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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay...#1 My kids were here all afternoon and I love them to pieces! They are the best! Then they proceeded to tell me about the pinhead who took my job. Let's see...the stories go like this....He left his bong in the boys room, but the janitors didn't know it was his so....He taught us how to do laundry a few times....because he had forgotten to do his coaching duties so took the math class over to do them....He'd make a mistake on the board (which I did ALL the time) but when the kids would point it out he'd either stomp off and quit teaching or yell at the kids...he'd spend at least one day a week telling the kids about his high school persuits, how well he did track, how hard it was "when he was a student", how muscular he used to be and how his body was now ruined because of it....you get the picture. Have I told you all that I hate this man? Well I looked around the table and said, "among you there are three parents on the school board. if you have true issues, go to them. I'll be back." The ball is in their court. Karri, I loved your stories! Glad you can laugh at it now, but I can picture how frustrated you must have been. Karla, I think I would be the one teacher NOT finishing up class by then. And when asked about it I would explain that the state requires me to cover x amount of curriculum which would take 230 days, you have been given 180 to do it, and there is no way you can get it done in 160. I would then sit down with the principal and ask them what the consequences will be if the class does not make AYP in math and if your job would be secure no matter how badly they did. Oh yeah...I'd be all over that. And to stage a food fight. Those parents should be brought in to clean up. A school's job is to EDUCATE HIGHLY INTELLEGENT CITIZENS. Sounds like you're system is missing 3 of those 4 words. They are highly something or other.....grrrr Okay...I'm off to do something. I know there was more I wanted to say. I'll talk to you soon.
  2. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay ladies. Just checking in before bed. The rest of my night was pretty good. Finished exercise with a 5 mile walk. It was really a nice one for an end of a very long day. finished food with a smoothie, ff vanilla yogurt, 1/2 cup silk very vanilla, some choc unjury. It was pretty good. I'm very tired. It's been a very long day. I managed to get a lot of yard work done. All in all, it felt very very good. But my body is very tired. So that means I'm off to bed. Have a wonderful night. I'll talk to you in the morning.
  3. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay...here's my day so far. Food: bf, strawberry ff yogurt, 1/2 c kashi, lunch, 1/2 c chicken salad, top 1/2 of a croissant, snack, 2 cheddar cheese sticks liquid: 1L propel, 16 oz iced tea, 8 oz diet pepsi movement: push mowed front lawn, raked back yard of 5 months of dog plops, cleaned out fridge, 2 loads of laundry. Plans for the evening: 5 mile walk, power wash my patio, chicken and apple sausage for dinner with some cottage cheese, one more 16 oz propel, 12 oz Protein smoothie. I think that's all . We'll see. Have a good one ladies. I'll be around about 10 to let you know if I got it all accomplished.
  4. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri, I knew you had a very good reason to be doing what you were doing with 1100 cals. I didn't mean to doubt that you weren't eating well, just thinking what you could do to help with the run down feeling before your exercise. I just wanted to help with the feeling better while you worked out. You would be the last person I thought was living on Protein drinks and bars. You're too good of a cook. I hope you feel awesome after your run today. I'll be thinking of you running the 5 miles while I'm WALKING mine!
