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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by christasha

  1. Oh Danna . . . don't feel whimpy at all . . . and a barium swallow .. . that would have KILLED me (I'm very lactose intolerant to begin with .. .and then the just passing through .. ugh!) .. . but you will be doing better today and then the next and the next. I'm sore this morning across the top of my stomach . . . like someone hit me really hard. I'm not in any pain . . . just a different sorness. I think I read somewhere on here that about the second day out or so that is usual. Welcome to this side!!!!


  2. I am feeling fine .. . just had a 3 hour nap . . .which is more than I slept in the hospital total I think . . . and just took a shower . . .that felt good. I forgot to tell you guys - I'm not stitched . . .I'm not stapled . . . I'm GLUED ;) Unbelievable what they can do now! My daughter just came home with the Pirates movie . . . so we get to watch that tonight to Celebrate. I'm almost tempted to drink a cup of warm Water (yuck) .. . anything warm just sounds good right now lol.


  3. Carol . . . you would ask if I gained weight . . . and YES .. . I'm up 6 lbs from their scale yesterday morning to when I got home today. I had 3 IV bags overall . . . and 4 bottles of Water and same of Propel since then. That Propel does have sugars in it . . . not much . . .but maybe it is the gas they pump in that weights more lol (I amuse myself). You know what . . .I WISH I could have a cup of hot tea right now . .. I'm freezing . . . I think I'll have to break down and turn on my heater today . . . 48 in the morning in San Diego is pretty cool for us . . . and my house has ZERO insulation I think. This weight too shall pass . . . I'm just calling it procedure weight. Nothing I did to cause it.


  4. Oh Carol . . .My daughter read your email to me on the phone last night and I felt so bad for you! Please ALWAYS be a Merry Loser! We need you!

    I'm almost embarrassed to say I had a "text book" experience . . . checked in, did all the sticking and stabbing with needles . . .down to preop - with 6 other people who were all "first". My Lord, you have a nurse, anesthelogist and doctor at each bed . . . along with relatives . . . it sounded like a bee hive. And then we rolled . . . and the last thing I remember was someone saying they were putting another IV in my arm "in case .. . " and I was out. Never did find out WHY they did that . . . and I had to tell each nurse "got me". I woke up in recovery and was there for an hour . . . and then back up to the room at 11:00 am.

    I wasn't expecting to spend the night - but they said outpatient is anything up to 24 hours . . . so I figured I might as well stay there where they could keep an eye on me. I never went to sleep until 11:30 last night. I had the pain medicine once when I got up to the room, and once about 10:30. Haven't taken any today, but I might now that I'm home and can really rest a bit. Was up walking the halls by 12:30 and then made a point of doing it every 2 hours. Then room service came and I'm going "huh???" and she had 4 bottles of Water and 4 bottles of Propel . . . my food lol. I haven't had much pain for gas . . . just a slight bit in the shoulder, but the gas-x helped that . . . I LOVED the leg things . . . I don't have anyone to rub my legs and feet . . . so that was a treat!

    The poor woman in the room next to me did not fair quite as well. She had nausea quite a bit, and was crying when they were trying to get her up walking. However - today she was walking the halls too . . . and smiling a LOT . . .

    So that is my beginning journey - and I'm hoping everyone else has good stories too!

    Extra hugs to Carol AND Dee!


  5. The NSAIDS are moltren, ibuprofen, alleve and those types of things. They, and asprin are very hard on the stomach. I'm not sure if lapbanders can eventually take the NSAIDS - but i know bypass people cannot. I had to stop my ibuprofen a couple weeks ago to let my stomach rest for surgery on Monday .. . There are better explinations out there I'm sure, but that's the gist of it I believe.

  6. I get to be 1st up on Monday morning . . . have to be there at 5:30 . .. 8:00 surgery. And I have a new distraction to take my mind off worrying . . . my hip . . . which gives me fits every now and then . . . is killing me . . . It's been cold and rainy here (ok . . . cold for San Diego) . . . and I think the dampness has gotten in there . . . I'm going to have to pull out the cain just to walk around . . . but this too shall pass.

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