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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ashsleeved

  1. I don't think I puréed one thing. I'm not saying you should go rogue like me, but I ate extremely soft foods for two months and chewed very well. I lived on eggs, cheese, and yogurt. Also blueberries, avocado, etc. I am positive some folks won't agree with me but I had no issues. I guess I'm just a rebel like @LipstickLady.

    I am 6 days post op. First couple of days I def stuck to the liquid thing 100%. Here lately I have been making Soups with soft noodles and making sure I chew them very well. I myself am getting kind of sick of the liquid diet. I am ready to move on.

    It's looking like I am on that same track! Did any of you have problems with healing? It's so much more filling and I have a little more energy! Just worried about my staples!!! I'm 5 days out

    I am also on this track- I'm supposed to start purees 4/20 (which is a month out for me) however.. I was just not eating since I was over everything else and i'm not getting my Protein in. I started on ricotta bake, and refried Beans with a lot of sour cream. This weekend I added in cottage cheese and tuna salad. So far so good.

  2. I am 18 days out and i've been having the same issues. In fact i was becoming undernurished and my nutritionist told me to start drinking smoothies made with greek yogurt, fairlife milk, and fruit. All Protein is disgusting to me except the Atkins Carmel Cafe shakes, and those have a lot of fat in them, so I was told to limit them to once a day.

    As far as Water I was only gettng about 24 oz in.. So my NUT told me to add fruit slices(just dont eat the fruit) So i've been adding lemon and orange slices to my Water. Since surgery I cannot tolerate crystal light. I've also made a batch of the Starbucks Tazo Passion Fruit Iced Tea and I mix in the MInute Maid light 5 calorie lemonade and it helps get fluids in also.

    I'm currently choking down an Isopure Zero Carb-- at the very least it helps me get my water in, because for every drink I take I have to chase it with water.

  3. I feel guilty! I'm supposed to be on Clear Liquids but have "cheated" with some sugar free thin pudding, some tiny very chewed bites of egg white and WW string cheese. Getting in all liquids, today no uncomfortable feeling at all. Just tire easily. Wonder if my Sleeve is too big even?

    I've wondered that myself. I've adventures with a few bites if turkey and a little stuffing with gravy. I have to eat very slowly and chew the heck out of everything, but so far I am able to eat everything I've tried. I cannot stand the sight, smell or taste of any of the Protein Drinks anymore so have to get some Protein in somehow. Doing ok with the cream of wheat and yogurt though but I have been eating about one real mean (saucer sized) per day. Am still losing at a reasonable rate so I'm feeling ok. Just guilty about not following orders lol.

    I'm still on full liquids. Until the 21st. Surgery was 3/20. I've tested my limits.. Lol. All healthy high protein things such as refried Beans and very very moist salmon in well chewed tiny pieces. Today marks my one month on liquids since pre op! I'm over it!

  4. I'm eastern cincy. I had surgery on 3/20 with Dr. Watkins at UC west Chester

    Oh wow that's awesome how was your experience with that hospital? And how's your recovery going?

    The entire experience was great, until post op. I think their post op diet is insane. When you talk to Dr.Watkins or his dietitians about it, they basically bring up their excellent numbers as far as leaks go. However with all that I would still recommend it. The hospital staff was amazing.

    Recovery is okay. I feel way advanced as far as what I can take in, but I feel like I'm being held back due to the diet! If you have any specific questions, let me know!

  5. Hey All! I was sleeved last Friday 3/20! I have lost 26.2 lbs since the start of my 2 week liquid diet.

    I have a couple questions.

    1. I feel like I am able to take in a lot. I was able to do about 4oz of Tomato Soup at one time yesterday. And 3/4 of a greek yougurt today. I have never felt a "full" feeling. I feel satisified, but at the same time i'm not hungry. It's all very confusing to me.

    2. I have an extreme aversion to all Protein supplements. Unflavored and everything. I literally throw up. My surgeon told me to take in as much as i can with greek yougurt/soups, etc. Until my follow up appointment tuesday. Has this happened to anyone else?

    3. How on earth are you getting in 64 oz of Water a day. Im lucky to get in about 30.

    4. What was the crietera for your post op diet? I'm supposed to stay a month on each level. It just seems extreme.

    Thanks for your help!

  6. Day 8 you are doing great!!! I am on day 5 so right behind you but my preop diet is so different than yours :(. I agree by far the hardest thing right now being around others and food they have but I have also handled it. WANTED TO RUN AWAY but I did not focused on me and mine and just ignored best I could

    I actually do better at work, than I do at home. I lose all self control at home! Lol. At least I feel like it, I haven't yet. But who knows.

    I'm really trying to stay 100% on plan for the next week. And I do love the change on the scale. But I would also really enjoy some Mexican Food!

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