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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by babsintx3

  1. babsintx3

    Did anyone miss me???

    Hi Estela, Hi and welcome back!! Yes, I missed you and I dont even post that often anymore. I am also really busy and trying to get back to a normal life after plastic surgery, weight loss, relocation of my house and office and 2 sick kids!! Now I am organizing my sons 4th birthday party. Woohoo! Anyway, I am maintaining, but struggling to stay at my present weight. I need a fill, but I keep putting it off. Welcome back!!! Babs in TX 334/180ish
  2. babsintx3


    DJ, The bill for my surgery was 46K. The negotiated rate came out to 19K of which I paid 2K. The numbers really dont mean anything. Doesnt matter if doc is out of network or not. Negotiated rate is negotiated rate if he took your insurance. Your out of pocket sounds ridiculous though. Are you sure that your amount is correct? Just curious.... Babs in TX 334/18-/170 -150 ish or more 6/23/03
  3. babsintx3

    I survived band removal surgery...

    Hi Lisa, I am sorry about your band. BUt I am happy that you are healthy and that the surgery is behind you. I will be thinking about you this weekend and wish you a speedy recovery. The pics are great. Hugs, Babs in TX
  4. Hi , Banded 2 1/2 years and no problems!!! Babs in TX 334/180 ish /170
  5. babsintx3

    Leatha_G Update

    Hi Leatha, Sorry to hear you had problems with your esophagus. My band is too loose and I will probably get a fill in the near future. I am having trouble to maintain my weight loss since I quit smoking and they removed my fill during plastic surgery in August. I have not been able to lose the weight I have gained and sit somewhere in the 190's. Veninga is a great doc, but you must do what feels right to you. Babs in TX 334/190/170
  6. babsintx3

    Ok, starting to freak out...

    Hi Pamela, I also get a pain at my port site if I eat too much. I think the answer as to why this happens is quite simple, though my doc thought I was nuts when I brought it up to his attention that this happens to me. I think it happens because when we are really stuffed our stomach press against the tubing and cause some pressure on the port which is sewn into the abdominal cavity. Dont panic, I dont think you have a serious problem. Babs in TX 334/180 -154
  7. Hi Vines, If I were you, I would be frustrated too. It sounds like you are working with your band and despite your efforts you are not seeing results. I'm sorry.... Maybe you might want to try something different for a while to mix up your metabolism?? Sometimes I will go on an eating binge followed by a 1200 calorie diet and then something else like Atkins for a week and then Southbeach. Yeah, Yeah, I know they are diets, but they work to jumpstart metabolism some of the time. Hang in there, keep your chin up and kick a few walls. You certainly are entitled to it. Hugs, Babs in TX
  8. Hi Ethel, I agree with Alexandra. But then, I always seem to agree with Alex. When you go on liquids and back to solids, it just might seem that you have no restriction, since you gave yourself a couple of days of resting the esophagus. I have the opposite problem. I have more restriction since my turkey PB's from more than a week ago. I think my esophagus is still a little irritated and rebelling. I hope you get your restriction back, but maybe some is psychological cause you are chewing extra well and worried about a a repeat occurence? Just guessing here..... I dont think your band slipped though.... Well at least I hope not.... Babs in TX 334/180/170 -154 ish give or take...
  9. babsintx3

    Pole dancing (Is this an NSV?)

    Hi, Now that I caught your attention: I am looking for an exercise class to learn how to pole dance. Really and Seriously. This is a new Hollywood/CA trend. I bet Penni would know. Lets ask her. Cause I am seriously considering taking a class if such a class were available. I want to feel sexy and also get exercise. My secret fantasy would be to pole dance in my bedroom in high heels and lingerie. OK, now to my NSV: I was joking with a client and I mentioned how I was going to start taking karate lesson and maybe a pole dance class to get some exercise since I stopped going to the gym. This is a 6 year client that I provide recruiting services for so we talk about pretty much anything since we know each other so well. He knows what I look like now and he also knows about my weight loss journey. He didnt laugh at me (NSV #1) and he said jokingly that if I took the class he most defintely would like to see me dance for him...... (NSV 2?) I do take this as a compliment. I guarantee you no one would have wanted to see me pole dance at 334 pounds......!!! So who knows where I could take such a class here in TX? Babs in TX 334/180/170 -154
  10. babsintx3

    Bellydancing NSVs

    Hi Vine, I agree with Alex. You are extremely brave. You go girl!!! shake your groove thang... Babs in TX
  11. babsintx3

    Pole dancing (Is this an NSV?)

    Hey, Bandster BRad, Hadnt thought about port protection during karate lessons...... Sounds dangerous. Pole dancing sounds safer to some extent! LOL I told my husband about my Christmas wish.... I think I may find a pole under my tree.... Or Videos Gosh that sounds raunchy.... So where does Lisa stand on all this???? Babs in TX 334/180 -154
  12. babsintx3

    Frustrated w/ Doc's Office! HELP!

    Sherry, With an approval from your insurance, you most defintely can change surgeons as long as they are in network. I did. I went through a similar situation andI could not get my original surgeons office to call me back even though I already had an approval. I changed surgeons and had surgery three weeks later. Its really important to think about aftercare.... Babs in TX 334/180 -154 6/23/03
  13. Hi Sue, Went from 53.9 and lowest BMI so far was 28.9. I am 2.5 years out. Babs in TX 334/180 -154 ish
  14. babsintx3

    Pole dancing (Is this an NSV?)

