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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Based on my observations at the lake...take it for what it is worth.... My initial reaction is yes. There was a lot of good food there that you should have been able to eat. Pork roast, roast beef, charcoal chicken (LOL...okay eat, I didn't say enjoy), burrito... I know that some of the reason you didn't was because of fear of eating something and getting stuck in public. I SOOOO know that feeling. I eat a lot of sliders in public because it isn't worth the embarrassment of what COULD happen. However, what you were subsisting on is not what you could survive on for life. That has always been what has been my picture of ideal. Can you eat what you are eating for the rest of your life? If the answer is "No, I want to be able to eat steak and chicken, and pork, and fish, and this and that, and all those other good for me foods." then you need an unfill. If you are wanting an unfill so that you can eat bread and bagels, and donuts, and fries, and that sort of stuff, then it's a head issue and not a stomach issue that you need to deal with. I KNOW that I need an unfill. If I could have gone back 2 days after my fill I would have, however I left town the next day. I am way too tight. I can't eat solid food. I had cottage cheese and melon for lunch and that was good, but this morning couldn't drink a Protein drink. I can't live like this. No way no how. I may lose, but it will come right back when I can eat again because I'll binge. I'm feeling like I am dieting and I don't/can't/won't diet. Try this....Figure out what you would like to eat for a month. Good healthy foods. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and Snacks. Look at their calories, protien, all the rest and make sure it's a balanced diet. Next, ask yourself if that menu is one you could live with for the rest of your life. When it is, look at it and ask yourself, "what of this can't I eat because I'm afraid of it getting stuck." Strike all of that stuff. Is your menu still something you can live with? If not....you need an unfill. It may take some time to sit down and come up with those foods. It will take some soul searching to decide whether some of those comfort foods are healthy. Trust me, cream tuna on toast was a killer for me to give up. I wanted to say it HAD to be on my menu and if I couldn't eat it, I was too tight. However, it wasn't really a healthy choice...it went bbye. Still a comfort food and I love to make it for the family sometimes...I just eat a little of the tuna and something more solid for my meal. Be honest with what you can live with. Deprived spells disaster. I would say that I'm at a healthy fill when I can eat kashi and yogurt for breakfast, lunchmeat lettuce wraps for lunch, and pork, chicken, or sausage for dinner. Fruits and veggies have never been a problem if those protiens were alright. That's what I can live with. Before this last fill I could eat just about ANYTHING in any amount. Now I can't eat any of anything. Deprivation is definitely spelling disaster! Remember that this is for life! Not for "until you figure it out." Janet's meals don't sound like something I could do for life. That's fine because that is me. It works for her. I don't like fish well enough. Karri is a morning eater where Janet eats at night. Both are successful because they have found something they can do....forever....and not feel deprived. They LIKE their meal plans. They LIKE the food they are eating. They LIKE the results. They LOVE their lives. They are definitely successful. Hope this helps. Done preaching.
  2. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay ladies. I was supposed to be out mowing the lawn an hour ago but thought I would pop in and catch up. Ooops. I guess the lawn grew some more while I was trying to catch up. I have to admit I started skimming 5 pages ago! Sorry. Not that you aren't all important, just that I have to get something done or Jeff will flip. Karla, I didn't get a message from you. Nothing on my voicemail or on my missed calls. Sorry. I would have called back. Candice, I am very very jealous of your fabulous vacation but it gives me hope that there is lots of fun things left after retirement :thumbup: Phyl, I'm curious about your progress with the ortho and the pulmo guys. Has the zoloft helped at all yet. It does take time. I have been horrible about my pills since I've been gone. Out of my habits and I can tell I haven't been taking my zoloft or my thyroid. I have to get back to those. Janet, I don't have diet mentality, just too tight to eat food. I KNOW I can't live like this but I've been 500 miles from home which is 200 miles from doc so 700 miles was not going to happen. Will be making an appointment for next week. Can't do it this week. Just way too many commitments right now. I have to get something taken out, but can only do what I can do. Doing what I can, but do know that if I can't live with my choices for life, the choices are wrong. I have a million things to share. Horror story from Nicks birthday. Lord, love a duck! I need to go mow the lawn. I will talk to you all later tonight. Love you all and miss you horrible. Im back and will catch you all up. Today is actually the first time I've turned on the computer since Wednesday I think...maybe Thursday. Hugs....will be back later!
