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Everything posted by Tubbs216

  1. Hello, this thread just popped up in my email again. I'm the OP, so I thought I would give an update. I read and absorbed all of the comments that were made, and decided to not think any more about surgery. Since January last year I have been counting calories and am now maintaining a 45lb loss. I would like to lose another 5lbs which, at 5'5" and 135 would put me squarely in the middle of my suggested weight range. I'm taking it very slow and steady. I used My Fitness Pal, and eat everything I like, just less of it. I am MUCH more conscious of quantities and serving sizes now, and feel empowered to keep the weight off. I tend to feel that we over-think these things. Eating fewer calories than I burn causes me to lose weight, and I have no need to go low carb or any other complicated diet. I thank everyone again for their input, and wish you all good health.
  2. Hello, This is my first post! I'm 47, 5'5" and 185lbs, which puts me at BMI of 31 (just into the obese category). I have a medium build. I was a slim child, but I've yo-yo dieted for most of my adult life, getting to my lowest weight of 148 about 3 years ago (strict diet, active job), and of course it's crept back on. This is pretty much the highest I've been though, at about 50lbs overweight. I don't have any other health problems that I'm aware of. Weight runs in my family, and both my mother and (older) sister have had VSG with good results. Both were a lot heavier than me. I'm starting to think this may be the way I should go too, as I sit here feeling totally defeated about the prospect of starting, and failing, yet another New Year's diet. I've read enough to know that don't want a lap band. I would need to self-pay and travel to get the surgery, and at a BMI of 31 I would qualify. Having had people close to me go through the travel, surgery and recovery with no regrets, I'm pretty aware of what's involved, but am trying to figure out if it's 'worth it' for someone as relatively lightweight as me? I would really love input from other people who were similar low BMI and to hear their experiences. Thanks!
  3. Hello again, and thank you for all of your replies. After much thought, I've decided to 'have another go' by myself. I'm already a few pounds down, which puts me below a 30 BMI, hence I would not qualify for surgery right now anyway. I'm going to keep the idea of surgery in the back of my mind, as a last resort, since I view it as a serious commitment. Everyone says how it's just a tool and you still have to work hard to lose the weight. I figure if I can lose weight by myself by working hard, maybe that's what I should be doing for now. For me, losing has never been too much of a problem, it's keeping it off that I have the issue with. I'm going to have to look for strategies to help with that. Yes, I am aware that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result, but right now cutting out most of my stomach to lose a bit of weight seems too extreme for me. Wish me luck!
  4. Thanks so much. It's great to hear from people who have a similar background to me. I'm getting more excited about the idea of finally finding a tool to help me get on top of my weight problem long term. I'm unsure how to broach the subject with my husband now...
  5. Yes, it's a good idea. Thank you for the suggestion
  6. Wow, that is amazing. Good for you! Are you worried about losing TOO much weight? I can't imagine that being a problem, but I guess it could be for lower BMI people. Do they make the sleeve any bigger if you don't have so much to lose?
  7. Yes, this is exactly where I am. I KNOW I can lose at least some of the weight - enough to feel healthier and look better - but I dread all the feelings that come when I inevitably regain. Am also conscious that at 47 it's not as easy to lose as it was when I was 30. Thanks for all the perspectives. Lots of thinking to do...

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