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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by ashsleeved

  1. Today was a huge fail! :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laureadolce


      If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you. New day tomorrow, start again. You can do this!

    3. Michele Heany

      Michele Heany

      Everyone has a day where they fall off just hop back on the next day and start anew No worries Feel good!!


    4. ashsleeved


      Thank you all!

  2. 25lbs down since pre op! 1 week post op tomorrow!

    1. Shell88


      CONGRATS! Thats so awesome!!!! Proud of you!

    2. reclaimingmyinnerbamf
    3. ashsleeved


      Thanks guys! The first couple of days I was miserable and I regretted everything and it was pretty bad. But i'm doing a little better now.

  3. Pre-Op Diet starts today.. it's awful.

    1. Shell88


      it gets so much better after day 3..... you won't even realize it anymore! I promise!

    2. ashsleeved


      Everything is so sweet... does that go away? Like i'm so nauseous.

    3. BeagleLover


      Use some sugarless flavors to enhance the protein shakes.

  4. i don't feel very good.. #preopday2

    1. Shell88


      the bad feelings DO go away, i promise.... you're doing great.... a few more days and you won't even notice

    2. ProudGrammy


      pre-op can be very hard !!

      worth every minute - consideing you will have WLS soon!! good luck for the rest of your healthier, happier, longer life


    3. ashsleeved


      Thank you guys soo much!

  5. Day 4 PreOp. #igothis

    1. Shell88


      it only gets better!!!!!!! you do got this!!! lol

    2. ashsleeved
    3. OhSoNoni


      What does your pre-op consist of? I have 2 weeks to go before I have to do the pre-op, but I am doing a pre-pre-op. So far today I've had 1 protein shake and 1 salad. Lots of water and unsweetened iced tea.

  6. Day 12 #preop #15lbs down

    1. Shell88


      Thats awesome!! Congrats!!!!! I knew you could do this!!!


    2. ashsleeved


      Thanks girl! How is post-op life?

    3. Shell88


      achy - but less surrounded by food lol

  7. head hunger is no joke!

    1. Goatfarmer
    2. blondebomb


      you ain't a kidding! I have to give myself a "shut up up there" all the time! I am pushing toward the 9 month PO will be on the 8th this head hunger still tries to appear its ugly head daily! fight fight fight!!

  8. Back to work today. Sleeved 3/20. 34lbs down!

    1. txfirefly979


      awesome! I was 3/20 and am officially down 19lbs! Yay for being LOSERS :)

    2. alwaysvegas


      That's fantastic! Work felt really different after surgery. Congratulations!

  9. I have a surgery date!

    1. alwaysvegas


      Congratulations! A new life awaits! Don't forget to update your profile!

    2. ashsleeved
  10. Jumping on the Losers Bench tomorrow! Catch ya on the flip side! :)

    1. reclaimingmyinnerbamf
    2. blondebomb


      woohoo!! how ya doing? happy for ya congrats!! :) hope all is going well :)

  11. 8lbs down #preop #day6

    1. stacy458


      Great job...8 pounds! Whoop whoop!

  12. Haven't been on in awhile! 8 Weeks out today and down 52 from my Highest Weight! Woo-Hoo!

  13. Back on Track. 6.6lbs down. #day5

  14. 10 Lbs down! This time next week I will be sleeved!

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