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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by christasha

  1. christasha

    American Idol '08

    BJean . . . I've wondered about Carly's legs too . . .she ALWAYS has black nylons on when she is in a dress . . . but it can't just be tats because she isn't shy with her arms . . . I'm guessing it's what they tats might be!
  2. Just in case anyone wants to see pics, here are some links . . . and all I can say is WOW! I'd do it again in a heart beat! [/url]here are some dog sled pics . . . http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8Aas2jRu3ctG2g and Glacier Bay pics http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8Aas2jRu3ctG2T and 4x4 pics http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8Aas2jRu3ctG2x and some Aleutian Ballad crab boat pics http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8Aas2jRu3ctG3k and finally some Seattle pictures http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8Aas2jRu3ctG3X
  3. christasha

    OT - Pictures from Alaska

    Apples 2 - you're more than welcome to check out the pics! We were on a 7 day cruise from Seattle to Glacier Bay, Juneau, Sitka, Ketchikan and Victoria, Canada. Absolutely LOVED it . . . and came back 8 lbs higher . . . I really have to be good now when I go to Vegas next week . . . but I can do lots of walking there if it isn't tooo hot! I would cruise again any day . . . so all you people with upcoming cruises . . .I'm jealous already!
  4. christasha

    OUCH! Second Fill Disaster!

    Oh MY! I'm so sorry to hear all of this! Sure hope you're doing better now. I'm getting my second fill 2 days before my daughter's graduation . . . yikes .. . now I'm worried about that! We have to go up to Los Angeles the night before . .. I'll definitely be sipping and not chewing anything!
  5. Please mark your surgery week, or that you rescheduled or canceled
  6. christasha

    San Diego Bandsters out there?

    Grace I'm not sure what areas you are interested in . . . or that San Diego prices are "decent" at all anywhere - it is rather expensive to live here. Give me more info and I'll try to help . . . but I'm leaving town for a week on Sunday (5-11). Best of luck to you! Chris
  7. christasha

    Anyone not feel restriction yet?

    Oh thanks for the well wishes everyone! I'm going to be on the Westerdam (Holland America) out of Seattle on Sunday for a week. We're hitting Glacier Bay, Juneau, Sitka, Ketchikan and Victoria, Canada. So far it's looking like rain for the entire time with highs of about 53. (I made us scarves and hats). In Juneau we're doing the Mendenhall Glacier and salmon bake, DOG SLEDDING (on wheels not snow). IN Sitka we're driving around an island on Yamaha Rhinos (goodle that - like a golf cart with big wheels). Ketchikan - we're going on the boat used in Deadliest Catch - just not out on the big waters (CAN'T WAIT FOR THAT ONE!). My wardrobe is from Salvation Army . . . good bargains . . . classy dressy stuff - and the rest is heavy sweatshirts, ponchos and cold weather gear. Now that I've rambled forever . . . I appreciate all your thoughts! I've been on a short cruise once and loved it . . . and everyone else in the group was seasick but me . . . hope I can stay that way this time too! Oh .. .the hip is "there" but behaving for the most part - I'm not taking a cane with me which I contemplated for awhile - so I'm just cautious of it . . . Chris
  8. christasha

    Introducing myself to you

    Hi there Babs! Welcome - and chime in any time you want . . . we have stories, opinions, confessions - we've got everything to keep you happy! Chris
  9. christasha

    5 Month Progress poll

    Oh I'm glad you noticed about the numbers . . . I tried that and love it because I was always wondering who was who on the last polls . . . you beat me to the "post"! Everyone is doing GREAT! Keep it up. I might get a slight fill on June 4th - it would be my second. I'm suddenly finding I can't do chicken at all .. . I lose it every time no matter how careful and slow. Oh well - I'm hoping for LOTS of seafood next week! I leave for Alaska on Sunday (5-11).
  10. christasha

    Anyone not feel restriction yet?

    Yea for you Cerrin! I'm really happy for you - keep up the GREAT work! I can't wait for Sunday (5-11) . . . I THINK this entire trip is a fairytale . . . I will have a link to pics when I return for sure!
  11. christasha

    5 Month Progress poll

    OK . . . this poll isn't as great as the previous ones . . . sorry about that!
  12. christasha

    Most Remarkable Changes?

    Damn Fanny - How COOL is that! Way to go!
  13. christasha

    Anyone not feel restriction yet?

    I'm doing great .. . stopping eating that damn yogurt made ALL the difference in the world . . .and the scale is moving again! THEN . . . I got spider bites on my ankle . . . and I'm on antibiotics and benedryl . . . and can't go in the water to do aerobics until they are better . . . BUMMER . . . so I have to walk! I leave for Alaska in 9 days :party::D:D Everyone is doing GREAT! - and tomorrow is 5 month day! Wahoo!
  14. christasha

    Most Remarkable Changes?

