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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by txfirefly979

  1. yeah I'm 3weeks out too and finding the same thing. sometimes even stuff that went down okay (mushed avocado) then sticks the very next day! a little frustrating but in the overall situation, I'm still thrilled to be down 20lbs in 3 weeks! :-D (especially when I couldnt lose 3lbs to save my life the past 8 years!!!)

  2. I have the Multivitamin and the chewable Iron. (got from Vitamin Shoppe) tastes kinda like Flinestones Vitamins I took as a kid. not bad just a little grainy (I expect most chewable vitamins to be like that consistency though).

    Havent tried the chewable Iron yet (blackberry flavor) as I'm only 3weeks post op and surgeon said not to worry about it until 3 mo followup unless energy levels severely drop (and then would get lab tests)

  3. we're using FAM (fertility awareness method, similar to NFP) with condoms on the 7 or so "fertile" days. BC pills/patches/hormones make my anxiety sky rocket (and also religious reasons). (~1mo PostOp)

    even if you have zero interest in FAM/NFP, reading "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by nurse practioner Toni Weschler is a GREAT read! (look at the reviews on Amazon) Its been around since 1995 but still VERY useful. even has chapters for those of us with PCOS, annovulatory cycles, etc.

  4. how's everyone doing? Had my 1st follow-up appt (2 weeks, 4 days) and down 19lbs since pre-op appt.! YIPPEE! I dont go back till the 3 month mark... he said he'd like to see another 20-25lb loss by then. I start purees today and then in 2 weeks can move to soft foods (baked fish, etc.) Not sure I'm getting in quite 60g Protein he suggested to minimize hair loss but I know I'm getting over 40g per day and ALL my liquid (iced tea has been my fave!)
    hope everyone is feeling great and loving being on the LOSERS bench :)

  5. First doc appt yesterday, all is well. Down 15lbs since start of liquids. Got the ok for purée. Now having my first scrambled egg. So comforting to have a warm solid! Took me 15 minutes to eat it. Hope everyone is feeling well!

    Great news! I don't follow up with mine till 2 weeks post-op and with Good Friday, my appointment got pushed till after Easter. Based on my home scale, I'm guessing I've lost about 10-13lbs. I've been able to have full liquids (including blended cream soups) but still have another WEEK (10 days) of this before I can move on to purees... blech. BUT those taste better than Protein Shakes which I need to focus more on.

  6. I'm 5'6 (30yr, F) and while I was probably that small in high school (maybe jr high :) ) I have an athletic build (swim, tennis, volleyball are my faves). also havent had kids yet. My surgeon said he could see 160 for me. I was hoping for more of 140 so if I split the difference and get to 150, I'll be thrilled. (not yet in ONEderland but hopeful it will happen near my 1 mo follow-up).

  7. sleeved the 19th around 10:30am. The first day wasn't bad but as general anesthesia wore off, the IV pain meds were NOT my friend. SO nauseous. powered through it (after puking some yellow bile) and got up and walked laps probably 4x that afternoon/evening. Dry mouth was horrendous... even with the swabs.

    thankfully I went for leak test around 8:30am so I was allowed to sip Water starting around 9:30am. finally around the 2pm shift change, nurse figured out it was IV pain meds causing the super nausea (since I kept begging for more anti-nausea and acid reducer, thinking that was the problem). switched to liquid hydrocodone and problem solved (although it did conk me out).

    Discharged 2nd day around 6pm, hubby stopped and got Rx filled while I walked around. got a bag of sonic ice and unsweet peach tea and headed home.

    haven't really taken pain meds since day #4 (even then, was to sleep) so feeling really blessed of easy recovery. also very lucky (TMI) to have 1st BM on Sunday evening. BUT then tonight, have had watery diarrhea 2x :(

    anyone else suffering with this? Is Imodium safe to take? all I have is pill form but I could chew it up. I know I'll definitely be adding a bit of sugar-free Fiber to Water tonight and all liquids tomorrow but also dont want to be running (literally) to toilet all night .

    Also very worried b/c supposed to start back at work in a couple days.... definitely don't want this problem at work!

    (I have another 8 days of full liquids before purees..... sigh)

    reassurance/advice/suggestions appreciated! :) hope everyone else's recovery is moving along smoothly....

  8. @@Laureadolce

    Thanks for the well wishes! I spent one night (3/19) in the hospital and got home around 8pm tonight. (Had to fill Rx and also torrential rains here in TX). Day 2 sucked. IV pain meds made me so nauseated. Once I got done with the leak test and could have liquid pain meds - things got soooo much better!

    I brought ear plugs but didn't have to use them (private room). I did use phone charger and extension cord. And also fleecy robe (which served as blanket too and was easier than bending down to cover my legs). House shoes also definitely better than the tred socks they give you.

    Now just trying to keep down anti nausea pills. I forgot to grab a pill crusher so hubby may have to go buy me one bc Anti Nausea and Acid Reducer are in pill form not liquid.

    So glad surgery is over and glad to be home. Now for 2 more weeks of liquids. Haha

  9. @@Shell88 no worries... I'm scheduled for 10am Thur 3.19 so I was just trying to get a jump start (esp if it involves doing laundry). I packed house shoes and a robe but if I dont use them, no worries.

    my main question was ---- everyone talks so much about the gas pains afterwards. Did your dr let you take GasX strips? did you pack them? or did you get the prescription version equivalent?

    thanks! any prayers are welcome... my anxiety levels are sky rocketing today...T- 24hrs till I'm at the hospital!

  10. So next Thursday I will finally get the vsg like I've been working for! Very excited, but starting to panic and feel like I'm not fully prepared. Does anyone have and tips or advice for what is needed at the hospital/home right after the surgery? What should I pack? How can I better organize myself around the house?

    I would love to hear some of the tips and tricks y'all figured out from your own experience :-)

    @@Shell88 any further suggestions now that you've had the surgery? Mine is 2 days from today (or 1 week behind you)... and I'm packing tonight! thanks :)

  11. Enjoying reading all these. Mine is a week from today so I'm definitely feeling nervous and anxious (and really hoping that I don't have more than 1 night in hospital since I'm self pay!...maybe since I'm early 30s it will be okay - at least that's what I tell myself).

    Excited to be on the losers bench soon!!!!!

  12. I just had my final pre-op appt and my surgeon said it was okay to drink (he didnt even specify waiting although I think with the acid I will want to!)... which of course completely contradicted what the psych said just 3 days earlier.

    I'm not worried about the diuretic effect (since I'm already drinking 2 cups a day... doesnt really seem to have an effect on me)... its more the acid that I'm concerned will disagree with my new sleeve :unsure:

  13. My husband was the first one I told. my surgery is a couple weeks out and I just told my parents. No siblings or extended family. With a low BMI (and no one believing me when I tell them what I weigh), I didnt want any "you're not that fat!" or "you should try xxx diet!" comments --- only supportive people. Honestly, I dont know that I will ever tell them... we only see them 2-3 times a year. I told my boss that I would be having a medical procedure and would need 5-7 days off work (and I have vacation/sick time to cover).
    My PCP and husband are VERY supportive and know what all I've tried in the years prior. excited and nervous!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
