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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by christasha

  1. I THINK loss of hair is tied to lack of Protein .. . and sometimes to results of anesthesia . . . the B12 wouldn't have anything to do with Hair loss as far as I know. There are other posts that have discussed it . . . but I don't remember where . . . we have one girl in our support group that wears wigs . . . because she didn't do all the protein she needed to do after surgery and literally lost 90% of her hair. It's coming back, but she still is wearing the wigs for the time being.

  2. I canceled my fill for tomorrow (3-13) - seems I have to go to Disneyland instead with my BFF who is having a really tough time . . . so my next appointment is a month away again - I'll survive! Actually, considering I only have 1.5 cc in my 10cc band, I'm doing ok . . .

  3. I'm doing OK Cerrin . . . have an appointment for "possible" fill on Thursday . . . but knowing Dr. Stingy . . . we joke because he doesn't give fills often to anyone in our group . . . we shall see. I'm feeling slow and steady - not as dramatic as some . . . but it's still moving downward. Yea!

  4. Well idiot me started out the morning with getting stuck on my egg and cheese omlette . . . AGAIN (I don't learn well) . . . . after 3 bites. Well fine . . . I get home . . . and take my almost 3 year old granddaughter to the zoo . . . and DUH ME . . . forgot all about the morning . . . and ordered some carnitas (pulled pork) by itself when I got her a kids meal . . . and after 2 bites I'm going "oh crap" . . . have no clue where the bathroom is from where I am . . . have my granddaughter . . . so I'm pointing to the elephants (how appropriate) and telling her to look there . . . while I'm turning around into the bushes . . . ughhhhh . . . ok . . .I'm on liquids . . . I REMEMBER now!

  5. I'm going to just keep on crawling along as I am . . . I am NOT about to write all my food down . . . it drives me crazy . . . but that's just me. Same thing with the Bodybug . . . I'm just doing my thing . . . keeping to the band rules . . . getting to Water aerobics 3-4 times a week . . . and hope things keep moving on. I am hoping for my second fill on the 13th . . . I NEED IT!

    Good Luck everyone!

  6. Hang in there Cerrin . . . you KNOW if you do the right stuff, it HAS to start moving at some point . . . I've had a slow month too . . . but I have to believe it will start moving more soon! I even took my 3 month pics this weekend . . . and couldn't see a difference at all . . .so I didn't post them - but I have them!

  7. Poor Kitty Cerrin . . . but YEA FOR YOU!!!!! That has to be the BEST DAMN FEELING! I've been pretty much stalled all month . . . but was able to put on some 20 capri's my dil had . . . that ZIP and BUTTON instead of elastic . . . that is HUGE for me . . . (just wish I didn't hate capris!)

    I'm going on a cruise to Alaska in May . . . and my mom just shipped me a vest she had . . . its beautiful tan suede . . . and I can wear it like it is . . . BUT I now have motivation to get busy losing again because I WANT to be able to zip it . . . not just have it handing loose.

    All these NSVs are great everyone! Keep them coming!

  8. I've only had one fill (banded 12-3) and it was for 1.5cc. I'm really ready for another one but have to wait until 3-13. However, even though I'm hungry and have to control myself without the aid of the band, I would try not to eat a huge amount of food at any one sitting. While the band isn't helping all that much so far, I don't want to jeopardize it by way overfilling it. I was also told I couldn't have steak for a year after banding because of the fibers . . . and I won't even try rice because of all the people that get stuck on it. You have to help yourself with your choices while waiting for the right fill to get to your sweet spot . . . it isn't fun . . . but I've been through too much to ignore the basic rules. Take a deep breath and just jump back on that band wagon! That's the cool part about the band . . . you CAN jump back on and start over! Yea!

    Good luck! - Chris

  9. This can definitely be done! I wasn't quite 50BMI . . . but darn close. I'm 57 and I had surgery 12-3, and I've lost 46 lbs (including the two week preop diet) since then. My knees are better, my hip, my back . . . I'm not walking with a cane the way I was in May . . . and I'm going to keep on this program . . . the best thing I EVER did! You can do it! Best of luck!


  10. You would THINK there would be some charges that are standard no matter where you are . . . but I guess not. I sure don't know how all of this works . . .and I'm glad I don't have to figure it out and my insurance covered it all . . . but omg what a racket to "inflate" costs, then discount them and then come up with what the insurance should pay . . . yikes!

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