  3. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good evening ladies. I'm just peaking in. Or was until I started reading...and then pm'ing on facebook...and now finishing up here. You guys exhaust me. I'm definitely missing my days at home where I could spend a couple hours on here keeping up with everything. I feel so out of touch with all this running. And it isn't going to let up either! Yesterday when I left home, Jeff teared up when he was saying goodby to me. I almost didn't go. I called about an hour out and he could talk then because he wasn't looking at me face to face. He says it's hard that I'm not home much anymore.....but that since I gave up teaching for the kids and not because I didn't want to work, he feels like he can't keep me from doing these things...that it is what keeps me going and not being mad about not having my job. He's so sweet, but I feel bad that I made him cry. :blushing: I got on Rose's scale this morning. I had gotten on it before I left Thursday morning and it said I was down a pound and some. I haven't been able to get on the wii, but I was glad to see that even if it wasn't the number I wanted to see, it was still down. Still very very tight. I keep hoping that today will be the day that the restriction lifts. I know it won't but I keep hoping. So today I had a lot of coffee, 3 cups of soup, a couple cups of tea and right now a smoothie before bed. I'll be so happy when I can get in for a defill. Phyl, I'm worried about you, as is everyone you can see. I hope you can get some good news. Would a healthy dose of artificial sunshine help? I'm not a big fan of tanning beds but know that it does help some people who struggle with that SAD disorder. Karla, take Karri's advice. She knows what she is talking about. I'm the last person to be giving advice right now. I need to take some myself. I will get this 20 pounds off this summer. I will get back into my summer clothes. I will do it for good this time. I need Karri to kick my butt! Karla, listen to her. She's amazing! I wish I was 1/2 as dedicated as she is. And Janet too. They do know what they are talking about. Okay....so that was probably longer than I had planned it to be. There were other things...food I think...that I was going to talk about. Who knows. It's bedtime. Night ladies. Hugs to you all.
  4. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning ladies. Had a great bike rally. So much fun but way too many malibu diets. Today I have to drive back across the state, but it's cloudy and cool so it will probably be a good drive. Tomorrow I will be in a hotel room in the evening so plan on hearing from me then. I'm out on the tattoo. I still remember the pain of getting mine. I'm a huge pain wimp. I'll stick with that one and let you all have the fun. While I was gone, I lost .7 pounds. Not bad for as horrible as I was with food. Gotta get more exercise and stop letting life take over and let me make excuses for it. Still very very tight. Keeping my protein up with shakes. Not much more in than that. I think I'll be able to get to Bismarck the first week of July. It will be the first week that I'm back in this area. Until then, shakes, cottage cheese, and yogurt....mmm mmm good! Have a great Sunday ladies.
  5. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. A very quick check in before I head off to bed. Spent the day busy busy. Packed kids to spend the weekend at gma and gpas. Cleaned most of the upstairs since Jeff and Michael decided that it was unnecessary while I was gone. Only didn't get the kitchen done. Then mowed the lawn, watered it all, did some final work on the rally postcard for our poker run tomorrow, and tonight went to the rally stuff. Went on a ride for about an hour and a half. Heading to bed. Hoping that I will be able to eat something tomorrow. Still very tight. Glad I can get the liquids in so I don't have to make an emergency trip. Tomorrow all rally stuff. I'll pop in late tomorrow night maybe. It will just depend on how crazy we get. Night ladies. Good to meet you Connie. Good luck to you!