  5. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Whew. I have to be fast. I have 30 minutes to type this, eat Breakfast, and weigh in...then my crazy day starts..... Trip in July -- okay. I've finally decided it's going to have to be a no. 1. Jeff still hasn't done the taxes and it's getting too late. 2. The state divisional swim meet is across the street that weekend and I was planning on having a bake sale to support my walkers that weekend. I need to be here baking my heart out. 3. Everyone I know is telling me I travel too much and I need to stay home. I guess I just don't want to face the fact that I'm not going to be able to see you all in July this year. but....I have to be logical about it, and it makes sense. My walkers -- don't you dare worry about fundraising right now. You have school to deal with and I REMEMBER what May at school is like. You're under too much stress to think about it right now. I'm almost 1/2 way to my goal and have 2 garage sales (giant ones) and that bake sale left. My flamingos are still making the rounds. You will all be fine! I'll have your back. Don't stress...just train! Ownership -- this is so right. I have to keep it in the front of my mind. Is this something I caused that I can fix or is it their problem. How everyone else deals with their issues is their problem...not mine. If I deal with my issues without putting anything in my mouth...I've won. If they don't win their battles, too freaking bad....not MY problem. Michael's graduation -- went to Walmart last night (90 mile trip one way!) and they didn't have ANY, not one, men's bike. So frustrated. So we bought him an ipod dock for the bathroom and will "raincheck" him a bike. We'll bring one back from our Vegas trip since we will be driving through real towns. Got the cake, planning dinner tonight with Jeff. All is well. My food yesterday. I stuck with semi-solid Protein. cheese sticks, chx sausages, turkey meatballs. We did go to Applebees last night and I had about 1/2 an order of chx tanglers. I need to look those up. I know they are fried but they have a ton less breading. No Protein Drinks yesterday, but plenty of other liquid. Did good. I'm proud. Today is day 5 of my 5day. I am feeling strong. Karri -- your calorie issues -- I get why you are trying to stay under 1100 and I know you can do that. My question is, are you eating really solid protein for those 1100 cals? I know you know this, but you'll get a whole lot more energy from an apple and a string cheese for 150 cals than a big ole salad. When my NUT told me that, I thought...OMG! I could eat that 7 times a day! If I ate 7 apples and 7 cheese sticks I'm at 1050 cals....and I would be eating ALL day to do that. Just a thought. How dense are the foods you are eating and how full of energy are they? Okay...for now I think that is it. I am getting ready for my Froid kids tomorrow so I have a ton of housework and yard work to do. I'll talk to you all later. Have a great day! Love you all!
  6. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    :smile: No No No!!! We will get you there. You can't back out! You'll do fine. I know you will. don't give up yet. At least wait until we see each other in June!!!
  7. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. I'm back Michael had his last middle school band/choir concert today. It was nice, he looked so nice, and then he had this deep booming voice when he sang. It was great! Jeff came home for lunch and the first words out of his mouth were "Before anything else, I'm sorry." So...at least that was one step off. Janet, you are right, if mom goes and drinks that's on her. I am proud of myself that I did NOT go eat. Well, I did have 2 cheese sticks but that was because I was really feeling hungry and not because I was mad. I own that! I did good, Mom! Karri, I'm glad that you are doing strength too. It's going to really come in handy when you have to carry me during the 3day! BTW, how's the fundraising going my team mates??? Oh...and when you are strength training you aren't walking/running. Wish I was going tonight so I could get caught up to you. We are missing a couple of people here lately. Denise has been busy and Ruby, but haven't heard from Car lately. Is she in France? Have you heard from her Candice? But it is so so so very nice to have Linda back. Your little GD is beautiful! Going to go buy Michael a bike for graduation. Going to be MIA until late tonight if on at all. I'll talk to you all later. Thanks for the shoulders. You guys are the toughest when I can't be.
  8. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay...a shower and a couple of string cheeses later, I feel a little better. My sister called and said Mom realized she wasn't all THAT busy and will be here. Okay...nice that she figured that out and I should have let it lay before getting so worked up. Now Jeff has me mad because he won't help me with any of the plans for his promotion either. Grrrr. He kills me. however since I'm THAT mad at him, as I was at Mom an hour ago, maybe I'm just a little touchy today. go figure. All I know for sure is that I'm losing my mind andd I think I may have to slap someone by the end of the day. Karla dear, thanks for the kind words. I need to learn to blow off. Okay. I'm going to go do something. Not sure what. Talk to you all later.