    Hi , You are all a riot. Thanks for all the information. It is appreciated!!! Babs in TX 334/180 -154
  15. babsintx3

    My Endo results -- NOT GOOD!!

    Penni, I am really sorry that this has happened to you. Please know my thoughts are with you and I will say a prayer and think of you all day today and think positive thoughts!! Hugs Babs in TX
  16. Hello, Talk about stupid, stupid stupid...... Well I guess dark meat turkey is officially off my list. I had some today for lunch, thought I chewed it more slowly and BAM stuck again. I vomited 4-5 times over a 2 hour period before it dislodged itself. I guess my body is telling me something. I am on liquids for the moment, although I spent the afternoon baking for my sons science class and I did eat several rice crispy treats with no incidence. I am skipping dinner though since I really think I irritated things a little and I dont really want to barf anymore in the near future. Just so no one worries, I am having absolutely no trouble with milk, Water, tea and of course the rice krispy treats went down just fine. And considering I have been on Atkins to get myself on track, I am a little dissapointed that meat is not on the menu tonight..... I really feel like a total dunce. I normally only eat ground turkey a few times a week or cold cut turkey or turkey breast. Will someone tell me I am not a total imbecile? Babs in TX 334/180 -154
  17. babsintx3

    Endoscopy tomorrow

    Hi Penni, Good luck!! I am sure everything will be fine. Babs in TX
  18. babsintx3

    Part 2 feeling even MORE Stupid...

    Betty, You are absolutely right. Why should I take liability for it when its the stupid turkey's fault? Hey, I was making a wise food choice so whats the deal here? LOL Now if I was eating a large cheesecake and barfed, I would not expect any sympathy, but I was really hoping everyone would say: AWWWW, poor Barbara! LOL
  19. babsintx3

    Was anyone else aware of this?

    Hi, Your nurses "protocol" is ridiculous and ludicrous. All of us here can lose weight with or without the band. If you are struggling and hungry all the time and still losing weight because of extreme dieting even though you are banded, then you are not getting maximum use of your tool. You should be able to get a fill if you are hungry between meals and not feeling satisfied. THe lapband is not about suffering. It is about feeling satisfied with smaller portions. You still have to make wise choices, but this is very hard to do if you are hungry. Your nurse should be asking extensive questions like: Are you getting hungry between meals? (3-4 hours) Are you exercising? How much are you able to eat at a meal before you get full? Are you drinking with your meals? Are you waiting at least an hour after meals before you are drinking? Are you eating solid Protein 3-4 oz ? How do you feel after you eat 3-4 oz of meat? Are you satisfied? (True solid protein is the only way to gauge restriction or lack of..... ) Basically your nurse rationing fills without any valid protocol. I hate when offices do this...... Babs in TX 334/180 -154
  20. babsintx3

    Part 2 feeling even MORE Stupid...

    Hi Doody, I really appreciate your concern, but I am not a new bandster. I have been banded 2 1/2 years and I have never had trouble with any food really including turkey. Its only recently that my body is developing this aversion to the dark meat. It might just be THIS particular turkey where the dark meat seems to be a little gamier and stringier than I am used to. Thats why I tried the second time because I did not think if I chewed it to all hell that I would have a problem. I think the reason I did is that I still had some swelling in there from the first PB. And considering that I have had so few problems in the last few years with my band and what I am able to eat , it was worth a try. And I did eat Turkey on Thanksgiving with no incident. But it was mostly white meat.... and it was moister.... Oh well, maybe I will have better luck next time.... Ya see? I still willing to try again..... Yeah, I am think headed, but I luvvvvvv turkey. Babs in TX 334/180170 6/23/03
  21. babsintx3

    Should I get unfilled?

    Estela, You would most likely gain your weight back so why do it? Dont let the food control whether you have a good time or not! Babs in TX 334/18-/170 -150 ish and still trying to get my post PS weight off!
  22. babsintx3

    High BMI Before Surgery

    Hi , Mine was 54 which only puts me within 30 lbs of a 59 or higher BMI. My surgery went without a hitch and the results have been good as well. Babs in TX 334/180/170 -154
  23. Pati, I cant say that I do. The band has been good to me. Its not perfect. (Check out my recent turkey barfing episodes!) I dont really feel like the end is near or the sky is falling. I am 2 1/2 years out and doing fine. I am still fighting demons like everyone else is here. The band is not without complications but it was the right choice for me. Babs in TX 334/180/170 -154
  24. Sue, Sounds like you are doing exceptionally well and I can read that your sense of humour is intact. Congratulations on a successful surgery!!!!! Babs in TX
  25. babsintx3

    OK,so now I feel really stupid..

    Hi Dody, Your doc is mostly right about not drinking Water or liquids if you are stuck. This is not the case for me though. Sometimes when I have a golfball feeling a small sip of something warm to relax my esophagus really helps to get something through. I know my body pretty well and this has worked well for me in the past. I am not talking about sucking down half a cup of liquid, just a 1/2 oz sip at a time till the food dislodges itself. I definitely wouldnt recommend this if you have swallowed something gummyh or doughy since the liquid would likely cause swelling and exacerbate the problem. Babs in TX

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