  6. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hello hello hello! Man I missed you guys. It seems you have all been very busy while I've been away. I may have been gone, but you were all in my thoughts alot! The workshop was great. I got a lot done. I am just in my element when I'm doing that sort of stuff. I have to say this year was the first year that I didn't go nuts with how laid back the "boss man" was. Normally it drives me batty. This year, I went with the flow. I wish I would have had more time to present...my 3 hours total was cut to 30 mins one day and then i was asked to cut my 2 hour lesson to 20 mins talking only. I think if I had been a little less rushed I would have been able to make more of an impact. Oh well. It was fun and I'm not going to complain. I am super duper tight. I haven't felt this way since she took me down to almost nothing in December. I know I've been under a lot of stress and I've been traveling...but I need to take it easy for a couple of days, hit the liquids, let my stoma heal. If it isn't any better after I get home next week, I'm making the drive to Bismarck to get some removed. Here's hoping that liquids for a couple of days...and not forcing the food issue, will be just what the doctor ordered. June has gotten so crazy. Left here last week on Thurs, got home today, motorcycle stuff tomorrow and next day, back across the state on Sunday, standards work Mon. Tues. then relaxing at Rose's for 5 days. Then back here for a couple of weeks to do a bunch more stuff in July. Things MUST be nutso. TOM showed up today while I was walking around Sams and I stopped in the middle of the store and thought I'd wet myself. Had no idea it was time for THAT visit! grrrr. It does explain the grumpy I've been. Tomorrow morning is the moment of truth. I've been horrible about food because everything keeps coming back...so the idiot in my head says "well those cals don't count, try this...." I'm afraid of what it will say tomorrow but ready to take the consequences. Also need to get back on the exercise path. Too busy for most of this week. I did walk 3 miles one day, 3 1/2 another, and 7 1/2 one other...but that was nowhere near my training goal. I was reminded that Saturday's training goal is 11 miles, with 7 on Sunday. I think I'll have to flip flop them but I should be able to get them in. Or may have to do Sun, tomorrow, Fri on Sat, and then Sat on Sun. ... if THAT made any sense. Whatever, it will get done. I've got to get that big one in. I have to push my body to get going. Okay...I've been at this for over an hour. I'm tired and I really should get to bed. Too many coctail hours this week. One smirnoff an evening does not a drunk make, but it does make one very very tired! Night everyone. Karla, I almost forgot. We WILL talk about that negative though process. I have 4 days in Lincoln with NOTHING to do...I can drive that direction and kick some sense into you. You are a very beautiful lady with a million assets. Mark was VERY interested but from what Barbie said, he's a little shy and akward too. Don't be so down on yourself. Like I said, we will talk about this soon. Candice, I hope you have an amazing trip to France. Take a bunch of pictures to share with us when you get back. Sorry about the darling, but enjoy the trip. DH deserves a little fun after all those years of hard work! Haven't heard from Car lately. If you're lurking, check in here dear. I miss you. Phyl, yeah on the legs! Road trip....Next Wed-Sat I will be in Lincoln and could do a road trip to Spokane to meet if that works in your time frame. If not, we'll figure out another time. Glad you guys are driving out to the east coast though. I was a little concerned about you ladies traveling that far by car alone. And this coming from the one who drives a 500 mile trip one way trip about once a month. LOL. You guys would have been so tired by the time you got out there, that it wouldn't have really been a vacation. I like the idea of flying better :sad: And yeah on the knees. Don't take no for an answer. Take the documentation in there with you just in case he balks. Ask for documentation from his point of view. Karri and Janet, you are both so beautiful! I am so glad you had such a great visit. Yes, Karri, Janet IS a power shopper. and she gets the BEST buys! amazing! Hope you enjoyed it. Okay...now...I'm really going to bed. Love you ladies!
  7. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi there ladies. Quick check in to say hi to all and make sure that I didn't get 4 pages behind. I brought my wii to the lake...but forgot the balance board, so I'm going to have to say I didn't lose for the challenge. When we have the winner figured out, we need to change our signature lines. Let me know what we need to say. I didn't see where a new challenge was proposed....??? I would say I'm in, but won't get to a scale until Friday morning so unless we hold off until then I'm out. Since last fill I am very tight. Probably too tight but more because I've gotten very sloppy with my chewing, attention habits. I need to focus and chew. Phyl, let me know when you will be in MT. I will be in Lincoln (90 miles from Missoula) July 14-20, but could be out there longer if need be. Keep me posted, I'll make the drive. Food's not been great but it could probably be worse...I've spent a lot of time stuck so cals certainly should be low. Okay...off to bed. See you all soon. Hugs to everyone. Hope Janet and Karri are having a lot of fun! Miss hearing from you all.