  9. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    good morning ladies. I'm here to gripe! My mom left the middle of April for a big 1 month trip around the country. She went to Colorado, Texas, Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington. I spent over $700 on her mothers day and birthday gifts. I've kept an eye on her house out here. I cleaned her house when I stayed there last time I was out there. I finished her laundry, cleaned her kitchen, made her beds....all stuff for a good daughter to do. Well, Michael "graduates" from 8th grade on Tuesday. I know that it isn't a HUGE thing, but it is important. Mom got one neice a $400 camera and the other a $300 hope chest for their 8th grade grad. 4 years ago. She thought it was a big deal then. So I called her today to see when she was coming out here so I could plan something for Tuesday night. Well...she's just too busy, has way too much to get done before she comes out, so she isn't planning on coming until WEDNESDAY! She can't manage to come out one day earlier for her grandson? WTF? She has her laundry done, her house is clean, she doesn't have any appointments until the middle of June, and she went on this month long trip with her friend from where she lives. My sister says she has nothing to be doing. She's been sitting at home doing nothing for the last 2 days. But she's just too busy. I'm so aggravated at her. And yet, if I say anything to her she'll go out and get drunk and then go cry to my brother and sister about how inconsiderate I am. So...I'll vent here. Thanks for listening. Sorry...I know it's a little thing. Just need to get a grip! I'll be back later.
  10. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    grrr...just lost my post. wanted to put it here though so I have a record. Remember today was day 3, soft protein only. in my smoothies today: 3 ff light yogurts 1/2 c blueberries 1/2 c strawberries 1/4 c total sf creamer 1/2 c 1% milk a bunch of unjury that I can't total because I don't have a scoop. Lunch today was a little less than 1 c Wisconsin cheese soup (bad choice but the best that I could find on the menu). 3 slices colby jack cheese 2 slices havarti 1 colby jack cheese stick about 1 c of my chicken salad liquid 24 oz coffee, 1L propel, 16 oz propel, 16 oz iced tea, 1 c 1% milk. Since I can't total the unjury, I can't total my cals and such. I'm sure that the fat is much higher than I want, but the cals should be in range. No wii today but did walk 5.5 miles. Oh...and we put Michael on an IEP today. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it helps. Not much help this year since he only has 4 days left, but a fresh start next! Okay....off to bed. I think there was something else in my last post, but I guess it wasn't that important. Goodnight ladies. Hugs!
  11. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay....let's see if I can remember long enough to get this out.... Candice, did you come up with that on your own or did you find it somewhere. I want to post it on my facebook and want to give proper credit! It is so very very true it needs shared. Where is Janet flying into? I'll keep it on file so I can try to talk Jeff into it. I'm going to work and work and work on him. Maybe we'll win big in Vegas! If I wasn't doing so much traveling for state math standards it wouldn't be an issue but when I'm gone a week a month as it is, he gets really frustrated. We are all worthy. Just for being who we are. Just for being the beautiful women who take care of our families. Just for loving others like we do. We are worth everything that our parents didn't believe we were. We are worth so very much. Stand up proud and say it. Linda, I admire anyone who is willing to foster. I would love to give that much of me but I'm afraid I would break when it was all said and done. My heart isn't strong enough. Kudos to you for being willing to put yourself out there for another person's children to love. Okay...I think that was all for today, but I might be wrong. I'll be back tonight.
  12. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay....I posted this morning and then had a computer malfunction again. I'm starting to think it's the operator! Karla, I wish I had made it through 5 days. Only 2. You can google the 5day pouch test. It's a way to get back in touch with the band, break the snack habit, and remember what it is all about. First two days are liquids only...which meant protein drinks. I was great until last night. I think maybe because my last shake was nasty and I didn't want to drink it. My chx salad goes like this: 1 - 2 cans of chicken 1 cup crushed pineapple 2 or 3 green onions chopped 1/2 cup slivered almonds 1/2 bag of craisins 1 stalk celery - chopped very finely just enough mayo to wet (don't use too much or it turns icky) 1/2 tsp dijon mustard a little celery salt or seed Karla, the other thing I was thinking about last night before I went to sleep...white meat turns out to be a no go for a lot of banders. It gets too dry. Have you tried dark meat chicken? That tends to be a little more moist. I know that I have a real hard time with dry chicken breast. I bought an electric pressure cooker for that very reason. I will do a meal or two when you are here with it and you can see if it works better that way? Went on Nick's field trip this morning. Saw puppies, fed the calfs, minature horse, petted goats,bunnies and sheep, picked eggs. It was cold, but cool. Took a bunch of pictures. I'll facebook them sometime today. It was so much fun. I just realized that I survived my first school year out of the classroom. I know, those of you who are in the schools right now don't think so, but it has been really hard for me. The next year should be easier! Janet, I can't imagine how hard it must be for you to think about Andrew leaving. No matter what the bright side is, it is hard. Hugs to you. Okay...I'd better get. I know there is more to say. I'll talk to you later. Hugs.
