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About Monica77

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    New Jersey

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  1. Monica77

    Tracking Apps

    Thanks everyone! I’ll stick with MFP
  2. Monica77

    Tracking Apps

    Does bariastic offer anything MFP doesn’t? I used MFP in the past so I’m inclined to use it again. Unless the other one offers something specific to the bariatric surgery journey
  3. Hi. I’m looking for a good app to track protein, fluids, etc. What is everyone using?
  4. Monica77

    Abdominal pain?

    This has been helpful. I left a msg for my dr this AM but haven't heard back yet. I took Tylenol & it helped dull the pain. But that awful burning is severe when I cough or sneeze. I saw on another thread that it could be the gallbladder. But I think it's too low in my stomach to be that.
  5. Monica77

    Abdominal pain?

    How long does it last? It's normal For it to start more than 2 weeks post op out of the blue?
  6. Monica77

    Abdominal pain?

    Also my pain is not near my incisions. Is yours?
  7. Monica77

    Abdominal pain?

    @@anniehip how many days post op are you? With no issues in the first 2 weeks I thought I was clear of issues.
  8. I was sleeved 1/8. I haven't had any complications. No gas pain. I'm now On soft foods. But The past few days my stomach hurts on the right side. To the right of my belly button, above & below it. It's a constant ache but Hurts more when I bend or move a certain way. Sometimes it feels worse than others but seems to be getting worse as the days go on. Could this be a leak? I will call my dr tomorrow. But it really hurts tonight & it's making me nervous. I had my 1st followup last weds but wasn't feeling it then. Anyone feel something similar?
  9. Monica77

    January Sleevers ❄️

    @@Aprilhoffman78 38 is awesome! I was sleeved day after you on the 8th. I'm only down 17. Been stalled since last week
  10. Monica77

    January Sleevers ❄️

    I haven't lost any weight in almost a week. My normal weight is 230 DOS 223 1 week post op 213 Now I'm 11 days post op & still 213. I'm getting minimum 48 ounces of fluid daily (my dr said 48-64oz is good). I'm getting at least 60 G protein daily. Sometimes more. I'm on have 2 so I'm getting 3 full liquid meals a day. Which usually consists of 3 ounces of Greek yogurt or 4 ounces of blended soup. And I'm going to the gym the past five days to walk on the treadmill. I'm up to 50 minutes. I plan to do an hour today. Why am I not losing more?
  11. Monica77

    Cold medicine?

    Thanks but I still need something to ease the congestion. And I can only drink so many fluids.
  12. I'm 10 days post op & developing a nasty cold or sinus infection. Normally I would load up on vitamin C & cold meds/mucinex to fight it off but I cant swallow the pills. Suggestions?? I plan to call dr in AM but would like to start taking something today. I used to take those Alka seltzer tablets that dissolve in water for colds but they are fizzy so I think that would be a problem.
  13. Monica77

    Phase 2 / Full Liquids?

    @@alwaysvegas He did. Yogurt, blended lentil or pea soup, applesauce, pudding. Not much variety, that's why I was asking if anyone else discovered something better.
  14. Hi everyone. Im 9 days post-op & Day 2 on full liquids. It's tough to get it the required liquids in addition to eating full liquid foods. So far I've had greek yogurt & blended lentil soup. The soup isn't sitting to well. Any ideas/suggestions for Phase 2 foods?
  15. Monica77


    My nut said wait about 3 months to drink alcohol or eat out. But everything she said about alcohol was more precautionary about the empty calories & getting drunk fast. Nothing specific about it being a problem medically.

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