  8. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi there ladies. Hope you all had a great day. Phyl, I sure hope you find someone wonderful to take care of your legs. It was a wonderful suggestion and I can tell it got you back into the mood. Set backs can be so very disheartening. 3 weeks on your own? That's pretty amazing. Will you be driving through Montana? Just a thought. If you get through here I will do whatever I can to get to wherever you are and we can do lunch or dinner. Also, we need to catch up on the quilt. If you're driving through we can pass it off. Karla, you are doing great. Its so hard not to get caught up in the whoa is me's. My dad used to say 1 "ah shit" cancels out 10 "atta boy's" I think the same is true for ourselves. One bad thing can keep us down for hours. We don't Celebrate ourselves nearly enough. Oh...and I was thinking that maybe the reason you lost your math class and were put into science is because you have created an awesome math curriculum for the next guy and they are hoping you will do just as wonderfully with the science next year. It sounds like the science needs some serious help...and you are just the ticket. Okay...my day was pretty good. I did 25 minutes of wii active this morning, went out and mowed the lawn for an hour (not a riding mower), cleaned out the car for tomorrow's trip, and then tonight did another 30 mins of the wii active. This morning it was a low intensity and tonight it was high intensity. My legs are going to complain tomorrow. My biggest problem with the whole thing is that the band is too long and too wimpy. Rose has my stronger bands at her house so I'm waiting to get those back to change anything. Loving the active. Can run for 90 seconds at a time. Pretty amazing, but nowhere near Karri's speed! I'll be traveling tomorrow. May not get online until Friday night. I have workshop Friday through Wednesday, drive home next Thursday, have our motorcycle rally, turn back around on father's day and drive back to Helena for 2 more days of work. June has turned absolutely nuts! Okay. Time for bed. I hope I can sleep tonight. Hopefully the exercise helps me. Have a great night ladies! Love you!
  9. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Quick check in. Still not sleeping well. I think I need a nap, but I need to sleep at night so don't want to. At this point I think I'm over tired. This morning I opened my wii active trainer. Did a beginning workout. 100 cals, 20 minutes, then mowed the lawn after that. I hope to turn it on this evening. It was a lot of fun. It is sort of what I expected the Jillian to be like, but I was very disapointed by that. Okay...going to run a bit. I'll talk to you later. Have a great day.
  10. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    There is no reason to let food rule your life. You have allowed it to have control for way too long. You have to take the control back from that inanimate object and really give it the proper perspective! 2 more days of kids. Even if they are the worst kids on the planet, which they are not, it's only 2 days. There is so much worse they could be. There are a thousand reasons you went into teaching. No matter what they act like when school is almost out, those reasons are still there. Celebrate all that they have learned...because they were your students...this year. You have spent so much time making their school experience this year. You have spent so much energy trying to make their education better...in science and math...that you have to admit you are still enthralled with the idea of influencing their world. Celebrate! They did great this year....as did you! Okay...have to get off here and take a shower. Have a great day ladies.
  11. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl, if you are talking about the "blue" steps to the side, you can just go on and off to the back just like you do with the "pink" ones. If it's the purple, I don't know if there is a fix for those. Just a thought.
  12. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning ladies! Sitting at computer getting ready to get to work. I have to wait until 9:30 before I can call someone a/b it....so I have a few minutes. Having a protein smoothie this morning for breakfast. On liquids for minimum of 24 hours, but she said that since I was getting back to the tighter side I may want to stretch that closer to 48. We will see. My smoothie is a little higher cal than I normally drink but I'm going to be out of town for almost 2 weeks and I have some yogurt about to "turn" so I added one of the regular ones to my drink this morning. 8 oz. choc Silk milk, 1 container strawberry yoplait, 1 scoop vanilla unjury. Really really good! 400 cals, 30g protein. Makes almost 32 oz. so I'll be drinking it most of the morning. I was going to mention to you all. Are any of you sweet tea drinkers? Walmart sells a splenda sweetened tea that is better than I can brew at home. It's called Red Diamond. It is in the refrigerator section. Splenda type has the yellow cap. Sold by the gallon and I love it! So just in case anyone is looking for sweet tea.... There was something else, but I can't remember. Imagine that!! Well, I'd better start working. I'll talk to you all later. Karla, enjoy your last couple days with kids, Karri, enjoy your freedom from the teachers from hell, and all the rest of the educators....it IS coming to an end! You will get there.