  13. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Can I just say that I'm really really wanting food tonight? Good thing I can chew something tomorrow. Im going to make my awesome chicken salad for Wednesday but tomorrow will be fine with cottage cheese and maybe some eggs. All I know is I'm really wanting to bite something!
  14. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karla, until you go in and see him personally in his office he isn't going to say anything. This is because you still might go back to Roher and say, "Well the Kalispell doc said...." He's just covering his ass. My suggestion. Follow Karri's advice. Call him, make an appointment asap and until you can get in go back to full liquids and mushies. that is very THIN mushies. Think yogurt consistancy or thinner. If it's a soup, puree it. don't put anything in there that might cause any more inflamation. The more you try to eat and have issues, the tighter you get because you are aggrivating your stoma. Here's my story. I was going in for a fill. I left Plentywood at 3pm on a Sunday to go to Froid to do my lesson plans. I had a little "looseness" right before I left Froid. By the time I got to Williston it was full on "out both ends". I drove the rest of the way to Minot stopping every 5-10 miles along side the road. It took me 4 hours to go the hour and a half drive. By the time I got to the hotel I thought I was going to die. I called Jeff at 3am asking him if he thought I should call an ambulance. Finally I got a little bit of liquid in and went to sleep. When I went in to see the PA, who I was going to ask to fill me, I needed almost all of my fill removed. It took me 3 months to get restriction back. Then it was 1 month of tight tight tight, went in and I'm still at a bad level. At the time I got sick I was at 7.2. She unfilled me to 2.0 when I had 3.0 put in at surgery. I am now at 3.5. It is slow going once you have to back off. The moral of all that is not to irritate it. If you are tight, back off...way off. I was never overtight when I left the docs office, it was always after the fact that it happened. Karri is right, take it slow. Back off and go back to stage 2 of your post op diet and work your way back to where you are comfortable. Good luck! And the school thing sucks. I'm so glad I'm only certified to teach math and chem...and not highly qualified to teach chem! Chin up. You're going to be fine.
  15. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Linda!!!! You're back! Man we missed you! Are you going to Candice's? So very sorry you had band issues. Do you want to share them with us? What is your plan for losing the weight? Coming here is definitely going to help, if you are anything like me. You might go back a few pages and see how I've been struggling. Karri had some awesome words of wisdom though. And my dear friend Karla was amazing too. I got my wii fit done! I worked all 4 types. The yoga wasn't half bad. I have to admit that the yoga and the balance make me feel like I'm not working out. That must mean that I'm trying to talk myself out of them because I need them so badly. The yoga does stretch my back, the balance I'm just awful at, and the strength training stresses me out. I LOVE the step aerobics and the rhythm boxing. I even hula hooped for awhile. I started with that to try to loosen my back up a bit and then I finished with it. I could really tell the difference. I was much more flexible by the end. So far today my "food" has been.... breakfast -- v8 fusion, yogurt, protien powder smoothie lunch -- coffee, creamer, 1 schwans 70 cal fudge bar (for the ice cubes), and protien smoothie after workout snack -- best smoothie yet! 1/2 c. frozen blueberries (they are the ice cubes) blueberry yoplait light, 1/2 banana, a 1/4 cup of 1% milk, protien. I didn't realize blueberries had SO many seeds though. My glass is covered in little spots. There were a few times when I was thinking I needed something to chew but worked through that. Making everyone lunch was the worst. For dinner I'm going to try a choc. shake with my SF choc pudding as the base. Maybe with banana and strawberries. I'll have to think about it. Funny Janet, everyone was much better at posting a lot while you were gone :eek: I think it must be the time of year. Later ladies!
