. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning ladies. I have a headache and can't seem to get rid of it. Woke up with it. I sit here and my head just throbs. Of course, I couldn't have had it when the kids were at daycare...now they are just making it worse. Had kashi and yogurt for breakfast. Great combo. I forgot how much I love them both. Yesterday was a good food day and I walked 4 miles besides painting for a couple of hours. The only downfall is now today I feel like crap. Hopefully that goes away by this afternoon so that I can do something today. It rained here last night. Spring is definitely in the air. Alright, gotta run. Going to try another shower and see if the heat helps my head. Have a good day ladies.
  19. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies! just a quick check in. Did 4 miles walking today. I think I need to explain my earlier comments. It wasn't that I was ready to get up and start doing things that I shouldn't, just that I should have been more in tune with what I was putting in my mouth and what I was not getting done the last 4 months. I should have found things I COULD do. I should have kept getting on the scale instead of avoiding it. I should have believed the mirror when I started seeing the fat reappearing. That's all I was saying. Okay...Nick says that he wants me to snuggle with him for a few minutes. I'll be back! Love you ladies.
  20. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning ladies. Kids off to daycare. Time for me to get up and off my butt and get something started. Phyl, I hope you have a good trip. It is always hard to say goodby even if it's just for a short time. It will be good to be home though. I know you will be glad to be there. Have a great trip up. Have some fun. I got on my wii fit this morning. There was definitely a reason I was avoiding it! See ticker below! But...it was good for me to see the number and be able to really think about how it has happened. So many people say they can do this without exercise. Not true! You have to move! I did this so that I could move. I'm not going to give me my back as an excuse. I should have found something else I could have done. GRRRR. So frustrated. Well...off to do something, even if it is wrong. staying busy. Hugs to a great day ladies!
  21. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. Just got home from 3 miles. Yes, I have permission to walk. Nothing else, but I can walk. I have challenged my 3day team mates and since I can't do the longer walks yet...I get way too tired, if I can get 3 in per day with a couple of 4s thrown in, I won't lose ALL the time. so 11 down 589 to go! Didn't manage to get on my wii fit this morning. Kids took over the tv. Tomorrow I will when they are out at daycare. Food today was good except I didn't do breakfast. Water sucked so I'll be up half the night peeing because I'll spend the next hour and a half trying to meet quota. How is everyone else's water doing? Has it become 2nd nature for you guys? I wish it had for me. Okay...off to rest my muscles. Have a great night ladies.
  22. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Glad you made it back Janet! I've got to do something with the home made blueberry muffins I have sitting in the kitchen. I made them for church and we didn't need them all. Now I have 15 sitting in there staring me in the face. I did put a LOT of fresh blueberries in them so they are more berry than muffin....but they are still calling me way too hard. I am going to have to go get a second pair of walking shoes. The ones I have don't hurt my feet but my legs are killing me. I know it is mostly because I haven't been walking before now, and my body is adapting but I think if get a second pair and swap them out every other day it will help me. I am trying to get 600 miles in before my walk so I'm counting down to that. I have done 7...only 593 to go. I need to get house cleaned, shoes bought, suckers made, and Easter put away today. Should be a very busy day. I guess I won't be able to spend all day on Facebook, like Jeff thinks I do! Have a great day ladies. Hugs!!!
  23. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. Hope you all had an amazing day! I had a wonderful church service. Something about it was just beautiful. Couldn't point to any one thing. Just very uplifting. Beyond Easter....just great! I walked 5 miles yesterday and only 3 miles today because I got a late start. I was good food wise though I can't figure out any cals because of the homemade things. I am going to get on my wii fit tomorrow and put my ticker back on. I will begin again!!! Now that the weather is so much nicer I love to be outside!!! I'm back on the bandwagon! Karla, glad that being away from school is helping you stay on track. Remember, you NEED to keep your cals up to around 1000. You need them to heal! Don't get yourself down too low. Also you need to keep your liquids up. Just a word of warning. I am the water patrol...and I will be asking. Janet is our food cop and she shows less mercy than I, but we are both looking out for you! Hugs dear. I'm keeping your dad in my thoughts. Karri, it will work out. I know it will. Are you still seeing a therapist? Have you been able to talk about this new stress? How is training coming? Less than a month! Are you getting excited? I miss hearing about your training. Are you still blogging? The link is gone. Kari, hugs. I wish babies didn't have to die. That is so amazingly sad. Okay...off to bed. I hope you are all ready for an amazing week. Love you!
  24. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good Afternoon ladies!! Can't believe I'm the first one on today...and it's almost 2pm here. But then again, it is Easter weekend, so I guess I understand. Let's see...there were a few things I wanted to speak to.... Karla, darling, you are going to get a phone call from me, but you have GOT to get the food demons under control! It's your head. Not your stomach. Honestly honey, you've got to be stronger than the little devil sitting on your shoulder. I took a lot of what I learned from quitting smoking and applied it here. Your mind will do it's damnedest to talk you into giving it it's "fix" of food. It is like a 2 year old that you've taken it's favorite toy from. It's going to scream and stomp and throw an ever loving fit! Would you give in to your girls in that situation???? Knowing what your daughters have grown up to accomplish I'm thinking NOT! So don't allow your mind to win either. Take a time out from your head at that point. However you do that. Karri, I don't even know what to say about the pay cut vs. job cut issue. It makes me just SICK!! I'm not going to step up onto my education soapbox, but I have to ask you if your job is in jeopardy? You put your heart and soul into your students so I hope they know that there is no way that you should be let go. I will have faith that your administration knows better. Denise, I believe that if your mother is in a health care facility, they need to be held responsible for her sugar intake. That is why she is there! I'd be so angry!!! The staff needs to be put on notice that it is unacceptable behavior! Phyl, congrats on the almost a pound. You are such a steady loser. You keep on keepin on. You make me feel so guilty when I give up on me. Okay...I was horrible while I was away from home. I can't even begin to tell you how awful. Just let it be enough to say that at least 1 day I'm sure my cal intake was close to 3000 cals of junk! Now, I'm going to go out and walk. I can't go far, because of my back, but I am going to go. No excuses. So I'm off. Have a great day ladies and happy Easter for you all!
  25. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. i made it home. I am so glad to be here. I have a whole month that I don't have to go west!!! I'll talk more tomorrow. Tonight I just need to catch up. Love you all!

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