  13. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay ladies. Long long day today. Went to Minot for a fill. I guess I've only gained 3 pounds since my last fill....3 weeks before my back surgery, so I can't complain too loudly. But it was still up. I'll get on the wii tomorrow morning and check it out. Karla, I'll bring my wii to the lake and see if there is a television that we can hook it to. I'm sure we're in the pink house, and even if I have to, I'll bring my projector and we can project the image up on the wall. Didn't sleep again yesterday. Took a couple sleeping pills tonight so hopefully it won't be an issue tonight. I need to be fresh tomorrow. I have a ton of computer work to do tomorrow and Wednesday. If you see me online, kick my fanny hard!!! As for the challenge, I KNOW I didn't win but I agree with Janet, it isn't about losing the challenge, it's about losing the pounds! I like Karla's idea about the signature lines on our posts for the next two weeks until another winner is announced. Karla, if your fat pants are feeling looser, don't you dare get down on yourself. Did you do this for a number on the scale, or how you look and feel? Take the victories where they come. Enjoy the success. If nothing else, think about it like this....how many people are going to notice the number on the scale is lower? How many people are going to notice your clothes are looser? Just a thought. I'm so sad that our darling Karri has said she isn't going to be able to do the 3day with Karla and I. She is my exercisse guru. I'm so sad. I hope that things may change, and if they do, Karri, I'll be happy to have you join us again...but I will miss you horribly if you can't. Okay. The sleeping pills are kicking in. I'm going to call it a night. Sleep well ladies. I hope I do.
  14. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay ladies! I have finally caught up. I didn't want to post until then. So many many things to say. My vacation was wonderful. Too much fried food, too many drinks. Gained almost 3 pounds. Today I worked very hard at only putting protein in my body. Did a pretty decent job. Total cals, 1100, protein 90 g. Fiber was almost non existent. I'm pretty sure that tomorrow will be a bad poo day. I know...tmi I was busy today and didn't have a chance to do ANYTHING physical. Tomorrow I will be doing 2 walks. One in the morning and one in the evening. Back to the work of getting ready for this walk. I'm very excited to say that I'll be spending the weekend with Karla out on the lake. I'm so excited. We will have a great chance to get on the same page. We will be able to get some great hiking in. Maybe even some kayaking. I picked up the EA active while I was gone, but I have not had a chance to try it. Tomorrow hopefully. Okay. I'm off. I have to serve lunch at church tomorrow. Was supposed to be my MIL, SIL, and myself, but both of them have had issues so that they will not be helping me. I'm a little freaked out but Rose will be helping me. Keep me in your thoughts. I'll talk to you all tomorrow. Hopefully with really good news on my food and exercise. Have a great night ladies.
  15. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi there ladies. This may be my last check in while away. Hopefully will be having way too much fun in Vegas tomorrow on to Thursday to post. I drove all day. Tried to keep my munching to a minimum but did succumb to the good n plentys. But only one box...had cottage cheese and peaches for lunch and 1/2 quessadilla for dinner. Then went and did 30 mins on the elliptical and 30 minutes on the treadmill. I would have done more but it was 1030 by the time my last 30 minutes was done and I do have to sleep. I'm going to get up early tomorrow and do my workout in the morning. It will be good to do that before sitting in the airport going crazy for 2 hours. With all of your guys' weight loss it may drive me crazy to be away from my scale for this long. I'll just have to keep working out and watching my food. I won't be driving so I won't be tempted to munch on candy. Seems to be the only time that is a problem. Go figure. Maybe it has something to do with smoking while driving. That used to be my hardest time after I quit smoking. I loved to smoke while driving down the road...then transfered that to food. Now I don't have food either. I did chew 1/2 pack of gum while I was driving too. I hope Karla's graduation went well. I've been thinking of her. I may have to call her on Monday and see how she did. I don't remember if the ceremony was today or is tomorrow. The weather was pretty nice over there I think. I'm keeping positive thoughts going that way. Oh...and as far as northerners vs. west coasters....I just have to say north is opposite of south....east opposite of west....how do we get north vs west. And where do I fit??? I'm so confused. The west probably doesn't want me because I'm going to be on vacation...and they get Karri! Karri, great job on your weight loss. How awesome is that?? Oh...did I tell you guys that I plan on going to stripper 101 in Vegas? They say it is an amazing workout. We'll see. Okayl..I've gotta get to bed. Have a good night ladies. Love you. I'll try to check in every now and again.