  16. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    If I get to go to Canada for the 7's party I really really want to do that. I'm super afraid of heights and want to challenge myself to that. I watched the biggest loser contestants challenge themselves each season to overcome those fears...so I say...I can do that too!!! I so hope I get to go!!!
  17. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi again ladies. House is picked up, as well as I can with the two little ones under foot. Appointment made with my pcp for a week and a half from now. I should have told her I was sick and I'm sure she could have gotten me in earlier than that, but what's the hurry? I called for a fill and June is already full but left a message for the PA and hopefully she will squeeze me in like she has every other time I've needed her to. She's a doll. I'm sure I'll hear back sometime today. Gardening is waiting until after lunch. Then about 1:30 I'll bring the little ones in to nap and get on the wii fit. Day two of the 5day is so much easier than the previous day. Much less head hunger. I had a "smoothie" for breakfast that I just finished. Too much other stuff happening so i didn't have a chance to drink it. I'll have another for lunch but I'm thinking I will add some fruit to it this time. I have blueberries in the freezer, some blueberry yogurt, and a banana. A little v8 fusion light and it should be DEVINE! What is up with the spell checker thing. Every word I type gets a red line under it until I change the paragraph. How am I supposed to know what is typed wrong when it does that? I'm now going to speak to you all about yesterday. Or rather the 2 weeks leading up to yesterday's meltdown. It started when I was having such trouble with the school. Then a week out west with horrible choices. Not that there weren't good choices available, I just didn't make them. By the time I got back here, I was so entrenched in my old habits that I didn't even notice. It all hit home Saturday night when I went to the movie and made super pig of myself. I didn't sleep well. I was having a hard time dealing with the fact that I had slipped so far so fast. I was up at 4:30 and I just was too tired to deal. Karri, your incredible words of wisdom really meant a lot to me. I can not say that I had a horrible upbringing but my father (although I love him so very deeply) did make me believe that I was not worthy of a lot of things. His love being the most hurtful. The pain was intense and I thank God everyday that we were able to have the last 12 years to mend those bridges. Punishment was my way of life. In so many ways. I punished myself over and over for all of my shortcomings. it's amazing that when my father stopped yelling, and calling the names, I took over. I don't know that I will ever get over my self esteem issues. And Karri, you are right, every time I put that crap in my mouth it was just another way for me to tell myself how stupid, selfish, uncaring, unworthy....whatever adjective fits the moment. It is like I when that recording in my head starts, the little kid in me still says "NO!" and I have to physically prove to myself how I am not worthy. I AM WORTHY! I AM BEAUTIFUL! I AM AMAZING! Ruby, we will struggle together and we will win together. I'm thinking about everything in terms of reward today...as I did yesterday. It's a much better way to see the world. I went Okay. I started this before lunch and now, the family had lunch, I took the kids out to plant plants. Then we planted 3 cups of pumpkin seeds. I'm a little worried about those. I put 3 seeds in each cup. If they all grow that will be 9 pumpkin plants. And of course we bought the biggest pumpkins we could. We could be overrun by some monsters by the time this is done! Now they are down for a nap. Nick is still messing around and that's why I'm here an not wii'ing yet. Waiting for him to sleep first. Candice, let's do the most minutes total for the week. I like the idea of saying we have to hit all 4 types of exercises. So, each time we need to do at something from aerobics, balance, yoga, and strength. Otherwise I spend all my time on step aerobics and I really do need to take care of the rest of my body. If you are agreeable to those terms, let me know what the winner gets....you come up with the "reward". We could do a small weekly challenge and a bigger monthly challenge. Tell me what you want. Okay. I really do need to get going. I'll talk to you all again tonight. Hugs ladies. Have a great day!