    I'm noticing ELBOWS . . . that fit to my body instead of laying across it . . . it's the funniest sensation . . .and I'm totally amused by it. I also have to figure out how to adjust my car seat . . it just feels wierd right now .. . I love these things :wub:
  15. christasha

    Anyone not feel restriction yet?

    WaHoo! Way to go! That has to feel soooo great
  16. I don't even know when I started eating a yogurt everyday . . . but I did - and the other day I was looking at the label for some other reason, and the dang CARBS caught me totally by surprise . . . OMG . . . I stopped eating them daily, and the scale has started to move again. (I know, I know - if I logged my food . . . yadda yadda yadda - it ain't going to happen in my lifetime) . . . Anyway . . . maybe it's just coincidence and it was about to move anyway - but the only way I ever lost weight (preband) was keeping the carbs WAY down . . . and I think they were out of control right now. Wahoo! I'm a happy camper and fading to skinny (alas - very slowly lol). Have a great day everyone! Chris
  17. christasha

    Surprising NSV . . .

    I was going out yesterday and wanted to take my bag I wear across my chest in case I found stuff to buy at garage sales . . . when I adjust the strap to wear it that way, I always do it ALL the way . . . and when I put the bag on - it was way to long! I had to slide the adjuster back a good FOOT! Now that may sound wierd - but to me is a GREAT sign that I'm smaller! Yea! Chris
  18. christasha

    Surprising NSV . . .

    Thanks CN .. .and right back at YOU too! You're rockin' & rollin'!
  19. christasha

    55 Yr old Banded Apr 23rd

    Welcome to the losers' bench Yvonne! You're on your way - it's a whole new world now :coolgleamA: Chris
  20. christasha

    Surprising NSV . . .

    Hipp Hipp Horray! How cool is that!
  21. christasha

    Does flying make band tighter?

    I'm flying on May 11th and asked my Dr. last time I was there. He told me the only way the band could tighten would be if there is air in the tubing. He said if it is just saline in there, it is impossible for any expansion. So . . .I'm hoping for the best! Good luck to you.
  22. The entire month of March was kind of wasted on me . . . I went to my "mandatory" land-based exercise class (through my surgeon's office) . . . and hurt my hip. It took 3 weeks before I even felt well enough to go do Water aerobics again . . . and I generally was getting depressed. Well I gave myself a slap in the face this weekend and told myself to snap out of it . . . and started back at my water aerobic classes . . . and gee . . . the weight is starting to move again (oh who would have guessed that one? lol) . . . so . . . I'm ready to go again . . . I'm going on a cruise in 6 weeks . . . I want some new clothes! :puke: Chris
  23. christasha

    Anyone not feel restriction yet?

    Yes I wanted more fills . . . in our support group we have a nickname for Dr. Stingy lol . . . but i'm ok now waiting until after my vacations . . . but then I'm not taking no for an answer
  24. christasha

    Getting "Second Wind" .. . remotivated!

    Thanks for asking . . . I'm "doing" . . . but that is about it at the moment. I'm doing my Water aerobics 4-5 times a week . . . can't do the land based stuff because then I end up not being able to walk . . .but I work that water to the best of my ability. I absolutely HATE journaling ANYTHING . . . so I haven't done that yet . . . I have my 6 month appointment on June 4 and should get a "tweek" fill he said. Hell - I only have 1.5 in my 10 cc band . . . seems I might need more than a TWEEK to help out here. Since my vacations are soon, I'm not worring about it at the moment - and just trying to behave . . . walk past those Cookies and bagels in the office . . . you wouldn't beleive how I walk the long way around just to avoid them . . . (and get more exercise in the process) :thumbs_down: Thanks . . . I guess I'll have to have a "re-re-movitated" post in June! By then my son and his family and babies will be moving . . . so that will take off a LOT of stress too - they moved in the week after my surgery . . . and we are done with our office national "re-design" and I still have a job . . . so that stress should be gone . . . maybe things will be so much better in June - AND my daughter gets her Masters in Ancient History in June too! Can you say babble? sorry - but thanks for asking . . . and I am trying to keep my head where it belongs Even with losing what I have, I'm still not wearing much smaller clothes. I'm still in some I wore at the beginning - baggy but wearable lol - I have no clue how some people are dropping 4+ sizes with a 30 lb loss! I'm amazed and so happy for them. I just have had this weight on so long, it doesn't know it's time to leave. OK . . I'll shut up now . . . hugs to everyone! Chris
  25. christasha

    Anyone not feel restriction yet?

    I've got 1.5 cc's in a 10'cc band . . . only 1 fill so far. I go back June 4th for my 6 month checkup - and a fill. I'm ok for now without it because I'm going on a cruise in 2-1/2 weeks . . . and then Vegas . . . I REALLLLLLY have to watch what I put in my mouth because almost everything goes does very easily. I've had little weight movement (10 lbs in 2 months doesn't impress me). I'm doing my Water aerobics 4 times a week - walking . . . and still getting nowhere fast. I'll ride it out until June - and then INSIST on a fill this time! Good luck everyone! Chris

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