  16. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. Just a check in. One more sleep and I leave! I'm so excited. Have done a bunch of laundry, packed...now I'm just being impatient! grrrr. Had about 1/3 of a taco salad today. Lots of meat, not lots of everything else. It was very yummy. I've got a bunch of stuff to go get finished. I'll talk to you later. Wondering about your baby Janet, hope she is doing alright! I'm so sad for you. What happened? I hope she is out of pain and recuperating. Hugs ladies. I'll be back in a bit.
  17. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Morning ladies. I got on the wii this morning. My official weight is 154. It was 151 but then I looked over and saw one of the feet sitting off there on the side. Had to put it on to get a true weight. So there is my starting weight. Greatest part of this challenge is that I'm going to Vegas in 2 days and I'll have to behave myself. I LOVE it. No excuses. My friend even said she would work out with me in the mornings. Okay...a million things to do today and I haven't managed to get to breakfast yet. I'll talk to you later.
  18. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Stop trying with the chicken already!!! hehehe Pizza tops are my friend. I love them. However, the crust and I do not get along. I probably won't get to talk to you again before your big graduation day. I'll be thinking of you. No tears darling. You've been raising her to become an amazing young woman who would live an amazing life..and graduation is just the first step along that road!!! Good luck on the party. I'm sure it will be fabulous. You should FB some pics of the yard. I have wonderful visions. Okay...I'm off. Have a great night ladies!
  19. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay...didn't get on the wii this morning. I tried but you know how that goes. I'll weigh in the morning hopefully. It was a crazy day. Spent the morning getting here and there doing this and that. Took car to get oil change, walked home, shopped for a few things for the trip, walked home, got a phone call that Jai had gotten sick at daycare...went and got her. Jeff brought me a small rototiller. tilled my new flower bed. Went and got a bunch of soil...tilled it in. Then mom planted the flowers while sister and I went and cleaned the garage. Then her and I walked the dogs Only 2 miles, but it was a walk. Now sitting down for the first time since this morning. Tomorrow I go and see doc about sun rash, PT, and Nick's adhd. I sure hope I get everything I want! Okay...today's food. bf -- banana, skinny sf french vanilla latte lunch -- roast beef wrap with tzikitzi (whatever it is) snack -- 2 cheese sticks dinner -- chx brat, some veggies snack -- protein drink, 1/4c raisins going to go log the food now on daily plate. Think it's time for bed. I'll talk to you all tomorrow. Love you ladies!
  20. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi there ladies. I see you were all very very busy the last couple of days. Seeing how many pages we filled when Phyl was gone, my 6 days away could be hell on my reading. Challenge, I'm in. I will weigh in on my wii this morning. I went shopping for Vegas clothes yesterday and was very very down about it all. I feel like I just keep going the other way....and I can't seem to stop it. I have a fill appointment for the 2nd Mon of the month....but still have to live through Vegas. With a challenge on the books maybe it's just what I need. I'll weigh in this morning on my wii. My sis, Rose and I are going to plant flowers today. Bought a bunch yesterday in town. I'll have someone take pics of my hair this morning...I love it!!! but it is very very short. Bought the cutest little toe ring for my trip. I am going to do laundry, plant, pack, and final straightening up today. That leaves tomorrow to relax. Kids are in daycare today...do that gives me a little more freedom. I go tomorrow to the doctor to talk about PT on my back. I hope that will help this pot of blubber on my tummy. It's so disgusting. I hated trying on clothes yesterday. :thumbup: I need to work on my abs but I've been so afraid of doing it wrong and hurting my back. Walking has done great things for my calves, but it doesn't matter how cute my calves look in capris when my blubber is sticking out the top of them. Karri, what a raise!!! How wonderful that will be. Everything works out in the end, remember? I'm so excited for you. Janet, thanks for the challenge....it will be just what we need! Okay. I need to go. I'll check in tonight with my weight. I'll hate to admit the number in public...but I will. It will do me good. Have a good day everyone. Love you all!