  18. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Grrr... I spent 1/2 hour posting and then walked away for a minute and the kids hit the back arrow on my mouse. Let's see if I can remember everything that I said. I'm up early. I was up at 6:30 making Jeff breakfast, I guess now it doesn't seem very early :laugh: I was wondering at what point I became a whiny, complainy, achy, everything hurts, old lady. My toes hurt, it's that bad! What a woose! Today's plans..... 1. call to make myself a fill appointment for June. I may not need it after my 5 day but I want to have the appointment made so that if I do it is there. I'm bummed that there is only one day a month I can do it in Minot. Otherwise I have to drive another couple of hours to Bismarck. 2. Make an appointment with my pcp to talk to him about physical therapy. He wasn't for it last time but my back doc wants me to get some. He wants me to work on getting my lower back a little more flexible. He also says I need help stretching out my hamstrings because it pulls so hard on my back. Finally he wants me to get some help with my core. He wants to make sure that I get help with proper technique so I don't hurt things. He said that he would prescribe it but would rather I do through my pcp so that he can monitor me better. 3. I need to finish my gardening. I have plants to get in and edging to do. I also am going to plant a couple of cups worth of pumpkin seeds with the kids. They already have sunflowers growing in the window. I'll get those in the ground today or Wednesday but thought it would be fun for them to grow pumpkins too. 4. My wii so that Candice doesn't kick my butt. BTW Candice, we need to figure out the terms of this challenge. Something little, but something that we can reward the winner with. What do you think? Okay...off to talk to the little ones. Nick is being a goof ball. Have a great day ladies. Hugs.
  19. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh. I forgot to mention that I am 2.5 miles shy of 50 miles logged with my Nike+ for the month. If I hadn't had finger malfunctions 3 times...that would be almost 60 miles. WOW!!!! And the month is only half over!
  20. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri, you said so many of the right things. You should spend more time alone walking in the woods. You are very profound. I will get that song downloaded tomorrow. I need to do that on Jeff's computer. Karla, Whitefish is 20 miles north of Kalispel. That is a LOT closer than driving. It would be almost 600 miles from you to me. So today was good. I had 6 protein smoothies. 1 with orange juice, 1 with v8 fusion and SF creamer, 2 with coffee, creamer, and proticcino, and 1 with yogurt and v8 fusion light. I'm pretty excited that I "felt" the smoothies going down. AMAZING. Then, this afternoon I spent 3 hours out in the yard digging in the dirt. There is even dirt still under my nails! I have about 3 more hours to do tomorrow and then I have to tackle the back. Finally....are you ready for this one? I WALKED TEN MILES tonight!!!! My counterpart stopped at 9.1. I could have taken the short way home and it would have been about 9.6, but I took Karri's words to heart and rewarded myself with the feeling of completing TEN MILES. I didn't just get close. I did it! Nothing feels this good! Okay. Now I'm vegging out in front of the computer and tv. Have a great night ladies. Here's to an amazing tomorrow!
  21. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karla, have I told you lately how great you are? I just love you. Thank you for the God Smack! I needed it. Okay...so I started the day with an orange juice smoothie made with OJ, ice, and a "scoop" of unjury. Added a bit of splenda after the fact because it was bitter. Got home from church, made another smoothie with V8 fusion, ice, SF vanilla creamer and another "scoop" of unjury. I have to say the second was much better than the first. Have also had about 8 oz. of iced tea. Can you see where this is going? I am going to recommit! 5 days of pouch test. IF I feel strong after those 5 days I will head back into the realm of real food. If not, it is 5 more days. I will not starve if my tummy grumbles. I will not die if I feel a little hollow. I will not faint if I burn more calories than I consume! I am now going out to play in my flower bed. Yes Karla dear, I do have ONE. going to go separate my ground cover and plant the plants I bought today. Hopefully sometime next week I get my lily bulbs from QVC so I can plan those under my front window. Karla, you can catch the train in Whitefish. Take it to Williston and we can go plant shopping there when I pick you up! Get your butt over here! Going to be in Vegas May 31-June 4, but you can come any other time! I miss you and I want to see how wonderful you are looking with your awesome weight loss! YOU are amazing. How can you NOT lose this and win??? You are too fabulous to let yourself down like that. Really darling, look at your kids...those amazing girls. How could they have turned out so well if you weren't an amazing role model? Going out to play in the dirt. Did I ever tell you ladies that I hate getting my fingers dirty? The rest of me, no problem, but hate to have dirt or mud or flour or meat juice, or egg or ANYTHING on my fingers. How odd! Okay...I'm off. Btw, you all aren't doing your part of filling pages for Phyl!!
