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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by christasha

  1. Oh Sara . . . take a deep breath! When you wake up, you'll be groggy and not feeling any pain at all . . . because you're still under the anesethetic from the surgery . . . I was one of the lucky ones and didn't have a lot of pain to deal with at all afterwards. However, I'm sure your doctor gave you perscriptions for pain for when you get home . . .make sure you have them filled before you have your surgery so they are ready for you . . .and then the montra is "walk, sip, walk, sip, repeat" . . . you will be fine! Best of luck to you!


  2. Welcome to the December group all of you! It's good to hear who everyone is and where you are from. We're here to support each other . . . and I know this board was great for me as I was about to go to the hospital . . . and even now I'm lurking around in my spare time. Good luck to everyone!


  3. I'm not going to be able all I need to do successfully without some decent equipment and some instruction on how to use it . . .and how to deal with my bum hip . . . and classes . . . so I broke down and joined Women's Fitness Center . . . and I get two free personal trainer sessions . . . so that should get me started . . . I'm going to make this work if it kills me lol!


  4. Twilight . . . part of my instructions were to go see my PCP one week post op . . . which I did . . . and she analyzed my meds and cut my blood pressure stuff in half . . . did blood work as a base and will do again on the 31st to see if we can cut some of the other stuff out . . . so that is a good idea. She's had patients who had the surgery in the past, but I'm her "first" from recommendation through the surgery (she could be my daughter . . .) When I went to my post of .. . he just walked in the room and said "flash me" . . . and never got closer than 3 feet to looking at the incisions . . .he was into questions and answers and the future. I guess if the incisions aren't glaring at you bright red, you "pass".


  5. Welcome to the Losers' Express everyone! Wahoo and congrats! Our December club is growing by leaps and bounds . . . and it's good to know our group and be able to chatter back and forth about everything! Great work . . .and for the rest of the December people yet to come . . . We're WAITING FOR YOU!


  6. I'm glad I can amuse you :) That's always better than anoying people. I tried Curves several years ago . . . but my back won't take it (boo) . . . and now I've got a bad hip too . . . I wish I had a pool available (that didnt' cost a fortune to be in) . . . I am required to go to exercise classes once a month for a year as part of my post-op (organized through my doctor's office) . . . My first one will be the first Saturday in January . . . I figure if I'm out walking a lot before then, I should be able to learn from there and start something on my own. I have to do it for me . . . so I'm going to! Good luck!


  7. I'm one of the people still on liquids after surgery . . . and man all the sodium in the Soups and premixed EAS drinks and even some in the Propell . . . this has GOT to be making me retain Water or something . . . since this is almost all I'm living on (well SF Jello and popcicles) . . . you would think I would be waisting away . . . but this week my scale isn't moving . . . I wonder if it is something to do with the sodium . . . can't wait for mushies on Monday!


  8. LOL . . . not EVERYONE had a routine pre-op. . . which is part of why I'm in this shape! I'm walking now . . . and next week going to start something . . . have to read my book as to what they want . . . I had surgery on the 3rd . . . came back to work on the 10th - and I'm feeling pretty good, so I would think if you take it easy . . . you should be just about good to go!


  9. Congrats and welcome aboard the looser's train! My doctor said no lifting more than 10 lbs for 2 weeks . . . but you had a BUNCH more stuff than I did . . . I have 2 grandkids living with me (2-1/2 and 1) . . . so I know your problem . . . but I have others around so I don't have to lift them. TAKE CARE . . .


  10. I was taking my pills last night (with Water yea!) . . . and took to big a swallow . . . which I realized as soon as it was going down . . . and instantly I had backwash . . .and more than I had just swallowed. It wasn't until later that I thought this could be what PB is . . . I had no control . . .it was just there instantly. Just wondering . . . because if this is PB . . . omg I will NEVER break a chewing rule (ONCE I GET TO START CHEWING!)


  11. I just got back from my checkup too - and also lost 10 lbs since surgery (December 3). Wahoo! He said he likes his patients to loose 15 lbs in the first month . . . so I'm in OK shape (well not physically lol). I have an appointment for January 2 for my first fill. He said he is pretty agressive . . . and we will see what happens then. He said I can do anything as long as I still feel good . . . don't overdue it. And I knew my incisions were glued shut . . .but he said "yup . . .it's a high grade super glue that is bendable and flexible" . . . amazing!


  12. i TRIED copying and pasting your list . . . but it came out all jumbled . . . sorry. If anyone has time . . . take the most current list you can find here . . . copy and paste it into a new reply and then add new names/locations. Sorry . . . I'm on my way to work again or I'd do it . . . ;)

    Have a great day everyone! I have my post-op checkup today :)


  13. Dear 100 . . . Don't give up . . . you are soooooooooooo close! you wouldn't believe how much better I feel just 8 days out . . . there is a new energy . . . and while I haven't dropped sizes (I think my clothes must have been really tight) . . . I've dropps LBS!!!! My knees don't hurt as much . . . my hip is better . . .most the time . . . and I'm going to Disneyland on Monday for the entire day . . . and don't think I'll have to sit down ever 10 minutes because I ache! YOU CAN DO THIS! We're all here for you!


  14. USA

    100lbsforsale - Bennet, NE

    brez1015 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    chatita - Houston, Texas

    christasha - Chula Vista, California

    DonHoll1 - Indiana

    egorsgirl1 - suburb of Dallas,Texas

    Ellisa - Ohio

    freebird - Cheyenne, Wyoming

    grannyk - Missouri

    inthecitygirl - Las Vegas, Nevada

    Jazzywoman - Ohio

    jomama36 - Sterling Heights, Michigan

    jwright - Michigan

    motocrossgirly - Liburn, Georgia

    onmyway2fit (evie) - Ohio

    sfeiner - Baraboo, Wisconsin

    sghatl - Georgia

    ~shelia~ - Washington state

    thundandlight - Massachusetts

    tomecia25 - Dallas, Texas

    Twilight - Montana


    bert99 - BC, Canada

    Meghan1983 - Hamilton, Ontario


    Sewenup1 - Sydney

    Fanny Adams - Perth

    To add your name, copy the above list and past into a new reply, and then add your name.

  15. How many of you guys had doctor already pre-fill your lapband? My doctor said they wont pre-fill cause the band should already be some what tight on stomach.


    No pre-fill from my doctor because of stomach swelling from surgery . . . I have to wait 4-6 weeks. I go for my post-op checkup on Wednesday. Meanwhile - my PCP cut my blood pressure meds in half this morning! Wahoo! I'm making progress!


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