  21. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. Just a quick check in. Mom and sister are here, graduation was yesterday, I have house to clean, a hair appointment this morning....busy busy busy. Going to chop hair very short for my trip to Vegas. I'm not sure how short I'll be bold enough for. I'll take a pic after I get it done. Okay....gotta get something to done...my sister is cleaning and I'm on the computer...really not fair. Talk to you later. Karla, Janet, I want to cry for both of you. how aggrivating!!! I'd be spitting mad, which means next I'd be in tears. Hugs from me!
  22. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh dear Denise! What a horrible way to spend the beginning of your day. It just sets a horrible tone for the entire day, doesn't it? That would completely SUCK!!! What would you prefer to do next year? Is whoever is in charge aware that you want to do something else? Just a thought. Make that phone call and make it clear that you can't do another year like that. I don't know that anyone could. Okay...I'm cleaning my bedroom. It's a ..... lets call it a pit. I've spent 4 hours on it and it doesn't look any better. I know, it has to get worse before it can get better, but sheesh!!! I am such a freaking slob when it comes to my bedroom. The rest of my house is presentable...not perfect, but I have little ones....but my bedroom....good lord. It looks like 5 teenagers live in it. I'd better get back to it, before I lose what little momentum I have gathered. Hope you are all having a productive day! Talk to you all later.
  23. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi ladies. Just a quick check in after a long day of graduation parties. Food, okay, not great. I told you what I had for lunch. For dinner, I ate horsey doovers (since I can't spell the other, that's what we've always called them at my house), so it was more munching...but kept it pretty under control. They didn't have fresh fruit or veggies, had potato and macaroni salad galore, noodles noodles and more noodles. Hamburgers looked like they would be super dry...so held off. Just ate a second bowl of kashi/yogurt (1 for bf)...might need a smoothie tonight if we watch a movie. We'll see. Was going to do a 5-7 mile walk tonight. Got a late start so only did a little over 4. That was disappointing but I think I will have a chance to do a long walk tomorrow. Funny how a short one anymore is 5 miles....used to be a walk around the block was a short one. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to fit in something around 10. Might have to be 2 shsort ones instead. I'll check in tomorrow. Have a great night ladies.
  24. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    ROFL!! That is way too funny Candice. I can't sleep if I hear a fly, bee, or squito...or if I know there is a spider somewhere in the room....like if I see one on the wall way over on the other side of the room. There's no possiblity of sleeping then. Didn't clean the garaged. Washed the deck. Was going to do the front windows next but was time to go to a grad party. Did well with food....for a party....had 4 little smokies, 2 pieces of hard salami (cracker size), a few pieces of cheese, and then some fresh fruit. No cake, no mac. salad, no potato salad....3 potato chips. Kids home napping now, but we have another one at about 6. The good thing is, this way I don't have to cook all day. Also going to walk tonight. At least 5 miles but may try for 7 today...just depends on how late it gets. forgot to mention that I went out in the sun yesterday like a moron!!! and didn't sunscreen. Didn't burn, but my damned rash is all over my arms and the back of my neck is driving me crazy. How come I think every year it will be different and that I won't have it? It's been almost 10 years...I should have it figured out by now. Sunscreened today but it's a little too little too late. grrrrrrr Okay...off to do something else for an hour or so. Have a good one ladies.
  25. Twilight

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    morning ladies. Nothing much happening here today. I need to clean the garage. I'm putting it off. I hate that job. Plus Jeff found a convenient reason not to be here so he wouldn't have to help. He does that a lot! grrrr Okay. I'll be back later. Looking forward to hearing from Phyl today or tomorrow. Today might be a little too soon since she's been gone. I'd have a million things to do.

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