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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by christasha

  1. Went to my PCP today and their scale says 13 lbs LIGHTER than mine! I said "R U SURE????" . . . and the little girl assured me its correct (she didn't use the digital scale). So MAYBE I haven't been as stuck as I thought I was . . . I'll see what the surgeon's scale says on Thursday when I go in (that will be 4 months out for me!) . . . and no more blood pressure meds! YEA!


  2. I have one that I got at the jewelry store . . . actually I got two and had them customize it - since I never wore jewelry before, it was a treat. It has the "No NG tube, No NSAIDS or Aspirin and Lapband surgery on the back, with my name on the front with the medic alert symbol. I think you can google Medic Alert jewelry and find lots of choices too.

  3. I would think that the psyco person SHOULD understand given your medical conditions. This is to help you . . . even if we can't all be exercise champs . . . it's still a tool that helps and I've gotten much further with it than I ever would have without it (for the past 27 years)! Good luck to you . . . I hope it all works out for you.


  4. Hi Mattie . . . you would be surprised how much better you start feeling as soon as the weight starts dropping. I have to admit I don't know about your condition . . . but would you be able to do Water aerobics? I've got a bad hip and back and I've tried "land based exercise" but always end up aching after that - so now I'm sticking to the Water .. . and that can be quite a work out too! Also just walking at first is a good start - even if its just 5 or 10 minutes to start with! You can do this in some way I'm sure! Best of luck to you - keep us posted!


  5. Everyone IS doing great! I keep getting discouraged because I'm not moving much . . . but it's still so much down from where I started! I told my family I don't want to see one treat or candy or cake or cookie or ANYTHING sweet laying around my house . . . if you have it - don't you DARE tell me . . . and I have GOT to get myself on track and staying there . . . no sweets in the beginning didn't bother me at all . . .a nd now I'm CARVING them . . . but being good. I just don't want it waved in front of my face anymore :) Also wish my bumm hip wasn't giving me trouble . . . exercising isn't going to happen . . . walking is hard enough . . . but I'm getting off at an earlier stop on my trolley on the way to work . . . and back to Water aerobics! Yea!

  6. Oh Fanny - GREAT JOB! So sorry the poll was closed! That's so not fair :sneaky: I'm having all sorts of issues . . . all tied to stress with my son's family being here and the noise (two babies 1 and 3) and the financial drain .. . and they leave candy laying all over the place . . . and I'm so good during the day . . . and so bad at night . . . and the next day I just start all over again. I'm up 2 lbs from what my ticker says, but I refuse to change it upward . . . but oh my - I've been at this weight a month . . . and have to start losing again! I'm hoping to be able to start doing Water aerobics again this week .. . my hip is feeling better - but I'm not doing the "land based" exercising anymore . . . that did me in two months in a row . .. once for my back and last month for my hip. Old age isn't a good thing to have at times for this process either! However . . . I'm GOING to do this!



  7. I was told at my preop appointments that I had to be off nicotine 2 months before my doctor would operate . . . AND cafine and carbonation . . . so I quit all 3 cold turkey on that day . . . because I WANTED this surgery .. . and I had it exactly 2 months later . . . I won't say it wasn't hard . . . but I wanted the surgery more than I wanted those things . . . it is something I had to do for me . . .and I white knuckled through it . . . I didn't even go to the Patches because that would still have nicotine in my system . . . and I was told they would test for the nicotine before surgery . . .so . . . it's a matter of do it or else for me. Good luck . . . and oh . . . that was October 3rd I quit . . . and haven't gone back :wub:

  8. Hope this finds everyone well . . . our group is getting quieter and quieter . . . I'm kinda at a standstill .. . hoping for fill #2 on the 3rd (my fault for cancelling the last appointment). Trying to stay motivated . . .and TRYING to stay away from the Easter candy that my granddaughter keeps offering me . . . she's almost 3 so that's pretty unselfish! I just take it . . . and put it in my hand to melt until she walks away :wub: (most the time).

    Have a Great Day everyone!

  9. Hi Erin . . . I was banded 12-3 by Dr. Mueller . . . you should come to the support groups the first 2 Mondays . . . and the Fitness Without Walls is kinda cool too . . . great networking places . . . hope you continue to do great! I have 1.5cc in my 10cc band . . . had to cancel my fill appointment on the 13th and am waiting now for 4-3 . . . Good luck! Keep in touch. I'm in Chula Vista.


  10. I'm in . . . I've been going nowhere . . . and been looking at all the goodies my family brings in the house (can't WAIT until they move out in May!) . . .

    B - Blueberry yogurt

    S - Balance "Carb Well" Protein bar

    L - 1/4 c egg salad, 1/4 cup pineapple cottage cheese, 1 cheese stick

    S - EAS strawberry low carb Protein Drink

    D - going to be part of a tuna steak poached in chicken broth, and steamed veggies

    Good luck everyone!

  11. Cerrin . . . I was doing Water aerobics . . . but since last week I've been hurting more than usual for a long time . . . I think I'm going tonight . . . I just have to tone it down .. .which I hate because I go at everything full tilt! I'll just work my arms like crazy and my left leg . . . the other will be my science project to show what happens when you move . . .and when you don't move! Fanny . . . you're doing great too! Hang in there!

  12. Thank you . . . but to be honest . . . I'm back to 47 right now . . . but I refuse to change my ticker . . . and I don't know if you recall - but 14 of my loss is from my pre-op. I lost it, so I count it :thumbup: I'm just craving sugar and I didn't do that for 2 months! The cafine and nicotine don't bother me (not having them). . . but suddenly the sugar is almost out of control with cravings! Deep breath - and count to 10 . . . and start all over again! :)

  13. Well I had to cancel my fill appointment last week . . . and now have to wait until April 3 . . . ughhhh . . . I'm not going anywhere either . . . and with very little effort I can put lbs back on . . . don't like that at ALL! Hang in there everyone! We have to start moving downward at some point! I also tweeked my hip again . . . turned funny when I was shopping at Walmart this weekend . . . and then had to use my cane yesterday . . . that is SO not cool . . . and SO not good for any exercise plans!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