  22. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning ladies! I'm up early. Not happy about it, but I think it has been a long time coming. I want you to know that this is not going to be a happy post. There are going to be some ugly things said here. I ask that you all step on me as badly as I am about to. It is time for an intervention. I don't need kind words, I don't need pats on the back, I don't need nice. I need some serious tough love. I need people to kick my ass! Karla keeps saying that Michael acts the way he does with me because he knows he can because he is loved unconditionally. Maybe subconsciously I need to test your guys' depth of love. Do you think I'm worth it to yell and scream and get in my face? I sat down this morning and wrote out some cards. Enough to put on all my cabinet doors, the fridge, the mirror. Some tough questions. Ones that I truly need to answer. Here they are: Have you REALLY moved today? Where's the sweat? Is it your head, your heart, or your stomach that is hungry? Can you look in the mirror today and say you are proud of you? Doesn't healthy taste better than crap? Are you REALLY hungry or are you JUST unhappy? Can you meet your goals with your mouth full? Since when did you become good with mediocre? Do you look good in your fat pants? What weighs more? Guilt or happiness? What are you full of? If nothing sounds good, why are you chewing? What does $13k taste like? How many chins does it take to make you smile? Can you all see where I am going with this? I am in self-sabotage mode. I think I have been since December...and I'm doing a mighty fine job of it. I justify everything that goes into my mouth with, "I'm not where I was 2 years ago." but know that if I keep this up I will be soon. Who is this crazy person inside my head who wants to stay fat? Why would anyone WANT that? Lay it on....lay it on hard. I need to be shaken, not stirred. I need to be kicked in the ass, not hugged. Please love me enough! I guess I don't!
  23. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    OOOOOOOOO OOOOO OOOOO. I like it! I really like it. The other teachers in the group might not though, but hey, most times the contracts just say you can't take leave the DAY before or the DAY after a vacation. You can take 10 days, come back for one or two, and THEN have Christmas (Winter for the politically correct) break.
  24. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I just added all those smilies so that Phyl would have more to read!!! Luv you Phyl!
  25. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. I had a great day! :w00t: My speech went off without a hitch! I only "almost" cried once. :crying: But I got it together and went on without any problems. :smile2: Maybe they were all just being nice, but I got a ton of complements on it. I think I'll post it on my facebook page. Jeff and I are going out to the drive in tonight. I just love the drive in. :wub: Not crazy looking forward to watching Fast and Furious 3. :mad: Not really my type of show, but I will go and enjoy it! :scared2: I'm all in for cruising at xmas time. :w00t: My family might not be crazy about it, but...they will get over it. I asked Jeff if he had decided if we could afford the end of July trip and he just looked at me. I'm guessing that means no...but I'm holding out hope. The only downfall to a cruise at xmas is we had talked about Vegas at Thanksgiving so that Karri could be there. I guess we need to figure out something. I'm sure the ladies at the July meeting will have it all figured out by the time they get done. We'll be waiting with baited breath to see what they plan! :tt2: Karla, if you want to come here and work in my yard, it needs all the TLC it can hold! :thumbup:I have a spare bed...just hop on the train and come on out!! 3 days out here would be AWESOME!!!! :tt2: Well, I suppose I need to go get ready for the movie. Have a great night! I'll talk to you all in the morning.:wink2:

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